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Rethinking our approach to physical activity

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it Plato

This Series on physical activity is not about sport and it is about more than just exercise. It is about the relationship between human beings and their environment, and about improving human wellbeing by strengthening that relationship. It is not about running on a treadmill, whilst staring at a mirror and listening to your iPod. It is about using the body that we have in the way it was designed, which is to walk often, run sometimes, and move in ways where we physically exert ourselves regularly whether that is at work, at home, in transport to and from places, or during leisure time in our daily lives. There is substantial evidence to show that physical inactivity is a major contributor to death and disability from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide. Since 2005, The Lancet has been part of a worldwide eort to implement action on NCDs. Increasing levels of physical activity is one such priority.1 However, unlike other NCD risk factors, such as tobacco, diet, and alcohol, the importance of physical activity has been slow to be recognised, and the emphasis to tackle it at a population level has not been forthcoming. Physical activity is a neglected dimension of prevention and intervention worldwide, especially in low-income and middle-income countries. One problem is that physical activity is often perceived only in the context of controlling obesity, and therefore physical inactivity is regarded as a minor or secondary risk factor for NCDs. But an Article in this Series by I-Min Lee and colleagues2 should cause us to rethink. The authors quantify the ill-eects of inactivity in the rst study of its kind with detailed data for each country, where available. They estimate that physical inactivity causes 610% of all deaths from the major NCDs (coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancers). Furthermore, they show that inactivity causes 9% of premature mortality, or more than 53 of the 57 million deaths that occurred worldwide in 2008.3 This gure equates to as many deaths as tobacco causes globally, which is uniformly regarded as a major NCD risk factor.4 But it is a mistake to view physical activity only in terms of its disease-specic associations. The benets Vol 380 July 21, 2012

of physical activity are far-reaching and extend beyond health alone. Being physically active is a major contributor to ones overall physical and mental wellbeing. Positive outcomes include a sense of purpose and value, a better quality of life, improved sleep, and reduced stress, as well as stronger relationships and social connectedness. Additionally, promoting active modes of travel, such as walking and cycling, are good for the environment, which in turn also has a positive impact on health. But how do we encourage a behaviour that should be part of everyday life? For too long the focus has been on advising individuals to take an active approach to life. There has been far too little consideration of the social and physical environments that enable such activity to be taken. Regular activity must, of course, be done by the individual but, as this Series shows, eorts beyond the health sector through social and environmental change will be necessary if we are to see greater uptake of this healthier behaviour in peoples lives. One might conclude that this Series should not be published in The Lancet. Physical activity is not a medical or pathological predicament but more a cultural challenge: to create a lifestyle inclusive of activity. It could be argued that this Series would be better placed in a national newspaper, a womens magazine, or a television or radio programme. But the rst step in what must be a social revolution towards an active, and away from a

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61024-1 See Editorial page 188 See Articles page 219 See Series pages 247, 258, 272, 282, and 294


Childrens Games (Kinderspiele), 1560 (oil on panel), Bruegel, Pieter the Elder (c.152569)/ Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria/The Bridgeman Art Library


passive, physical and mental life should be to assemble the best experts in the eld and the best evidence to understand what we know about the relationship between human health and physical activity. This goal is the purpose of our Series. Pamela Das, Richard Horton
The Lancet, London NW1 7BY, UK
We warmly thank Pedro Hallal for devising and leading this Series, and I-Min Lee, Adrian Bauman, Mike Pratt, Harold Kohl III, and Gregory Heath for their contributions and support as The Lancet Series steering committee.

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Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Horton R, et al, for The Lancet NCD Action Group and the NCD Alliance. Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. Lancet 2011; 377: 143847. Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. http:// WHO. Global Health Observatory Data Repository. 2011. http://apps.who. int/ghodata (accessed June 26, 2012). WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009.

Physical activity: more of the same is not enough

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61027-7

For millennia, exercise has been recommended by physicians and scholars. For more than 60 years, science has shown that the health benets of a physically active lifestyle are extensive and robust. In 1953, The Lancet published landmark papers by Jerry Morris and colleagues on the associations between physical activity at work and coronary heart disease.1,2 Sedentary London Transport Authority bus drivers were at a higher risk of cardiac events than were their more active conductor peers. These publications laid the groundwork for physical activity epidemiology and stimulated the development of substantial research linking inactivity to increased risk of many non-communicable diseases. We now know that physical inactivity is a signicant predictor of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, some cancers, poor skeletal health, some aspects of mental health, and overall mortality, as

well as poor quality of life. Men and women of all ages, socioeconomic groups, and ethnicities are healthier if they achieve the public health recommendation of at least 150 min per week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, such as brisk walking.3 Immediate and future health benets are also clearly described for children and adolescents, for whom at least 60 min per day of vigorous or moderateintensity physical activity is recommended.4,5 Muscular strengthening physical activities are also recommended for health improvement.3 In 2008, 63% of deaths worldwide were due to noncommunicable diseases, mainly diseases of the heart and vascular system, diabetes mellitus, cancers, and obstructive pulmonary disease. Physical activity was recently considered a cornerstone for combating noncommunicable diseases by the UN.6 WHO recognises physical inactivity as one of the leading global risk factors for morbidity and premature mortality.7 Further, physical inactivity directly aects many risk factors for morbidity and mortality including adiposity, raised blood glucose concentrations, high blood pressure, and a poor lipid prole. Furthermore, people benet from even modest activity. Compared with inactive individuals, those who were active but at levels less than recommended (about 15 h per week), lived 3 years longer.8 Clearly, physical activity has vast potential to improve health throughout the world. As the scientic contributions of exercise science and public health have advanced our understanding of the health eects and consequences, the specialty of physical activity and public health has emerged. Public health practice Vol 380 July 21, 2012

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passive, physical and mental life should be to assemble the best experts in the eld and the best evidence to understand what we know about the relationship between human health and physical activity. This goal is the purpose of our Series. Pamela Das, Richard Horton
The Lancet, London NW1 7BY, UK
We warmly thank Pedro Hallal for devising and leading this Series, and I-Min Lee, Adrian Bauman, Mike Pratt, Harold Kohl III, and Gregory Heath for their contributions and support as The Lancet Series steering committee.

3 4

Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Horton R, et al, for The Lancet NCD Action Group and the NCD Alliance. Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. Lancet 2011; 377: 143847. Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. http:// WHO. Global Health Observatory Data Repository. 2011. http://apps.who. int/ghodata (accessed June 26, 2012). WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009.

Physical activity: more of the same is not enough

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61027-7

For millennia, exercise has been recommended by physicians and scholars. For more than 60 years, science has shown that the health benets of a physically active lifestyle are extensive and robust. In 1953, The Lancet published landmark papers by Jerry Morris and colleagues on the associations between physical activity at work and coronary heart disease.1,2 Sedentary London Transport Authority bus drivers were at a higher risk of cardiac events than were their more active conductor peers. These publications laid the groundwork for physical activity epidemiology and stimulated the development of substantial research linking inactivity to increased risk of many non-communicable diseases. We now know that physical inactivity is a signicant predictor of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, some cancers, poor skeletal health, some aspects of mental health, and overall mortality, as

well as poor quality of life. Men and women of all ages, socioeconomic groups, and ethnicities are healthier if they achieve the public health recommendation of at least 150 min per week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, such as brisk walking.3 Immediate and future health benets are also clearly described for children and adolescents, for whom at least 60 min per day of vigorous or moderateintensity physical activity is recommended.4,5 Muscular strengthening physical activities are also recommended for health improvement.3 In 2008, 63% of deaths worldwide were due to noncommunicable diseases, mainly diseases of the heart and vascular system, diabetes mellitus, cancers, and obstructive pulmonary disease. Physical activity was recently considered a cornerstone for combating noncommunicable diseases by the UN.6 WHO recognises physical inactivity as one of the leading global risk factors for morbidity and premature mortality.7 Further, physical inactivity directly aects many risk factors for morbidity and mortality including adiposity, raised blood glucose concentrations, high blood pressure, and a poor lipid prole. Furthermore, people benet from even modest activity. Compared with inactive individuals, those who were active but at levels less than recommended (about 15 h per week), lived 3 years longer.8 Clearly, physical activity has vast potential to improve health throughout the world. As the scientic contributions of exercise science and public health have advanced our understanding of the health eects and consequences, the specialty of physical activity and public health has emerged. Public health practice Vol 380 July 21, 2012

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is an action-oriented discipline that seeks to move populations towards health. After more than 60 years of scientic research, technological advancements that nudge us towards physical inactivity make it urgently necessary to take actions. Labour-saving devices such as motor vehicles and other transportation aids have had the unintended consequence of reducing the minimum daily energy expenditure necessary for living. This issue is of particular concern in countries with low-to-middle incomes undergoing substantial social and physical transitions. More of the same (in terms of research and practice) will not be enough. The global challenge is clear: make physical activity a public health priority throughout the world to improve health and reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases. However, to achieve such a goal, much work remains, as this Lancet Series emphasises. With the upcoming 2012 Olympic Games, sport and physical activity will attract tremendous worldwide attention. Publication of this Series on physical activity and health at the same time as the Olympic Games is not a coincidence. Although the world will be watching elite athletes from many countries compete in sporting events requiring tremendous training, skill, and tness, most spectators will be quite inactive. The popularity of the Olympic Games and elite sports such as professional soccer has not been, and will not be, translated into mass participation in exercise and physical activity that will improve the health of the worlds population. Although the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Movement have expressed concerns about rising inactivity in young people and recognised the importance of physical activity and sports for a healthy lifestyle,9,10 physical inactivity continues to be a substantial concern needing public health action. The global challenge of making physical activity a public health priority will not be easy to undertake, nor should it be taken lightly. Lessons can be learned from advances made in nutrition and tobacco control, but physical activity should be a separate and equal concern, and recognised as a unique specialty in public health. We trust this Series in The Lancet will initiate travel down that road. It is especially important to address physical activity and non-communicable diseases in low-income and middleincome countries. Although more than 80% of the worlds population lives in low-income and middle-income countries and more than 80% of the global burden Vol 380 July 21, 2012

of non-communicable diseases lies here, only a small fraction of research on physical activity has been focused in these countries. The gap between where research is done and where public health problems are located is striking. Studies on the health benets of physical activity, its correlates, and strategies for eective promotion are heavily concentrated in a few countries, most of which have stable or falling rates of non-communicable diseases. The largest increases and burden of non-communicable diseases are now seen in low-income countries, where our understanding of evidence-based strategies for increasing physical activity is poor. Altering this situation must be a priority in the next decade *Pedro C Hallal, Adrian E Bauman, Gregory W Heath, Harold W Kohl 3rd, I-Min Lee, Michael Pratt
Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas 96030002, Brazil (PCH); Prevention Research Collaboration, School of Public Health, Sydney University, Sydney, NSW, Australia (AEB); University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Chattanooga, TN, USA (GWH); University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston School of Public Health, and University of Texas at Austin Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, Austin, TX, USA (HWK); Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (I-ML); National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA (MP)
We declare that we have no conicts of interest. The ndings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ocial position of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1 2 3 Morris JN, Heady JA, Rae PA, Roberts CG, Parks JW. Coronary heart-disease and physical activity of work. Lancet 1953; 262: 111120. Morris JN, Heady JA, Rae PA, Roberts CG, Parks JW. Coronary heart-disease and physical activity of work. Lancet 1953; 262: 105357. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, 2008. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2008. Haskell WL, Lee IM, Pate RR, et al. Physical activity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Circulation 2007; 116: 108193. WHO. Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2011. UN. 2011 High level meeting on prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. General Assembly. New York, NY: United Nations, 2011. WHO. Physical inactivity: a global public health problem. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2011. Wen CP, Wai JP, Tsai MK, et al. Minimum amount of physical activity for reduced mortality and extended life expectancy: a prospective cohort study. Lancet 2011; 378: 124453. International Olympic Committee. The 2006 Havana Sport for All Declaration. Havana: International Olympic Committee, 2006. Mountjoy M, Andersen LB, Armstrong N, et al. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on the health and tness of young people through physical activity and sport. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45: 83948.

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Stressing harms of physical inactivity to promote exercise

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)60954-4 See Articles page 219

Exercise has been called a miracle drug1 that can benet every part of the body2 and substantially extend lifespan.3 Yet it receives little respect from doctors or society.4 Socially, being inactive is perceived as normal, and in fact doctors order patients to remain on bed rest far more often than they encourage exercise.5 This passive attitude towards inactivity, where exercise is viewed as a personal choice, is anachronistic, and is reminiscent of the battles still being fought over smoking. Physical inactivity burdens society through the hidden and growing cost of medical care and loss of productivity. Getting the public to exercise is a public health priority because inactive people are contributing to a mortality burden as large as tobacco smoking. To individuals, the failure to spend 1530 min a day in brisk walking increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes by 2030%,3,5 and shortens lifespan by 35 years.3 Although the benets of exercise and the harms of inactivity might seem like two sides of a coin, the benets message emphasised so far has not worked well for most of the population. In tobacco control, doctors did not emphasise the benets of non-smoking, but the harms of smoking. Similarly, armed with credible global and national data, we should emphasise the harms of inactivity and not merely the benets of exercise. Smoking and physical inactivity are the two major risk factors for non-communicable diseases around the globe. Of the 36 million deaths each year from noncommunicable diseases,6 physical inactivity5 and smoking each contribute about 5 million.7 Physical inactivity


Hazard ratio


Global deaths per year 51 million 53 million

35% 26% 157 128 87% 90%









Figure: Comparison of global burden between smoking and physical inactivity Prevalence of smoking, population attributable risk (PAR), and global deaths for smoking were obtained from WHO.7 Hazard ratio for all-cause mortality of smoking was obtained from meta-analysis studies.8,9 All inactivity data were obtained from Lee and colleagues.5

and smoking have similar population attributable risks, although their relative risks8,9 and prevalence are somewhat dierent (gure). For smoking, intensive and coordinated tobacco control eorts have been organised through WHOs Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), a treaty already ratied by 175 countries.10 By contrast, we have few organised eorts to combat physical inactivity. Governmental programmes to move people from sedentary living to meeting recommended levels of exercise are very limited, in both developed and developing countries. Where available, these programmes are viewed as useful but not as essential as, say, antismoking programmes, partly owing to a failure to emphasise the colossal harms of inactivity. Furthermore, treatment of physical inactivity is not a reimbursable item under most health insurance programmes, and few nancial incentives exist for health-care providers to spend time discussing exercise during medical visits. Estimates of the eect of inactivity on noncommunicable diseases, such as a 610% contribution, are very conservative as reported by one of the papers5 in this Series. First, the minimally active population might not be separated from those who are completely inactive, with a 3-year gap in life expectancy reported between the two groups.3 The largest health gain occurs for the rst 1529 min per day of exercise by inactive people.3,11 Second, the prevalence of inactivity could be underestimated substantially, particularly in Asian countries where up to 80% national prevalence for inactivity has been reported.3,12 Third, if the life expectancy gap between active and inactive people were to be derived from summary risk estimates, underestimation would occur if adjusted rather than unadjusted relative risks were used, or if mortality risks were not constant across age groups.13 Finally, the small increase in the estimated life expectancy gap8 should be read with caution as it is relevant to the population as a whole, and is not limited to inactive people. There is much to learn from tobacco control strategies to reduce the harms of inactivity. WHO introduced the MPOWER measures to assist in reducing smoking harms at the country level.14 MPOWER includes monitoring behaviour, protecting people from smoke, oering treatment, warning of harms, enforcing the law, and raising the price. Applying MPOWER to physical Vol 380 July 21, 2012



inactivity, we will need to monitor inactivity prevalence and factors behind it; protect the safety of the exercisers and their built environment;15 oer services to the inactive to gain skills for sustainable and enjoyable exercise; warn the public of the hazards of inactivity through repeated campaigns; ensure that the medical community fulls its responsibility to reduce inactivity; and, nally, raise money or provide funding to encourage physical activity and discourage inactivity. In addition to doctors traditional advocacy of the health benets of exercise, stressing the harms of inactivity could strengthen our battle against inactivity. We need to view the inactive population as abnormal and consider them at high risk of disease. If we accept this view, governmental programmes modelled on MPOWER to diminish physical inactivity could be justied, with commensurate resources committed in each country to tackle the major threat to human health of noncommunicable diseases. *Chi Pang Wen, Xifeng Wu
National Health Research Institutes and China Medical University Hospital, Zhunan, Taiwan (CPW); and Department of Epidemiology, Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (XW)
We declare that we have no conicts of interest. 1 Pimlott N. The miracle drug. Can Fam Physician 2010; 56: 40709.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health. 1996. index.htm (accessed June 4, 2012). Wen CP, Wai JP, Tsai MK, et al. Minimum amount of physical activity for reduced mortality and extended life expectancy: a prospective cohort study. Lancet 2011; 378: 124453. Walsh JM, Swangard DM, Davis T, McPhee SJ. Exercise counseling by primary care physicians in the era of managed care. Am J Prev Med 1999; 16: 30713. Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. http:// WHO. United Nations high-level meeting on noncommunicable disease prevention and control: NCD summit to shape the international agenda 2011. (accessed June 4, 2012). WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009. Shavelle RM, Paculdo DR, Strauss DJ, Kush SJ. Smoking habit and mortality: a meta-analysis. J Insur Med 2008; 40: 17078. Wen CP, Tsai SP, Chen CJ, Cheng TY, Tsai MC, Levy DT. Smoking attributable mortality for Taiwan and its projection to 2020 under dierent smoking scenarios. Tob Control 2005; 14 (suppl 1): i7680. WHO. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 2012. http://www. (accessed June 4, 2012). Woodcock J, Franco OH, Orsini N, Roberts I. Non-vigorous physical activity and all-cause mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. Int J Epidemiol 2011; 40: 12138. Wai JP, Wen CP, Chan HT, et al. Assessing physical activity in an Asian country: low energy expenditure and exercise frequency among adults in Taiwan. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2008; 17: 297308. Wen CP, Tsai MK, Tsai SP, et al. Exercise and life expectancyAuthors reply. Lancet 2012; 379: 80001. WHO. Research for International Tobacco Control. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2008: the MPOWER package. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2008. National Research Council (US) Committee on Physical Activity Health Transportation and Land Use, National Research Council (US) Transportation Research Board, Institute of Medicine (US). Does the built environment inuence physical activity?: examining the evidence. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board, 2005.

Physical activity for people with disabilities

There are more than a billion people with disabilities worldwide,1 many of whom face substantial barriers to participating in physical activity.2 Engaging in a healthy lifestyle with a disability can be a daunting task physical activity generally requires elements of strength, endurance, balance, and coordination that are taken for granted. In people with disabilities, one or more physical attributes might be aected by disability, which limits access to sport, tness, and work or household-related physical activity. Lack of exercise is a serious public health concern for all people, but people with disabilities are at much greater risk of the serious health problems associated with physical inactivity.3 In the USA, adults with disability were twice as likely to be physically inactive Vol 380 July 21, 2012

than were those with no disability.4 Increased rates of physical inactivity were also reported in adults with disabilities from Canada5 and Norway,6 and in children with disabilities in Hong Kong.7 Personal and environmental barriers associated with disability restrict access to physical activity venues and services. Personal barriers include pain, lack of energy, self-consciousness about exercising in public, and the perception that exercise is too dicult.8 Environmental barriers include lack of transportation; lack of accessible exercise equipment; unqualied sta who cannot modify or adapt individual and group exercise classes for people with disabilities; programme and equipment costs; and discriminatory practices at tness centres and other recreational venues.9 Among children

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61028-9



inactivity, we will need to monitor inactivity prevalence and factors behind it; protect the safety of the exercisers and their built environment;15 oer services to the inactive to gain skills for sustainable and enjoyable exercise; warn the public of the hazards of inactivity through repeated campaigns; ensure that the medical community fulls its responsibility to reduce inactivity; and, nally, raise money or provide funding to encourage physical activity and discourage inactivity. In addition to doctors traditional advocacy of the health benets of exercise, stressing the harms of inactivity could strengthen our battle against inactivity. We need to view the inactive population as abnormal and consider them at high risk of disease. If we accept this view, governmental programmes modelled on MPOWER to diminish physical inactivity could be justied, with commensurate resources committed in each country to tackle the major threat to human health of noncommunicable diseases. *Chi Pang Wen, Xifeng Wu
National Health Research Institutes and China Medical University Hospital, Zhunan, Taiwan (CPW); and Department of Epidemiology, Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (XW)
We declare that we have no conicts of interest. 1 Pimlott N. The miracle drug. Can Fam Physician 2010; 56: 40709.

7 8 9

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health. 1996. index.htm (accessed June 4, 2012). Wen CP, Wai JP, Tsai MK, et al. Minimum amount of physical activity for reduced mortality and extended life expectancy: a prospective cohort study. Lancet 2011; 378: 124453. Walsh JM, Swangard DM, Davis T, McPhee SJ. Exercise counseling by primary care physicians in the era of managed care. Am J Prev Med 1999; 16: 30713. Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. http:// WHO. United Nations high-level meeting on noncommunicable disease prevention and control: NCD summit to shape the international agenda 2011. (accessed June 4, 2012). WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009. Shavelle RM, Paculdo DR, Strauss DJ, Kush SJ. Smoking habit and mortality: a meta-analysis. J Insur Med 2008; 40: 17078. Wen CP, Tsai SP, Chen CJ, Cheng TY, Tsai MC, Levy DT. Smoking attributable mortality for Taiwan and its projection to 2020 under dierent smoking scenarios. Tob Control 2005; 14 (suppl 1): i7680. WHO. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 2012. http://www. (accessed June 4, 2012). Woodcock J, Franco OH, Orsini N, Roberts I. Non-vigorous physical activity and all-cause mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. Int J Epidemiol 2011; 40: 12138. Wai JP, Wen CP, Chan HT, et al. Assessing physical activity in an Asian country: low energy expenditure and exercise frequency among adults in Taiwan. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2008; 17: 297308. Wen CP, Tsai MK, Tsai SP, et al. Exercise and life expectancyAuthors reply. Lancet 2012; 379: 80001. WHO. Research for International Tobacco Control. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2008: the MPOWER package. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2008. National Research Council (US) Committee on Physical Activity Health Transportation and Land Use, National Research Council (US) Transportation Research Board, Institute of Medicine (US). Does the built environment inuence physical activity?: examining the evidence. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board, 2005.

Physical activity for people with disabilities

There are more than a billion people with disabilities worldwide,1 many of whom face substantial barriers to participating in physical activity.2 Engaging in a healthy lifestyle with a disability can be a daunting task physical activity generally requires elements of strength, endurance, balance, and coordination that are taken for granted. In people with disabilities, one or more physical attributes might be aected by disability, which limits access to sport, tness, and work or household-related physical activity. Lack of exercise is a serious public health concern for all people, but people with disabilities are at much greater risk of the serious health problems associated with physical inactivity.3 In the USA, adults with disability were twice as likely to be physically inactive Vol 380 July 21, 2012

than were those with no disability.4 Increased rates of physical inactivity were also reported in adults with disabilities from Canada5 and Norway,6 and in children with disabilities in Hong Kong.7 Personal and environmental barriers associated with disability restrict access to physical activity venues and services. Personal barriers include pain, lack of energy, self-consciousness about exercising in public, and the perception that exercise is too dicult.8 Environmental barriers include lack of transportation; lack of accessible exercise equipment; unqualied sta who cannot modify or adapt individual and group exercise classes for people with disabilities; programme and equipment costs; and discriminatory practices at tness centres and other recreational venues.9 Among children

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61028-9



and adolescents with disabilities, engaging in physical activity can be even more challenging than for adults.10 Sports venues and physical education classes are often used for competitive sports.11 Children with limitations in balance, strength, coordination, power, and aerobic tness can struggle to compete, and a lack of success often leads to sedentary behaviour. Society has to promote an inclusive approach to community programmes and services that recognises and supports the needs of people with disabilities. Although there will always be a need for more separate or adapted physical activity services, the fact that these programmes are oered sparingly in most communities throughout the world, especially in poorer countries where there are limited resources devoted to the care and wellbeing of people with disabilities,12 lends itself to the need for more inclusive physical activity programmes that provide elements of adaptation for people with disabilities. There is a sense of urgency in promotion of physical activity among people with disabilities worldwide. Policy and infrastructure changes to promote active living have not placed a high priority on information or resources tailored for people with disabilities. Similarly, although primary prevention eorts have expanded to include health communication, social media, and community health policies, stakeholders involved in these programmes rarely, if ever, address the needs of people with disabilities. Disability advocates and service providers, health professionals with specialisations in adapted physical activity, and physical activity planners need to work

together to establish a policy setting agenda that supports inclusion of people with disabilities. Physical activity services funded by government agencies and private foundations should require recipients to make their programmes accessible to people with disabilities. What can be done to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in physical activity initiatives? First, local and national networks should provide technical support and training in inclusive physical activity. Communities should bear the responsibility of identifying where people with disabilities live, what issues they experience in accessing physical activity programmes and venues, and what support services are needed to increase participation. With the globalisation of online learning, there is greater opportunity to train professionals in developing inclusive physical activity communities that support people with disabilities. Second, in many developed and developing countries, there are existing local disability associations and networks.1 These entities should be made aware of local and national physical activity planning initiatives and be asked to participate. Similarly, people with disabilities or family carers should be invited to comment on any new initiatives associated with physical activity promotion. Third, all sectors of public health, including schools, workplaces, and health-care facilities, should represent the needs of children and adults with disabilities. In schools, for example, improving physical education for all children should consider what programme accommodations are needed for children with disabilities. A new tness centre should consider ways to make the facility accessible to people with disabilities.13 Planners designing new cycle and walking paths should include ramps and other design modications appropriate for people with disabilities. Fourth, there should be ongoing monitoring of approaches that support physical activity programmes and venues for people with disabilities. Solutions to existing challenges should be collected and disseminated through various physical activity networks. Epidemiological research should include disability identiers so that new strategies to promote physical activity can be assessed for their eectiveness. Finally, Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities14 states that adults and children with disabilities must have access to recreational, Vol 380 July 21, 2012



leisure, and sporting activities in both inclusive and disability-specic settings. The outcome of inclusive physical activity communities is a society that respects and values the rights of all to have equal access to physical activity. *James H Rimmer, Alexandre C Marques
University of Alabama at Birmingham and Lakeshore Foundation, Birmingham, AL 352941212, USA (JHR); and Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil (ACM)
We declare that we have no conicts of interest. 1 2 WHO. World report on disability. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2011. Rimmer JH. The conspicuous absence of people with disabilities in public tness and recreation facilities: lack of interest or lack of access? Am J Health Promot 2005; 19: 32729, ii. Rimmer J, Schiller W, Chen M-D. Eects of disability-associated low energy expenditure deconditioning syndrome. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2012; 40: 2229. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Physical activity among adults with a disabilityUnited States, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2007; 56: 102124.

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Martin Ginis K, Hicks A. Considerations for the development of a physical activity guide for Canadians with physical disabilities. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2007; 32: S13547. Nortvedt M, Riise T, Maeland JG. Multiple sclerosis and lifestyle factors: the Hordaland health study. Neurol Sci 2005; 26: 33439. Sit C, McManus A, McKenzie TL, Lian J. Physical activity levels of children in special schools. Prev Med 2007; 45: 42431. Phillips M, Flemming N, Tsintzas K. An exploratory study of physical activity and perceived barriers to exercise in ambulant people with neuromuscular disease compared with unaected controls. Clin Rehab 2009; 23: 74655. Rimmer JH, Riley B, Wang E, Rauworth A, Jurkowski J. Physical activity participation among persons with disabilities: barriers and facilitators. Am J Prev Med 2004; 26: 41925. Murphy N, Carbone P, Council on Children With Disabilities. Promoting the participation of children with disabilities in sports, recreation, and physical activities. Pediatrics 2008; 121: 105761. Rimmer JH, Rowland JL. Physical activity for youth with disabilities: a critical need in an underserved population. Dev Neurorehabil 2008; 11: 14148. Barnes C, Sheldon A. Disability, politics and poverty in a majority world context. Dis & Soc 2010; 25: 77182. Riley B, Rimmer JH, Wang E, Schiller WJ. A conceptual framework for improving the accessibility of tness and recreation facilities for people with disabilities. J Phys Act Health 2008; 5: 15868. UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and optional protocol 2006. New York, NY: United Nations, 2006.

Policies to promote physical activity in Brazil

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of mortality in Brazil and accounted for 72% of all deaths in 2007.1 The burden of NCDs in Brazil reects accelerated epidemiological, demographic, and nutritional changes in the past few decades. In 1930, 46% of all deaths in Brazilian state capitals were caused by infectious diseases, but by 2007 this gure had fallen to 10%.1 During the same period, mortality from cardiovascular diseases increased from 11% to 31%.13 The countrys demographic transition is the result of declines in premature mortality and fertility rates, alongside a rapidly ageing population.13 Increased income, industrialisation, urbanisation, and globalisation have led to much economic and social change in Brazil. One consequence has been a rise in unhealthy diets and physical inactivity; the prevalence of men who were overweight increased from 186% in 1974 to 501% in 2008.1,4 NCDs and their risk factors aect people from all socioeconomic groups, but especially individuals who are most vulnerable, such as older adults and those with low educational attainment or from low-income families.1,5 Surveys in Brazil have shown that smoking, obesity, and unhealthy diets are more frequent in individuals with low educational attainment.4,6 Among Indian populations living in Brazil, the prevalence of obesity reached 25% Vol 380 July 21, 2012

in men and 41% in women in 1989, particularly due to westernised diets and reductions in physical activity.7 The Brazilian phone surveillance system shows that leisure-time physical activity is most frequent in young adults, men, those with high educational attainment, and people who live near public spaces with equipment for physical activity.79 The proportion of adults who reported no engagement in physical activity declined from 16% in 2009 to 141% in 2011.6,8 This progress in physical activity reects improvements in active transportation, health education, and communication strategies, and the launch of physical activity interventions funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in more than 1000 cities.2,8 The Brazilian Government launched a strategic plan to tackle NCDs in 2011. The plan aims to decrease the burden of NCDs by 2% per year and reduce exposure to such risk factors as smoking, consumption of alcohol, physical inactivity, and salt intake.2,3 During the development of this national plan, the Brazilian Government took account of the results of evaluation studies of community interventions to promote physical activity, particularly physical activity classes in community settings through programmes such as the Academia da Cidade in Recife, Aracaju, and Belo Horizonte. These evaluation studies were undertaken through the project Guide for Useful

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61041-1



leisure, and sporting activities in both inclusive and disability-specic settings. The outcome of inclusive physical activity communities is a society that respects and values the rights of all to have equal access to physical activity. *James H Rimmer, Alexandre C Marques
University of Alabama at Birmingham and Lakeshore Foundation, Birmingham, AL 352941212, USA (JHR); and Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil (ACM)
We declare that we have no conicts of interest. 1 2 WHO. World report on disability. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2011. Rimmer JH. The conspicuous absence of people with disabilities in public tness and recreation facilities: lack of interest or lack of access? Am J Health Promot 2005; 19: 32729, ii. Rimmer J, Schiller W, Chen M-D. Eects of disability-associated low energy expenditure deconditioning syndrome. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2012; 40: 2229. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Physical activity among adults with a disabilityUnited States, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2007; 56: 102124.

