Aircraft Accident in Nepal

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AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS in Nepal On Tuesday morning, Agni air plane crashes in Makwanpur, total 14 on board were killed...

Good Evening frens. This is Arbind and this evening I am going to present AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS in Nepal. Uncertain land transport and frequent strikes create air traffic in Nepal as we have no more alternate rather than selecting air transport. Travelling by air is often referred to as one of the safest means to move from one point to another. Despite this high safety level, aircraft crashes can happen. If we recall the history- dozen of big crashes have been took places here in Nepal. Hundreds of people have lost their life and injured more than that. Root causes of accidents: It is quite difficult for an accident to be explained by one single cause. However main causes of accidents are

Pilot error, mechanical failure, bad weather and so on.

Accidents could happen mostly during take off and landing time. Over half of all accidents occur while landing. Currently CAAN of Nepal has issued air Operator certificate to 14 different Airlines company. We have all together 42 airports including 1 International. Among them only 6 have paved runway whereas remaining 36 have unpaved runway. KTM international airport has the Max runway length of 10000 ft and safebagar / Silgadi doti airport has the least runway length of 1400 ft.. Although pilots here in Nepal are well trained and experienced, accidents occurs mainly due to the bad weather, geographic nature of the airport location, old aircraft and old infrastructure of the airport terminal. Some accidents took place due to the unhealthy competition between the airlines and risk taken during the bad weather. Conclusion We cannot control the accident down to nil, but we can minimize it by upgrading the physical infrastructure of the airport terminal, avoiding the very old engines and minimizes the no of flights to the remote places. At the same time CAAN should monitor the safety regulation of the airlines and airport time to time. Atlast, by widening the highway with new alternative sub roads that joins the main highway, maintaining the existing highway and implementation of the latest proposed

east west metro service project could play the vital role to minimize the air traffic and hence the aircraft accident . Thank you.

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