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The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (below) forms the central building block in Khanya-aicdds work on community driven development. It is an integrated development method, which brings various approaches together to achieve sustainable development. It involves an assessment of assets, opportunities and vulnerabilities, and policies, institutions and processes. It is about working with the community rst and recognizing their interests, assets, expertise and experience as the basis for development.

Community-based planning (CBP) is a specic form of local planning involving all people in a ward which has been designed to promote community action and make the municipal plan ( Integrated Development Plan (IDP) in South Africa) more people-centred. The methodology has been developed and tested by Khanya-aicdd and DevelopmentWorksin South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Ghana for use by municipalities and communities. CBP enables and empowers people in communities, especially the poor, to participate in decisions about their own development. The process involves systematic analysis by the local people (above) who then plan development interventions and how to take these forward, followed by monitoring, evaluation and learning.


This methodology helps identify potentials for increasing local circulation on investments and inows into any given area. The drainage of investments from an area deprives it of opportunities to build resilient and sustainable local economies, where local enterprises and entrepreneurs are supported. Inows like remittances, social grants and government projects can be made much more productive by increased local circulation. Local livelihoods and enterprises have a greater possibility of sustainability if more emphasis is placed on plugging leaks in local economies .

All Khanya-aicdds work is done using the most appropriate participatory methods of analysis available. Emphasis is placed on empowering facilitation which provides opportunities for:

Reversals of Learning (local knowledge and skills valued and included) Handing over processes Seeking diversity of perspectives Using visual tools and symbolism Being self-critically aware

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