6 7 8


11 12 13

3 4


Martin Ginis K, Hicks A. Considerations for the development of a physical activity guide for Canadians with physical disabilities. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2007; 32: S13547. Nortvedt M, Riise T, Maeland JG. Multiple sclerosis and lifestyle factors: the Hordaland health study. Neurol Sci 2005; 26: 33439. Sit C, McManus A, McKenzie TL, Lian J. Physical activity levels of children in special schools. Prev Med 2007; 45: 42431. Phillips M, Flemming N, Tsintzas K. An exploratory study of physical activity and perceived barriers to exercise in ambulant people with neuromuscular disease compared with unaected controls. Clin Rehab 2009; 23: 74655. Rimmer JH, Riley B, Wang E, Rauworth A, Jurkowski J. Physical activity participation among persons with disabilities: barriers and facilitators. Am J Prev Med 2004; 26: 41925. Murphy N, Carbone P, Council on Children With Disabilities. Promoting the participation of children with disabilities in sports, recreation, and physical activities. Pediatrics 2008; 121: 105761. Rimmer JH, Rowland JL. Physical activity for youth with disabilities: a critical need in an underserved population. Dev Neurorehabil 2008; 11: 14148. Barnes C, Sheldon A. Disability, politics and poverty in a majority world context. Dis & Soc 2010; 25: 77182. Riley B, Rimmer JH, Wang E, Schiller WJ. A conceptual framework for improving the accessibility of tness and recreation facilities for people with disabilities. J Phys Act Health 2008; 5: 15868. UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and optional protocol 2006. New York, NY: United Nations, 2006.

Policies to promote physical activity in Brazil

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of mortality in Brazil and accounted for 72% of all deaths in 2007.1 The burden of NCDs in Brazil reects accelerated epidemiological, demographic, and nutritional changes in the past few decades. In 1930, 46% of all deaths in Brazilian state capitals were caused by infectious diseases, but by 2007 this gure had fallen to 10%.1 During the same period, mortality from cardiovascular diseases increased from 11% to 31%.13 The countrys demographic transition is the result of declines in premature mortality and fertility rates, alongside a rapidly ageing population.13 Increased income, industrialisation, urbanisation, and globalisation have led to much economic and social change in Brazil. One consequence has been a rise in unhealthy diets and physical inactivity; the prevalence of men who were overweight increased from 186% in 1974 to 501% in 2008.1,4 NCDs and their risk factors aect people from all socioeconomic groups, but especially individuals who are most vulnerable, such as older adults and those with low educational attainment or from low-income families.1,5 Surveys in Brazil have shown that smoking, obesity, and unhealthy diets are more frequent in individuals with low educational attainment.4,6 Among Indian populations living in Brazil, the prevalence of obesity reached 25% Vol 380 July 21, 2012

in men and 41% in women in 1989, particularly due to westernised diets and reductions in physical activity.7 The Brazilian phone surveillance system shows that leisure-time physical activity is most frequent in young adults, men, those with high educational attainment, and people who live near public spaces with equipment for physical activity.79 The proportion of adults who reported no engagement in physical activity declined from 16% in 2009 to 141% in 2011.6,8 This progress in physical activity reects improvements in active transportation, health education, and communication strategies, and the launch of physical activity interventions funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in more than 1000 cities.2,8 The Brazilian Government launched a strategic plan to tackle NCDs in 2011. The plan aims to decrease the burden of NCDs by 2% per year and reduce exposure to such risk factors as smoking, consumption of alcohol, physical inactivity, and salt intake.2,3 During the development of this national plan, the Brazilian Government took account of the results of evaluation studies of community interventions to promote physical activity, particularly physical activity classes in community settings through programmes such as the Academia da Cidade in Recife, Aracaju, and Belo Horizonte. These evaluation studies were undertaken through the project Guide for Useful

Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61041-1



The goals of the national plan will be monitored by Brazils system of NCD surveillance, household population surveys every 5 years, annual telephone surveys, information systems, and other studies. The Brazilian Ministry of Health has sponsored universities to evaluate the eectiveness of the Academia da Sade programme. Additionally, there will be three household surveys on the impact of the programme; telephone inquiries for the managers of the municipalities; qualitative evaluation of implementation of the programme; and studies of the levels of physical activities in the spaces provided by the health academies and other settings.3 Brazils plan aims to prepare the country to tackle NCDs whilst contributing to global mobilisation towards this goal.12

*Deborah Carvalho Malta, Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Interventions for Activity in Brazil and Latin America (GUIA) in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and universities in Brazil and the USA. The studies found that participants in these programmes are more active than their peers.10,11 This nding led to the category physical activity classes in community settings being identied as useful in policy to improve physical activity among Latin American populations.10,11 This body of evidence lent support to the launch of the Academia da Sade (Health Academy) programme by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, which aims to oer physical activity classes in community settings at no cost to participants in 4000 Brazilian municipalitiesmore than 80% of all cities in the countryby 2015. The health academies are spaces with infrastructure, equipment, and human resources to stimulate and guide people in physical activity. The programme is integrated with primary care and US$150 million was invested in the rst year.2,3 The objective for the health academies programme is to overcome structural barriers to physical activity and healthy habits, especially among vulnerable populations.2,3 The strategic plan to tackle NCDs also encourages increased provision of physical activity in schools through partnerships with the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Education.2,3 Furthermore, educational measures that foster healthy habits and the practice of daily physical activity are underway as part of the legacy of two major sporting events that will be held in Brazil: the 2014 World Cup and the Olympic Games in 2016.2,3

Secretaria de Vigilncia em Sade, Ministrio da Sade do Brasil, Braslia 70070600, Brazil (DCM, JBdS); and Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (DCM)
DCM and JBdS coordinated the elaboration of the strategic action plan to tackle chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil 20112022 and participated in the team to develop the proposed Academia da Sade programme. We declare that we have no conicts of interest. 1 2 Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Silva GA, et al. Chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil: burden and current challenges. Lancet 2011; 377: 194961. Brasil Ministrio da Sade. Strategic action plan to tackle chronic noncommunicable diseases in Brazil 20112022 . Braslia: Ministrio da Sade, 2011 (in Portuguese). prossional/area.cfm?id_area=1818 (accessed June 19, 2012). Malta DC, Morais Neto OL, Silva Junior JB. Presentation of the strategic action plan for coping with chronic diseases in Brazil from 2011 to 2022. Epidemiol Serv Sade 2011; 20: 42538. Ministerio do Planejamento, Orcamento e Gestao, Instituto Brasileiro de Geograa e Estatistica, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenacao de Trabalho e Rendimento. Pesquisa de orcamentos familiares 20082009 antropometria e estado nutricional de criancas, adolescentes e adultos no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geograa e Estatistica, 2010 (in Portuguese). WHO. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2011. Brasil Ministrio da Sade. Secretaria de Vigilncia em Sade. Vigitel Brasil 2011: vigilncia de fatores de risco e proteo para doenas crnicas por inqurito telefnico. Braslia: Ministrio da Sade, 2011 (in Portuguese). Welch JR, Ferreira AA, Santos RV, et al. Nutrition transition, socioeconomic dierentiation, and gender among adult Xavante Indians, Brazilian Amazon. Hum Ecol 2009; 37: 1326. Hallal PC, Knuth AG, Reis RS, et al. Tendncias temporais de atividade fsica no Brasil (20062009). Rev Bras Epidemiol 2011; 4 (suppl 1): 5360 (in Portuguese). Malta DC, Moura EC, de Castro AM, et al. Padro de atividade fsica em adultos brasileiros: resultados de um inqurito por entrevistas telefnicas, 2006. Epidemiol Serv Sade 2009; 18: 716. Simoes EJ, Hallal P, Pratt M, et al. Eects of a community-based, professionally supervised intervention on physical activity levels among residents of Recife, Brazil. Am J Public Health 2009; 99: 6875. Reis RS, Hallal PC, Parra DC, et al. Promoting physical activity through community-wide policies and planning: ndings from Curitiba, Brazil. J Phys Act Health 2010; 7 (suppl 2): S137S45. UN General Assembly 66th Session. Political declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases. A/66/L.1. Sept 16, 2011. New York: United Nations, 2011.

5 6



12 Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy
I-Min Lee, Eric J Shiroma, Felipe Lobelo, Pekka Puska, Steven N Blair, Peter T Katzmarzyk, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group*

Background Strong evidence shows that physical inactivity increases the risk of many adverse health conditions, including major non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancers, and shortens life expectancy. Because much of the worlds population is inactive, this link presents a major public health issue. We aimed to quantify the eect of physical inactivity on these major non-communicable diseases by estimating how much disease could be averted if inactive people were to become active and to estimate gain in life expectancy at the population level. Methods For our analysis of burden of disease, we calculated population attributable fractions (PAFs) associated with physical inactivity using conservative assumptions for each of the major non-communicable diseases, by country, to estimate how much disease could be averted if physical inactivity were eliminated. We used life-table analysis to estimate gains in life expectancy of the population. Findings Worldwide, we estimate that physical inactivity causes 6% (ranging from 32% in southeast Asia to 78% in the eastern Mediterranean region) of the burden of disease from coronary heart disease, 7% (3996) of type 2 diabetes, 10% (56141) of breast cancer, and 10% (57138) of colon cancer. Inactivity causes 9% (range 51125) of premature mortality, or more than 53 million of the 57 million deaths that occurred worldwide in 2008. If inactivity were not eliminated, but decreased instead by 10% or 25%, more than 533 000 and more than 13 million deaths, respectively, could be averted every year. We estimated that elimination of physical inactivity would increase the life expectancy of the worlds population by 068 (range 041095) years. Interpretation Physical inactivity has a major health eect worldwide. Decrease in or removal of this unhealthy behaviour could improve health substantially. Funding None.
Lancet 2012; 380: 21929 Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)61031-9 See Comment page 192 *Members listed at end of paper Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (I-M Lee ScD); Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA (E J Shiroma MSc); Global Health Promotion Oce, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA (F Lobelo MD); National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland (P Puska MD); Department of Exercise Science and Department of Epidemiology/ Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA (S N Blair PED); and Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA (P T Katzmarzyk PhD) Correspondence to: Dr I-Min Lee, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, USA

Ancient physiciansincluding those from China in 2600 BC and Hippocrates around 400 BCbelieved in the value of physical activity for health. By the 20th century, however, a diametrically opposite viewthat exercise was dangerousprevailed instead.1 During the early 20th century, complete bed rest was prescribed for patients with acute myocardial infarction. And, at the time of the 100th boat race between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, UK, in 1954, the senior health ocer of Cambridge University undertook a study to investigate the alleged dangers of exercise by comparing university sportsmen with intellectuals.1 One of the pioneers whose work helped to change that tide of popular opinion was Jerry Morris, who undertook the rst rigorous, epidemiological studies investigating physical inactivity and chronic disease risk, published in 1953.2 Since then, much evidence has clearly documented the many health benets of physical activity (panel 1).35 Despite this knowledge, a large proportion of the worlds population remains physically inactive. To quantify the eect of physical inactivity on the worlds major noncommunicable diseases, we estimated how much of Vol 380 July 21, 2012

these diseases could be averted in the population if inactive people were to become active, as well as how much gain in life expectancy could occur at the population level. We focus on the major non-communicable diseases emphasised by the UN as threats to global health:6 coronary heart disease; cancer, specically breast and colon cancers, which are convincingly related to physical inactivity; and type 2 diabetes.

Population attributable fraction
The population attributable fraction (PAF) is a measure used by epidemiologists to estimate the eect of a risk factor on disease incidence in a population.7,8 It estimates the proportion of new cases that would not occur, absent a particular risk factor. Thus, it provides policy makers with useful quantitative estimates of the potential eect of interventions to reduce or eradicate the risk factor. PAF is related to prevalence of the risk factor and its associated relative risk (RR). At least two formulae are available to calculate PAF (panel 2). Formula 1 provides an unbiased estimate when there is no confounding of the relation between the risk factor and disease, and


Panel 1: Health benets of physical activity in adults35 Strong evidence of reduced rates of: All-cause mortality Coronary heart disease High blood pressure Stroke Metabolic syndrome Type 2 diabetes Breast cancer Colon cancer Depression Falling Strong evidence of: Increased cardiorespiratory and muscular tness Healthier body mass and composition Improved bone health Increased functional health Improved cognitive function

prevalence estimates of inactivity for cases and adjusted RRs to estimate PAF using formula 2.

Estimation of prevalence of physical inactivity

We dened physical inactivity to be an activity level insucient to meet present recommendations.5 WHO obtains data, by country, for the prevalence of physical inactivity in the population using two similar standardised questionnaires; the latest data are for 2008.9 For calculation of PAFs with RRs adjusted for confounding factors, the prevalence of physical inactivity at baseline in cases of the outcome of interest was needed. These data proved dicult to obtain for countries outside North America and Europe. Further, data for prevalence of inactivity depended on the instrument used for assessment and varied according to whether a study assessed physical activity during leisure only (most commonly), or also included activities in occupation, transportation, or home-based activities. Thus, to estimate the prevalence of inactivity in cases, we contacted several large cohort studies throughout the world using input from the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group, attempting particularly to gather data outside North America and Europe. For each study, we obtained the prevalence of physical inactivity in all participants at baseline, and in those eventually developing coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancer and those who died (appendix). For each outcome, we calculated an adjustment factor, representing the added extent to which physical inactivity occurred in cases compared with the overall population of the cohort study. For example, in the Shanghai Womens Health Study (appendix), the prevalence of inactivity in all women at baseline was 454% versus 516% in women who died, yielding an adjustment factor of 114 (516 / 454 = 114). For each outcome, we calculated the adjustment factor in every study, and averaged this factor across studies. We applied the average adjustment factor to the prevalence of physical inactivity, by country, to estimate the prevalence of inactivity in cases of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer, and death from any cause.

Panel 2: Formulae for calculation of population attributable fraction (PAF) Formula 1, using unadjusted relative risk:

See Online for appendix

PAF(%) =

Pe(RRunadj 1) 100 Pe(RRunadj 1) + 1

Where Pe is the proportion of inactive people in the source population, and RRunadj is the relative risk of disease, comparing inactive with active people, unadjusted for confounding factors. Formula 2, using adjusted relative risk:

PAF(%) =

Pd(RRadj 1) 100 RRadj

Where Pd is the proportion of inactive people among cases, and RRadj is the relative risk of disease, comparing inactive with active people, adjusted for confounding factors.

Estimation of RRs associated with physical inactivity

We searched electronic databases (Medline and Embase) using keywords related to physical activity (physical activity, motor activity, energy expenditure, walking, and exercise) and the outcomes of interest (breast cancer, breast carcinoma, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, colon carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, diabetes, type 2 diabetes, all-cause mortality, mortality, cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and heart disease) for peer-reviewed reviews of adults published in English, selecting the most recent one as of June 30, 2011. For all outcomes apart from breast cancer, published meta-analyses of the pooled RR were available.1013 For breast cancer, no comprehensive Vol 380 July 21, 2012

requires knowledge of the prevalence of the risk factor in the population and the RR not to be adjusted for confounders (crude RR). Formula 2 is preferred when there is confounding;8 it requires knowledge of the prevalence of the risk factor in people eventually developing the disease (cases) and the adjusted RR. Because some confounders (eg, hypertension in coronary heart disease, overweight in diabetes) are exacerbated by inactivity, formula 2 might overadjust, whereas formula 1 can add perspective. Thus, we sought prevalence estimates of inactivity for the whole population and unadjusted RRs to estimate PAF using formula 1, and


meta-analysis was found (one of only case-control studies is available14), so we selected the most recent qualitative review15 and did a meta-analysis of their primary studies. All the meta-analyses calculated only pooled RRs adjusted for potential confounders (generally selecting maximally adjusted RRs from individual studies); no pooled estimates of crude RRs were reported. Thus, we obtained the primary papers to identify the crude RRs. For most papers, this information was not reported; for several, data were provided that allowed its calculation. When the crude RR was unavailable or could not be calculated, the age-adjusted RR was often available. Thus, to obtain a pooled estimate of the crude RRs, we used either crude RRs or age-adjusted RRs, calling this value the unadjusted RR. This method enabled use of data from a larger number of studies, and a closer parallel between studies used to calculate the pooled unadjusted and adjusted RRs. In sensitivity analyses that compared results using only crude RRs with those using both crude and age-adjusted RRs, estimates were generally similar; thus, bias using unadjusted instead of crude RRs is unlikely. We used simple, random-eects meta-regression to account for heterogeneity across studies, using MIX 2.0.

eliminated, we assumed that the age-specic death rates for a country would be decreased by an amount equal to this PAF (calculated using the adjusted RR) if inactivity were eliminated. Studies of physical activity and all-cause mortality have mainly been in people aged 40 years and older, with few data available for those aged 80 years and older, which also suggest benet.3 Thus, we conservatively decreased age-specic death rates by the PAF only for ages 4079 years, and calculated the revised life expectancy from birth, by country. In a sensitivity analysis, we did parallel analyses that decreased agespecic death rates for all ages 40 years and older.

Role of the funding source

No funding organisation had any role in the writing of the report or the decision to submit for publication. The corresponding author had full access to all data in the study and nal responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.

We estimated the prevalence of physical inactivity in cases of the outcomes studied, by country, using adjustment factors of 120 (SE 003) for coronary heart disease, 123 (005) for type 2 diabetes, 105 (009) for breast cancer, 122 (008) for colon cancer, and 122 (007) for all-cause mortality. The highest prevalence was noted in people who went on to develop type 2 diabetes, followed by those who died and those who developed colon cancer, coronary heart disease, and breast cancer (table 1, appendix). Table 1 summarises the RRs associated with physical inactivity, unadjusted and adjusted for confounders, for the outcomes studied. Sattelmair and colleagues10 investigated the dose-response relation between leisure-time energy expenditure and incidence of coronary heart disease. The pooled RR associated with energy expenditure that fullled present recommendations compared
Breast cancer* Colon cancer All-cause mortality

Calculation of PAFs and gains in life expectancy

We calculated PAFs for each outcome, by country, and used Monte Carlo simulation techniques (10 000 simulations) to estimate 95% CIs. We assumed normal distributions for physical inactivity prevalence and the log of the RRs. We used life-table analysis to estimate gains in life expectancy that could be expected if physical inactivity were eliminated, using life tables published by WHO that provide age-specic death rates, by country; the latest data are for 2009.16 Since the country-specic PAF for all-cause mortality estimates how much premature mortality can be removed from the population if physical inactivity were
Coronary heart disease Prevalence of inactivity in population (%) Prevalence of inactivity in people eventually developing the outcome (%) RR, unadjusted RR, adjusted PAF with unadjusted RR (%) PAF with adjusted RR (%) 352% (223405)

Type 2 diabetes

352% (223405) 388% (233443)

352% (223405) 352% (223405) 429% (234571) 429% (234571) 138 (131145) 132 (123139) 118% (68151) 104% (57138) 147 (138157) 128 (121136) 142% (83180) 94% (51125)

422% (230562) 432% (236576) 407% (225567) 133 (118149) 116 (104130) 104% (72134) 58% (3278) 163 (127211) 120 (110133) 72% (3996) 134 (125143) 133 (126142) 101% (56141)

181% (108228) 116% (68155)

Physical inactivity was dened as insucient physical activity to meet present recommendations. RR=relative risk. PAF=population attributable fraction. *Women only. Data are overall median (range of medians for WHO regions); details of country-specic values for the population are available from reference 9; country-specic values for people eventually developing these diseases are provided in the appendix. Data are RR (95% CI); for details of calculation of unadjusted RRs, see appendix; the unadjusted RRs pooled both crude and age-adjusted RRs, since the crude RR was often unavailable; the adjusted RR of coronary heart disease was obtained from Sattelmair and colleagues,10 for type 2 diabetes from Jeon and colleagues,11 for breast cancer and all-cause mortality see appendix, and for colon cancer from Wolin and co-workers.12 Data are overall median (range of medians for WHO regions); details of country-specic values calculated with unadjusted RRs are provided in appendix; country-specic values calculated with adjusted RRs are shown in table 2.

Table 1: Summary of estimates of the prevalence of physical inactivity, RRs, and PAFs for coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, and all-cause mortality associated with physical inactivity Vol 380 July 21, 2012



Coronary heart disease Type 2 diabetes Africa Algeria Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon Cape Verde Chad Comoros Congo (Brazzaville) Cte dIvoire Democratic Republic of the Congo Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Guinea Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Niger So Tom and Prncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland The Gambia Zambia Zimbabwe Median for region Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Barbados Brazil Colombia Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Paraguay Saint Kitts and Nevis Uruguay Median for region 113% (31 to 210) 78% (28 to 130) 82% (15 to 164) 73% (09 to 156) 40% (17 to 166) 99% (17 to 166) 71% (10 to 146) 27% (03 to 65) 79% (14 to 161) 62% (08 to 132) 68% (10 to 142) 63% (23 to 105) 56% (21 to 94) 71% 140% (48 to 247) 96% (48 to 150) 101% (24 to 189) 90% (13 to 182) 50% (27 to 199) 123% (27 to 199) 87% (15 to 172) 33% (05 to 78) 98% (22 to 185) 77% (10 to 158) 85% (14 to 168) 79% (39 to 122) 70% (35 to 109) 87% 67% (24 to 112) 15% (05 to 25) 58% (21 to 97) 26% (02 to 61) 67% (10 to 139) 34% (13 to 57) 41% (00 to 93) 14% (03 to 36) 80% (14 to 164) 54% (06 to 119) 75% (28 to 124) 67% (24 to 112) 32% (01 to 76) 61% (05 to 133) 29% (11 to 48) 20% (02 to 50) 27% (04 to 68) 39% (14 to 64) 17% (06 to 28) 35% (01 to 80) 73% (15 to 143) 64% (07 to 135) 12% (04 to 20) 97% (23 to 189) 49% (18 to 80) 31% (11 to 52) 38% (00 to 88) 37% (13 to 61) 33% (11 to 54) 87% (31 to 145) 114% (32 to 215) 41% (15 to 67) 29% (03 to 70) 39% (00 to 90) 39% 83% (42 to 129) 19% (09 to 29) 72% (36 to 113) 32% (03 to 72) 83% (18 to 162) 42% (21 to 66) 50% (02 to 110) 17% (04 to 42) 100% (22 to 191) 67% (08 to 139) 93% (47 to 145) 83% (42 to 128) 40% (01 to 89) 75% (06 to 155) 36% (18 to 57) 25% (02 to 56) 34% (06 to 79) 48% (24 to 75) 21% (10 to 33) 43% (02 to 95) 90% (22 to 169) 79% (13 to 159) 15% (07 to 23) 120% (35 to 222) 60% (30 to 93) 39% (20 to 60) 47% (01 to 101) 46% (23 to 72) 41% (20 to 63) 107% (54 to 168) 142% (47 to 251) 50% (25 to 78) 35% (05 to 82) 49% (01 to 107) 48%

Breast cancer

Colon cancer

All-cause mortality

128% (59 to 200) 29% (13 to 46) 115% (54 to 180) 43% (10 to 95) 126% (18 to 238) 77% (35 to 118) 68% (08 to 144) 28% (09 to 64) 138% (28 to 249) 96% (07 to 190) 136% (65 to 211) 143% (67 to 224) 58% (09 to 127) 121% (07 to 236) 54% (25 to 84) 47% (07 to 102) 47% (11 to 106) 74% (35 to 115) 34% (16 to 53) 62% (07 to 134) 124% (33 to 218) 102% (08 to 200) 19% (09 to 30) 170% (46 to 295) 89% (42 to 141) 69% (31 to 106) 67% (07 to 142) 58% (26 to 92) 62% (29 to 95) 147% (67 to 231) 188% (59 to 324) 75% (35 to 117) 50% (12 to 113) 67% (08 to 143) 71% 185% (59 to 317) 145% (68 to 227) 134% (23 to 247) 125% (12 to 239) 90% (42 to 261) 164% (42 to 261) 126% (15 to 237) 44% (12 to 101) 134% (26 to 248) 100% (08 to 198) 109% (10 to 212) 125% (59 to 195) 105% (48 to 164) 125%

120% (68 to 172) 27% (15 to 39) 104% (59 to 151) 46% (08 to 99) 120% (23 to 221) 61% (34 to 89) 73% (03 to 151) 25% (08 to 57) 144% (30 to 262) 97% (07 to 185) 134% (73 to 194) 120% (67 to 171) 57% (06 to 121) 108% (06 to 215) 52% (29 to 75) 36% (06 to 77) 49% (10 to 109) 69% (39 to 100) 30% (17 to 44) 62% (07 to 131) 130% (30 to 230) 114% (12 to 216) 21% (11 to 31) 173% (50 to 299) 87% (48 to 126) 56% (31 to 82) 68% (03 to 137) 66% (37 to 96) 59% (33 to 85) 155% (88 to 224) 204% (73 to 337) 73% (41 to 105) 51% (10 to 114) 70% (04 to 146) 70% 202% (68 to 335) 139% (76 to 201) 146% (29 to 261) 130% (13 to 248) 72% (42 to 275) 178% (42 to 275) 126% (21 to 235) 48% (11 to 106) 141% (25 to 255) 112% (11 to 213) 122% (16 to 229) 113% (64 to 165) 101% (56 to 146) 126%

108% (86 to 131) 24% (19 to 30) 94% (75 to 114) 41% (01 to 86) 109% (34 to 186) 55% (43 to 68) 65% (04 to 129) 22% (05 to 50) 130% (44 to 220) 88% (20 to 161) 121% (96 to 146) 108% (86 to 130) 52% (02 to 105) 98% (18 to 182) 47% (37 to 57) 32% (01 to 67) 44% (03 to 93) 62% (49 to 75) 27% (21 to 33) 56% (02 to 111) 117% (45 to 192) 103% (26 to 182) 19% (15 to 24) 156% (70 to 248) 78% (62 to 95) 51% (40 to 62) 62% (05 to 120) 60% (47 to 73) 53% (42 to 65) 140% (111 to 169) 184% (94 to 277) 65% (52 to 79) 46% (02 to 96) 64% (06 to 124) 63% 182% (95 to 277) 125% (99 to 151) 132% (48 to 217) 117% (28 to 210) 65% (53 to 230) 160% (53 to 230) 114% (35 to 197) 43% (03 to 92) 128% (46 to 216) 101% (25 to 182) 110% (30 to 191) 102% (81 to 124) 91% (72 to 111) 114% (Continues on next page)

222 Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Coronary heart disease Type 2 diabetes (Continued from previous page) North America Canada USA Median for region Eastern Mediterranean Iran Iraq Kuwait Lebanon Libya Pakistan Saudi Arabia Tunisia United Arab Emirates Median for region Europe Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Turkey 58% (06 to 121) 71% (12 to 147) 56% (04 to 121) 44% (01 to 99) 39% (00 to 89) 92% (20 to 179) 41% (03 to 93) 58% (06 to 124) 29% (02 to 69) 63% (08 to 132) 54% (19 to 89) 37% (13 to 62) 46% (01 to 104) 26% (02 to 62) 43% (01 to 95) 88% (20 to 174) 91% (19 to 180) 52% (04 to 115) 53% (03 to 115) 37% (13 to 63) 79% (13 to 160) 119% (33 to 223) 30% (01 to 71) 73% (12 to 153) 46% (02 to 104) 84% (17 to 173) 64% (07 to 136) 34% (01 to 81) 113% (31 to 209) 37% (01 to 85) 50% (03 to 111) 83% (17 to 167) 73% (12 to 151) 93% (21 to 183) 71% (10 to 145) 88% (19 to 170) 69% (08 to 141) 55% (01 to 117) 48% (01 to 106) 114% (30 to 210) 51% (02 to 109) 72% (08 to 147) 35% (04 to 81) 78% (13 to 156) 67% (33 to 103) 46% (23 to 71) 57% (02 to 124) 32% (04 to 74) 53% (00 to 114) 109% (29 to 202) 112% (30 to 209) 65% (06 to 134) 66% (05 to 136) 46% (23 to 72) 98% (19 to 191) 147% (53 to 260) 37% (03 to 83) 91% (17 to 179) 57% (03 to 120) 105% (26 to 202) 79% (12 to 158) 43% (02 to 95) 140% (47 to 246) 46% (00 to 99) 62% (04 to 129) 103% (25 to 195) 91% (19 to 174) 115% (32 to 210) 61% (22 to 102) 97% (35 to 158) 107% (39 to 177) 78% (29 to 129) 76% (28 to 125) 67% (10 to 140) 114% (42 to 188) 59% (07 to 126) 103% (26 to 199) 78% 76% (38 to 118) 120% (60 to 187) 132% (66 to 207) 96% (47 to 149) 94% (47 to 147) 83% (14 to 163) 141% (71 to 219) 74% (10 to 150) 128% (38 to 236) 96% 56% (05 to 122) 67% (25 to 111) 62% 70% (08 to 144) 83% (42 to 129) 76%

