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Church Protocol

Let there be order in the church 1Corinthians 14:40 Prepared by: Samuel Ndopu Cell: 096 9 965340 Email:;

Building the Kingdom of God

Let there be order in the church - 1Corinthians 14:40; John 2:14-16. If a church is to operate in a decent and orderly fashion, there must be an authority over the house; the Pastor, Bishop and an Overseer etc has been chosen by God to provide vision, knowledge, understanding, sound doctrine, discipline and order. Lets start by looking at Acts 6:1-7 The Bible never hides the human weaknesses of those who serve the Lord. The people were upset, talking, and complaining. It sounds like life in many churches and organizations today. Its important to study and understand how the apostles handled this problem. Five principles in these verses will form the basis of order in the church. Effectiveness - The apostles knew their purpose and functioned in it. Excellence - The apostles set a high goal of devoting themselves to prayer and the word. Efficiency - The apostles realized a great harvest of people because they were efficient in their use of time and resources. Organization and faith - The apostles increased their level of organization to meet the needs of the people.

Something happened there that made the church function properly. Those who ministered to the widows did it so in the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who gave themselves to the word and prayer did so with excellence. The number of disciples increased greatly, and the whole project was efficient. As they walked in faith, the apostles created an organization that was remarkable for its effectiveness, excellence, and efficiency. The term protocol comes from the Greek words meaning the first glue. Nowadays, protocol can be understood as the glue which holds official life in the society together. Whether on the local, national or international level, proper protocol is vital in assuring that relations between the officials of organizations and governments conducted with maximum efficiency. Protocol is defined as the system of rules and acceptable behavior used at official ceremonies and occasions or a code of ceremonial forms and courtesies of procedures accepted as proper and correct in official dealing. Protocol in Rank/Hierarchical standing is recognized among persons in the Word of God. Read: Romans 13:7; 1Peter 2:17

Protocol should be followed because God is not the author of confusion, but of peace in the church. A church needs a manual for protocol to be included in her constitution. This manual should be simply recommendations rather than fixed laws. Protocol is a paper exercise belonging to a family of constitutions and covenants. What can a paper do to remedy something that can only be cured by the Holy Spirit? The role of the Holy Spirit in service is veritable truth that provides needed balance for this wonder work. The ministry of the Holy Spirit was evident in the life of Jesus. Jesus was: Conceived by the Spirit: Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:18, 20 Anointed by the Spirit: Matthew 3:16; Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 1:9 Sealed by the Spirit: John 6:27 Led by the Spirit: Matthew 4:1 Empowered by the Spirit: Matthew 12:28 Filled by the Spirit: Luke 4:1; John 3:34 Troubled in the Spirit: John 11:33 Rejoiced in the Spirit: Luke 10:21 Offered through the Spirit: Hebrews 9:14 Raised by the Spirit: I Peter 3:18; Romans 1:4 Commanded his disciples through the Spirit: Acts 1:2

Here are seven suggested points as an Annual covenant for a Pastor and his Elders or for an Overseer with his/her Pastors. We deem the following to be essential: Participation in practical evangelism. Visitation of the flock Attendance at the prayer meetings Gentleness and generosity Hospitality Absolute fidelity and loyalty to each other Affectionate attendance to needs of the pastor and family and the encouragement of the deacons in their responsibilities.

The Protocol department of local church works hand in hand with the Security and Hospitality departments, and the Armor bearer, but has her primary duty is focused on the assisting and taking care of pastor, guest ministers etc before, during and after the course of the service, meeting or in an event in church. Protocol Department. In charge of protocol generally for the Pastor. Coordinate and direct members who want to see the Pastor. Protocol for guest ministers. In charge of the church bus and transporting of pastor and guest ministers. Any other duty or assignment that may be assigned by the Pastor.

Security Department. Ensure the security of all church properties. Also to act as the holy police for the church. Keep general check and ensure security during and after service. Maintenance of the church generator, ensuring that there is always fuel and electricity for every meeting. Update the property register of the church from time to time.

Hospitality Department. Make people feel welcome. Handled all welfare needs of the church. Entertain the First timers. Visit member who is sick. Look out for those absent from the church for a long time and visit them. Interview members with needs and make recommendation to the church.

