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1. Which of the following is not true for Hashimoto thyroiditis?

a) It is an autoimmune disease caused by CD4 cells with specificity to thyroid antigens b) commonly presents as hypothyroidism c) Surgery is required in almost all cases d) Hashimoto thyroiditis can progress to lymphoma of thyroid 2. Regarding thyroid and parathyroid neoplasms a. Follicular carcinoma of thyroid primarily spreads through lymphatics b. Parathyroid adenoma is the most likely cause of primary hyperparathyroidism c. Hrthle cell carcinoma is a variant of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid d Phaeochromocytoma is detected by measuring urinary 5-HIAA levels e. Superior laryngeal nerve supplies cricothyroid muscle 3. The repair of cleft lip should be done at which age a) 1 month b) 3 months c) 6 months d) 1 year 4. In patients who have undergone closed suction lipectomy, the best results are seen with a) Lax skin b) Excess skin folds c) Good bony contour d) Female sex 5. Surgical Treatment of bleeding Type I gastric ulcer is a) Wedge resection of the gastric ulcer b) Oversewing the vessel at the ulcer base c) Distal gastrectomy d) Distal gastrectomy along with truncal vagotomy 6. Treatment for bleeding duodenal diverticulum is a) Diverticulectomy b) Diverticulopexy c) Diverticulization d) Subtotal diverticulectomy

7. What is the most common complication after esophagectomy a) Arrythmia b) Pulmonary Collapse and Consolidation c) Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury d) Massive bleeding 8. Most valuable investigation for preoperative evaluation of extensive corrosive stricture is a) Endoscopic ultrasound b) Barium study c) CT Thorax d) Pharyngoscopy 9. True about Ulcerative Colitis with malignancy a) It has a better prognosis b) Is related to disease activity c) Is related to duration of ulcerative colitis d) Malignancy is more in anorectal ulcerative colitis 10. All are precancerous for carcinoma colon except a. Crohn's disease b. Bile acids c. Fats d. Carotene 11. Which is the most common cause of Hemobilia a) Blunt Trauma Abdomen b) Iatrogenic injury c) Cholelithiasis d) Hepatic artery aneyrysm 12. Most Common Cause of death in early acute Pancreatitis is a) Renal Failure b) Cardiac failure c) Respiratory Failure d) Uncontrolled Coagulopathy 13. Adequate minimum urine output in a 70kg man during resuscitation is a) 35 ml/hr b) 20 ml/hr c) 50 ml/hr d) 45 ml /hr e) 60 ml/hr

14. In a bleeding patient, which is the most important parameter to assess successful fluid replacement? a) pulse rate b) pulse pressure c) urine output d) cutaneous perfusion e) pallor. 15. Which is not contributory to Glasgow Coma Scale? a) obey commands b) localizes painful stimuli c) open eyes to calling d) incomprehensible sounds e) 5mm pupils 16. The characteristic changes that follow a major operation or moderate to severe injury do not include the following: A. Hypermetabolism. B. Fever. C. Tachypnea. D. Hyperphagia. E. Negative nitrogen balance. 17. The most common cause of fatal transfusion reactions is: A. An allergic reaction. B. An anaphylactoid reaction. C. A clerical error. D. An acute bacterial infection transmitted in blood. 18. Common lesions of the middle mediastinum include all of following EXCEPT: a. Bronchogenic cyst. b. Thoracic aortic aneurysm. c. Enterogenous cyst. d. Pericardial cyst. e. Ganglio neuroma.

19. The initial maneuver to establish an airway in a patient with multiple

injuries is: a. Oropharyngeal airway . b. Uncuffed endo-tracheal tube . c. Suctioning foreign debris and lifting up the mandible. d. Cuffed endo-tracheal tube . e. Tracheostomy. 20. Initial fluid resuscitation of a patient with multiple fractures and hypo-volemic shock should be : a. Blood transfusion. b. 3% hypertonic saline. c. Fresh frozen plasma. d. Ringers Lactate. e. Albumin. 21. The major source of protein for multi-trauma patients during the catabolic phase is : Plasma protein. Fat. Liver. Skeletal muscle. Kidney. 22. What is the most common infecting organism in overwhelming post splenectomy infection : a. Escherichia coli. b. Meningococcus. c. Streptococcus. d. Pneumococcus. e. Staphylococcus. 23. All of the following are physical signs of tension pneumothorax EXCEPT : a. Tracheal shift. b. Decreased breath sounds. c. Tachycardia. d. Hypotension. e. Collapsed neck veins.

a. b. c. d. e.

24. Which is the most commonly injured intra-abdominal organ in blunt

trauma? a. b. c. d. e.

Pancreas. Kidney. Spleen. Stomach. Colon.

25. The most effective drug used in the treatment of cardiac arrest is : a. b. c. d. e. Sodium bicarbonate. Calcium chloride. Atropine sulfate. Dopamine. Epinephrine.

26. All of the following are charactertics of tetralogy of fallot EXCEPT : a. Cyanosis. b. Boot-shaped heart on CXR. c. Un explained bleeding tendency. d. Clubbing of the fingers and toes. e. Anemia. 27. Of the visceral aneurysms, which is the most common? a. b. c. d. e. Celiac. Superior mesenteric. Hepatic. Splenic inferior mesenteric.

28. In a 55-year-old grocery store cashier with an 8-month history of leg edema increasing over the course of a work day, associated with moderate to severe lower leg bursting pain, the most appropriate investigative study or studies (ies) are: A. Doppler duplex ultrasound. B. Brodie-Trendelenburg test. C. Ascending and descending phlebography. D. Measurement of ambulatory and resting foot venous pressure.

E. Venous reflux plethysmography 29. Tetralogy of Fallot consists of all of the following features except: A. ASD (Atrial septic defect). B. VSD (Ventricular septic defect). C. Dextroposition of the aorta. D. Pulmonary stenosis. E. Right ventricular hypertrophy 30. Which of the following arteries is most likely to be involved with serious atherosclerosis? A. The right coronary artery. B. The left coronary artery. C. The anterior descending coronary artery. D. The circumflex coronary artery. E. The posterior descending coronary artery 31. If blood entering the normal arterial circulation of the heart is 100% saturated with oxygen, oxygen saturation of blood in the coronary sinus can be expected to be approximately: A. 75%. B. 60%. C. 50%. D. 35%. E. Less than 2% 32. Which of the following are relative indications for mechanical, as opposed to tissue, valve replacement? A. Patient younger than 30 years. B. Young female patient who desires children. C. An elderly patient. D. Tricuspid valve replacement E. Intra cranial aneurysm *************E. The presence or absence of an associated ventricular septal defect (VSD 33. Which of the following are relative indications for mitral valve replacement, as opposed to mitral valve repair? A. Extensive leaflet calcification. B. Mitral regurgitation.

C. Chordal rupture of the anterior mitral leaflet. D. Significant annular dilatation. E-Age of patient
Answer sheet 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. d 11. b 12. c 13. a 14. c 15. e 16. d 17. c 18. e 19. c 20. D 21. D 22. D 23. E 24. C 25. E 26. E 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. A

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