Breast cancer

Colon cancer

All-cause mortality

92% (02 to 186) 124% (58 to 192) 108% 122% (58 to 189) 141% (66 to 219) 188% (88 to 292) 109% (51 to 169) 142% (66 to 219) 125% (19 to 236) 199% (92 to 306) 105% (10 to 202) 180% (59 to 309) 141% 102% (08 to 201) 117% (20 to 215) 96% (04 to 192) 75% (04 to 156) 55% (06 to 116) 163% (42 to 288) 58% (04 to 123) 92% (02 to 184) 49% (09 to 109) 91% (02 to 184) 97% (46 to 151) 61% (28 to 95) 74% (03 to 155) 38% (11 to 87) 67% (02 to 137) 152% (35 to 273) 156% (42 to 280) 81% (02 to 163) 94% (01 to 187) 65% (29 to 101) 119% (12 to 230) 191% (60 to 324) 40% (11 to 92) 117% (15 to 222) 82% (02 to 170) 142% (31 to 259) 120% (12 to 232) 49% (09 to 107) 191% (69 to 323) 55% (09 to 121) 88% (02 to 175) 138% (26 to 255) 115% (16 to 217) 163% (40 to 289)

100% (07 to 195) 120% (67 to 174) 110% 109% (62 to 158) 173% (97 to 251) 191% (106 to 277) 138% (76 to 200) 136% (74 to 195) 120% (16 to 220) 204% (113 to 293) 106% (10 to 203) 185% (52 to 317) 138% 103% (11 to 194) 126% (21 to 231) 99% (07 to 194) 79% (01 to 161) 70% (05 to 143) 164% (43 to 288) 74% (00 to 148) 104% (10 to 199) 51% (09 to 112) 112% (11 to 212) 96% (54 to 138) 66% (36 to 96) 83% (03 to 167) 46% (09 to 101) 77% (02 to 156) 157% (41 to 276) 162% (39 to 281) 93% (05 to 184) 95% (02 to 186) 67% (37 to 98) 141% (26 to 258) 213% (75 to 353) 54% (06 to 114) 131% (22 to 241) 82% (01 to 164) 151% (36 to 270) 114% (13 to 219) 62% (06 to 131) 202% (70 to 335) 66% (03 to 137) 89% (00 to 176) 149% (31 to 266) 131% (21 to 241) 166% (42 to 290)

91% (18 to 166) 108% (86 to 131) 99% 99% (79 to 119) 156% (125 to 188) 172% (137 to 208) 125% (99 to 151) 122% (97 to 148) 108% (32 to 188) 184% (147 to 221) 96% (24 to 171) 167% (73 to 262) 125% 93% (23 to 165) 114% (37 to 195) 90% (18 to 165) 72% (09 to 136) 63% (05 to 124) 148% (62 to 241) 67% (09 to 126) 94% (22 to 171) 46% (02 to 94) 101% (26 to 178) 87% (69 to 105) 60% (47 to 72) 75% (09 to 145) 42% (02 to 87) 69% (07 to 132) 142% (60 to 229) 146% (58 to 237) 84% (15 to 156) 85% (14 to 158) 60% (47 to 75) 127% (42 to 218) 192% (98 to 289) 49% (00 to 98) 118% (35 to 202) 74% (10 to 139) 136% (52 to 226) 103% (26 to 184) 56% (02 to 110) 182% (94 to 276) 59% (05 to 115) 80% (12 to 152) 134% (49 to 224) 118% (38 to 202) 150% (62 to 239) (Continues on next page) Vol 380 July 21, 2012



Coronary heart disease Type 2 diabetes (Continued from previous page) Ukraine UK Median for region Southeast Asia Bangladesh Bhutan Burma India Indonesia Maldives Nepal Sri Lanka Thailand Median for region Western Pacic Australia Cambodia China Cook Islands Federated States of Micronesia Japan Kiribati Laos Malaysia Marshall Islands Mongolia Nauru New Zealand Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Vietnam Median for region Overall Median 58% 72% 63% (08 to 131) 19% (07 to 31) 51% (19 to 85) 119% (44 to 197) 110% (41 to 183) 100% (24 to 190) 77% (27 to 128) 31% (02 to 75) 102% (38 to 169) 82% (30 to 137) 16% (06 to 26) 77% (29 to 129) 79% (29 to 131) 32% (12 to 53) 39% (01 to 90) 85% (31 to 141) 72% (27 to 119) 69% (25 to 115) 25% (02 to 62) 72% 78% (10 to 154) 23% (11 to 36) 64% (32 to 98) 148% (75 to 234) 136% (68 to 211) 123% (36 to 225) 96% (48 to 150) 39% (04 to 87) 126% (63 to 196) 102% (51 to 157) 19% (10 to 30) 95% (48 to 148) 98% (49 to 152) 40% (19 to 62) 49% (01 to 107) 105% (53 to 164) 90% (45 to 140) 86% (42 to 134) 31% (04 to 73) 90% 08% (03 to 13) 87% (18 to 173) 21% (08 to 35) 26% (10 to 42) 49% (18 to 82) 65% (07 to 139) 26% (03 to 62) 43% (16 to 71) 32% (12 to 52) 32% 10% (05 to 15) 107% (26 to 203) 26% (13 to 41) 32% (16 to 50) 61% (30 to 95) 80% (10 to 161) 32% (04 to 74) 53% (27 to 83) 39% (20 to 61) 39% 31% (02 to 73) 105% (40 to 173) 55% 38% (04 to 85) 130% (64 to 202) 68%

Breast cancer

Colon cancer

All-cause mortality

43% (08 to 93) 179% (85 to 278) 93% 17% (08 to 27) 166% (42 to 290) 39% (19 to 61) 48% (23 to 74) 73% (33 to 115) 108% (05 to 214) 44% (10 to 101) 87% (42 to 135) 56% (25 to 87) 56% 104% (09 to 202) 29% (13 to 45) 84% (40 to 130) 191% (90 to 298) 194% (91 to 305) 161% (39 to 291) 143% (69 to 223) 55% (10 to 121) 171% (80 to 266) 145% (69 to 225) 25% (11 to 39) 130% (62 to 203) 131% (62 to 203) 56% (25 to 88) 68% (07 to 147) 170% (81 to 267) 129% (61 to 202) 135% (64 to 211) 41% (11 to 94) 130% 101%

54% (08 to 116) 187% (105 to 271) 98% 14% (08 to 20) 155% (38 to 276) 38% (21 to 54) 46% (26 to 66) 88% (49 to 128) 115% (10 to 221) 46% (08 to 102) 77% (42 to 111) 57% (32 to 82) 57% 112% (14 to 212) 33% (18 to 48) 92% (52 to 131) 213% (118 to 309) 196% (110 to 286) 178% (50 to 309) 138% (77 to 200) 56% (08 to 120) 182% (102 to 265) 147% (81 to 212) 28% (15 to 40) 138% (76 to 198) 141% (79 to 203) 57% (31 to 83) 70% (05 to 144) 151% (85 to 218) 129% (71 to 188) 124% (68 to 180) 45% (08 to 98) 129% 104%

49% (00 to 101) 169% (136 to 203) 88% 13% (10 to 15) 140% (53 to 228) 34% (27 to 41) 42% (33 to 50) 80% (63 to 97) 104% (26 to 185) 41% (02 to 87) 69% (55 to 83) 51% (41 to 62) 51% 101% (28 to 180) 30% (24 to 36) 83% (66 to 100) 192% (153 to 231) 177% (141 to 213) 161% (72 to 254) 125% (98 to 151) 50% (01 to 103) 164% (130 to 197) 132% (106 to 160) 25% (20 to 30) 124% (98 to 149) 127% (102 to 154) 52% (41 to 63) 63% (04 to 124) 136% (109 to 164) 117% (92 to 140) 112% (88 to 136) 41% (02 to 84) 117% 94%

Data are PAF (95% CI). PAF=population attributable fraction. *PAFs calculated with unadjusted relative risks are shown in the appendix.

Table 2: Estimated PAFs, calculated with adjusted relative risks,* for coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, and all-cause mortality associated with physical inactivity, by WHO region and country

with no leisure activity, adjusted for potential confounders, was 086 (95% CI 077096). With increasing energy expenditure, coronary heart disease incidence fell further, in a curvilinear fashion. For this report, we used the RR corresponding to an activity level that met minimum present recommendations (086). Taking the inverse of this number to obtain the adjusted RR for physical inactivity yielded 116 (95% CI 104130). Although these data are from only North America and Europe (ie, studies with sucient information to investigate dose response),

they are congruent with ndings from the INTERHEART study17 undertaken in 52 countries worldwide, in which the adjusted odds ratio for myocardial infarction associated with physical inactivity was identical (116, 95% CI 103132). We did a parallel meta-analysis to obtain the corresponding pooled unadjusted RR (ie, pooling crude and age-adjusted RRs), which was 133 (95% CI 118149; appendix). Crude RRs were available for only four studies and pooling of these yielded a value of 154 (95% CI 125192); thus, the pooled unadjusted RR is conservative. Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Gain in life expectancy (years) Africa Algeria Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon Cape Verde Chad Comoros Congo (Brazzaville) Cte dIvoire Democratic Republic of the Congo Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Guinea Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Niger So Tom and Prncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland The Gambia Zambia Zimbabwe Median for region Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Barbados Brazil Colombia Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Paraguay Saint Kitts and Nevis Uruguay Median for region 139 (071 to 214) 091 (072 to 111) 108 (038 to 181) 082 (019 to 150) 051 (041 to 186) 128 (041 to 187) 080 (024 to 141) 035 (002 to 074) 101 (036 to 174) 076 (018 to 140) 085 (023 to 151) 077 (061 to 095) 070 (055 to 085) 082 (Continues in next column) 079 (062 to 096) 019 (015 to 024) 081 (064 to 099) 031 (001 to 066) 085 (026 to 149) 046 (035 to 056) 046 (003 to 093) 017 (004 to 040) 106 (035 to 187) 072 (016 to 137) 089 (070 to 109) 089 (070 to 108) 043 (002 to 089) 081 (015 to 155) 040 (032 to 049) 025 (001 to 053) 037 (002 to 079) 052 (041 to 063) 021 (017 to 026) 040 (014 to 081) 095 (035 to 160) 090 (022 to 162) 014 (011 to 017) 145 (062 to 239) 057 (045 to 069) 036 (028 to 044) 049 (004 to 097) 051 (040 to 063) 038 (030 to 046) 126 (099 to 153) 156 (076 to 245) 052 (041 to 063) 036 (002 to 077) 056 (005 to 113) 051 (Continued from previous column) North America Canada USA Median for region Eastern Mediterranean Iran Iraq Kuwait Lebanon Libya Pakistan Saudi Arabia Tunisia United Arab Emirates Median for region Europe Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Turkey

Gain in life expectancy (years)

055 (011 to 102) 078 (062 to 094) 066 071 (057 to 087) 130 (103 to 159) 112 (089 to 137) 095 (075 to 116) 093 (077 to 118) 085 (025 to 152) 151 (119 to 184) 064 (016 to 116) 111 (048 to 178) 095 058 (014 to 103) 073 (023 to 126) 062 (012 to 116) 058 (007 to 111) 045 (004 to 091) 080 (033 to 133) 048 (006 to 092) 064 (015 to 119) 038 (002 to 078) 066 (017 to 117) 055 (044 to 067) 052 (041 to 063) 047 (006 to 092) 023 (001 to 049) 061 (006 to 118) 087 (036 to 142) 080 (031 to 132) 079 (014 to 150) 077 (012 to 146) 053 (041 to 065) 083 (027 to 145) 112 (056 to 171) 029 (000 to 059) 068 (020 to 118) 060 (008 to 114) 086 (033 to 145) 087 (021 to 158) 052 (002 to 105) 150 (102 to 233) 046 (004 to 092) 054 (008 to 105) 078 (028 to 132) 067 (022 to 116) 106 (043 to 174) (Continues in next column) Vol 380 July 21, 2012



Gain in life expectancy (years) (Continued from previous column) Ukraine UK Median for region Southeast Asia Bangladesh Bhutan Burma India Indonesia Maldives Nepal Sri Lanka Thailand Median for region Western Pacic Australia Cambodia China Cook Islands Federated States of Micronesia Japan Kiribati Laos Malaysia Marshall Islands Mongolia Nauru New Zealand Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Vietnam Median for region Overall Median 068 056 (015 to 100) 024 (019 to 029) 061 (048 to 073) 157 (124 to 191) 145 (114 to 177) 091 (040 to 146) 127 (099 to 155) 043 (001 to 090) 135 (106 to 165) 133 (104 to 163) 024 (019 to 029) 121 (095 to 147) 076 (061 to 093) 043 (034 to 052) 052 (003 to 104) 117 (092 to 142) 090 (070 to 109) 103 (080 to 126) 031 (001 to 064) 090 010 (008 to 012) 115 (042 to 195) 027 (022 to 033) 034 (027 to 041) 065 (051 to 080) 075 (018 to 137) 033 (002 to 071) 051 (040 to 061) 041 (032 to 049) 041 046 (000 to 097) 107 (085 to 129) 063

Data in parentheses are 95% CI. Uncertainty interval calculated on the basis of the lower and upper bounds of the 95% CI of the adjusted population attributable fraction for all-cause mortality.

Table 3: Estimated gains in life expectancy if physical inactivity were eliminated, by WHO region and country

For the association of type 2 diabetes incidence with physical activity, Jeon and co-workers11 reported a pooled RR of 083 (95% CI 076090), adjusted for several confounders including body-mass index (BMI). Taking the inverse to obtain the adjusted RR for inactivity, we calculated an RR of 120 (95% CI 110133). We calculated the corresponding, pooled unadjusted RR, which was 163 (95% CI 127211; appendix). This magnitude of risk increase was similar

to that pooling only the crude RRs, which yielded 158 (95% CI 111226). We used the primary papers in the qualitative review by Friedenreich and colleagues15 to undertake a metaanalysis of the pooled adjusted and unadjusted RRs for breast cancer incidence (appendix). The adjusted RR for physical inactivity, including adjustment for BMI, was 133 (95% CI 126142). This result was little dierent from the unadjusted RR of 134 (95% CI 125143; similar to that pooling only crude RRs, yielding 135, 95% CI 126145). For the association of colon cancer incidence and physical activity, Wolin and colleagues12 reported a pooled adjusted RR of 076 (95% CI 072081). Taking the inverse of these results gave an adjusted RR of 132 (95% CI 123139) for inactivity. Our calculation of the pooled unadjusted RR for colon cancer was 138 (95% CI 131145; appendix); the pooled crude RR was similar (137, 95% CI 129146). Lollgen and colleagues13 reported a meta-analysis of RRs for all-cause mortality associated with moderate and high levels of physical activity, qualitatively dened. Investigators reported separate estimates for studies in which participants were classied into three, four, or ve levels of activity. The adjusted RRs for moderate levels compared with a low level ranged from 053 to 078; for high levels, from 052 to 080. We used their primary papers to do a meta-analysis to obtain one pooled RR that compared low with moderate physical activityie, a conservative estimate of the eect of inactivity. Our pooled adjusted RR was 128 (95% CI 121136), whereas the pooled unadjusted RR was 147 (95% CI 138157) and similar to the pooled crude RR of 146 (95% CI 134160; appendix). For coronary heart disease, median PAFs associated with physical inactivity, calculated with adjusted RRs, ranged from 32% (in southeast Asia) to 78% (in the eastern Mediterranean region), with an overall median of 6% (tables 1, 2). These results suggest that 6% of the burden of disease worldwide due to coronary heart disease can be eliminated, if all inactive people become active. The burden of disease was 7% for type 2 diabetes (ranging from 39% to 96%), 10% (56141) for breast cancer, and 10% (57138) for colon cancer. Removal of physical inactivity had the largest eect on colon cancer, and the smallest on coronary heart disease, in terms of percentage reduction. However, with respect to the number of cases that can potentially be averted, coronary heart disease would have a far larger eect than would colon cancer because of its higher incidence. Although the worldwide incidence of coronary heart disease is not readily available, deaths from coronary heart disease can be viewed against colorectal cancer deaths to provide some perspective; in 2008, 725 million people worldwide died from coronary heart disease versus 647 000 from colorectal cancer.18 Applying the median PAFs, we estimated that 15 000 deaths from Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Years 100 075099 050074 025049 <025 No data

Figure: Estimated gains in life expectancy worldwide with elimination of physical inactivity

coronary heart disease in Africa could have been averted in 2008 by removal of physical inactivity. 60 000 could have been avoided in the Americas, 44 000 in the eastern Mediterranean region, 121 000 in Europe, 59 000 in southeast Asia, and 100 000 in the western Pacic region. With respect to deaths from breast cancer, 3000 could have been averted in Africa, 11 000 in the Americas, 4000 in the eastern Mediterranean, 14 000 in Europe, 5000 in southeast Asia, and 10 000 in the western Pacic; for deaths from colorectal cancer, these numbers were 1000, 14 000, 2000, 24 000, 4000, and 24 000, respectively. For all-cause mortality, the overall median PAF was 9%. Applying this gure to the 57 million deaths worldwide in 2008,18 we estimated that more than 53 million deaths (ranging from 525 000 in the eastern Mediterranean to 15 million in the western Pacic region) could be averted every year if all inactive people become active. Because physical inactivity is unlikely to be completely eliminated, we further estimated potential deaths averted when assuming a decrease of inactivity prevalence by 10% or 25% with eective public health interventions, instead of 100% (elimination). These alternate scenarios resulted in more than 533 000 and 13 million deaths potentially avoided worldwide each year. Using an alternate classication of countries by income (data not shown), we calculated median PAFs for all-cause mortality of 4% for countries with low incomes, 8% for lower-middle incomes, 10% for upper-middle incomes, and 11% for high incomes (with number of deaths averted ranging from 409 000 in countries with low incomes to 25 million in those with lower-middle incomes). This analysis yielded estimated numbers of deaths potentially averted in 2008 from coronary heart disease of 15 000, 184 000, 96 000, and 98 000; from breast cancer of 2000, 16 000, 10 000, and 20 000; and from colorectal cancer of 1000, 19 000, 13 000, and 37 000, respectively. We estimated that the median years of life potentially gained worldwide with elimination of physical inactivity Vol 380 July 21, 2012

was 068 years (ranging from 041 years in southeast Asia to 095 years in the eastern Mediterranean region; table 3, gure). When we classied countries by income, the median gains were 037 years for countries with low incomes, 065 for lower-middle incomes, 080 for uppermiddle incomes, and 068 years for high incomes. In a sensitivity analysis that decreased age-specic death rates by the PAF for all ages 40 years or older (instead of only ages 4079 years), the new estimate of years gained worldwide increased to a median of 092 years (range 049125). Finally, we used an example to illustrate gains under less stringent assumptions. A recent study of Taiwanese people aged 20 years and older comparing most with least active groups reported an RR for all-cause mortality of 135.19 Applying this RR to China for people aged 20 years and older, we calculated a PAF of 98% and gain in life expectancy of 103 years, versus 83% and 061 years obtained under the standard assumptions of tables 2 and 3.

Worldwide, we estimated that physical inactivity causes 610% of the major non-communicable diseases of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancers. Furthermore, this unhealthy behaviour causes 9% of premature mortality, or more than 53 of the 57 million deaths in 2008.18 With elimination of physical inactivity, life expectancy of the worlds population might be expected to increase by 068 years. These ndings make inactivity similar to the established risk factors of smoking and obesity. The added years of life need to be interpreted correctly: they seem low because they represent gains in the whole population (including inactive and active people), rather than in inactive people who become active. Because all the gain accrues to people who move from inactive to active, the increase in life expectancy in the inactive group alone is


greater. For perspective, other research done in the USA estimated that inactive people would gain 1337 years from age 50 years by becoming active.20,21 In an east Asian population, life expectancy from age 30 years in active people was 2642 years greater than that in inactive people.19 How does physical inactivity compare with other risk factors for poor health? Although risk factors are classied on dierent scales (thus, the proportion at risk varies across risk factors), it is nonetheless informative to look at two established risk factors targeted for government action worldwide: smoking and obesity. Smoking was estimated to cause about 5 million deaths worldwide in 2000.22 The proportion of deaths attributable to smoking in China, one of the top ve cigaretteconsuming countries, has been estimated at 31% for women and 129% for men.23 By elimination of smoking, life expectancy at age 50 years was estimated to increase by 2325 years in the US population and 1122 years in the populations of nine other high-income countries.24 At an individual level, Beijing never-smokers aged 55 years and older had a life expectancy 4288 years longer than that of present smokers.25 As for obesity, if all obese people in the USA were to attain normal weight, life expectancy in the population was estimated to increase by 0711 years at birth in one analysis26 and 0507 years at age 50 years in another.24 Thus, physical inactivity seems to have an eect similar to that of smoking or obesity. The present analysis updates information from a 2004 WHO report27 and additionally estimates added years of life expectancy in the population. In the WHO report, because of unavailability of data needed for the preferred PAF formula, the incorrect formula (formula 1) was used. Their PAFs ranged from 10% for breast cancer to 22% for coronary heart diseasesimilar to the present estimate for breast cancer, but larger for coronary heart disease. In part, this dierence is because the RR of breast cancer for physical inactivity is not confounded by other variables (unadjusted RR 134, adjusted RR 133), whereas that for coronary heart disease is (unadjusted RR 133, adjusted RR 116). Further, we conservatively used a pooled RR for coronary heart disease that compared physical inactivity with the minimum recommended activity level using recently published data,10 whereas WHO used data available at the time of their analysis that compared extreme activity categories, yielding RRs of larger magnitude. Our estimates are likely to be very conservative. First, the RRs were almost always based on self-reported physical activity levels,28 which are imprecise. In prospective studies in which self-reports cannot be biased by the outcomes studied (since they have not yet occurred at the time of reporting), random reporting errors result in underestimation of the RRs. Some studies of physical tnessa related measure to physical activity that is more objectively measuredshow stronger magnitudes

of association with non-communicable diseases29 (which also might reect inherited physiological and metabolic characteristics related to both tness and a favourable risk prole). Second, the pooled RRs were derived from maximally adjusted RRs in the primary studies. Often, these RRs were adjusted for characteristics such as blood pressure, lipid prole, and glucose or insulin sensitivity. These could be overadjustments, since physical activity reduces risk of coronary heart disease and premature mortality partly through benecial eects on these variables (a recent analysis suggested an attenuation of about 10% in the RR10). For type 2 diabetes, we used RRs adjusted for BMIalso conservative, since physical activity plays an important part in weight management.3 Third, we used the same RR to calculate PAFs for all countries, based on data mainly from North America and Europe. Whether physical inactivity has similar eects in other populations is unclear. For example, we used a pooled adjusted RR for coronary heart disease of 116; however, a study in India reported a larger adjusted RR (227, 95% CI 141370).30 However, our pooled adjusted RR for all-cause mortality, 128, is similar to that of 125 (95% CI 118133) in an east Asian study, comparing inactive people with those meeting minimum physical activity recommendations.19 Fourth, we assumed physical activity to reduce all-cause mortality rates only at ages 4079 years. In a sensitivity analysis that extended the benet to age 40 years and older, larger gains in life expectancy were obtained. Fifth, we used one RR instead of a range of RRs to reect the dose-response relation between physical inactivity and risks of non-communicable disease because sparse data are available for the dose-response relation.10 In an illustrative example using China, we showed that applying less stringent assumptions increased PAF by 18% (98% vs 83%) and life expectancy by 69% (103 vs 061 years) compared with calculations made under standard assumptions. Limitations of this study include the use of an adjustment factor to estimate the prevalence of physical inactivity in cases. This adjustment factor was mainly based on populations in North America and Europe, and one study each from China and India; how applicable this factor might be to other countries such as those in Africa or with low incomes is unclear. Also, successful interventions will probably increase activity levels across the board, instead of shifting people across a binary divide of inactive to active assumed in our calculations, potentially yielding greater benets. We examined only the major non-communicable diseases and all-cause mortality, and not other disorders aected by physical inactivity (panel 1) or disability resulting from non-communicable diseases. Finally, not all physically inactive people choose to be so; some might be physically incapable. This summer, we will admire the breathtaking feats of athletes competing in the 2012 Olympic Games. Although only the smallest fraction of the population will attain these heights, the overwhelming majority of us are Vol 380 July 21, 2012


able to be physically active at very modest levels eg, 1530 min a day of brisk walkingwhich bring substantial health benets.35,19 We must explore all avenues and support all eorts to reduce physical inactivity worldwide.
Contributors I-ML and PTK designed the study and other authors provided critical input. EJS and PTK undertook data analyses. I-ML, EJS, and FL extracted data from the primary studies used in the meta-analyses. I-ML drafted the report. EJS, FL, PP, SNB, and PTK critically reviewed the report. Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group Jasem R Alkandari, Lars Bo Andersen, Adrian E Bauman, Steven N Blair, Ross C Brownson, Fiona C Bull, Cora L Craig, Ulf Ekelund, Shifalika Goenka, Regina Guthold, Pedro C Hallal, William L Haskell, Gregory W Heath, Shigeru Inoue, Sonja Kahlmeier, Peter T Katzmarzyk, Harold W Kohl 3rd, Estelle Victoria Lambert, I-Min Lee, Grit Leetongin, Felipe Lobelo, Ruth J F Loos, Bess Marcus, Brian W Martin, Neville Owen, Diana C Parra, Michael Pratt, Pekka Puska, David Ogilvie, Rodrigo S Reis, James F Sallis, Olga Lucia Sarmiento, Jonathan C Wells. Conicts of interest We declare that we have no conicts of interest. Acknowledgments The ndings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ocial position of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I-ML was supported in part by grant CA154647 from the US National Institutes of Health. EJS was supported in part by grant HL007575 from the US National Institutes of Health. PTK was supported in part by the Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Endowed Chair in Nutrition. We thank Kenneth E Powell, Shane A Norris, and Beverly J Levine for reviewing a previous draft of the report and providing critical input. We thank several people for providing data to calculate the adjustment factor: David Batty, Kennet Harald, Duck-chul Lee, Charles E Matthews, Martin Shipley, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Xuemei Sui, and Nicholas J Wareham. We thank Jacob R Sattelmair and Kathleen Y Wolin for assisting with meta-analyses. References 1 Rook A. An investigation into the longevity of Cambridge sportsmen. BMJ 1954; 1: 77377. 2 Blair SN, Davey Smith G, Lee IM, et al. A tribute to Professor Jeremiah Morris: the man who invented the eld of physical activity epidemiology. Ann Epidemiol 2011; 20: 65160. 3 US Department of Health and Human Services. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee report. gov/paguidelines/ (accessed Sept 1, 2011). 4 Warburton DE, Charlesworth S, Ivey A, Nettlefold L, Bredin SS. A systematic review of the evidence for Canadas Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2010; 7: 39. 5 WHO. Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2010. 6 Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Alleyne G, et al. UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases: addressing four questions. Lancet 2011; 378: 44955. 7 Powell KE, Blair SN. The public health burdens of sedentary living habits: theoretical but realistic estimates. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1994; 26: 85156. 8 Rockhill B, Newman B, Weinberg C. Use and misuse of population attributable fractions. Am J Public Health 1998; 88: 1519. 9 WHO. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2011.



12 13

14 15



18 19



22 23 24







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Physical Activity 1 Global physical activity levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects
Pedro C Hallal, Lars Bo Andersen, Fiona C Bull, Regina Guthold, William Haskell, Ulf Ekelund, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group*

To implement eective non-communicable disease prevention programmes, policy makers need data for physical activity levels and trends. In this report, we describe physical activity levels worldwide with data for adults (15 years or older) from 122 countries and for adolescents (1315-years-old) from 105 countries. Worldwide, 311% (95% CI 309312) of adults are physically inactive, with proportions ranging from 170% (168172) in southeast Asia to about 43% in the Americas and the eastern Mediterranean. Inactivity rises with age, is higher in women than in men, and is increased in high-income countries. The proportion of 1315-year-olds doing fewer than 60 min of physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity per day is 803% (801805); boys are more active than are girls. Continued improvement in monitoring of physical activity would help to guide development of policies and programmes to increase activity levels and to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases.

