Lecture 1 Information On Indian Economy

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Information on Indian Economy

GDP Growth: 8.5% (201011) GDP per capita $1,371 (nominal, 2010) $3,408 (PPP; 2010) Population below poverty line 37% (2010 Gini Index 36.8 Inflation (CPI) 9.72% (September 2011)

GDP by sector

Services (55.2%), Industry (26.3%), Agriculture (18.5%) (2010 est.)

Labour force 478 million (2010) Labour force by occupation Agriculture (52%), Industry (14%), Services (34%) (2009 est.) Unemployment 9.4% (200910)

Main industries:
telecommunications, textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transportation , equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, software, pharmaceuticals

Ease of Doing Business Rank 132nd (2011) Business competitiveness

Trade: Exports $225.6 billion (2010 est.) Export goods: petroleum products, precious stones, machinery, iron and steel, chemicals, vehicles, apparel Main export partners: US 12.6%, UAE 12.2%, China 8.1%, Hong Kong 4.1% (2010)

Imports :$357.7 billion (2010 est.) Import goods crude oil, precious stones, machinery, fertilizer, iron and steel, chemicals

Main import partners :China 12.4%, UAE 6.5%, Saudi Arabia 5.8%, US 5.7%, Australia 4.5% (2010) FDI stock $35.6 billion (2009 10

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