The Armor Bearer The armor bearer was a person responsible for the care of a king, officer or other leader. His job was to refresh, protect and assist his officer. An Armor bearer or personal assistant to the senior pastor should have a strong desire to assist the Pastor, ministry leaders, and ministry guests. There is a reason God gave us spiritual gifts and talents to equip us for ministry. Elisha- 2 Kings 3:13 But Jehoshaphat asked, "Is there no prophet of the LORD here that we may inquire of the LORD through him?" An officer of the king of Israel answered, "Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He used to pour water on the hands of Elijah. [That is, he was Elijah's personal servant.] " David- 1 Samuel 16 21 David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. 22 Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, "Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him." 23 Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him. Barnabas- Acts 4 36Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means Son of Encouragement), 37sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles' feet. To gain the attitudes of a God-appointed assistant apply these 7 principles: Recognize God still calls and appoints leaders and assistants today. Remember our Lord Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Gain the mindset of an armor bearer. You are a God-appointed assistant called to support the man or woman of God. Begin to look at your assistantship as ministry unto the Lord. Protect or facilitate your leaders time. In the book of Acts, Stephen and Phillip were among the seven assigned to take care of the details of ministry while the Apostles ministered before the Lord. Discern your leaders spirit. Sometimes your officer is operating in their God-ordained office under the anointing and other times they are just being themselves. Respect them in either. When its time to relax with your leader, be a good friend and relax. When its time to take care of the Fathers business and His people, slip back into the working mode with them. Guard against familiarity. Familiarity will affect how others look at your leader. If you are being too familiar at inappropriate times, it will cause respect for your leader to drain. Remain respectful of authority. Be a gracious representative. Know that in your serving, you are representing God and your officer. If you have to defer someone to protect your leaders time, (as in the example give above), be gracious. You can be gentle but firm with Gods sheep.

Be one of their strongest allies. Show that you are always for them. In word and action, support your authority. If you discover criticism in others, work to show the good side or intention of your leaders heart.

The Duties of an Armor Bearer To provide strength to his leader To exalt and uplift his leader To have a deep-down sense of respects for the leader, and acceptance for and tolerance of, the leaders personality and their way of doing things. Must instinctively understand the leaders thoughts. Must be able to repel any kind of attack against his leader, especially his back. Keeps watch while his leader rests Cares for his belongings Reacts with total intolerance to any false accusations against his leader (rumors, gossip, talking behind his back) Demonstrate extreme loyalty

The protocol department is also divided into sub units; Greeter unit - Welcome everyone. Open car doors and extend a hand to the person getting out. Security - Maintain visitors security clearance. Welfare unit - Take care of pastor and guest ministers. Transport unit - Transporting guest minister who are to minister in any meeting.

Protocol Structure

Greeter Unit

Security Unit

Welfare Unit

Transport Unit

The Protocol Officer Visitor Management is done by the Protocol office. From the outside looking in, so to speak, the process of managing visits and visitors can often seem deceptively easy. Whats to do, after all? Meet them, feed them, take them out to the mall, and send them on their way right? Anyone who regularly works with visitors knows that common misconception is far from accurate. The Protocol Officer handles local arrangements for distinguished visitors (DV), whether military or civilian, domestic or foreign. The intent of honors is to extend a mark of courtesy to a (DV). Honors will be accorded only to the DV and not personal representatives. The protocol Officer functions as coordinator for visits of distinguished persons or guest ministers. Usually, most of the planning for DV should be clearly defined and worked out by church authority. The Protocol Officers duty is to carry out the plan. The procedures outlined, are usually provided primary for the guidance of the Protocol Officer since he /she is charged with the responsibility of making all arrangements for the visit and ensuring all the departments concerned are informed of their responsibilities and duties in connection with the visit. Upon receiving notification of the impending visit of a DV, the Protocol Officer should: Establish a status file folder ( details about the DV) Advise involved persons/departments of the upcoming visit. With the Pastors guidelines and preferences, develop a detailed schedule for visit/event. Distribute copies of the schedule to the persons concerned. When time permits, send a copy of the schedule to the visitor prior to the arrival as a matter of courtesy. This action also gives the DV an opportunity to prepare for the visit and request changes if necessary. Arrange with the motor pool for transportation for the visitor. Arrange for lodging and food. Select and brief escort persons or couples, as appropriate. Ensure all personnel concerned are informed of the visitors security clearance status.

Assignment Draft recommendations for the church to create a manual for Protocol.

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