Lancet 2012; 380: 24757 Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)60646-1 This is the rst in a Series of ve papers about physical activity *Members listed at end of paper Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil (P C Hallal PhD); Department of Exercise Epidemiology, Centre for Research in Childhood Health, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark (Prof L B Andersen PhD); School of Population Health, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia (Prof F C Bull PhD); Department of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion, WHO, Geneva,

Physical activity in a changing world

Since the industrial revolution, the development of new technologies has enabled people to reduce the amount of physical labour needed to accomplish many tasks in their daily lives. As the availability of new devices has continued to increase, the eects on physical labour and human energy expenditure have grown to include many aspects of the lives of more and more people. The eects of some of these technologies on physical activity are obvious (eg, steam, gas, and electric engines; trains; cars; and trucks), whereas others are more subtle and complex (eg, televisions, computers, electronic entertainment, the internet, and wireless communication devices). The use of many of these technologies has been driven by the goal of increased individual worker productivity and reduced physical hardships and disabilities caused by jobs entailing continuous heavy labour. However, the human body has evolved in such a way that most of its systems (eg, skeletal, muscle, metabolic, and cardiovascular) do not develop and function in an optimum way unless stimulated by frequent physical activity.1 Although the technological revolution has been of great benet to many populations throughout the world, it has come at a major cost in terms of the contribution of physical inactivity to the worldwide epidemic of noncommunicable diseases.2 In 2009, physical inactivity was identied as the fourth leading risk factor for noncommunicable diseases and accounted for more than 3 million preventable deaths.3 Comparisons of patterns of participation in physical activity between countries and regions were unachievable until a decade ago,4 largely due to the absence of standardised instruments suitable for international use. This barrier caused a so-called collective blind spot, because the evidence for the health benets of physical activity had grown stronger since the 1970s,5 underpinning the importance of surveillance data to guide national action.6 Without a suitable instrument, early Vol 380 July 21, 2012

eorts to characterise patterns of physical activity frequently used only measures of occupational classication or only estimations of energy expenditure during leisure-time physical activity as the best available indicators, such as in early epidemiological studies7,8 and subsequent investigations.9 Only in the late 1990s did an international group of academics develop a standardised instrumentthe international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ)10to

Key messages Surveillance of physical activity levels of adult (aged 15 years or older) and adolescent (aged 1315 years) populations has progressed substantially in the past decade. Available data obtained with standardised self-report instruments now provide estimates of physical activity for 122 countries, or two-thirds of the 194 WHO Member States; these data should be used to inform policy and practice worldwide. A third of adults and four-fths of adolescents do not reach public health guidelines for recommended levels of physical activity. Notable disparities exist in the prevalence of physical inactivity; in most countries inactivity is higher in women than in men, and older adults are less active than are younger adults. These consistent patterns should be used to help policy makers to implement eective programmes for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases. Trend data from high-income countries suggest that occupational physical activity is decreasing but leisure-time physical activity has increased in adults. Gaps in surveillance of physical activity remain. No data are available from about a third of countries, mostly those of low and middle income in Africa and central Asia. Data for trends in physical activity are scarce. WHOs STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance provides a good framework and practical ways to initiate physical activity surveillance, particularly in countries of low and middle income. Advances in new technologies and measurement methods, especially accelerometry, show promise for future surveillance of physical activity. These devices have potential widespread practical application if equipment costs continue to fall and sucient eorts are directed towards increasing technical skills and workforce capacity in countries of low and middle income.



Switzerland (R Guthold PhD); Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA (Prof W Haskell PhD); Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge, UK (Prof U Ekelund PhD); and Department of Sport Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway (Prof L B Andersen, Prof U Ekelund) Correspondence to: Dr Pedro C Hallal, Rua Marechal Deodoro 1160, 96020220, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

assess physical activity worldwide, and test its validity and reliability in 12 countries. The development of IPAQ and work leading to the global physical activity questionnaire (GPAQ)11 provided the much needed measurements to support national monitoring and the inclusion of physical inactivity in risk factor surveillance systems. As a result, IPAQ and GPAQ data from about two-thirds of countries worldwide enable a comparative assessment of global patterns of physical activity to be undertaken for the rst time. Our aim is thus to describe worldwide physical activity levels, showing dierences in participation between regions and populations, and patterns of walking and vigorous-intensity activity. Because of the specic and relevant links between health, physical activity, and the environment, we also outline patterns of walking and cyclingie, so-called active transportation. We draw attention to gaps that remain in physical activity surveillance, particularly how scarce trend data are for most countries and the absence of information from many countries of low and middle income. Because new technology might oer scope for surveillance in the future, we assess data obtained with motion sensors in adults and young people. Additionally, we present information about the emerging science of sedentary behaviours, provide an overview of what is known about trends in physical activity, and emphasise the importance of surveillance data to drive national and global action.

How inactive is the worlds population?

Self-reported physical activity in adults
We obtained comparable estimates for physical inactivity in adults (aged 15 years or older) from 122 countries with the WHO global health observatory data repository.12 The combined population of these 122 countries represents 889% of the worlds population. For our analyses, physical inactivity was dened as not meeting any of three criteria: 30 min of moderate-intensity physical activity on at least 5 days every week, 20 min of vigorous-intensity physical activity on at least 3 days every week, or an equivalent combination achieving 600 metabolic equivalent (MET)-min per week.1315 1 MET is dened as the energy spent when an individual sits quietly. With consideration of dierent intensities of activity components, reported weekly minutes were multiplied by 8 MET for vigorous activity, and by 4 MET for moderate activity or walking.1315 Inclusion criteria for country data to be used included assessment of physical activity in all domains (ie, leisure-time, occupation, transportation, and housework). The appendix contains further details about methods used to analyse data. Worldwide, 311% (95% CI 309312) of adults are physically inactive. This value represents the weighted average of the proportion in the countries studied, taking into account population sizes. The frequency of inactivity varied greatly between WHO regions (gure 1):

See Online for appendix

275% (273277) of people are inactive in Africa, 433% (430436) in the Americas, 432% (428436) in the eastern Mediterranean, 348% (345351) in Europe, 170% (168172) in southeast Asia, and 337% (335339) in the western Pacic. Women are more inactive (339%) than are men (279%). Additionally, large dierences exist between countries (appendix); for example, the proportion of inactive individuals of both sexes combined ranged from 47% (95% CI 4351) in Bangladesh to 719% (310872) in Malta. Inactivity increases with age in all WHO regions (gure 2), which is a pattern known to have a strong biological basis.16 Despite the linear association in all regions, heterogeneity was substantial. Adults aged 60 years or older from southeast Asia are much more active than are individuals of the same age from all other regions, and actually more active than are young adults (aged 1529 years) from the Americas, the eastern Mediterranean, Europe, and the western Pacic. Physical inactivity is more common in countries of high income than in those of low income (gure 3). For years, surveys focusing solely on leisure-time physical activity suggested that, within countries, physical inactivity was more frequent in people with low income than in those with higher socioeconomic status.17,18 Only in the past decade, when standardised instruments could measure total physical activity (ie, leisure-time, occupational, housework, and transport-related activity), has a dierent social pattern of inactivity become apparent.4,19 Whether or not it will persist in the future is unknown, but evidence from Brazil20 suggests that although prevalence of physical inactivity increased greatly in people with low income between 2002 and 2007, no signicant dierences were reported in those with higher earnings.20 The hypothesis that the social pattern might be shifting is reinforced by falling occupational physical activity (usually higher in people with low income than in those with high income) and increases in leisure-time exercise (more common in people with high income than in those with low income).21 Walking is a common, accessible, inexpensive form of physical activity and is an important component of total physical activity in adult populations.22 It is aerobic and necessitates use of large skeletal muscles, and confers the multifarious health benets of physical activity with few adverse eects.23 Interventions have been implemented to increase population levels of walking and have proven this activitys eectiveness.24 641% (639643) of adults report walking for at least 10 min consecutively on 5 or more days per week. Variation between WHO regions is modest: 570% (566574) report such walking in Africa, 656% (653659) in the Americas, 669% (661677) in the eastern Mediterranean, 668% (664672) in Europe, 672% (667677) in southeast Asia, and 650% (645655) in the western Pacic. Moreover, patterns of walking hardly dier in men and women and Vol 380 July 21, 2012



>50% 40499% 30399% 20299% <199% No data

Figure 1: Physical inactivity in adults (15 years or older) worldwide in men (A) and women (B)

between age groups (gure 4). This nding is partly explained by the measurement of all types of walking ie, recreational, for transport, and occupational. Participation in vigorous-intensity physical activity is another key indicator of physical activity levels. It has well established health benets,5 which were recognised in the 2010 WHO global recommendations on physical activity for health.14 Vigorous-intensity activity has higher reliability and validity than does moderate-intensity activity with standardised self-report instruments.10 314% (312314) of adults report vigorous-intensity physical activity on 3 or more days per week. We noted large dierences between regions: 380% (376384) of individuals in Africa report such activity, 246% (243249) in the Americas, 432% (423441) in the eastern Mediterranean, 254% (250258) in Europe, 432% (427437) in southeast Asia, and 353% (348358) in the western Pacic. Within every age group, men are more likely to participate in vigorous-intensity physical activity than are women (gure 4). Participation decreases with age (gure 4). Vol 380 July 21, 2012

Self-reported physical activity in adolescents

There are substantial short-term and long-term health benets of regular physical activity for adolescents (aged 1315 years; some overlap with adult age group because systems are independent).25 However, measurement of physical activity in this group is complex.26 Although some countries monitor activity in specic age groups, repeated measures with time are rare. Worldwide, most progress has been made in the adolescent population. So far, the two most comprehensive sources of data for adolescent physical activity levels are the global school-based student health survey (GSHS)27 and the health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) survey.28 With publicly available data from GSHS,27 we estimated how many 1315-year-old adolescents in 66 countries of mostly low and middle income reach the public health goal of 60 min per day or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity. We did the same with published HBSC reports and available raw data29,30 for 38 European countries,


1529 years 80 70 Proportion of inactive adults (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Africa

3044 years

4559 years

60 years

the USA, and Canada. By combining information, we were able to obtain estimates for 105 countries (data from Macedonia were available in both data sources, so we used an average). 803% (95% CI 801805) of 1315-year-olds do not do 60 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. Girls are less active than are boys (gure 5). Estimates were much higher than were those reported in adults. The proportion of adolescents not achieving 60 min per day was equal to or greater than 80% in 56 (53%) of 105 countries in boys, and 100 (95%) of 105 countries for girls. It is important to stress that the cutos for adults and adolescents are dierent.

Active transportation
Americas Eastern Mediterranean Europe Southeast Asia Western Pacic

Figure 2: Physical inactivity in age groups by WHO region

80 70 Proportion of inactive adults (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Low income Lowermiddle income Uppermiddle income High income

Both sexes



Figure 3: Physical inactivity by sex and World Bank income groups

80 70 60 Proportion (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Both sexes Men Women

1529 years 3044 years 4559 years 60 years

Both sexes



Figure 4: Proportion of adults (15 years or older) worldwide reporting walking for at least 10 min consecutively on 5 or more days per week (A) and vigorous-intensity physical activity on 3 or more days per week (B) by age group

Active transportation has health benets31,32 and can increase physical activity levels of whole populations.24,3335 Many studies have shown that commuter walking and cycling have benecial eects on all-cause mortality32,36 and several diseases.3642 In children, associations between active commuting to school and reduced bodymass index43 and improved cardiovascular risk factor proles4447 have been recorded. Data for active transportation are derived from various sources, such as population studies and transport research. Comparisons of information from dierent countries are particularly dicult because instruments are not standardised and several indicators (eg, people walking or cycling to work, or percentage of trips with dierent transport modes) are used. Moreover, some investigators combine walking and cycling, whereas others analyse the two modes separately. We searched PubMed and the Cochrane databases for systematic reviews34,39,48,49 and original research published from 2010 onwards,5052 and tried to nd online national statistics mainly from transport ministries. We identied statistics for the proportion of people walking to work in 12 countries (table).32,39,5069 Few individuals (<4%) walk to work in Switzerland, the USA, and Australia, but more than 20% do in China, Germany, and Sweden. We obtained data for adults cycling to work for 12 countries.32,39,50,51,57,58,6265,67,69 The frequency was low (<2%) in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA, and high (>20%) in China, Denmark, and the Netherlands (table). Finally, data for all active transportation to work (walking or cycling) were available for 12 countries.50,53,56,5860,6266,7074 Overall, fewer than 5% of individuals in Australia, Switzerland, and the USA use active transportation, but many do in China, France, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands (table). Data from low-income countries are scarce. Walking commuters do not travel as far as do cycling commuters and often combine walking with public transport.75 In Stockholm, mean distances are roughly 2 km for walking and 8 km for cycling.75 However, cyclists could be limited by unsafe environments and few bike lanes.75 However, major dierences exist even between Vol 380 July 21, 2012



>90% 80899% 70799% 60699% <60% No data

Figure 5: Proportion of 1315-year-old boys (A) and girls (B) not achieving 60 min per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity

countries with similar geography, population density, and climateeg, fewer people in the UK cycle to work than in Denmark and the region of Holland (table) suggesting that other factors play a part. In Denmark, building of infrastructure to promote cycling has resulted in a 50% increase in cycling in the past two decades.76 Although active transportation is benecial for health and the environment, its promotion should take into account unintended eects. In several places, pedestrian and cyclist safety are serious concerns, even though the benets from cycling outweigh the risks. If all noncyclists in Denmark became cyclists, about 12 000 deaths linked to little physical activity would be prevented every year as a result of cycling activity; there, only 30 cyclists are killed in trac accidents annually.32 However, the situation is probably dierent in many large cities in countries of all incomes. The global challenge is to help to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety, and city environments, so that active transportation becomes not only a healthy alternative, but also a safe one. Vol 380 July 21, 2012

Objectively measured physical activity

New technologies applied to the measurement of body movement have emerged as an alternative method for assessment of physical activity. Instruments such as accelerometers provide new ways to estimate the frequency, duration, and intensity of physical activity in free-living individuals.77 Importantly, these methods avoid some of the inherent limitations of self-report instrumentsie, recall bias. Accelerometry is widely used in small-scale research studies, and in the past 10 years its application has been tested within populationbased surveillance systems in several developed countries (panel 1). To assess accelerometry data for moderate to vigorous physical activity in adults, we searched Medline and Web of Science for reports in which physical activity was measured with the Actigraph accelerometer. We included population-based studies of healthy adult participants older than 18 years, in which activity was measured for at least 4 days and for at least 600 min per day. All reports


Walk to work Cycle to work Australia53,54 Austria55 Brazil56 Canada50,51,57 China58 Denmark32 Finland59 France60 Germany52,61 Ireland62 New Zealand63 Switzerland64 Sweden65 Netherlands66,67 UK68 USA39,50,51,69 38% 5066%* 66% 226% 230% 109% 70% 22% 235% 121% 125% 3140%* 0917%* 1012%* 235% 250% 90% 19% 25% 03% 95% 210258%* 20% 0534%*

Walk or cycle to work 47% 119% 461% 195% 349% 320% 128% 25% 222330%* 379% 145% 40167%*

physical activity recorded by accelerometry is accumulated in periods shorter than 10 min,88 whereas selfreport instruments usually prompt the respondent to report activities lasting at least 10 min.10 Additionally, most accelerometer data presented here are derived from high-income countries, in which people are less active than are those from low-income and middleincome countries (gure 3).

Sedentary behaviour
Another aspect of the human movement range that has received attention is sedentary behaviour, which is usually dened as time spent sitting. Similarly to physical activity, sedentary behaviours occur in dierent domains (ie, at work, for leisure and entertainment, and while commuting).89 So far, little is known about the patterns of sedentary behaviour in dierent countries,90 mainly because it has been recognised as a public health issue only in the past 10 years and therefore few standardised instruments are available for its assessment.91 However, with available data from the WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS) surveys and the Eurobarometer, we could assess and compare time spent sitting in 66 countries both of high and low income. Overall, the proportion of adults spending 4 or more h per day sitting is 415% (413417). The value varied greatly in WHO regions: 378% (374382) of individuals sit for 4 or more h per day in Africa, 552% (543561) in the Americas, 414% (401427) in the eastern Mediterranean, 641% (635647) in Europe, 238% (231245) in southeast Asia, and 398% (393403) in the western Pacic. For adults aged 1559 years, the proportion spending 4 h or more per day sitting does not vary substantially, and both sexes are similar; for individuals aged 60 years or more, the frequency is increased (gure 6). Bauman and colleagues90 presented time spent sitting in 20 countries. They reported a median of 300 min per day (IQR 180480), wide variation between countries, and longer times in middle-aged adults (4065 years-old) than in young adults (1839 years-old)92a nding that was not replicated in our analysis of 66 countries. With HBSC data from 40 countries in Europe and North America, we estimated that 66% of boys and 68% of girls aged 1315 years spend 2 h or more per day watching television. In every country studiedwith the exception of Switzerlandmore than half of the boys and girls spent 2 h or more per day watching television. Guthold and colleagues93 used data for 34 countries from GSHS and reported that, in more than half of the countries, more than a third of students spend 3 h or more per day doing sedentary activities.

*Interval reported in several studies or data obtained from several regions or states.

Table: Proportion of adults reporting walking to work, cycling to work, or using any type of active transportation (walking or cycling) by country

used the same denition of moderate to vigorous physical activity of 2020 activity counts per min or more. Two studies82,83 were included in separate and combined reports,8284 and subsequently only results from the combined report84 were included. Data from four countries (Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and the USA)8486 for 9564 individuals were extracted. For young people, we used data from the international childrens accelerometer database,87 which includes more than 30 000 individuals aged 418 years from 21 studies in ten countries. All raw accelerometer data les were reanalysed with the same data cleaning and data reduction criteria as for adults. To enable comparison with data for adults, moderate to vigorous physical activity was dened as more than 2000 counts per min, adjusted for sex and age. For adults, the mean accumulated minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity is roughly 355 min per day (95% CI 340370) in men and 320 min per day (235404) in women. Mean time spent doing moderate to vigorous physical activity is similar in men from dierent countries, ranging between 330 min per day in the USA to 375 min per day in Portugal. Variation is increased in women, ranging from 190 min per day in the USA to 446 min per day in Portugal. In young people, the highest amounts of such activity are done in Norway, Switzerland, Estonia, and Australia; values from Belgium, Brazil, and the USA were substantially lower than the pooled adjusted mean of roughly 65 min per day. Highly signicant heterogeneity between countries was recorded (appendix). Caution is warranted in comparisons of accelerometry data and self-report. Most time in moderate to vigorous

Trends in physical activity

Several behavioural and environmental factors, and megatrends (major forces in societal development that aect peoples lives) aect population levels of physical activity.94 Rapid urbanisation, mechanisation, and Vol 380 July 21, 2012


increased use of motorised transport could have caused global changes in physical activity.95,96 Examples of national surveillance systems that aim to assess trends in physical activity are scarce, most are fairly recent, and most are in high-income countries. A systematic review21 showed that adults leisure-time physical activity, including sports participation, has increased in the past 2030 years in ve high-income countries. This nding seemed to be consistent and was supported by subsequent studies from Canada,97 Spain,98 Sweden,99 and England.100 Researchers have also reported a simultaneous reduction in occupational physical activity.21,98,100 A comprehensive analysis101 of US data showed that daily energy expenditure in work-related physical activity has fallen by more than 100 calories per day during the past 50 years. Data for time trends in physical activity from countries of low and middle income are extremely sparse and, when available, inconsistent.20,102,103 The magnitude and direction of changes in physical activity with time in young people are less clear than in adults. A systematic review21 of studies from ve highincome countries established that physical activity during physical education classes has decreased since the early 1990s. Additionally, use of active transportation has fallen in the USA,104 Switzerland,105 and Canada106 in the past 40 years. A review focusing on dierent domains of activity107 showed that available evidence does not support the notion that overall physical activity levels and sport participation have fallen in young people. As with adults, the paucity of data for changes in physical activity with time from countries of low and middle income is worrying. Very few studies from a small number of high-income countries have examined time trends in physical activity by objective methods. In Japan, the proportion of adults achieving 10 000 steps per day fell by 5% from 2000 to 2007.108 Reductions in physical activity have been recorded in Czech boys aged 1418 years between 1998 and 2000, and between 2008 and 2010,109 and in Canadian boys and girls aged 816 years from 2001 to 2006.110 Conversely, a study in Sweden111 showed that the number of accumulated steps per day increased between 2000 and 2006 in boys and girls aged 79 years.

Panel 1: Physical activity surveillance in the USA Physical activity surveillance in the USA has included national and state-based surveys. The national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES)78 is a population-based survey providing information about health and nutrition. Health examination surveys were done throughout the 1960s and were followed by NHANES from 1971 onwards. NHANES has two parts: home interviews and health examinations. Physical activity questions were introduced in 1999, allowing analyses of secular trends in the proportion of physical inactivity and its correlates. NHANES provides data for adults (leisure-time, transportation, and household activities) and children (leisure-time activities). In 2003, accelerometry data were obtained in addition to self-report. Other surveys began in the 1980s to monitor the prevalence of the major behavioural risks associated with premature morbidity and mortality. Data collection was systematised as the behavioural risk factor surveillance system (BRFSS) in 1984.79,80 Data are obtained monthly in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam. More than 350 000 people are interviewed every year, making BRFSS the largest telephone health survey in the world. Data from BRFSS have been widely used for research. Between 1984 and 2000, physical activity questions focused on only leisure-time activities. However, domestic and transport-related physical activity were added to the survey from 2001. Although occupational activities are included in the questionnaire, they are not part of the total physical activity score. In the 2011 version of BRFSS, eight core physical activity questions were incorporated. 15 000 young people in grades 912 (usually aged 1518 years) are assessed every year in a separate part of the surveillance system (youth risk behaviour factor surveillance).81 Leisure-time, transport-related, and domestic physical activity are assessed, as well as participation in physical education classes.

1529 years 80 70 60 Proportion (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Both sexes

3044 years

4559 years

60 years



Surveillance progress and gaps

Much progress has been made in the availability of national population-level data for physical activity in the past decade, particularly in adults. About two-thirds of all WHO Member States have at least some data for population levels of physical activity, which is a great surveillance achievement. Collectively, data now available for adult and adolescent populations provide a global picture of the pattern of participation and exposure to the risk of inactivity, and form the basis for national policy development as called for by the global strategy for diet, physical activity, and health112 and for guidance of practice at the national and local community levels. Vol 380 July 21, 2012

Figure 6: Proportion of individuals reporting 4 h or more of sitting per day by age category

However, notable gaps remain. One is the absence of continuous surveillance systems implemented at the national level, preventing most countries from analysing trends data. Well established surveillance systems for physical activity are a luxury available in only very few countries, most of which are highly developed (panel 1). Additionally, the distribution of countries with no data is not random. Data gaps are concentrated in Africa, and the poorest parts of Latin America and central Asia. A good example of how physical activity surveillance can be


Panel 2: The WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance The WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS) was initiated in 2000, to assist countries of low and middle income to obtain information about risk factors for major non-communicable diseases. The overall goal is to build and strengthen country capacity to undertake surveillance within an integrated, systematic, sustainable framework.113 With the same standardised questions and protocols, all countries can use STEPS information not only for monitoring within-country trends, but also for making comparisons between countries. The global physical activity questionnaire was developed for STEPS. This instrument measures physical activity at work and in the household, for transport, and for leisure separately.11 The use of show cards and culturally specic examples for each activity type contained in the questionnaire ensures complete understanding of the questions and cultural adaptation. In 2000, physical activity data were available for only two countries in the WHO African region.4 2 years later, professionals working in Ministries of Health, and other health professionals and statisticians in ten of the 46 African countries had received training about implementation of the STEPS approach; this number had increased to 35 by early 2006. By then, the remaining 11 countries had already successfully undertaken a STEPS survey. Since 2006, all African countries have received STEPS training, and physical activity data are now available for the 35 countries that have completed surveys, including ve countries that have done two surveys. 26 countries have published the results in country reports or journal articles, or both.114 In ten countries that have completed a STEPS survey, eSTEPS ie, hand-held computers to input data introduced in 2009has been implemented.

initiated and sustained in countries of low and middle income is the WHO STEPwise approach (panel 2).

Translation of knowledge into action

Our ndings are troubling. Roughly three of every ten individuals aged 15 years or olderabout 15 billion peopledo not reach present physical activity recommendations.5,14 The situation in adolescents is even more worrying, with a worldwide estimate that four of every ve adolescents aged 1315 years do not meet present guidelines. As summarised by Lee and colleagues,115 these individuals are at increased risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, several other diseases, and premature death. Some methodological issues with available surveillance data should be raised. Our estimates were corrected for the well known over-reporting of physical activity with IPAQ (appendix),116119 and we adjusted values for age and region (urban vs rural), which are two factors known to aect physical activity behaviours. With these strategies, the well known limitations of self-reporting in adult populations were minimised. However, self-reports are unreliable, especially for housework and occupational physical activity, and in countries of low and middle income,120 where transport, occupational, and housework activities are often mixed in daily life. Additionally, perceptions about the meaning of physical activity might vary between countries, sexes, and age groups, particularly because people tend to compare themselves with peers when replying to physical activity questions.99 Fortunately, ways to overcome this issue

have been proposed and implemented, such as the use of show cards and culturally relevant examples (panel 2). Another diculty is that not all samples are representative of a whole countrys population. These limitations of available self-reported data could partly explain the large dierences in prevalence of physical inactivity between countries. Finally, the limitations of data presently available for sedentary behaviour should be acknowledged, because surveillance information is typically restricted to single items instead of standardised and validated instruments.121 Furthermore, available information about active transportation comes from dierent sources and few countries. As public health eorts to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary time proceed, standardised physical activity surveillance procedures need to be implemented broadly and repeatedly. These measures are necessary to understand which intervention strategies work for which populations, and to identify target populations at greatest risk. Two validated questionnaires have been successfully implemented across countries and cultures, but many existing systems would have to be expanded to assess specic domains of physical activity, especially active transportation and sedentary behaviours. Existing surveillance systems would have to be expanded to include these specic aspects. Advances in new technologies and measurement methods, especially accelerometry, show promise for future surveillance of physical activity. These devices could have widespread practical application if equipment costs continue to fall and sucient eorts are directed towards increasing technical skills and workforce capacity in countries of low and middle income. Alteration of population levels of physical activity through improved use of existing surveillance data is a major challenge for the 21st century, because societal trends are leading to less not more activity than previously. The traditional public health approach based on evidence and exhortation hasto some extentbeen unsuccessful so far. With few exceptions, health professionals have been unable to mobilise governments and populations to take physical inactivity suciently seriously as a public health issue. Our results show clear progress in surveillance, partly because the growing burden of non-communicable diseases has prompted governments and international agencies to monitor physical activity worldwide. These achievements were only made possible because thousands of individuals from various parts of the world kindly provided information about their behaviour. In return, governments, policy makers, and the research community should help to build societies in which the choice of being physically active is not only healthy, but also convenient, enjoyable, safe, aordable, and valued.
Contributors All authors wrote sections of this report, provided feedback on drafts, and approved the nal version. Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group Jasem R Alkandari, Lars Bo Andersen, Adrian E Bauman, Steven N Blair, Ross C Brownson, Fiona C Bull, Cora L Craig, Ulf Ekelund, Shifalika Goenka, Regina Guthold, Pedro C Hallal, William L Haskell, Gregory W Heath, Shigeru Inoue, Sonja Kahlmeier, Peter T Katzmarzyk, Harold W Kohl 3rd, Estelle Victoria Lambert, I-Min Lee, Grit Leetongin, Felipe Lobelo, Ruth J F Loos, Bess Marcus, Brian W Martin, Neville Owen, Diana C Parra, Michael Pratt, Pekka Puska, David Ogilvie, Rodrigo S Reis, James F Sallis, Olga Lucia Sarmiento, Jonathan C Wells. Conicts of interest We declare that we have no conicts of interest. Acknowledgments We alone are responsible for the views expressed in this report and they do not necessarily represent the decisions, policy, or views of WHO. We thank Valerie Lyn Clark, Ken Hardman, Lisa Mickleseld, and Andrea Torres for their help with data gathering. References 1 Booth FW, Laye MJ, Lees SJ, Rector RS, Thyfault JP. Reduced physical activity and risk of chronic disease: the biology behind the consequences. Eur J Appl Physiol 2008; 102: 38190. 2 WHO. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2011. 3 WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009. 4 Bull FC, Armstrong TP, Dixon T, Ham S, Neiman A, Pratt M. Physical inactivity. In: Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Murray CJL, eds. Comparative quantication of health risks. Global and regional burden of disease attributable to selected major risk factors. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004: 729881. 5 Haskell WL, Lee IM, Pate RR, et al. Physical activity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Circulation 2007; 116: 108193. 6 Bull FC, Bauman AE. Physical inactivity: the Cinderella risk factor for noncommunicable disease prevention. J Health Commun 2011; 16 (suppl 2): 1326. 7 Morris JN, Heady JA, Rae PA, Roberts CG, Parks JW. Coronary heart-disease and physical activity of work. Lancet 1953; 265: 111120. 8 Morris JN, Heady JA, Rae PA, Roberts CG, Parks JW. Coronary heart-disease and physical activity of work. Lancet 1953; 265: 105357. 9 Paenbarger RS Jr, Hyde RT, Wing AL, Hsieh CC. Physical activity, all-cause mortality, and longevity of college alumni. N Engl J Med 1986; 314: 60513. 10 Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjostrom M, et al. International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2003; 35: 138195. 11 Bull FC, Maslin TS, Armstrong T. Global physical activity questionnaire (GPAQ): nine country reliability and validity study. J Phys Act Health 2009; 6: 790804. 12 WHO. Global health observatory data repository. 2011. http:// (accessed March 23, 2012). 13 The IPAQ group. International physical activity questionnaire. 2011 (accessed June 23, 2011). 14 WHO. Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2010. 15 WHO. Global physical activity surveillance. 2011. http://www.who. int/chp/steps/GPAQ/en/index.html (accessed March 23, 2012). 16 Ingram DK. Age-related decline in physical activity: generalization to nonhumans. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2000; 32: 162329. 17 Trost SG, Owen N, Bauman AE, Sallis JF, Brown W. Correlates of adults participation in physical activity: review and update. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002; 34: 19962001. 18 Hallal PC, Matsudo SM, Matsudo VK, Araujo TL, Andrade DR, Bertoldi AD. Physical activity in adults from two Brazilian areas: similarities and dierences. Cad Saude Publica 2005; 21: 57380. 19 Dumith SC, Hallal PC, Reis RS, Kohl HW 3rd. Worldwide prevalence of physical inactivity and its association with human development index in 76 countries. Prev Med 2011; 53: 2428.


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Physical Activity 2 Correlates of physical activity: why are some people physically active and others not?
Adrian E Bauman, Rodrigo S Reis, James F Sallis, Jonathan C Wells, Ruth J F Loos, Brian W Martin, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group*
Lancet 2012; 380: 25871 Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)60735-1 This is the second in a Series of ve papers about physical activity *Members listed at end of paper Prevention Research Collaboration, School of Public Health, Sydney University, Sydney, NSW, Australia (Prof A E Bauman PhD); School of Health and Biosciences, Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Paran, Curitiba, Brazil (Prof R S Reis PhD); Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil (Prof R S Reis); Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA (Prof J F Sallis PhD); UCL Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, UK (Prof J C Wells PhD); MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Physical inactivity is an important contributor to non-communicable diseases in countries of high income, and increasingly so in those of low and middle income. Understanding why people are physically active or inactive contributes to evidence-based planning of public health interventions, because eective programmes will target factors known to cause inactivity. Research into correlates (factors associated with activity) or determinants (those with a causal relationship) has burgeoned in the past two decades, but has mostly focused on individual-level factors in high-income countries. It has shown that age, sex, health status, self-ecacy, and motivation are associated with physical activity. Ecological models take a broad view of health behaviour causation, with the social and physical environment included as contributors to physical inactivity, particularly those outside the health sector, such as urban planning, transportation systems, and parks and trails. New areas of determinants research have identied genetic factors contributing to the propensity to be physically active, and evolutionary factors and obesity that might predispose to inactivity, and have explored the longitudinal tracking of physical activity throughout life. An understanding of correlates and determinants, especially in countries of low and middle income, could reduce the eect of future epidemics of inactivity and contribute to eective global prevention of non-communicable diseases.

Globally, many adults and children do insucient physical activity to maintain good health.1 Furthermore, the population burden of inactivity is unacceptably high.2 Although strategies to increase physical activity are being developed,3,4 eect sizes are usually small to moderate, and eective interventions are not widely applied. The prevalence of physical activity is slow to improve and is worsening in some countries.5 As the global burden of non-communicable diseases increases, risk factors such as physical inactivity become relevant in low-income and middle-income countries, not just in the most developed nations.6 Understanding the causes of physical activity

Key messages Population levels of physical activity participation are low, and improved understanding of why some people are active and others are not is needed Some consistent correlates of physical activity are individual-level factors such as age, sex, health status, self-ecacy, and previous physical activity Ecological models posit that the physical and social environmentsie, economic conditions, societal norms, urbanisation, industrialisationare important determinants of physical activity Correlates have been less studied in low-income and middle-income countries than in other nations, and although broadly similar to those in high-income countries, they are more focused on the prevalent domains of physical activity in developing countriesie, correlates of transport and occupational activity New research has identified genetics, evolutionary biology, and variation in physical activity behaviour throughout life as important determinants Improvement of the research base, with a stronger focus on determinants research (with improved causal inference rather than repetition of cross-sectional correlates studies) will further an understanding of physical activity in populations and interventions designed to increase activity levels

behaviour is essential for development and improvement of public health interventions,7 much as aetiological studies of disease provide information about treatments. Of particular interest is how aetiological factors dier between physical activity domainsie, areas of life in which activity is done (at home, at work, in transport, and in leisure time)and with country, age, sex, ethnic origin, and socioeconomic status. One challenge in the interpretation of evidence is that most studies have used cross-sectional designs. This socalled correlates research assesses only statistical association, rather than providing evidence of a causal relationship between factors and physical activity.8,9 Longitudinal observational studies and experimental data could identify factors that have strong causal associations with physical activity.9 When such factors are identied in studies of aetiological design, they are described as determinants.8 Because physical activity is aected by diverse factors, behavioural theories and models are used to guide the selection of variables for study.8 Integration of ideas from several theories into an ecological model (including inter-relations between individuals and their social and physical environments) is now common.10 This approach uses a comprehensive framework to explain physical activity, proposing that determinants at all levelsindividual, social, environmental, and policy are contributors. A key principle is that knowledge about all types of inuence can inform development of multilevel interventions to oer the best chance of success.10 Figure 1 shows a multilevel model of physical activity inuences, which guided our classication of variables in this report. The model is ecological because inter-relations between individuals and their social and Vol 380 July 21, 2012



physical environments are included. A key principle is that understanding of all levels of inuence can inform development of multilevel interventions that oer the best chance for success.10 Variables within individuals, such as psychological and biological factors, are widely studied, as are interpersonal variables. Environmental, policy, and global variables are less studied, but are thought to have widespread eects. The combination and interaction of factors and at these levels are expected to inuence physical activity. Physical activity is done for various reasons, and the SLOTH (sleep, leisure-time, occupation, transportation, and home-based activities) model11 delineates the domains of physical activity. Ecological models of physical activity have been developed that suggest correlates are specic to domains.12 All domains are important for understanding of worldwide physical activity, because frequency of activity in each domain varies greatly between countries.13,14 For example, occupational, household, and transport domains are the most common types of physical activity in low-income and middle-income countries, whereas leisure-time activities contribute more to total physical activity in high-income countries than elsewhere.14 We have three objectives. First, we aim to summarise present knowledge about correlates and determinants of physical activity in adults and children, on the basis of evidence from systematic reviews of physical activity correlates.15,16 We provide an outline of new research into physical activity domains, particularly exploring correlates of active leisure and recreation, and active transportation. Additionally, we describe the rapidly evolving eld of environmental correlates of physical activity. Second, we examine correlates and determinants
Individual Interpersonal Environment

research in countries of low and middle income, where physical inactivity is rapidly becoming a major risk factor for non-communicable disease.17 Third, we analyse correlates and determinants of physical activity that are least studied, such as genetic factors, lifecourse trajectories, evolutionary and societal factors, and obesity (gure 1).

Studies of correlates and determinants

We identied individual, social, and environmental correlates of physical activity in studies with adults (aged 18 years) and children (aged 513 years depending on the study) or adolescents (aged 1218 depending on the study), with variables categorised with our ecological model. Reviews published after Jan 1, 1999, were obtained with a systematic search of Academic Search Premier, Medline, PsycInfo, SportDiscus, and Web of Science (appendix). We used the search terms physical activity, physically active, exercise, exercising, motor behavior, active living, active transport, inactivity, inactive, walk, walking, cycling or cycle or bike or biking or bicycle or bicycling, determinants, correlates, demograph*, biologic*, psychosocial, environment*, genetic, and review. We did the nal search in April, 2012. We used no language restrictions. Additional papers were retrieved from our individual databases and from references within the reports identied. The outcomes in the reports identied by the initial search were mostly leisure-time or recreational physical activity. Some reviews reported on total physical activity,18 often measured objectively with accelerometers, especially in children,16,19 and a few provided correlates of other domains of activity,20 particularly active transportation.21 For each report, we coded variables on the
Regional or national policy Transport systems Urban planning and architecture Parks and recreation sector Global Economic development Global media Global product marketing Urbanisation Health sector Global advocacy Education and schools sector Social and culutural norms Organised sport sector National physical activity plans National physical activity advocacy Corporate sector

(Prof R J F Loos PhD); Genetics of Obesity and Related Metabolic Traits Program, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA (Prof R J F Loos); and Physical Activity and Health Unit, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (B W Martin MD) Correspondence to: Prof Adrian E Bauman, Prevention Research Collaboration, School of Public Health, Building K25, University of Sydney, Sydney, 2006 NSW, Australia

See Online for appendix

Psychological Intrapersonal cognition beliefs motivation

Social support from family from friends at work Cultural norms and practices

Social environment Seeing others active (behavioural modelling) Crime, trac, incivilities Organisational practices Built environment Community design Neighbourhood walkability Public transport Parks and recreation facilities Aesthetics and pleasantness Walking and cycling facilities Building location and design Pedestrian safety; crossings Natural environment Vegetation, topography, weather National parks, trails, walking routes


Genetic factors

Evolutionary physiology

Early life exposures


Adolescent Lifecourse

Young adult

Middle aged

Older adult

Figure 1: Adapted ecological model of the determinants of physical activity Vol 380 July 21, 2012



For more on World Bank denitions see http://data.

basis of clear evidence that the factor was a correlate or determinant, evidence of no relationship (not a correlate or determinant), or no evidence (not reported). A limitation of this approach was that we obtained narrative reviews describing the consistencynot the magnitudeof associations, so formal pooling of data or meta-analyses was seldom undertaken. We sought correlates for all ages, and used a ve-category classi cation system:15 demographic or biological, psychosocial, behavioural (including previous activity participation and other health-related behaviours), social and cultural, and environmental factors. Studies of physical activity correlates in low-income and middle-income countries have not been previously summarised. We searched Medline and Web of Science with the term physical activity or exercise and correlates or determinants as title, topic words, keywords (appendix). We included studies published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German. We identied original reports and separated results by type of physical activity, because leisure-time activity made only a small contribution to overall activity in many nations.22 We used the World Bank denitions of countries of low and middle income. We categorised variables into broad groupings as for high-income countries, because we had insucient studies to undertake a detailed review of individual correlates. Finally, we investigated correlates that are studied less than are others, on the basis of our conceptual framework (gure 1). We chose to investigate variation with time (tracking), heritability, the role of evolutionary biology, and obesity as determinants. Finally, we examined potential policy, macrosocial, and global determinants, because they might be important at the population level.

Correlates and determinants of physical activity

Demographic, psychosocial, behavioural, and social factors
We initially identied 32 reviews of demographic, psychosocial, behavioural, and social factors in adults, adolescents, and children, of which 16 systematic reviews were used (appendix). Of those, seven reviews of children and adolescents met our inclusion criteria (appendix) and were used for the nal synthesis. Reports varied from comprehensive reviews16,23 to those that focused on only longitudinal studies.20,24 Other reviews were of adolescent girls,25 pre-school children (aged 25 years),26 and parental correlates of physical activity.16,20,23,24,26 In those published since 2000, consistent evidence has emerged for 39 separate correlates and 11 separate determinants (identied in longitudinal studies only) in children, and 51 correlates including seven determinants in adolescents (appendix). Male sex is a consistent positive determinant in children aged 49 years; for other age groups of children and adolescents, sex is a correlate but not a consistent determinant (table 1). In children, parental marital status, including single-parent status, was identied as a

non-determinant (table 1). No relationship was noted for body-mass index and other anthropometric measures in children or adolescents (table 1). A white ethnic origin was a consistent positive determinant in one systematic review of adolescents,24 but not in another (table 1).20 Of psychosocial factors, self-ecacy (condence in the ability to be physically active in specic situations) was a consistent positive correlate and determinant of physical activity in children and adolescents (table 1). Perceived behavioural control (general perceptions of ability to be physically active) is a determinant in adolescents, but evidence is inconclusive in children (table 1). The ndings for valuing physical activity for health status (appearance or achievement), and barriers to physical activity in children are inconsistent (table 1). Perceived competence and attitude are not determinants in adolescents (table 1). Findings for behavioural factors in children and adolescents vary: smoking seems to be unrelated to physical activity, but previous physical activity does seem to be a predictor (table 1). Of social and cultural factors, parental activity was not a determinant in children or a correlate in adolescents. Family support was identied as a correlate in children and adolescents, but it was not a determinant in children. Childrens perception of their parents behaviour was not a determinant of their own activity, and in adolescents it was not a correlate. In adolescents, general social support for physical activity was conrmed as a determinant in one review (table 1). In adults, research into correlates started with theoretical approaches to understanding individual behaviour. This eld expanded to subsequently consider environmental correlates within an ecological framework.27 In this review of non-environmental adult physical activity correlates, we identied nine reviews meeting the inclusion criteria (table 2). Chronologically, reviews were initially generic,15 or focused on older adults,28 women,18 special issues (eg, personality),29 life events,31 and occupational correlates of physical activity.30,33 The most recent reviews identied determinants and used longitudinal designs.29,32,34 Consistent evidence has emerged for 36 separate correlates since 1999, including 20 separate determinants in adults (appendix). Health status and self-ecacy are the clearest correlates in adults, with consistent evidence for a direct role in four of seven reviews (table 2). Consistent evidence from one of two reviews shows that both are determinants (table 2). The next clearest are personal history of physical activity during adulthood and intention to exercise, both with consistent evidence for a direct role from two correlate reviews and one determinant review. The stages of behavioural change according to the transtheoretical model were direct correlates in one review and direct determinants in another. Additionally, we noted that age (inversely), male sex, education level, ethnic origin, overweight (inversely), perceived eort (inversely), and social supports are Vol 380 July 21, 2012


reported correlates of activity, but were not determinants. Marital status and social norms were not determinants. In Kirk and Rhodess review of determinants in the work setting,33 occupational category was directly associated with leisure-time physical activity, but inversely related to total activity.
Children Sallis (2000)16 Study characteristics Ages Publication period of studies included Number of quantitative studies included Endpoints 312 years 197098 412 years 1999 2005 25 years 611 years 1980 2007 To 2009 49 years To 2010 Van Der Horst (2007)23 Hinkley (2008)26 Edwardson Craggs (2010)19 (2011)20

Other factors (job strain, working hours, and overtime) had inverse associations with leisure-time physical activity.33 Finally, the most recent reviews32,34 (with data from only longitudinal studies) showed that stress is an inverse determinant and that physical and psychological outcome realisations are direct determinants of
Adolescents Craggs (2011)20 Uijtdewilligen (2011)24 Sallis (2000)16 Biddle (2005)25 Van Der Horst (2007)23 Edwardson Craggs (2010)19 (2011)20 Uijtdewilligen (2011)24

1013 years To 2010

412 years 200410

1318 years 197098

1018 years* 1999 2003

1318 years 1999 2005

1218 years To 2009

1418 years To 2010

1318 years 200410















Sitting; overall


Leisure; overall

Leisure; occupation; transport; home 46 (100%)

Leisure; occupation; transport; home 46 (100%)

Sitting; overall


Leisure; overall

Sitting; overall

Leisure; overall

Leisure; occupation; transport; home 46 (100%)

Sitting; overall

Proportion of longitudinal studies included Correlates and determinants Determinants only Male sex Ethnic origin (white)

13 (24)%

6 (11%) 3 (13%)

8 (20%)

30 (100%)

7 (13%)

10 (20%)

6 (11%) 7 (12%)

30 (100%)

Accumulated number of review citations for consistent evidence 24 38 47 53 54 64 64 35 49 68 76 82 84



Demographic and biological variables Correlate Correlate Correlate NR Determinant Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive NR Correlate Correlate NR Not correlate Correlate Correlate NR NR Correlate NR Not NR correlate NR NR Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Not Not NR correlate correlate Not NR correlate NR Not Determinant determinant NR Inconclusive NR Inconclusive

Marital status Not of parent correlate Body-mass index or anthropometry Perceived competence Self-ecacy Attitude Perceived behavioural control Value of health and status Barriers to physical activity

Not NR determinant Not NR determinant

Inconclusive Not Not NR correlate correlate

Not NR correlate

Psychosocial variables Inconclusive NR NR NR NR NR NR Inconclusive NR Inconclusive NR Inconclusive NR Correlate Correlate NR NR Not NR determinant Determinant NR Not Inconclusive determinant Determinant Inconclusive

Inconclusive Correlate NR Not correlate NR NR NR NR NR

Determinant NR Inconclusive Inconclusive NR Inconclusive

Inconclusive Correlate NR NR NR NR

Correlate NR Correlate NR NR NR






Not NR determinant Not NR determinant







Inverse association

Not NR correlate



Not correlate

Inverse NR association




(Continues on next page) Vol 380 July 21, 2012



Children Sallis (2000)16 Van Der Horst (2007)23 Hinkley (2008)26 Edwardson Craggs (2010)19 (2011)20 Craggs (2011)20 Uijtdewilligen (2011)24

Adolescents Sallis (2000)16 Biddle (2005)25 Van Der Horst (2007)23 Edwardson Craggs (2010)19 (2011)20 Uijtdewilligen (2011)24

(Continued from previous page) Behavioural variables Previous physical activity Smoking Correlate NR NR NR NR Determinant Inconclusive Correlate NR NR NR Inconclusive Determinant

Not correlate NR





Not NR determinant Not NR determinant Not Inconclusive determinant NR NR

Inconclusive Inverse Not NR association correlate NR NR NR Not correlate



Social and cultural variables Perceived parental role models Parental activity Support for physical activity Support for physical activity from parents and family NR NR NR NR NR NR

Inconclusive NR NR NR

Correlate Not correlate NR NR

Inconclusive NR

Not correlate NR


Not Not correlate correlate NR NR



Determinant NR


Correlate NR



Not NR determinant



Correlate Correlate



Only variables with consistent evidence16 for their role as a determinant of physical activity in longitudinal studies are shown. NR=not reported. *Girls only. Studies of children and adolescents. Three or more original reports cited in review; at least 60% of them show the same association (after Sallis et al16).

Table 1: Systematic reviews of correlates and determinants of physical activity in children and adolescents

maintenance of physical activity, but action planning is a determinant of initiation of physical activity.

Environmental correlates
Although research into environmental correlates of physical activity began only slightly more than a decade ago, many reports are already available (table 3, appendix). A 2011 review of 103 papers42 showed results for children and adolescents. Generally, ndings were inconsistent across studies. For both children and adolescents, the most consistent associations were derived from objectively measured environmental variables and reported domain-specic physical activity. Objectively measured environments might be more accurate, and reported physical activity allowed investigators to match environmental attributes with activity domain. The most robust correlates for children were walkability, trac speed, and volume (inversely), landuse mix (proximity of homes and destinations such as shops), residential density, and access or proximity to recreation facilities.42 Land-use mix and residential density were the most robust correlates for adolescents.42 Most information comes from cross-sectional studies in adults, although Van Stralen and colleagues32 conned their analysis to longitudinal research designs. In adults, only two of nine reviews identied neighbourhood design aspects, such as walkability (designed so that residents can walk from home to nearby destinations)

and street connectivity (grid-like pattern of streets), as correlates of transport-related activity, with no other consistent correlates of this outcome. Leisure activity was consistently related to transportation environment (eg, pavement and safety of crossings) in two reviews, to aesthetic variables (eg, greenness and rated attractiveness) in another two, and to proximity to recreation facilities and locations in one review (table 3). Total physical activity was related to environmental variables in all ve categories, most convincingly with recreation facilities and locations, transportation environment, and aesthetics (table 3). Essentially no consistent environmental correlates of physical activity among older adults were identied (table 3).

Low-income and middle-income countries

We identied 68 original investigations into correlates from low-income and middle-income countries (appendix). Half the studies are from the past 2 years. Nearly all were done in countries of upper-middle income rather than in those of low income. Many studies were from Brazil (n=39) and China (n=7), together accounting for two-thirds of studies identied. The most frequently reported categories of correlates are demographic and biological (gure 2), of which sex, age, and socioeconomic status are the most consistent. As reported in high-income countries, male, young, and wealthy groups are more active than are others. Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Rhodes (1999)28 Study characteristics Ages Number of quantitative studies Endpoints Proportion of longitudinal studies included 65 years 41 Exercise 14 (34%)

Trost (2002)15 18 years 19982000 38 Leisure; overall 7 (18%)

Plonczynski (2003)18 65 years 19942001 16 Leisure; overall 1 (6%)

Rhodes (2006)29 18 years 32 Leisure; overall 16 (50%)

Kaewthummanukul Allender (2006)30 (2008)31 NR 11 Leisure; overall 0 NR 19772007 19 Leisure; overall 9 (47%)

Van Stralen (2009)32* 40 years; >50 years 19902008 59 Initiation; maintenance 59 (100%)

Kirk (2011)33 1864 years 19842010 62 Leisure 11 (18%)

Koeneman (2011)34 55 years 19902010 30 Exercise; overall 30 (100%)

Publication period of studies To 1999

19692006 19902002

Accumulated number of review citations for consistent evidence Correlates and determinants 13 Determinants only Age Education Male sex Income and socioeconomic status Marital status Ethnic origin (white) Health status or perceived tness Overweight or obesity Psychosocial variables Attitudes Intention to exercise Action planning Self-ecacy Stage of change Stress Correlate Correlate NR Correlate Inconclusive NR Not correlate NR Correlate NR Correlate Correlate Inconclusive Inverse correlate NR NR NR NR Correlate NR Inconclusive NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Inverse correlate NR NR Inconclusive Inconclusive NR Correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Initiation inconclusive; maintenance not determinant Initiation determinant; maintenance inconclusive Initiation determinant; maintenance NR Initiation determinant; maintenance inconclusive Determinant Initiation NR; maintenance inverse determinant Initiation NR; maintenance not determinant Initiation NR; maintenance determinant Initiation NR; maintenance determinant Determinant NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Inconclusive NR NR NR 0 Inverse correlate Inconclusive Correlate Inconclusive NR NR Correlate NR Demographic and biological variables Inverse correlate Correlate Correlate Correlate Inconclusive Correlate Correlate Inverse correlate Inconclusive NR NR Correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive Correlate NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Inverse correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive NR NR NR NR NR Not determinant Not determinant Not determinant Not determinant NR NR Inconclusive NR NR NR NR NR Not determinant NR Inconclusive NR NR Not determinant Not determinant Inconclusive 41 0 47 0 53 0 58 0 60 0 80 20 84 20 87 23

Inconclusive Initiation not determinant; maintenance inconclusive NR Correlate NR Not determinant Initiation inconclusive; maintenance determinant Initiation inconclusive; maintenance not determinant

NR Physical activity characteristics and perceived eort Physical outcome realisations Psychological outcome realisations Behavioural variables Activity history during adulthood Social and cultural variables Social support from friends and peers Social norms Correlate Not correlate Inconclusive NR NR














Inconclusive NR


NR Inconclusive


Initiation inconclusive; maintenance not determinant Initiation NR; maintenance not determinant



Only variables with consistent evidence16 for their role as a determinant of physical activity in longitudinal studies are shown. NR=not reported. *Van Stralen and colleagues consistently reported the endpoints separately and they are mutually exclusive. Study mean. Women only. Three or more original reports cited in review; at least 60% of them show the same association (after Sallis et al16). As per the transtheoretical model.

Table 2: Systematic reviews of correlates and determinants of physical activity in adults Vol 380 July 21, 2012



Humpel (2002)35 Study characteristics Ages Adults

Cunningham (2003)36 Adults 19662002 27 NR Systematic review NR NR NR NR Inconclusive Inconclusive NR NR NR Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Correlate

Owen (2004)37 Adults To 2004 18 2 (11%) Systematic review Inconclusive Inconclusive NR Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive NR Correlate Inconclusive Correlate Correlate Inconclusive Correlate

Duncan (2005)38* NR 19892005 16 0 Metaanalysis NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Correlate Correlate Correlate NR

Wendel-Vos (2007)39 18 years 19802004 47 3 (6%) Systematic review Not correlate Inconclusive Not correlate Not correlate Not correlate Not correlate Not correlate Not correlate Not correlate Correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive

Saelens (2008)40 Adults 200506 29 NR Systematic review and review of reviews Correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive

Van Stralen (2009)32 40 years 19902007 59 59 (100%) Systematic review NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Inconclusive Determinant Determinant Determinant Inconclusive

Panter (2010)21 1865 years 19902009 36 NR Systematic review Correlate Inconclusive NR Inconclusive NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR

Van Cauwenberg (2011)41 Mean >65 years 20002010 31 3 (10%) Systematic review

Publication period of studies NR included Number of quantitative studies included Proportion of longitudinal studies included Report type Transport activity outcome Neighbourhood design Transport environment Social environment Aesthetics Leisure activity outcome Recreation facilities and locations Transport environment Social environment Aesthetics Neighbourhood design Recreation facilities and locations Transport environment Social environment Aesthetics Correlate Correlate Inconclusive Correlate Inconclusive Correlate Correlate Inconclusive Correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive NR NR 19 1 (5%) Systematic review

Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Not correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive Not correlate Not correlate Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Inconclusive Not correlate

Total physical activity outcome

Not correlate Inconclusive

Correlate categories with consistent evidence from at least one of the reviews or with a signicant association in Duncan et al are listed. Categories are adapted from Ding. Reviews were included when they had at least one variable with consistent evidence. NR=not reported. *Distinction between inconclusive and not correlate impossible because of the way in which results were presented. Study mean >50 years. All determinants studies.

Table 3: Systematic reviews of environmental correlates of physical activity in adults

Dierences exist between cultureseg, physical activity increases with age as people retire in China and some east Asian nations,43 indicating possible country-level patterns in leisure-time and other domains of physical activity. We note a positive association between socioeconomic status and physical activity in countries of low and middle income, by contrast with the inconsistent or inverse results from high-income countries. Behavioural variables are the second most studied correlate in countries of low and middle income, mostly in adults and adolescents. The little evidence available shows that previous participation and present physical activity are positively associated. One study established that risk behaviour (eg, drug misuse) and other risk factors (eg, hypertension) had inverse associations with physical activity (appendix). Very few studies in low-income and middle-income countries have addressed psychological, cognitive, and aective variables. Of six that have, only barriers to exercise and depression were consistently inversely associated with physical activity in adults (appendix).

That measures adapted to dierent cultures and contexts are unavailable could explain why such little research into psychological, cognitive, and aective correlates has been done in these countries. Additionally, social and cultural factors have been infrequently studied. Social support has consistent associations with activity, and in adults, family support is positively associated (appendix). The nding from highincome countries that parental social support is important for physical activity in young people is not supported by studies in low-income and middle-income countries (appendix). Environmental correlates of physical activity have been reported in 11 studies in countries of low income and middle income (appendix). None were in children, and only one was in adolescents (appendix). Most reports show associations with perceptions of environment rather than with objective measures (appendix). Perceived access to recreation facilities is the most consistent environmental correlate; a positive association with leisure-time, transport, and total physical activity was reported in nearly all Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Number of correlates

studies (appendix). Safety from crime and trac is not associated with physical activity, although one study did show an inverse association in adults (appendix). Few built-environment and walkability variables have been investigated and results are not consistent (appendix). However, density of exercise facilities and urbanisation (ie, urban versus rural residences) are positively associated with physical activity (appendix).


Children Adolescent Adult Older




A broader investigation: from genes to policy

Genes, evolution, and obesity as determinants
Besides published reviews of well studied correlates of physical activity, additional correlates and determinants have been investigated (gure 1, panels 13, appendix). Genetics and genetic proles could aect physical activity in populations (panel 1). Additionally, ideas and data from investigations of evolutionary biology can help to explain the mismatch between the human need for physical activity and an environment that generally discourages such activity (panel 2). Whether physical activity level persists within individuals with time is another area of research. Tracking coecients are high in short periods but lower with time, and attenuates through the lifecourse (appendix).87 Further research is necessary to establish whether persistence in physical activity behaviour within individuals is a function of the individual (eg, personality or physiology) or environmental stability.88 A new idea is that obesity might be a driver of physical inactivity (panel 3). This notion is quite dierent to the expected causal direction, in which low total physical activity is assumed to lead to obesity through reduced energy expenditure.89 The relation might be bidirectional, and high rates of obesity might be a contributing factor to low total physical activity (panel 3).



20 24 10 3 Demographical and biological 1 4 1 Psychological and cognitive


1 11 1 Behavioural 1 2 2 Social 8 2 Environmental

Figure 2: Correlates of physical activity identied in countries of low and middle income Total number of correlates divided into ve broad categories. More than one correlate could be reported in one study.

Panel 1: Genetic determinants of physical activity Genetics is a possible determinant of physical activityie, a heritable component aects activity behaviours, not just measures of tness. Similar to other behaviours, such as eating (appetite), evidence from human and animal studies4448 indicates that physical activity is regulated by intrinsic biological processes. Animal studies44,45 suggest that CNS mechanisms might regulate daily physical activity. Twin and family studies have shown that genetic factors contribute to variation in reported daily physical activity levels, with heritability estimates ranging from small (h <30%)4952 to moderate (h=3065%),5358 and even high (h=78%; appendix).59 The large heterogeneity might be due to the large ranges in age within and between studies, the accuracy with which daily physical activity is assessed, and study design. Substantial individual dierences have been noted in the acute averse and rewarding eects of physical activity, implicating genetic factors.60 Specically, reward systems will be activated in individuals with above-average abilities, those who crave activity, and those who feel rewarded by accomplishing an activity; adverse eects will be reported in those who feel pain, fatigue, or even exertion. As such, candidate genes might be part of the reward systems and pain sensation.60 Candidate gene studies have mainly focused on genes that constitute the dopaminergic6163 and melanocortinergic64,65 pathways. So far, associations between genetic variants in the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R),66 the leptin receptor,6769 the dopamine receptor D2,70 and daily physical activity have been most consistent. Two genome-wide linkage studies56,71 have showed promising linkage with chr2p22-p16 on chr18q,71 a locus harbouring MC4R.56 The most recent and successful gene-discovery framework is genome-wide association studies, but no such investigation into daily physical activity has been done. A fairly small study of exercise participation did not identify any signicant genome-wide associations.72 Overall, despite evidence for a genetic contribution, candidate gene and genome-wide studies have not yet identied genetic loci that have robust associations with daily physical activity. Large-scale genome-wide association studies that comprehensively survey the genome will identify new loci, which in turn may point towards new insights into the biology that underlies variation in physical activity.

Policy correlates
Figure 1 shows high-level factors that aect physical activity. Policy is now described in many ecological models.10 Policy interventions can aect whole populations for long periods. For the physical activity eld, policy provides guidance for collective and individual behaviour and can be informal or formal legislative or regulatory actions taken by governmental or nongovernmental organisations.90,91 Policies can aect physical activity at local (school or workplace), regional government, or national levels.91,92 They usually require partnerships and actions outside the health sector to improve conditions, support services, and environments that enable physical activity, and are an integral part of national physical activity planning.93 Policies can mandate investments in resources (eg, bike paths, parks, and sports programmes) or develop relevant public health regulations (eg, pavement specications, stair design standards, and payment for physical activity counselling in health care).94 Cross-sectional analyses show that policy is a correlate of physical activity.9598 For example, Pucher and Buehler95 Vol 380 July 21, 2012



Panel 2: From evolutionary biology to societal determinants An evolutionary perspective assumes that many components of our physiology are adapted to a range of expected behaviour. Is there evidence that people became physically active out of necessity and biological adaptation, and then had to reduce activity because of mechanisation and culturally and technologically induced decreases in the need for energy expenditure? Physical activity level can be calculated as the ratio of total energy expenditure to basal metabolic rate. Ancestral foragersof larger body size on average than are contemporary foragershad estimated mean physical activity levels of roughly 17 (range 1521),73 which is little dierent from those in industrialised populations with moderate activity levels.74 Non-human primates do less activity than do human beings (1215),75 suggesting that our species adapted to increased physical activity for foraging. Subsistence farmers have variable levels of activity, with a mean of about 19 in men and 18 in women, but ranging up to roughly 25.76 However, in urban populations, the most sedentary individuals do little activity (about 15).77 Overall, people could be encouraged to achieve levels of about 175, as was recommended by WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organisation for health in 2004,78 but this value is much higher than is that of sedentary populations.77

Panel 3: Is obesity a determinant of physical activity? The notion that physical activity is a key determinant of body fat in individuals and populations is common, seemingly supported by the logic of the energy-balance equation and empirical reports of cross-sectional associations between adiposity and activity.79 On this basis, clinicians assume that physical activity will induce weight loss in overweight individuals, but secular declines are also judged a key driving factor in the worldwide obesity epidemic.80,81 However, in the past decade, studies have begun to challenge both these assumptions, suggesting instead that adiposity could be a determinant of physical activity. In several longitudinal studies,82,83 baseline activity did not predict follow-up adiposity, whereas baseline adiposity predicted follow-up activity. Promotion of physical activity has little eect on prevention of obesity in children, adolescents, or adults.84 Although long-term trends in mechanisation and transport, and equivalent behaviours such as ruralurban migration, could reduce activity and hence cause weight gain,85 whether substantial reductions in physical activity in industrialised populations have occurred since the 1980s is a matter of debate.86 Conversely, some believe that real decreases in total physical activity have occurred,80 which indicates a possible role of physical activity in obesity prevention. Clearly, further work is needed, but evidence does suggest that increasing obesity could be a contributor to high levels of inactivity in human populations.

identied policies and environmental supports in Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands that explain high levels of cycling in those countries. Investigators of a 2011 review96 identied 13 quasiexperimental studies of built-environment changes, and reported that cycling infrastructure, trails, and park upgrades lead to increased physical activity. However, the ndings were inconsistent, and improved study designs might lead to null results. The eect of policy and legislation on physical activity participation in schools is mixed.97,98 Societal-level factors and social norms also aect physical activity. Some are acute societal events, such as economic crises, civil unrest, or natural disasters.99 Societal trends probably have dierent eects on physical activity domains. Responses to economic crises might reduce leisure-time activity participation and increase transport-related activity.100 The opposite circumstanceie, economic growthcould be noted in many developing countries, with a corresponding change in trends. Additionally, long-term social mores and cultural values could aect physical activity patterns in communities and regions. The social value attached to physical activity can vary widely between cultures and change with time. For example, cycling can either be perceived as tiresome and socially undesirable or can become normative and even fashionable.95 There is some evidence for the interaction between social values and other determinants of physical activity, but

interventions to change social norms could be an eective way to change physical activity.101 International sporting competition and large events are often advocated to enhance physical activity, but the evidence for any measurable eects on population physical activity is scarce.102 To show that global factors are correlates is dicult, but the pervasive forces of urbanisation, mechanisation, and changes in transportation patterns probably aect total physical activity. Both increased auence and geographical shifts to megacities reduce so-called active living in countries of low and middle income.103,104 Changes to work patterns, with an increase in sedentary occupations in most countries, have also contributed to total physical activity reductions.80

Research into physical activity correlates is an evolving eld showing that the aetiology of physical activity is complex and varies by domains, such as leisure time and transport. In the past two decades, an expansion has occurred in the number and type of factors examined as correlates and determinants, moving beyond individual factors and adopting multilevel ecological models.10 These approaches draw attention to the fact that there are several levels of inuence across a wide range of age and geographical groups, including those in countries of low Vol 380 July 21, 2012


and middle income. Evidence for demographic and genetic correlates could identify subgroups that need intensive intervention. Research into psychological, interpersonal, and environmental correlates can identify new potential mediators for use in interventions8ie, programmes aecting these correlates would be expected to lead to changes in physical activity behaviour. Targeting evidence-based mediators in interventions is a crucial step in improvement of the eectiveness of physical activity interventions. Thus, the purpose of the study of correlates is linked to improvement in intervention development.7 This linkage is infrequently made explicit, and correlates studies remain as stand-alone hypothesis-generating research, typically in small, non-representative samples, with suboptimal measures of both exposures and physical activity. Furthermore, fairly few consistent correlates of physical activity have been identied, suggesting that intervention approaches targeting unsupported mediators (ie, knowledge or attitudes) could be ineective. Our review has identied a small number of variables as consistent correlates. They include: reported health and intention to exercise in adults; male sex, self-ecacy and previous physical activity at all ages; and family social support in adolescents.
Panel 4: The next steps Future research needs improved measures of exposure (correlates), objective physical activity measures, prospective designs, and advanced data modelling to assess causal determinants rather than just associations between variables. For this eld to become more useful in designing interventions than it is presently, we draw attention to a few areas of potential improvement. Standardised comparisons of correlates are needed, with similar measures in high-income and low-income countries, that take into account strengths of dierent correlates and an investigation of cultural and country-level factors. Increased research emphasis is suggested for physical activity correlates research in countries of low and middle income, and in special populations, socially disadvantaged groups, and obese individuals. Building research capacity might be needed to achieve these goals. An understanding of environmental correlates of transport and leisure-time activity in low-income and middle-income countries is urgently needed to support the development of interventions to reverse the rapidly changing determinants of inactivity occurring through urbanisation, passive entertainment, and motorised transport. Multilevel models to explain all domains of physical activity (transport, leisure, occupation, home) will lead to improved, contextually tailored interventions. The potential of ecological approaches in correlates research has not been fully realised, although there is good evidence that variables at all ecological levels are signicantly related to

The new area of environmental correlates research shows that few consistent correlates have been identied for specic domains of transport and leisure activity. However, reviews of adults have identied consistent correlates with total physical activity in four of ve categories of environmental attributes. The strongest ndings were with recreation facilities and locations, transportation environments, and aesthetics. A comprehensive review of young people supported neighbourhood design, recreation facilities and locations, and transportation environment as consistent correlates. Environment correlates have not been extensively studied in older adults. Environmental changes can be achieved through population-wide changes to policy. Because these policy decisions are made outside the health sector, cross-sectoral partnerships are needed to inuence physical environments in countries at all levels of development to make them more supportive of physical activity behaviours.91,92 A limitation of the correlates literature is that most studies have used a cross-sectional design.8 Nonetheless, these studies have some advantages. They provide evidence about potential mediators for planning of interventions and help to prioritise population target groups. Cross-sectional studies allow several variables to be

physical activity.8 Interactions across levels are a principle of ecological modelseg, the combination of favourable psychosocial and environmental variables should improve prediction of high physical activity, but they are infrequently assessed. Such ndings are becoming available,107,108 supporting multilevel interventions. New methods to analyse mediators of physical activity interventions are accumulating. Possible mechanisms of change are measured repeatedly to establish whether they account for recorded intervention eects on outcomes.108 A review of early studies of mediators109 had inconsistent results, so improved measures and studies are needed.105,106 New areas, such as behavioural economics can also provide conceptual foundations for experimental studies of physical activity determinants.110 In addition to the ecological model previously described, new and innovative categories of correlates should be sought (panels 13). A growing area of study is brain mechanisms of physical activity.111 Reductions in dopamine receptors contribute to the age-related fall in physical activity,112 and strong evidence has been reported that the brain continually adjusts power output of muscles during exercise to limit exertion to safe levels.113 Finally, further cross-sectional studies in high-income countries are unlikely to be informative. A change in research could lead to scientic progress and increased relevance for design of physical activity interventions. Vol 380 July 21, 2012



assessed at low cost, providing an evidence base for improvement of intervention design.7 A limitation is that most research has reported leisure-time activity, which could provide a small window on total physical activity. Self-report of correlates is a methodological concern, and consistency of data across measures and settings is needed to strengthen evidence for a specic correlate. Reporting biases might dier between cultures, so creative investigations are needed to understand these variables. A next step to verify the causal role of consistent correlates is to examine them in intervention trials and in generalisable samples. For more denitive understanding of why people are active, longitudinal determinants research is needed into what predicts changes in physical activity.32,34 This research will need improved methods, including use of multilevel theories of change, tests of causal pathways of mediator variables, and more robust statistical assessment of the several levels of inuence on physical activity. This work has started to accumulate, with summary reviews of mediators of physical activity now reported for adults and children.105,106 One new area in this review is the study of correlates and determinants in countries of low and middle income. This evidence is increasing rapidly and strengthens the call for correlates research across domains of physical activity and with time. Internationally, researchers need to investigate why residents of some countries are more physically active than are those residing in demographically similar countries. The study of developing countries emphasises potential dierences in correlates between domains of physical activity. For example, active transportation could be normal for poor people in low-income and middle-income countries, and as auence increases, active transportation decreases. A dierent socioeconomic gradient might be apparent in high-income countries, where leisure-time activity predominates and social class and physical activity are directly related. In summary, the study of correlates is well advanced and can provide an evidence base for the improvement of interventions, but the eld has room for improvement. This contradiction comes about because many correlates reports are published each year, but many identify similarusually psychosocial and environmental correlates in cross-sectional samples. Furthermore, true multilevel studies are needed, as are studies targeting subgroups at risk of low activity levels. Innovative frameworks for correlates researcheg, consideration of genetic, evolutionary, societal, and macroeconomic factors, and improved designs and statistical methods could contribute to the next generation of correlates research (panel 4). Additionally, correlates should be included in public health surveillance systems, such as in the Physical Activity Monitor in Canada.114 The greatest challenge for this eld will be translation of research into public health action.

Contributors All authors devised and developed the approach, with detailed discussions and meetings at all phases, and read and commented on every version of the report. AEB is guarantor, and did searches and reviews, synthesised data, and led the writing of the report. RSR and BWM did detailed searches and syntheses of systematic reviews, and edited drafts. JFS reviewed all content and all drafts, and worked especially on gure 1 and the ecological model. JCW wrote the obesity and evolution panels, and commented on and edited drafts. RJFL wrote the genetics section, and commented on and edited drafts. Lancet Physical Activity Working Group Jasem R Alkandari, Lars Bo Andersen, Adrian E Bauman, Steven N Blair, Ross C Brownson, Fiona C Bull, Cora L Craig, Ulf Ekelund, Shifalika Goenka, Regina Guthold, Pedro C Hallal, William L Haskell, Gregory W Heath, Shigeru Inoue, Sonja Kahlmeier, Peter T Katzmarzyk, Harold W Kohl 3rd, Estelle Victoria Lambert, I-Min Lee, Grit Leetongin, Felipe Lobelo, Ruth J F Loos, Bess Marcus, Brian W Martin, Neville Owen, Diana C Parra, Michael Pratt, Pekka Puska, David Ogilvie, Rodrigo S Reis, James F Sallis, Olga Lucia Sarmiento, Jonathan C Wells. Conicts of interest We declare that we have no conicts of interest. Acknowledgments We thank Ding Ding, Rona Macniven, Klaus Gebel, Adriano Akira Hino, Cassiano Ricardo Rech, Miriam Wanner, Claudia Frick, and Michle Geissbhler for research assistance. References 1 Hallal PC, Andersen LB, Bull FC, Guthold R, Haskell W, Ekelund U, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Global physical activity levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. DOI:10.1016/S01406736(12)60646-1. 2 Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. DOI:10.1016/S01406736(12)61031-9. 3 Heath GW, Parra-Perez D, Sarmiento OL, et al. Heath GW, Parra DC, Sarmiento OL, et al, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Evidence-based physical activity interventions: lessons from around the world. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60816-2. 4 Pratt M, Sarmiento OL, Montes F, et al, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. The implications of megatrends in information and communication technology and transportation for changes in global physical activity. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60736-3. 5 Dumith SC, Hallal PC, Reis RS, Kohl HW 3rd. Worldwide prevalence of physical inactivity and its association with human development index in 76 countries. Prev Med 2011; 53: 2428. 6 Rodgers A, Ezzati M, Vander Hoorn S, Lopez AD, Lin RB, Murray CJ. Distribution of major health risks: ndings from the Global Burden of Disease study. PLoS Med 2004; 1: e27. 7 Sallis JF, Owen N, Fotheringham MJ. Behavioral epidemiology: a systematic framework to classify phases of research on health promotion and disease prevention. Ann Behav Med 2000; 22: 29498. 8 Bauman AE, Sallis JF, Dzewaltowski DA, Owen N. Toward a better understanding of the inuences on physical activity: the role of determinants, correlates, causal variables, mediators, moderators, and confounders. Am J Prev Med 2002; 23 (suppl 2): 514. 9 Miettinen O. Important concepts in epidemiology. In: Olsen J, Saracci R, Trichopoupos D, eds. Teaching epidemiologya guide for teachers in epidemiology, public health and clinical medicine, 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010: 2551. 10 Sallis JF, Owen N, Fisher EB. Ecological models of health behavior. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K, eds. Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice, 4th edn. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2008: 46586. Vol 380 July 21, 2012








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Physical Activity 3 Evidence-based intervention in physical activity: lessons from around the world
Gregory W Heath, Diana C Parra, Olga L Sarmiento, Lars Bo Andersen, Neville Owen, Shifalika Goenka, Felipe Montes, Ross C Brownson, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group*
Lancet 2012; 380: 27281 Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)60816-2 This is the third in a Series of ve papers about physical activity *Members listed at end of paper University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Chattanooga, TN, USA (Prof G W Heath DHSc); Prevention Research Center in St Louis, Brown School of Social Work and School of Medicine Division of Public Health Sciences, Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA (D C Parra MPH, Prof R C Brownson PhD); School of Medicine (O L Sarmiento MD) and Department of Industrial Engineering (F Montes MSc), Universidad de los Andes,

Promotion of physical activity is a priority for health agencies. We searched for reviews of physical activity interventions, published between 2000 and 2011, and identied eective, promising, or emerging interventions from around the world. The informational approaches of community-wide and mass media campaigns, and short physical activity messages targeting key community sites are recommended. Behavioural and social approaches are eective, introducing social support for physical activity within communities and worksites, and school-based strategies that encompass physical education, classroom activities, after-school sports, and active transport. Recommended environmental and policy approaches include creation and improvement of access to places for physical activity with informational outreach activities, community-scale and street-scale urban design and land use, active transport policy and practices, and community-wide policies and planning. Thus, many approaches lead to acceptable increases in physical activity among people of various ages, and from dierent social groups, countries, and communities.

Importance of physical activity promotion

Scientic guidelines issued by various international bodies, national centres and institutes, and professional organisations have documented that regular physical activity protects against coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, hypertension, obesity, clinical depression, and other chronic disorders.15 These ndings have been reiterated in Lee and colleagues systematic review of the evidence.6 Therefore, the substantial potential benets of promotion of physical

Key messages Initiatives to promote physical activity can have increased eectiveness when health agencies form partnerships and coordinate eorts with several other organisations: schools; businesses; policy, advocacy, nutrition, recreation, planning, and transport agencies; and health-care organisations Eective public communication and informational approaches promoting physical activity include community-wide campaigns, mass media campaigns, and decision prompts encouraging the use of stairs versus lifts and escalators Initiatives to increase social support for physical activity within communities, specic neighbourhoods, and worksites can eectively promote physical activity Comprehensive school-based strategies encompassing physical education, classroom activities, after-school sports, and active transport can increase physical activity in young people Environmental and policy approaches can create or enhance access to places for physical activity with outreach activities; infrastructural initiatives through urban design of land use and planning at community and street scales and active transport policy and practices are eective To properly support initiatives for the promotion of physical activity, workforces need to be trained in physical activity and health, core public health disciplines, and methods of intersectoral collaboration Although individuals need to be informed and motivated to adopt physical activity, the public health priority should be to ensure that environments are safe and supportive of health and wellbeing

activity for whole populations and at-risk individuals have become a well established agenda for public health agencies and all types of health-care delivery systems worldwide.7 Historically, the primary roles for public health agencies and non-governmental organisations at the international, national, state, and local levels have been to monitor, protect, and promote the publics health.8 These functions have been intended to complement contributions of health-care delivery systems and other community sectors to establish eective prevention, control, and management of diseases and chronic disorders.9 In the past three decades, the focus of public health has expanded to include initiatives to introduce interventions for injury prevention and control, chronic disease prevention and management, health-promoting public policies, environmental supports for behavioural change, and broadreach interventions through health communication and media.10 Interventions to increase physical activity in whole populations are now prominent in initiatives, with community-based informational, behavioural, social, policy, and environmental approaches.11,12 Physical activity behaviours are aected by factors operating at several levels, which are broadly perceived as personal (such as biological and psychological attributes), social (family, aliation group, and work factors), and environmental (contexts for dierent forms of physical activity and policy factors that could determine availability of relevant settings and opportunities).13,14 Thus, intersectoral approaches that operate at various levels seem to be the most successful ways to increase physical activity.15 Community-based health promotionie, encouragement of physical activity at national, state or regional, and local levelscan be successful and has greatest reach only through intersectoral collaboration.1618 To plan, promote, and coordinate eorts to increase Vol 380 July 21, 2012



physical activity,19 public health agencies especially need to form partnerships with several community organisations: schools; businesses; policy, advocacy, nutrition, recreation, planning, and transport agencies; and health-care organisations.20 In these eorts, public health agencies should ensure that strategies to reduce health inequities in physical activity are implemented, should monitor the eectiveness and reach of interventions, and need to report routine assessments of the programmes to relevant stakeholders and partners.21

Search strategy and selection criteria

Here, we summarise representative evidence-based physical activity interventions from throughout the world that are linked to a broad understanding of health promotion and disease prevention at the national, state and regional, and local levels. We did a systematic review of reviews to assess the present evidence. We searched the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Eects (DARE), the Cochrane library, TRIP, PubMed (Medline), the American Psychological Association, National Guidelines Clearinghouse, and the System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe (SIGLE; OpenGrey) for systematic reviews of physical activity interventions in any language. The search was limited to reviews published between Jan 1, 2001, and July 31, 2011 (PubMed search was between Jan 1, 2000, and Dec 31, 2011). Search keywords were physical activity, interventions, systematic review, meta analysis, and adults. The total number of merged records in all datasets was 1547, of which 100 reviews met the criteria for inclusion. These reviews were abstracted and summarised. We undertook further examination of internationally represented evidence-based programmes to supplement the search. The table shows characteristics of reviewed studies. Additionally, the eect-size estimates (mean net percentage change calculated with data from our review of
Number Type of reviews of reviews

reviews) provided the opportunity to separate out estimates for several dierent settings (eg, workplaces), populations (eg, older adults), or intervention types (eg, behavioural approaches; gure). Although some estimates of eect size are small (016 for computer-tailored interventions), others are moderate (eg, after-school programmes; gure). Overall, these data show that specic interventions consistently have modest to substantial eects on physical activity behaviour. We used previous work34,35 to divide evidence-based intervention strategies into categories of varying eectiveness with the criteria from the systematic reviews. The rst is interventions to promote physical activity; they have been collectively and systematically reviewed to assess their eectiveness. Second, promising practices from recommended interventions were identied that either singly or collectively have shown some eectiveness but do not adhere completely to the evidence-based criteria used in reviews. Third, emerging intervention strategies have been assessed, peer-reviewed, and reported, but are so new that they have not yet been incorporated into systematic evidence reviews. We classied intervention strategies according to domains established by the guide to community preventive services.36 These domains are used because they conveniently capture most physical activity intervention strategies delivered throughout the world and consist of descriptors that are also in other international recommendation documents.1,2,5 Campaigns and informational approachesie, strategies to change knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour within a communityto promotion of physical activity form one domain. Another is that behavioural and social approaches aim to teach people behavioural management skills that are necessary for successful adoption and maintenance of behaviour change, and to create organisational and social environments that enable and enhance change. A third is that
Countries in which included studies were done

CEIBA Complex Systems Research Center, Bogot, Colombia; Centre for Research in Childhood Health, Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark Odense, Denmark (Prof L B Andersen Dr Med Sci); Department of Sports Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway (Prof L B Andersen); Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Prof N Owen PhD); The University of Queensland, Cancer Prevention Research Centre, School of Population Health, Brisbane, QLD, Australia (Prof N Owen); and Indian Institute of Public Health, Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, Delhi, India (S Goenka PhD) Correspondence to: Prof Gregory W Heath, 928 Oak Street, Chattanooga, TN 37403, USA

Median year of publication (range) 2011 (200911) 2005 (200210) 2008 (200211)

Number of studies of minorities and populations of low socioeconomic status 2 Not specied 8

School Workplace Community

5 5 14

3 narrative; 1 review of reviews; 1 meta-analysis 4 narrative; 1 meta-analysis 12 narrative; 1 review of reviews; 1 meta-analysis 17 narrative; 1 meta-analysis

USA, France, Norway, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Australia, Russia, England, Canada, Brazil, Iran, Denmark, Sweden, and Spain USA, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Spain, England, Belgium, Norway, and Canada England, Scotland, Wales, USA, Australia, Switzerland, Finland, Germany, Canada, Belgium, Brazil, Netherlands, Russia, China, Denmark, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Philippines, Iran, Pakistan, and Norway USA, Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada, Sweden, Finland, South Korea, Spain, Austria, China, Croatia, Italy, France, Netherlands, Norway, Japan, and Belgium USA, England, Scotland, Wales, Sweden, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, Greece, France, Spain, South Korea, New Zealand, North Korea, Japan, and Colombia

Clinical or primary care Several settings Total


2005 (200010)


40 narrative; 3 reviews of reviews; 15 meta-analyses 76 narrative; 5 reviews of reviews; 19 meta-analyses

2008 (200111)




Table: Characteristics of reviewed studies by setting and target group Vol 380 July 21, 2012



10 068 08 044 044 06 019 032 021 016 02 016 016 026 044

Eect size




ra du lts 2 Be 7 * ha vio ur al (a cha du ng lts e ) 28 W eb sit ed (a elive du re Af lts d te ) 29 r an sch d a oo l( do c les hil ce dre nt n s) 30 Ob es ep op ul at io n 31

du lts ) 23 llin Phy g ( sic al he alt act h c iti ar vty e) 24 He alt hy ad ul ts 25

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Figure: Mean eect-size estimates from original systematic reviews All are mean eect size and 95% CIs, unless otherwise indicated. *Index. Range.





environmental and policy approaches are designed to structure physical and organisational environments so that people have accessible, safe, attractive, and convenient places to be physically active. With Roux and colleagues criteria,37 we selected strategies for inclusion here on the basis of several criteria: recommended by the original review; represented at least one of the three intervention domains; studied in children, adolescents, or adults without established disease; intervention lasted 3 months or longer; had a detailed study protocol; and had a measure for physical activity outcomes.

Campaigns and informational approaches

See Online for appendix

A recommended strategy within this domain is use of community-wide campaigns (appendix),36 such as the Stanford heart disease prevention programme38 and the Wheeling Walks intervention.39 These campaigns represent large-scale, high-intensity, high-visibility programming and often use television, radio, newspapers, and other media to raise awareness, disseminate targeted health messages to specic segments of the population (ie, segmented messages), and reinforce behaviour change. This strategy often uses multicomponent, multisector, and multisite interventions. These interventions are directed mainly to specic populations in communities in countries of middle to high income.36 By contrast, reviews that have not included observational studies or investigations with insucient evidence (not necessarily ineective) have shown that evidence in support of community-wide

interventions is inconsistent, especially in communities in countries of low to middle income.40,41 Mass media campaigns can lead to change, especially when they are linked to specic community programmes. Although initially categorised as having insucient evidence,36 this type of intervention has emerged as a promising public health practice.42,43 The VERB campaign44 targeted so-called tweens (ie, young people aged 913 years) in communities throughout the USA with mass media eorts, internet links, and community events and programmes designed to increase and maintain physical activity. It was characterised by the use of several media, segmented messages, and links to community programming, and eectively increased physical activity of young adolescents.45 One emerging practice is delivery of short informational, instructional, and motivational messages about physical activity at key community sites. This approach has been used mainly in communities in Latin America,41 and is based on short educational and motivational messages related to physical activity that are delivered regularly (from daily to three times per week) to the target population. It was developed in Brazil and focuses on key community sites, such as workplaces, centres for senior citizens, and community centres.46 It is distinct from mass media campaigns because the messaging is site-specic and is often delivered by a health educator or communicator.46 Point-of-decision prompts are single-component interventions designed to remind and motivate people to use Vol 380 July 21, 2012



er (a ven du tio lts ns ) 33

ed 2




W or









stairs in buildings instead of the lift or escalator to ascend or descend to another oor.36 This strategy is supported by sucient evidence and has been successful when population-specic signage has been used in various settings (eg, transport stations, worksites, hospitals, universities, and shopping centres) and access to stairs has been improved.36,4749

Behavioural and social approaches

Individually adapted programmes to change health behaviour are characterised by a multicomponent intervention approach, and aim to have participants incorporate physical activity into their daily routines.36 Goal setting, social support, and behavioural reinforcement through self-reward, structured problem solving, and relapse prevention are examples of this type of intervention.36 Such programmes can be delivered in group settings or by email, internet, mail, or telephone, or by all four means. Interventions that are focused on the individual usually consist of an assessment of a participants physical activity and readiness to change, a tailored activity plan, and identication of community interventions through a centralised health provider or promoter.50 This approach, which focuses on lifestyle physical activity, is cost-eective when compared with supervised physical activity programmes.51 Social support in community settings is an example of a strategy that capitalises on social networks to reinforce physical activity behaviour. Behavioural and social approaches include creation of buddy systems, behavioural contracts between the participant and programme leaders, and formation of walking or other physical activity support groups.24 For example, Kriska and colleagues52 organised women in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, into walking clubs within their neighbourhoods and sent communications (eg, newsletters and phone prompts) designed to reinforce and sustain the walking networks. Similarly, Lombard and co-workers53 organised walking partners and small groups in communities in the state of Virginia, USA. They provided initial training about walking and behavioural principles, neighbourhood maps, and other supports. Phone networks and regular prompts and updates were used to reinforce behaviours and provide opportunities for participants to ask questions. Community settings can be worksites, community centres, health facilities, and parks and recreational facilities. Jerey and colleagues54 used personal trainers in a community centre in Minneapolis, MN, USA, behaviour-based sessions, phone follow-up, and nancial incentives to reinforce physical activity behaviours. With so-called community coaches such as personal trainers for assessment of and counselling for physical activity, these interventions are most often classied as clinical. However, this approach is relevant to the public health sector, because many public health agencies continue to deliver primary health care.55 Vol 380 July 21, 2012

Provider-based physical activity counselling has undergone systematic review, and sucient evidence is still not available to allow its recommendation as a singlecomponent intervention.56 However, this approach has promising results when integrated into existing community eorts.57 Patrick and colleagues review57 cited sources such as evidence reviews from the US Preventive Services Task Force, the Cochrane Collaboration, and the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), as well as published medical and psychological reports and other relevant sources. Others have recorded that evidence for health-care provider assessment and counselling of patients for promotion of physical activity is mixed; brief stand-alone counselling by providers is not eective, but oce-based screening and advice followed by telephone or community support for physical activity does sustain long-term improvements in physical activity behaviour in patients.58 Thus, models of healthcare-provider delivery that emphasise coordination with clinical and community resources could be the best possible way to promote physical activity in patients.59 Community physical activity classes are promising.41 These programmes oer tness instruction and aerobics classes at no charge to participants and often take place in public places (eg, parks, school yards, community centres, worksites, and common sports facilities). Programmes such as these ones provide social support, are of particular importance in places with few recreational public parks, and are relevant for underserved populations (women, older adults, and individuals of low socioeconomic status) who are less likely to achieve recommended levels of physical activity. Because payment is not usually needed to participate in such programmes, these strategies could also contribute to a reduction in social and health disparities.41 This type of intervention has been introduced in communities in Latin America: So Paulo,60 Recife,61 and other cities in Brazil;62 and Bogot, Colombia.63 It can take several forms: instructor-led physical activity classes (eg, aerobics, stretching, yoga, and dancing) in parks or plazas, and in community centres in neighbourhoods of low to high income; use of readily available environmental resources within communities that support physical activity behaviours; and educational and promotional materials provided to participants to achieve further behavioural and social reinforcement and connectedness to the classes within each of the intervention communities.64,65 A recommended strategy within the behavioural and social domain is school-based physical education. School-based interventions could increase levels of physical activity in children (appendix) because physical education is mandatory in many countries and the least active childrenwho are otherwise dicult to target have to participate.66 Programmes can be delivered during and after school.67 Some core components for eective school-based interventions have been reported: increased


number (ve sessions of at least 45 min per week) or improved quality of classes,36 increased physical activity during break and at other times, capacity building and sta training, changes in the curricula, provision of equipment and materials, and adjustment of interventions to target specic populations.66,6870 Many studies have been based on several components, such as diet and family-based interventions, and reduction of sedentary time.70 Eects of school-based interventions have been assessed with various outcomes, such as physical activity level, tness, obesity, other cardiovascular risk factors, and wellbeing.7072 Various studies in high-income and middle-income countries41,69 and other reviews6668 have shown that participation in school-based interventions increases childrens physical activity, improves tness outcomes and motor skills, and reduces cardiovascular disease risk factors.

Policy and environmental approaches

Walking and biking trails and exercise facilities can be created or enhanced to promote physical activity, and access to existing facilities can be increased with a reduction in structural and environmental barriers (eg, increased safety, improved aordability; appendix).36 Environmental and policy initiatives are often supported by training of personnel or participants, or both, provision of social support, and further integration of these structures, facilities, and programmes into communities. In Linenger and co-workers 1991 report,73 new infrastructure (ie, bike paths), increased access to facilities (ie, expanded hours of operation, and lighted and integrated paths), and improved programming were provided in a residential naval base. A 2012 study74 reinforced these ndings73 by showing that installation of clusters of tness equipment in parks along with eorts to promote the equipment increases physical activity of children, young people, and adults in these places. Provision of such infrastructure is reasonable from a cost perspective.74,75 Urban design and land-use regulations, policies, and practices commonly strive to create communities that are pleasant places to live. These types of interventions use policy instruments such as zoning regulations and building codes and environmental changes implemented by government policies or developers practices. Policies can encourage transit-oriented development and address street layouts, density of development, location of stores, jobs, and schools within walking distance of areas in which people live.76 Heath and colleagues77 reviewed 12 studies undertaken in the USA and one from Canada. Four of these studies compared communities with grid or rectilinear street design with those with cul-de-sac street design.77 Three studies compared pedestrian friendly environments (eg, ease of street crossing, topography, and continuity of pavements) with environments that were not friendly to pedestrians. The intervention and comparison communities were

similar in terms of socioeconomic status and racial or ethnic variables. The NICE review of promotion of physical activity through built or natural environments76 provided further evidence for this intervention strategy outside North America. In view of the diversity between countries and populations in published work, results should be applicable to various settings and communities, provided that appropriate attention is paid to adaptation of the intervention to target populations. The studies reviewed77 were undertaken in fairly dense, urban environments, so whether the same components of design and land use apply to rural settings is unclear, although many of the design features are relevant in small towns and cities in rural regions.77 Potential barriers need to be addressed if public health and intersectoral initiatives are to be eective in community urban design and land-use regulations, policies, and practices. Diculties could be caused by the way in which cities are built because urban landscapes change slowly, by zoning regulations that preclude mixed-use neighbourhoods, by the cost of remodelling or retrotting existing communities, by ineective communication between dierent professional groups (ie, urban planners, architects, engineers, and public health professionals), and by changing of behavioural norms of urban design, lifestyle, and physical activity patterns.76,77 Changes in policy of street-scale urban design and land use to support physical activity in small geographical areas that are generally restricted to a few blocks are eective in promoting physical activity. These policies and practices can be improved street lighting or infrastructure projects that increase the ease and safety of street crossing, ensure pavement continuity, introduce or enhance trac calming such as centre islands or raised crosswalks, or improve the aesthetics of the street area such as landscaping.76,77 These interventions are designed to enhance the urban environment and to increase physical activity by redesigning of streets and pavements, creation of bike lanes and paths, and improvements in the perceived environment.76,77 Most of the interventions reviewed focused on issues related to access, aesthetics, and safety.76,77 We reviewed representative studies from several countries and included one study each from the USA, Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, and Germany.77 We identied relighting of streets (installing of new lights or improvements in present lighting), redesigning of streets, and improvements in street aesthetics as intervention strategies.77 Measures of eectiveness for streetscale strategies showed that the median net percentage change (eect size) from baseline to follow-up was 485% (IQR 1001800).77 This type of intervention is probably applicable across diverse settings and population groups, provided that appropriate attention is paid to adaption of the intervention to specic settings and target populations.7,77 Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Transportation or travel interventions of interest to promotion of physical activity include those that aim to: enhance pedestrian, transit, and light rail (ie, commuter trains and subways) access; increase pedestrian and cyclist activity and safety; reduce car use; and improve air quality. In a 2006 review,77 researchers mainly identied intervention strategies to increase walking and bicycling transport. These strategies used policy and environmental changes such as creation or enhancement of bike lanes or both, building of pavements, subsidy of transit passes, incentives to share use of cars or vans, increases in the cost of parking, and use of bicycle racks on buses.77 We identied three studies of more than 90 overall from 1990 to 1998 that assessed the eectiveness of transportation and travel policies and practices. Since we did our search, the number of studies of active transport has increased substantially. In a review of the role of policies to increase and promote active travel, de Nazelle and colleagues78 examined published work associated with the health eects of policies that encourage active travel. The aim of their study was to identify active transport measures in the context of the development of models of health-eect assessment to help decision makers to create eective policies in support of healthy environments. They identied substantial modal shifts in active travel in several international studies that were in direct response to specic transport policies and interventions.78 de Nazelle and co-workers78 concluded that well designed policies might enhance health benets through indirect outcomes such as improved social capital (ie, expected collective or economic benets derived from cooperation between individuals and groups) and diet, but these synergies are not suciently well understood to allow present quantication. They also reported that assessment of the eects of active transport policies is highly complex, although many associations can still be quantied.78 Another potentially eective intervention strategy has been used in Latin American communities, such as Curitiba and So Paulo in Brazil,79,80 Bogot in Colombia,63 and a similar national programme in Chile.41 It uses community-wide policies and planning combined with multicomponent eorts in communities to promote physical activity.41 The plans and policies are designed to reduce environmental and structural barriers that directly aect physical activity behaviours.41 They are promoted through media campaigns and incentives at various levels (eg, individual, corporate, local, and regional). This type of strategy not only provides information that is intended to motivate individual behaviour change, but also focuses on the provision of institutional and environmental support to sustain changes in physical activity behaviour with time.41 An example of these interventions are the programmes known as Ciclova,81 which have been rapidly disseminating throughout regions of the Americas (appendix). Ciclova now exist in nearly 50% (17 of 35) of countries in the Americas.81,82 Vol 380 July 21, 2012

Translation, adaptation, capacity building, and keys to success

On the basis of existing evidence, an interesting pattern seems to be emerging, which emphasises important regional and cultural dierences in how physical activity promotion is being approached around the world. The best options for interventions aimed at communities and individuals are probably dictated by local region and culture for some populations and settings. For example, previous reviews of work from Latin America41 have identied a high prevalence of community-based interventions whereas those of highincome countries tend to identify interventions focusing on individuals.2,20,21,36,37 Such dierences in approaches between countries of dierent income status could be partly explained by sociocultural and geopolitical variability in how public health issues are addressed, which is potentially a result of a paternalistic governmental approach in some areas in Latin America, compared with the cultural importance of individual choice in regions of high income. Nevertheless, interventions such as Ciclova and the physical activity classes in community settings are being rapidly disseminated in communities within Canada, the USA, and Europe.82 Documentation (and ideally systematic assessments) of other locally relevant forms of physical activity and initiatives from large, culturally diverse, economically developing countries (including other parts of Asia and Africa) would be highly informative, providing a complete global view of interventions that work. Pratt and colleagues83 have drawn attention to the mismatch that exists on examination of a populations exposure to evidence-based physical activity interventions, expressed by population density, in countries of low and middle income compared with those of high income. An adequately trained public health workforce is a core component of an eective global strategy for various issues, such as promotion of physical activity.84 A well known established training programme for capacity building is the physical activity and public health practitioners course on community interventions, sponsored by the University of South Carolina Prevention Research Center.85,86 Through the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventions WHO Collaborating Center for Physical Activity and Health Promotion, this course has been replicated in many countries of low and middle income, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Thailand, and Venezuela (appendix).87,88 The Agita So Paulo programme in the Centre for Laboratory Studies on Physical Fitness of So Caetano do Sul, Brazil, has been promoting empowerment related to physical activity at various levels and in several stakeholders across Latin America for more than a decade.87 Kohl and co-workers88 provide greater detail about the need, content, and reach of physical activity and public health courses throughout the world than we discuss here.


Panel: Community tasks that lead to successful interventions Set aside sucient resources to eectively inform, educate, and empower their residents to achieve recommended levels of physical activity where they live, work, and learn Mobilise intersectoral partnerships to develop eective strategies through informational, social, and behavioural, and policy and environmental approaches to physical activity promotion Develop policies and plans for policy implementation and assessment that support individual and community eorts to promote physical activity and active living Use evidence-based and promising practice methods for planning and implementation of community-based physical activity interventions and communication of physical activity messages Implement innovative new interventions and ensure they are assessed to add to the evidence base Understand and promote active living principles through national, regional or state, and community partnerships to organise and support active transport, active sport, and active recreation Understand and apply key components of evidence-based approaches to assessment of physical activity promotion Form partnerships with public health agencies to undertake routine surveillance of physical activity and inactivity behaviours in community-specic residents, such as specic health, environmental, and policy correlates Provide training and capacity building in partnership with other community organisations in use and adaptation of evidence-based physical activity interventions

Alteration of population-wide levels of physical activity has proven to be complex and is driven by factors associated with intra-individual, sociocultural, environmental, political, and nancial variables.89 Promotion of physical activity participation as a public health objective can be a basis for broad social and environmental challenges to be addressed.90 For example, the public priority to promote physical activity through active transport (particularly walking and bicycle use) provides many mutual points of interest that are in common with the transportation, injuryreduction, sustainability, energy-use, urban-planning, and environmental-protection agendas.91,92 In our review, some important themes emerged from around the world. Irrespective of dierences in income status between countries, we identied several promising and successful physical activity interventions when communities undertake specic tasks (panel).

organisation of these ndings should be valuable to practitioners and to physical activity and health scientists. Overall, many evidence-based approaches increase physical activity of people of dierent ages, and from various social groups and countries to an acceptable level of eectiveness. Similarly, several promising and emerging interventions from middle-income countries deserve attention and rigorous assessment, and could potentially be both cost-eective and replicable in other communities. From such an international, evidencebased perspectivealthough there is a place for informing and motivating individuals to adopt physical activitythe traditional roles of public health through health protection and health promotion should be pursued by countries, cities, and communities as part of an intervention agenda for physical activity.7 Therefore, an increase in the likelihood of positive results will ensure that environments are safe and supportive of good health, that risk factors are controlled, and that disease and injury are avoided.93 In children and adolescents, physical activity could be greatly increased through school-focused initiatives. For the whole population, and particularly for adults, development of policies and environmental supports (especially through partnerships with other sectors, specically transport and urban planning) that increase opportunities for physical activity within communities would allow great progress.94 Interventions would probably have increased eectiveness, to the extent that they could address the determinants of physical activity at several levels. Ideally, physical activity initiatives should apply the relevant models and address the factors at individual, behavioural, social, environmental, and policy levels.13,14 However, within the realities of public health practice, this ideal is dicult to achieve. Because disparities exist in amount of physical activity in subgroups of the populations, public health professionals need to tailor policy and environmental eorts and programmes to promote increased physical activity opportunities everywhere, with specic attention to initiatives that address the needs of disadvantaged subgroups.
Contributors GWH drafted the report outline, and wrote and organised subsequent drafts. All other authors provided crucial input and approved the nal version. DCP, OLS, and FM did the systematic search and developed the table and the gure, with input from the other authors. LBA provided invaluable insight and wrote the initial narrative addressing school-based interventions. NO provided guidance in writing of the sections associated with behavioural and social determinants of physical activity and their contributions to the interventions reviewed and discussed. SG contributed substantially to sections of the narrative addressing international comparisons and the importance of capacity building and training. RCB wrote substantial portions of the report addressing the principles of evidence-based public health practice and systematic review methods. Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group Jasem R Alkandari, Lars Bo Andersen, Adrian E Bauman, Steven N Blair, Ross C Brownson, Fiona C Bull, Cora L Craig, Ulf Ekelund, Shifalika Goenka, Regina Guthold, Pedro C Hallal, William L Haskell, Gregory W Heath, Shigeru Inoue, Sonja Kahlmeier, Peter T Katzmarzyk,

Limitations and next steps

Several limitations are associated with our review of reviews. Although we attempted to identify reports from around the world irrespective of language, we have mainly drawn information from reports in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Additionally, we did not attempt to complete a thorough search of the grey literature. Much of the published work did not include measures of external validity and hence restricted the generalisability of the ndings to other settings and countries. Despite these limitations, our systematic
278 Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Harold W Kohl 3rd, Estelle Victoria Lambert, I-Min Lee, Grit Leetongin, Felipe Lobelo, Ruth J F Loos, Bess Marcus, Brian W Martin, Neville Owen, Diana C Parra, Michael Pratt, Pekka Puska, David Ogilvie, Rodrigo S Reis, James F Sallis, Olga Lucia Sarmiento, Jonathan C Wells. Conicts of interest We declare that we have no conicts of interest. The ndings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ocial position of any of the organisations, institutions, or agencies to which they are aliated. Acknowledgments We thank Baley Whary for technical support in the preparation of portions of the report for submission for publication and Ken Powell for his initial review and critique of the outline proposal. References 1 WHO. Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2010. 2 Chief Medical Ocers of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Start active, stay active: a report on physical activity for health from the four home countries Chief Medical Ocers. July, 2011. dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_128210.pdf (accessed March 10, 2012). 3 European Union Sport and Health Working Group. European Union physical activity guidelines. Brussels: European Union, 2008. 4 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee report, 2008. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2008. 5 Haskell WL, Lee I-M, Pate RR, et al. Physical activity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Circulation 2007; 116: 113. 6 Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. 7 Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health. The Toronto charter for physical activity: a global call to action. May 20, 2010. http://www. (accessed March 19, 2012). 8 Institute of Medicine. The future of public health. Washington, DC: The National Academy Press, 1988. 9 Pearce N. Traditional epidemiology, modern epidemiology, and public health. Am J Public Health 1996; 86: 67883. 10 Beaulieu J, Scutcheld FD. Assessment of validity of the National Public Health Performance Standards: the local public health performance assessment instrument. Public Health Rep 2002; 117: 2836. 11 Powell KE, Paenbarger RS. Workshop on epidemiologic and public health aspects of physical activity and exercise: a summary. Public Health Rep 1985; 100: 11826. 12 Pate RR, Pratt M, Blair SN, et al. Physical activity and public health: a recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. JAMA 1995; 273: 40207. 13 Trost SG, Owen N, Bauman A, Sallis JF, Brown W. Correlates of adults participation in physical activity: review and update. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002; 33: 19962001. 14 Sallis JF, Owen N, Fisher EB. Ecological models of health behavior. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K, eds. Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice, 4th edn. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2008: 46582. 15 Bauman AE, Reis RS, Sallis JF, Wells J, Loos RJF, Martin BW, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Correlates of physical activity: why are some people are physically active and others not? Lancet 2012; published online July 18. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60735-1. 16 Roussos ST, Fawcett SB. A review of collaborative partnerships as a strategy for improving community health. Ann Rev Public Health 2000; 21: 369402.






















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Physical Activity 4 The implications of megatrends in information and communication technology and transportation for changes in global physical activity
Michael Pratt, Olga L Sarmiento, Felipe Montes, David Ogilvie, Bess H Marcus, Lilian G Perez, Ross C Brownson, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group*
Lancet 2012; 380: 28293 Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)60736-3 This is the fourth in a Series of ve papers about physical activity *Members listed at end of paper National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA (M Pratt MD, L G Perez MPH); School of Medicine (O L Sarmiento MD, M Pratt), and Department of Industrial Engineering (F Montes MSc), Universidad de

Physical inactivity accounts for more than 3 million deaths per year, most from non-communicable diseases in lowincome and middle-income countries. We used reviews of physical activity interventions and a simulation model to examine how megatrends in information and communication technology and transportation directly and indirectly aect levels of physical activity across countries of low, middle, and high income. The model suggested that the direct and potentiating eects of information and communication technology, especially mobile phones, are nearly equal in magnitude to the mean eects of planned physical activity interventions. The greatest potential to increase population physical activity might thus be in creation of synergistic policies in sectors outside health including communication and transportation. However, there remains a glaring mismatch between where studies on physical activity interventions are undertaken and where the potential lies in low-income and middle-income countries for populationlevel eects that will truly aect global health.

Non-communicable diseases account for 60% of all deaths globally, and 80% of these deaths occur in low-income and middle-income countries.1 An epidemiological transition from a burden of disease dominated by communicable

Key messages Non-communicable diseases account for 60% of deaths globally, and 80% of these deaths occur in low-income or middle-income countries Physical inactivity is one of the major risk factors for non-communicable diseases, accounting for an estimated 32 million deaths per year The challenges and opportunities in prevention of non-communicable diseases show several important megatrendsmajor forces in societal development that are likely to shape peoples lives in the next 1015 years Information and communication technologies in the form of internet and mobile phone access have grown enormously during the past decade; these technologies have the potential to aect physical activity Trends in transportation, including the growth in ownership and use of private cars and improved and well integrated public transit systems, have the potential to both negatively and positively aect participation in physical activity, especially walking On the basis of a review of publications about physical activity interventions, we modelled the eects of megatrends in internet access, mobile phone access, and car ownership on physical activity The direct and potentiating eects of mobile phone technology on physical activity in middle-income and upper-income countries are similar in size to the mean eects of planned physical activity interventions in community and clinical settings The greatest potential for increasing population physical activity might be in the creation of supportive policies in sectors outside health (transportation, urban planning, and communication) There is a glaring mismatch between where the studies of physical activity interventions have been done and where the potential lies for population-level eects that will truly aect global health (low-income and middle-income countries)

diseases to one dominated by non-communicable diseases2 is now occurring in countries with low and middle incomes as it has previously in those with high incomes.3 Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases, accounting for an estimated 32 million deaths per year.4 Most of these deaths, as well as the huge burden of morbidity and disability attributable to physical inactivity, take place in countries with low and middle incomes. Public health attention to physical inactivity has evolved rapidly in the past decade, as shown by the 2004 WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity, and health,5 the 2010 WHO global recommendations on physical activity for health,6 and the central role of physical activity in the 2009 WHO action plan for the global strategy for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases7 and the UN General Assembly summit on noncommunicable diseases.8 A major goal for public health is to identify evidencebased interventions to promote physical activity in populations. To do so, several types of evidence are needed.911 Type 1 evidence denes the causes of disease due to physical inactivity and the magnitude, severity, and preventability of inactivity. Type 2 evidence describes the eectiveness of specic interventions that address physical inactivity. Type 2 evidence (summarised in the Cochrane Library, Community Guide reviews, or UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence [NICE] guidance) identies eective interventions for promotion of physical activity.12,13 Type 3 evidence shows in what contexts interventions are implemented and how they can be adapted from one population to another (eg, from a high-income country to those with low and middle incomes).9,11 Most intervention studies have not been done in countries with low and middle incomes Vol 380 July 21, 2012



and have not addressed the question of how eective interventions can be adapted from one country to another.14 The scarcity of type 3 evidence suggests a need for increased attention on the external validity of studies (the extent to which ndings can be applied to other populations, settings, and times)15,16 to complement the emphasis so far on the internal validity of well controlled eectiveness trials. During consideration of which interventions are appropriate and eective, the usual evidence hierarchies might not apply. The randomised controlled trial is typically regarded as the most robust study design to test hypotheses about the eects of interventions.17 As such, randomised controlled trials are often more likely to be funded, published, and included in systematic reviews. However, well designed observational studies (including studies of so-called natural experiments)18 can also be powerful aids to estimation of risk, understanding of disease, and evaluation of interventions,19 particularly in the policy arena, in which random assignment of exposure might be politically or practically infeasible. In these situations, alternative research designs20 are often best to address policy-relevant questions. The challenges and opportunities in prevention of non-communicable diseases indicate several important megatrendsdened as major forces in societal development that are likely to shape peoples lives during the next 1015 years. Many of the actions that aect population levels of physical activity might occur outside the health sector and potentially be shaped by megatrends. Factors such as environmental justice and social equity, economic and technological development, transport, urbanisation, pedestrian-oriented urban development, and global communication could have much greater eect on physical activity than do strategies derived from a traditional medical or public health perspective. Environmental justice refers to the need to improve environmental conditions for populations challenged by poverty, poor education, and scarcity of resources.21 These conditions are closely related to social inequity, which implies an unfair distribution of social, cultural, and environmental resources between advantaged and disadvantaged groups.22,23 Environmental conditions include the built environment, public space, and other structural factors that aect health behaviours such as physical activity.2426 Addressing of inequalities in access to facilities, safe public spaces, and other supports for active lifestyles is often the rst step in promotion of physical activity. The growth of information and communication technologies such as the worldwide web and mobile phones provides new opportunities for delivery of physical activity interventions, but also poses challenges for upholding of principles of social equity across the digital divide. Similarly, the potential physical activity benets of new public transport and pedestrian and bicycle route networks might be threatened by increasing ownership and use of private cars, particularly in countries with low and middle incomes. Vol 380 July 21, 2012

We aimed to improve understanding of the eectiveness and potential eect of interventions to address the global burden of physical inactivity. We had ve objectives: (1) to assess the potential eect of megatrends in information and communication technologies and transport on physical activity; (2) to use the ndings of a targeted review of physical activity interventions to guide development of a simulation model; (3) to model the changes in population physical activity that are potentially attributable to and aected by these megatrends within the clinical, public health, and intersectoral domains; (4) to illustrate key issues through case studies; and (5) to provide policy-related recommendations related to the ndings of the analyses.

Megatrends in information and communication technologies and transport

Physical activity promotion has developed in recent decades from a focus on individual behaviour change to the wider societal and environmental determinants of health-related behaviour.27,28 Two major themes of contemporary societal change are the development of information and communication technologies and the growth in use of motor vehicles. Both these megatrends could have a bearing on the promotion or maintenance of physical activity in populations, especially because dierential access to these technologies, across and within countries, could aect existing health inequalities. They should therefore be considered through the perspective of social equity in assessments of their potential to reach and inuence individuals, particularly those in greatest need of low-cost interventions.29

los Andes, CEIBA Complex Systems Research Centre, Bogot, Colombia; MRC Epidemiology Unit and UKCRC Centre for Diet and Activity Research, Institute of Public Health, Cambridge, UK (D Ogilvie FFPH); Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California in San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA (Prof B H Marcus PhD); Prevention Research Center in St Louis, Brown School and School of Medicine, Division of Public Health Sciences, Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA (Prof R C Brownson PhD) Correspondence to: Dr Michael Pratt, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30341-3717, USA

Information and communication technologies

Information and communication technologies are expanding very rapidly worldwide. Access to the internet, for example, increased enormously from 1997 to 2009 (from 001% to 43% of the population in lowincome countries; from 021% to 238% in middleincome countries; and from 112% to 519% in high-income countries). Mobile phone access increased similarly from 1997 to 2009 (from 005% to 289% in low-income countries; from 1% to 71% in middle-income countries; and from 179% to 963% in high-income countries). These large increases present a challenge for identication and testing of eective technologies to change health behaviours. Physical activity is one of many health behaviours that have the potential to change substantially as a result of increasing availability of information and communication technologies and of technology-based interventions. The internet is identied as an important source of health information by more than half its users30 and could, therefore, be a useful medium for physical activity interventions. Most research into use of the internet for physical activity health promotion has been done in


the USA3138 (with additional studies in Canada,39 Australia,40,41 Switzerland,42 and the Netherlands43) and mainly on healthy but overweight and fairly sedentary white adults, especially women.38,40,4346 Overall, web-based interventions show small positive eects. However, on the basis of our review, few internet-based physical activity trials have used programme features specically matched to theoretical constructs known to result in changes in physical activity behaviour and likely to increase eectiveness. Around 95% of countries have mobile telephone networks, about 70% of people worldwide use mobile phones,47 and most countries have more mobile phone subscribers than xed landlines.48 Much of the recent

proliferation of mobile phone use has occurred in lowincome and middle-income countries.47,48 Mobile phones have attracted less attention than the internet for research on physical activity promotion.49 Although mobile phone calls can be taken on the go, delivery of interventions over the telephone still needs scheduling, stang, and other resources. However, the more direct, personal interaction from phone calls creates a greater sense of personal and social support than do traditional face-to-face interventions, which is associated with improved health outcomes.50 Mobile phone short-message service (SMS) presents a promising application for delivery of interventions because of its widespread use in less auent and less healthy populations. SMS is pervasive across cultures,

Country income level Low income Lower-middle income Upper-middle income High income

Figure 1: Internet users (A), mobile phone users (B), and car ownership (C), by country income Each country in this density-equalising map is resized according to the number of internet or mobile-phone users or car owners with the Gastner and Newman algorithm.62

284 Vol 380 July 21, 2012


socioeconomic backgrounds, and country economic development levels, with an estimated 4 billion users worldwide.51 This service allows instantaneous delivery of short messages (maximum 160 characters) that can be accessed at a time that suits recipients, including when they are in situations or environments that are conducive to physical activity or involve making choices between active and sedentary options. SMS can also be more costeective than telephone calls and allows for two-way communication, in which participants can send information to elicit feedback and interact asynchronously and exibly.52 The gap between people with eective access to digital and information technology and those without has been referred to as the digital divide.53 The idea was originally popularised with respect to the disparity in internet access between rural and urban areas of the USA,54,55 but it also refers to wider inequalities in access by sex, income, race, and location.55 People who are overweight, of low socioeconomic position, and who might, therefore, stand to gain the most from an intervention to promote physical activity might be less likely to have access to internet technology. The global digital divide refers to the uneven development of the internet throughout the world and the associated disparities in access to information, education, and business opportunities between wealthy countries and those with low and middle incomes.5659 Interestingly, however, poor populations globally have been early adopters of mobile phones, emphasising that costs are not a substantial barrier to mobile phone service.60 The highest mobile phone use in the USA occurs in adolescents, young adults, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and people who rent their homes or frequently change addresses.61 Whether considered within a country or globally, the digital divide that has been noted for internet access does not seem to be present for mobile phones (gure 1). Therefore, mobile phones have great potential to reach populations that previously had restricted access to interventions or health-care information.

some health benets, much greater population health benets would be realised by active travel substitution, in which a large proportion of urban trips are shifted to walking and cycling, even after any increase in injuries was taken into account.68 Investigators applying alternative model assumptions to dierent datasets have reached much the same conclusions.67,69 The growth in ownership and use of private cars particularly in high-income countries such as the UK, where annual kilometres travelled by car or van have increased more than ten times since the 1950s70 (gure 1)has made it possible for people to live, work, shop, and pursue leisure activities in widely dispersed locations. In such contexts, car ownership might be important to enable access to opportunities and amenities, and is associated with reduced morbidity and mortality even after adjustment for other markers of socioeconomic status.7173 However, Illich74 argued in the 1970s that the mobile car-based society had created universal enslavement, and Adams more recent notion of hypermobility encapsulates the idea that everincreasing mobility imposes unacceptable social costs
Panel 1: Case study: urban transformation in Bogot, Colombia Bogot has implemented broad policy and infrastructure changes to improve public space and transport. These urban and social changes have enhanced the environment for walking and cycling, improved public transport, and increased public safety. Bogot is now widely known for the TransMilenio bus rapid transit (BRT) system and weekly street closures for recreation (Ciclova). The TransMilenio and Ciclova are associated with increased physical activity82,86 and are promising models for intersectoral promotion of physical activity.85,87 TransMilenio buses operate in exclusive lanes, have xed stations, serve 14 million people daily, and are generally the fastest means of moving around Bogot. Cross-sectional studies show that neighbourhood access to BRT is positively associated with walking for transport87 and walking during leisure time.85 These associations might also be attributable to parallel improvements in infrastructure, including pavements, pedestrian crossings and bridges, connecting cycle routes, and signage. The Ciclova is a free community programme in which 97 km of streets are closed for 7 h on Sundays and holidays allowing access to pedestrians, runners, rollerbladers, and cyclists. Participation in the Ciclova ranges from 600 000 to 1 400 000 users per event, and annual costs are about $17 million. The Ciclova engages nine sectors: education, environment, health, police, sports, culture and recreation, transport, urban planning, and local government. In a country with substantial social inequity, the Ciclova is notable in that 90% of the participants are from low and middle socioeconomic strata. Adults who report participating in the Ciclova are more likely to meet weekly physical activity recommendations and to use bikes for transportation than are those who do not participate.85 A 2009 survey suggested that 15% of Ciclova participants would otherwise be spending their time on sedentary behaviours if the Ciclova was not available.88 The Ciclova is estimated to provide 136% of the recommended population requirement for weekly minutes of physical activity for Bogot, while needing minimum investment in infrastructure. A cost-benet analysis of the Ciclova in Bogot yielded benet-to-cost ratios of 323426.89 Implementation of government-supported programmes such as the Ciclova in existing public spaces seems to be a cost-eective means to increase physical activity. Ciclovas are now in more than 100 cities in the Americas and seem to have the right combination of eectiveness, feasibility, and political appeal to become a mainstay of global physical activity promotion.

The potential to promote physical activity through transport exemplies the importance of intersectoral approaches to policy and assessment;6365 walking and cycling are forms of recreational activity as well as modes of daily transport that can replace trips previously made by motor vehicle. Reduction of journeys made in vehicles should be a complementary policy goal to that of promotion of physical activity because reduction of sedentary time, such as that spent in cars, might also be important for chronic disease prevention, and use of motor vehicles is associated with various wider population health consequences including injuries, noise, local air pollution, and carbon emissions.66 A modelling study67 based on London and Delhi showed that although reduction of carbon emissions through technical modication of the vehicle eet would have Vol 380 July 21, 2012



See Online for appendix

and that it is, therefore, possible for a society to have too much of a good thing.75 This opinion is especially important since in countries such as the UK, car ownership,76 carbon emissions from private motor vehicles,77 and child pedestrian mortality78 are all strongly socially patterned: people who benet most from the hypermobile society are usually not those who bear the brunt of the adverse eects. These costs of widespread motorisation are also not limited to high-income countries, as shown by the increase in body-mass index associated with a transition from cycling to car use in adults in China,79 where the total motor vehicle eet increased ten times between 1990 and 2005.80 By contrast with private motor vehicles, improvement of public transport such as bus or rail services might allow participation in physical activity, particularly in the form of walking at either end of the journey. Evidence from cross-sectional studies in the USA, Australia, Europe, and Colombia suggests that people who use, or have access to, public transport are more likely to walk and tend to be more physically active than are those who do not.8185 Promotion of physical activity is unlikely to be the primary concern of transit systems, but if the needs of pedestrians and cyclists are properly addressed in the design of vehicles, stations, and their surroundings, schemes such as the TransMilenio bus rapid transit (BRT) in Bogot could help to increase the use of active travel while providing high-quality public transport at a lower cost than traditional rail services (see case study on urban transformation in Bogot, panel 1).90 Evidence from robust intervention studies is scarce at present, but favourable trends in travel patterns have been reported in many cities that have introduced integrated urban transport policies.91 Further implementation and assessment of these interventions are important because controlled studies of interventions to promote cycling suggest that their eects are small.92 Interventions to promote walking have a stronger evidence base, although their eectiveness to increase physical activity might depend on targeting of specic groups or settings.93 The evidence shows an evaluative bias whereby interventions applied to whole populations have tended to be assessed by less rigorous methods than those applied to small groups of motivated volunteers.94 Megatrends related to information and communication technologies and transport might have substantial potential eects on physical activity promotion, even though so far fairly few studies have focused on these areas.

Physical activity intervention reviews

We did a systematic search to identify the latest reviews of published work about interventions to increase physical activity to provide input for a simulation model of physical activity interventions and megatrends. We used several electronic databases, websites, and published sources for our search: Clinical Evidence,

Cochrane Library, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (DARE admin database, HTA, NCCHTA), Embase, National Guidelines Clearinghouse, Medline, PubMed, NICE, PsycINFO, SIGLE, Sociological Abstracts, and TRIP. We searched the databases for systematic reviews or meta-analyses related to interventions and physical activity in human beings, published from Jan 1, 2001, to July 31, 2011, and PubMed from Jan 1, 2000, to Dec 20, 2011 (for methods see appendix pp 910). Reviews were classied according to setting and type of intervention (clinical, community, schools, workplace, or other) and, for technology-based interventions, whether they were delivered by mobile phone or over the internet. When a systematic review or meta-analysis did not provide pooled eect estimates, but did provide standardised mean dierences, we estimated pooled mean eect sizes using a random eects model or reported a range of eect estimates. The standardised mean eect corresponds to the eect size of an intervention for promotion of physical activity standardised to a uniform scale. To obtain the standardised mean eect, we used the standardised mean dierences method. This method expresses the size of the treatment eect in each trial relative to the variability in that trial (appendix p 2). We analysed 100 reviews of physical activity interventions (appendix p 9). Five systematic reviews were reviews-of-reviews, 19 were meta-analyses, and 76 were narrative reviews that did not provide quantitative eect estimates results from pooled eects or metaregressions. 18 reviews covered interventions in clinical settings, 14 described community settings, ve covered school settings, ve described workplace settings, and the remainder consisted of several settings or reported not having a setting restriction for the search and synthesis. 60 reviews included studies done in highincome countries, whereas only eight included studies done in low-income and middle-income countries; 32 reviews did not include country-specic information. Seven reviews examined internet-based or web-based interventions; three dealt with mobile phone interventions; and four addressed interventions in the transportation sector. 50 reviews were of studies of adults; 19 of children and adolescents; 11 of adults and children; three of older adults; 13 of any age group; and four did not specify the age group. Taken as a whole, the evidence in our review showed consistent, signicant eects of the interventions on physical activity behaviours. Full results of the review of physical interventions are reported elsewhere in The Lancet.95 In view of the large reach of some of these interventions (eg, mobile phones), the prevented fraction is potentially large, and thus we developed the model that follows. We chose the results from the systematic reviews (appendix p 6) as inputs for the model because they included the megatrends of interest in this study. Vol 380 July 21, 2012


Simulation model for megatrends and physical activity interventions

We designed scenarios to assess the potential eect of interventions taking into consideration the eects of megatrends by country income. The megatrends used in the models were internet access, mobile phone access, and car ownership, including the eect of fuel price on car ownership. The model for information and communication technology interventions included those delivered directly via these technologies and the facilitating eects of the technologies on other physical activity interventions (appendix pp 45). The model for car ownership included the relation between active travel time (as a proxy for physical activity) and private car ownership (appendix pp 78). Megatrends and country classication by income are based on the 2011 world development indicators from the World Bank database.96 The World Banks main criterion for classifying economies is gross national income per head (appendix p 2). We selected the eect estimates for physical activity interventions from the most recent systematic reviews, and based the eect estimate for car ownership on the one available study, a cross-sectional study from the UK.75 Our model showed that the potential eect of webbased interventions on physical activity, at the population level, is positive and varies by country income. The estimates by country income showed a dose-response relation (gure 2), showing that the potential eect increases as country income increases (065 min per week for countries with low income; 171 min per week for lower-middle income; 478 min per week for uppermiddle income; and 888 min per week for high-income). Because the total population of middle-income countries is much greater than that of high-income countries, the weighted potential eect size (appendix p 4; the potential population reached weighted by the potential eect size) for middle-income countries (344) is double that of high-income countries (146) for the internet access contribution to the expected population min of physical activity per week (table 1). As for our ndings for web-based interventions, we identied a positive potential eect of mobile phone interventions on physical activity at the population level. The estimates by country income, however, showed a dose-response relation dierent from that of internetbased interventions (gure 2); specically, increasing linearly from low income to upper-middle income (437 min per week for countries with low income; 822 min per week for lower-middle income; 1352 min per week for upper-middle income; and 1403 min per week for high-income countries) and then reaching a plateau. As with internet-based interventions, the greater proportion of the global population in middle-income countries is important for projection of the populationweighted potential eect sizes (appendix p 4) for mobilephone-based interventions. The population-weighted Vol 380 July 21, 2012

contribution to the expected min of physical activity in middle-income countries (791) exceeds that of highincome countries (227; table 1). Whereas our ndings for mobile-phone-based and web-based interventions show a positive potential eect on physical activity at the population level, we identied a negative potential eect of car ownership on population-level active travel. The estimates by country income showed a dose-response relation, indicating a larger negative eect as country income increased (012 min per day for low income; 048 min per day for lower-middle income; 080 min per day for uppermiddle income; and 311 min per day for high income; table 2). In view of the population distribution across countries by income, we did not expect to nd a dierence in the negative contribution to the expected min of active travel per day in middle-income countries versus high-income countries. When we adjusted the estimates by fuel pricing increment, the negative eect decreased slightly. The weighted decrement was 0 for low-income countries and 001 for middle-income and high-income countries. The SD for each potential eect estimate was high, possibly relating to the uncertainty of the results from use of one study (table 2). For the
07 Potential standardised mean eect 06 05 04 03 02 01 0 Website (internet) Clinical, unadjusted (internet) Community (internet) Overall (internet) Clinical, 40% (internet)

07 Potential standardised mean eect 06 05 04 03 02 01 0 Low income Lower-middle income Upper-middle income High income Telephone (mobile phone) Clinical, unadjusted (mobile phone) Community (mobile phone) Overall (mobile phone) Clinical, 40% (mobile phone)

Figure 2: Potential eect estimate for information and communication technologies (A) Internet. (B) Mobile phone. Clinical=interventions in a health-care setting.



Low income Internet Overall SME Mean eect (min per week) WPE (min per week) Website interventions SME Community interventions SME Clinical interventions SME, population-wide eect 26% SME, population-wide eect 40% SME, unadjusted Mobile phones Overall SME Mean eect (min per week) WPE (min per week) Telephone interventions SME Community interventions SME Clinical interventions SME, population-wide eect 26% SME, population-wide eect 40% SME, unadjusted 000 (000) 004 (003) 010 (007) 010 (007) 019 (015) 006 (007) 437 (572) 051 000 (000) 001 (001) 001 (002) 001 (002) 002 (003) 001 (017) 061 (120) 007

Middle income

Lower-middle income Upper-middle income High income

006 (009) 476 (599) 344 013 (013) 011 (010) 000 (000) 004 (004) 011 (009)

002 (003) 171 (232) 062 005 (005) 004 (004) 000 (000) 002 (001) 004 (004)

006 (007) 468 (450) 168 013 (008) 011 (006) 000 (000) 004 (002) 010 (006)

012 (012) 888 (742) 146 025 (011) 020 (007) 001 (000) 008 (003) 020 (007)

014 (014) 1096 (1091) 791 048 (022) 025 (009) 001 (000) 010 (003) 025 (0109)

011 (014) 822 (1091) 298 036 (022) 019 (009) 000 (000) 007 (004) 018 (009)

018 (016) 1352 (1245) 487 060 (021) 031 (006) 001 (000) 012 (002) 030 (005)

018 (017) 1403 (1267) 227 062 (020) 033 (004) 001 (000) 013 (002) 032 (004)

Data in parentheses are SD. SME=standardised mean eect. WPE=potential eect weighted by population distribution.

Table 1: Potential eect of the internet on physical activity interventions (based on eect estimates from web-based physical activity interventions and other physical activity interventions) and the potential eect of mobile phones on physical activity interventions (based on eect estimates from telephone-based physical activity interventions and from other physical activity interventions), by country income

Low income Middle income Lower-middle Upper-middle High income income income PET SD WPE Fuel increase, short term PEF WPEF Fuel increase, long term PEF WPEF 0003 0000 0020 0014 0012 0007 0020 0003 0078 0013 0001 0000 0008 0014 0005 0007 0008 0003 0031 0013 0123 0137 0016 0786 0816 0555 0477 0383 0271 0798 0816 0110 3114 2084 0500

Discussion and conclusions

Type 1 evidence from 100 reviews of community-based and clinic-based physical activity interventions, including rigorous evidence-based reviews, consistently showed small improvements of physical activity in the short and medium terms. Eect sizes were small for individuals (pooled overall eect size in healthy adults of 147 min of physical activity per week97), but large enough to promise real population-level benets if these interventions can be applied on a large scale. Georey Roses classic observation that small mean changes at the individual level often lead to substantially greater eects at the population level seems likely to apply for physical activity.98 A glaring mismatch exists, however, between where the studies on physical activity interventions have been done and where the potential lies for populationlevel eects that can truly aect global health (gure 3), suggesting a scarcity of type 3 (contextual) evidence. Of the 95 primary reviews of interventions that we identied, only eight included studies done in middleincome and low-income countries. This disparity would be of little importance if country and cultural context did Vol 380 July 21, 2012

PET=potential eect of car ownership on active travel time (min per day). WPE=weighted potential eect, by population distribution. PEF=potential eect of 10% fuel price rise on daily min of physical activity. WPEF=weighted potential eect, by population distribution, of 10% fuel price rise on daily min of physical activity.

Table 2: Potential eect of car ownership on active travel min per day, by country income

sensitivity analysis, we estimated the error of the Monte Carlo approximation accounting for the point estimate and its 95% CI (6 min, 95% CI 1204 to 032; table 2).


Country income level Low income Lower-middle income Upper-middle income High income

Figure 3: Mismatch between world population and evidence for physical activity interventions as measured by scientic publications Countries in this density-equalising map are resized according to country population (A) and number of times a country is reported to be included in a review (B).

not matter in the selection and eectiveness of interventions. The results of an evidence-based review of physical activity interventions in Latin America, however, suggest that there are major dierences between the types of physical activity interventions used in North and South America.86 Countries with low and middle incomes account for 84% of the global population, 80% of mortality from noncommunicable diseases, andas shown in the simulation modelmost of the potential increase in population physical activity. The potential eect of information and communication technologies and transport megatrends is also more important in countries with low and middle incomes than in those with high incomes, even though penetration of the technologies is greatest in high-income countries. An especially interesting contrast was noted between the distributions and trends for internet access and mobile phone ownership by country income. Internet access is much higher in high-income countries, whereas access to mobile phone and SMS technology is already almost equal in countries with upper-middle and high incomes; by 2020, this pattern is also likely to be true for countries with lower-middle incomes. This type of contextual evidence has important ramications for delivery of public health interventions to Vol 380 July 21, 2012

address physical inactivity. The direct and potentiating eects of information and communication technologies are impressive compared with the pooled overall eect sizes of planned physical activity interventions. For example, our model predicts an eect of web technology on physical activity interventions in high-income countries of 9 min per week, and eect sizes of 14 min per week for mobile phone technology in countries with upper-middle and high incomes. In other words, the potentiating eects of these widespread technologies are roughly the same size as the mean eect size of targeted physical activity interventions. During the next decade, the relative reach and importance of SMS technology in low-income and middle-income countries will further increase. Just as for research in these countries, however, little research exists on mobile-phone-based and SMS-based physical activity interventions. Only three of the 95 primary reviews that we identied focused on mobile phones, of which none included studies done in low-income and middle-income countries. We therefore have little knowledge of the eectiveness of the types of interventions that might be potentiated by these inuential global megatrends. Social equity is an important modier of the potential eectiveness of physical activity interventions. Increased access to information and communication technologies and motor vehicles has been associated with sedentary


Panel 2: Case study: texting to promote physical activity The use of short-messaging services (SMS or text messaging) has risen as a low-cost way to deliver reminders and information to large numbers of individuals wishing to change their health-related behaviours, including physical activity. Although the reliance on some technologies might exclude people from low socioeconomic backgrounds, the use of mobile phones has substantially increased in recent years in low-income populations in most parts of the world, making SMS a channel with potential broad reach to underserved populations.51 A study in Australia used an SMS-based intervention to increase physical activity in postnatal women, a population at high risk of inactivity, and specically recruited women from communities with high representations of single-parent families and low education, and low-income households.49 Participants received 42 text messages during the 13-week intervention that contained personally tailored behavioural and cognitive tips for increasing activity, ranging across themes from social support to physical activity opportunities in their neighbourhoods. Across the 13 weeks, those who received text messaging signicantly increased their frequency of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and frequency of walking for exercise. These participants also reported signicantly greater min per week of walking for exercise than those who did not receive the SMS reminders. Mobile phone use is also increasing in low-income and middle-income countries, drawing attention to text messaging as a channel with large potential global reach.47,48 Harnessing the growing reach of mobile phones in countries with low and middle incomes, the Kenyan WelTelKenya project implemented an SMS-based intervention to increase adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) in new HIV-infected patients.99 Although most participants (76%) lived on less than US$5 per day, 87% owned their own mobile phone and the remaining 13% had access to a phone. For a year, participants in the intervention group were sent one text message per week inquiring about their status, if they had any problems, and asking them to respond within 48 h. Adequate adherence (taking >95% of pills) was reported in 62% of the intervention group compared with 50% of the standard care group, and was accompanied by a signicant decrease in disease outcomes. In view of the high cost of ART drugs, the inclusion of SMS seems to be an especially cost-eective way to improve adherence and to potentially improve public health. With the high prevalence of both physical inactivity and mobile phone access in low-income and middle-income countries, SMS-based interventions to initiate and maintain physical activity in these countries seem quite promising.

lifestyles, as well as with wealth, within and between countries. The digital divide, however, might not apply to all technologies. The case study of an SMS-based physical activity intervention (panel 2) shows that this intervention strategy can be eective in a low-income population at high risk of inactivity. The results of our simulation model show that because access to SMS diers little between middle-income and high-income countries, the modelled eect of SMS on physical activity is actually increased in middle-income countries, which account for 71% of the global population; this conclusion suggests that mobile phones might be a less inequitable way of delivering interventions to promote physical activity than would be the internet in countries of all incomes. Similarly, within the transport sector, there might be positive eects from trends in development and technology in addition to the well documented negative health eects of motor vehicle use. The case study of congestion charging in London, UK, presented in the appendix p 12, is a good example of a transport-sector policy already used in high-income countries and dependent on automatic

number plate recognition, mobile communications, and related technologies for its successful operation, which has the potential to increase the use of physically active modes of transport (walking and cycling). Of even greater relevance is the case of Bogot, Colombia, where a series of urban policies, infrastructure changes, and programmes are associated with increased physical activity. The best studied programme in Bogot, the Ciclova, attracts about a million users every week, most from low and middle socioeconomic strata. The case studies that we present suggest that not all trends in transport, development, and technology will inevitably have undesirable eects on physical activity, and that some types of interventions might actually narrow gaps in physical activity and health associated with social inequity. Our model has several limitations. As noted, very few studies of physical activity interventions have been done in low-income and middle-income countries. Eect size estimates are, therefore, disproportionately aected by studies from high-income countries and might not accurately reect interventions applied worldwide. Although megatrends for information and communication technologies and car ownership are clear, few data are available for the association between these factors and physical activity. Modelling of the complex bidirectional associations that potentially exist between information and communication technologies, car ownership and use, and overall transport choices is especially dicult. For example, car ownership might be associated with inactivity and obesity, but also with improved overall health status. Increased access to information and communication technologies can increase sedentary time, but might also allow delivery of physical activity interventions. We could not include the potential positive eect of urban planning and transport interventions, such as BRT and the Ciclova, in the model because eect sizes on physical activity for these strategies have not yet been reported. There are also limitations inherent in the structure of the model that we developed. We tted the potential eects of physical activity interventions as random distributed variables, independent of megatrend exposure. We assumed independence between the intervention eect estimates and megatrend exposure, but actual global data for the relation between exposure to megatrends and interventions are not available. Future studies might consider a Bayesian approach, including the conditional probability of exposure to an intervention given megatrend exposure. For example, studies of internet-based interventions could take into account varying exposure to the megatrend by tracking of webpage trac. For car ownership, studies need to assess the potential for activity substitution (eg, use of car versus walking, cycling, or use of another type of motor vehicle) with specic physical activity interventions. Unlike the models for the internet and mobile phone megatrends, the model for car ownership depended on Vol 380 July 21, 2012


one estimate of the exposure-outcome relation between car ownership and active travel time from a crosssectional observational study in the UK.75 Even with these limitations, the results of our review of physical activity interventions and the simulation model incorporating these reviews and megatrends have important implications for research and policy. A much more global perspective is clearly needed for both physical activity research and practice. Physical activity interventions and policies are unlikely to be optimised when more than 90% of the evidence and experience comes from high-income countries, while 84% of the world lives in the very dierent context of low-income and middle-income countries. This issue also suggests a major need to develop research capacity for physical activity within countries with low and middle incomes to build a contextually appropriate base of type 3 evidence. Megatrends and policies in sectors beyond health seem to have major potential eects on population-level physical activity. To improve understanding of these complex eects, multisectoral research teams incorporating behavioural, economic, and social sciences using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including modelling and policy analysis, will be needed. The challenge of focusing research in countries with low and middle incomes, at the same time that the overall complexity of methods and research teams is mounting, could be partly addressed by an increased emphasis on international collaboration in research and training. Although technology-based physical activity interventions seem promising, they certainly need additional insight and improvement. Global access to these technologies, as well as the eects that they might have on activity and inactivity, need to be considered. Our model suggests that policies focused on enhanced access to mobile phones and delivery of interventions by this medium could be especially important. New technologies, such as smartphones, interactive voice response, and interactive video games, are increasingly prevalent in highincome countries, but are more expensive than traditional mobile phones. These technologies might become important mediums for promotion of physical activity globally, if prices drop suciently for them to become as ubiquitous as standard mobile phones are today. Policy changes in transportation and planning will also be important. Intersectoral approaches with the potential to promote physical activity as a cobenet already exist, including carbon pricing, integrated transit systems, trac restriction, and increasing green space and bike-pedestrian networks. Enhancement of these strategies, especially in the context of countries with low and middle incomes, and consideration of social justice and equity seem to be logical steps towards improved promotion of global physical activity. As important as it might be to improve placement of physical activity Vol 380 July 21, 2012

within health-care systems and public health, the greatest potential to increase population-level physical activity might be through creation of supportive policies in other sectors. Global megatrends in information and communication technologies and transportation seem to have important eects on physical activity directly and by potentiating intervention strategies.
Contributors MP designed the study and other authors provided critical input. OLS and FM did the systematic search and modelling procedures, and developed the tables and gures with input from the other authors. All authors drafted sections of the report and provided critical review of the draft. Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group Jasem R Alkandari, Lars Bo Andersen, Adrian E Bauman, Steven N Blair, Ross C Brownson, Fiona C Bull, Cora L Craig, Ulf Ekelund, Shifalika Goenka, Regina Guthold, Pedro C Hallal, William L Haskell, Gregory W Heath, Shigeru Inoue, Sonja Kahlmeier, Peter T Katzmarzyk, Harold W Kohl 3rd, Estelle Victoria Lambert, I-Min Lee, Grit Leetongin, Felipe Lobelo, Ruth J F Loos, Bess Marcus, Brian W Martin, Neville Owen, Diana C Parra, Michael Pratt, Pekka Puska, David Ogilvie, Rodrigo S Reis, James F Sallis, Olga Lucia Sarmiento, Jonathan C Wells. Conicts of Interest We declare that we have no conicts of interest. Acknowledgments The ndings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ocial position of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We thank Andrs Medaglia Gonzlez and Roberto Zarama for their mentoring support and Carlos Grijalba, Carlos Pedraza, and Andrea Ramirez for their contributions to the systematic search (Universidad de los Andes, Bogot, Colombia), and Britta Larsen (University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA) and Madalena Soares (CDC) for their assistance with the report; several organisations that have provided grant support to one or more of the authors and their research teams: the Coca Cola Company (unrestricted training grant to the CDC Foundation in support of the work of MP, LGP, and Madalena Soares); the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (partial support of in-person writing meetings in Atlanta, GA, USA, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); the Centre for Diet and Activity Research, a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence funded by the British Heart Foundation, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, and the Wellcome Trust under the auspices of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (support of DO); the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Basic and Applied Complexity, CeiBA (Bogot, Colombia; Colciencias grant 519 2010, support of FM); and the CDC Prevention Research Centers programme contract U48/DP001903 (Applying Evidence Physical Activity Recommendations in Brazil) for support of RCB. References 1 Yach D, Hawkes C, Gould CL, Hofman KJ. The global burden of chronic diseases: overcoming impediments to prevention and control. JAMA 2004; 291: 261622. 2 Omran AR. The epidemiologic transition. A theory of the epidemiology of population change. Milbank Mem Fund Q 1971; 49: 50938. 3 Miranda JJ, Kinra S, Casas JP, Davey Smith G, Ebrahim S. Non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries: context, determinants and health policy. Trop Med Int Health 2008; 13: 122534. 4 WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009. 5 WHO. Global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004. 6 WHO. Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2010. 7 WHO. 20082012 Action plan for the global strategy for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009.





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Physical Activity 5 The pandemic of physical inactivity: global action for public health
Harold W Kohl 3rd, Cora Lynn Craig, Estelle Victoria Lambert, Shigeru Inoue, Jasem Ramadan Alkandari, Grit Leetongin, Sonja Kahlmeier, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group*
Lancet 2012; 380: 294305 Published Online July 18, 2012 S0140-6736(12)60898-8 This is the fth in a Series of ve papers about physical activity *Members listed at end of paper University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston School of Public Health, and University of Texas at Austin Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, Austin, TX, USA (Prof H W Kohl 3rd PhD); Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada, and School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia (C L Craig MSc); UCT/MRC Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa (Prof E V Lambert PhD); Tokyo Medical University, Department of Preventive Medicine and

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. We summarise present global eorts to counteract this problem and point the way forward to address the pandemic of physical inactivity. Although evidence for the benets of physical activity for health has been available since the 1950s, promotion to improve the health of populations has lagged in relation to the available evidence and has only recently developed an identiable infrastructure, including eorts in planning, policy, leadership and advocacy, workforce training and development, and monitoring and surveillance. The reasons for this late start are myriad, multifactorial, and complex. This infrastructure should continue to be formed, intersectoral approaches are essential to advance, and advocacy remains a key pillar. Although there is a need to build global capacity based on the present foundations, a systems approach that focuses on populations and the complex interactions among the correlates of physical inactivity, rather than solely a behavioural science approach focusing on individuals, is the way forward to increase physical activity worldwide.

The pandemic of physical inactivity should be a public health priority

Theoretically, prioritisation for public health action is informed largely by three factors: the prevalence and trends of a health disorder; the magnitude of the risk associated with exposure to that disorder; and evidence for eective prevention and control. A practice or behaviour that is clearly related to a health disorder, is prevalent, and is static or increasing in its prevalence should be a primary target for public health policy for disease prevention and health promotion. Too often, however, the inertia of tradition, pressure from special interest groups, media attention, and other external forces can overcome this approach.

Key messages The high prevalence of physical inactivity, its harmful health and environmental consequences, and the evidence of eective physical activity promotion strategies, make this problem a global public health priority Physical activity and public health is a new discipline, merging several areas of specialisation including epidemiology, exercise and sport science, behaviour science, and environmental health science, among others; these dierent areas are needed to tackle the global pandemic of physical inactivity because multidisciplinary work is essential Early development of the discipline has been largely opportunistic and, as a result, physical activity has usually been coupled with other public health agendas and is often not a fully recognised, standalone, public health priority Capacity building, workforce training, and intersectoral approaches are needed in all regions for physical activity research, practice, policy, and advocacy and education A systems approach to physical activity beyond a reliance on behavioural science needs coordinated changes at the individual, social and cultural, environmental, and policy levels; building of intersectoral action is particularly needed in countries with low-to-middle incomes, where the unintended consequences of development might negatively aect transport-related, household, and occupational physical activity

Available data suggest that 31% of the worlds population is not meeting the minimum recommendations for physical activity1 and, in 2009, the global prevalence of inactivity was 17%.2 Despite promising positive trends in leisure-time (discretionary) physical activity in some countries, incidental, transportation-related, and occupational physical activity prevalences are falling.36 The global challenge of physical inactivity is further amplied by the risk it conveys. Lee and colleagues7 presented persuasive evidence that 610% of all deaths from noncommunicable diseases worldwide can be attributed to physical inactivity, and this percentage is even higher for specic diseases (eg, 30% for ischaemic heart disease).8 In 2007, 5357 million deaths globally from noncommunicable diseases could have theoretically been prevented if people who were inactive had instead been suciently active. Most of these eects of physical inactivity are not mediated through body composition. Finally, several approaches have acceptable eectiveness for increasing physical activity across dierent ages, social groups, and countries worldwide.9 In view of the prevalence, global reach, and health eect of physical inactivity, the issue should be appropriately described as pandemic, with far-reaching health, economic, environmental, and social consequences. Moreover, the associated morbidity of health disorders related to inactivity, including health-related quality of life as well as direct and indirect economic costs, exerts a substantial burden on societies and health systems. For example, annual direct health-care costs range from US$284 to $3344 per head in Australia,10 UK,11 and Switzerland12 and, including indirect costs, from $1547 to $4189 per head in Canada13 and the USA.14 The magnitude of economic implications of physical inactivity is dicult to compare at present, and a more in-depth global analysis is needed. Vol 380 July 21, 2012



Social and economic transitions that aect populations can have a profound eect on health and health behaviour. For example, the rapid economic development and drastic social changes in many Latin American countries in recent years have been mirrored by a rapid trend away from undernutrition and micronutrient deciencies to overnutrition and obesity, along with an ageing population and an increase in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases.15 That physical activity is also related to development is particularly evident and of concern in low-income and middle-income countries, where occupational, domestic, and transport-related physical activities might contribute more to overall energy expenditure than does leisure time or recreational activity.16 Moreover, in the fourth paper in this Series, Pratt and colleagues17 presented compelling models showing the potential eect of developing global information and communications technologies on physical activity. Increasing urbanisation and rapid economic development in China have been linked to reductions in overall and occupational physical activity in adults16,18 as well as increased television viewing in children.19 Similarly, in Africa, rural-to-urban migration is associated with reductions in prevalence of physical activity.20,21 In some cases, the urban-to-rural gradient for inactivity more than doubles. The challenge is magnied in view of the fact that, in 20 years, 60% of west Africans will live in urban areas and two-thirds of people moving into urban areas in Africa do so into poverty. Such large shifts in physical activity demand scrutiny with a public health lens to assess the population-level causes, rather than a solely clinical view, to understand the causes of inactivity among individuals.22 Important global progress has been made in organisation and mobilisation of eorts for tobacco and alcohol control23,24 and promotion of a healthy diet.25,26 Physical inactivity has begun to be recognised as the fourth type of exposure that needs to be addressed for control of noncommunicable diseases.27 However, and despite robust research on how to address physical inactivity,9 there has been an evidence-policy gap for action. As a relative newcomer to the area, physical activity has yet to garner equal global organisation and advocacy power to receive the appropriate political recognition and investments. The eect of this tardiness has been to put physical activity in reverse gear compared with population trends and advances in tobacco and alcohol control and diet. This unacceptable situation needs to be addressed with haste if the world is to reach its goals for control of noncommunicable diseases.27 In the next sections, we summarise existing global physical activity eorts and emphasise challenges that point the way forward to address the global pandemic of physical inactivity. We argue that lasting progress needs to be built on early eorts, but that a full systems approach should be taken to fully integrate physical activity into public health. Vol 380 July 21, 2012

Advancement of physical activity and public health: building on existing progress

Physical activity promotion to improve the health of populations, rather than individual behaviours, has only had an identiable infrastructure since 2000. The reasons for this late start are myriad and complex. First, there is a perception, albeit incorrect, that the science base for physical activity and health has lagged behind other important issues such as tobacco use and diet. Second, as a result of a grafting of exercise science to public health science, the specialty of physical activity and public health has its roots in several areas. Exercise science, epidemiology, behavioural science, environmental health science, and others have each contributed to the emergence of the discipline of physical activity and public health and the absence of centralisation has resulted in diuse and uncoordinated development. As such, early action in training and growth of infrastructure has often been opportunistic rather than systematic. Finally, physical activity has frequently been coupled with diet28,29 to address obesity, rather than dened as a standalone public health issue, despite evidence for many independent health eects of physical activity and physical inactivity.30 Such opportunistic approaches by coupling or integration with other health determinants might have merit for the physical activity policy agenda for some health outcomes, but they unavoidably restrict the scope of action and impede a full approach to address all aspects of physical activity and inactivity. Further, such partnering for convenience should not to be confused with building of equally footed partnerships for action. What resources and strategies are needed to move physical activity and public health to the mainstream?31 To harness the science for public health action, creative thinking coupled with development of partnerships for action are needed to help physical activity to become a public health priority. Global capacity building in physical activity is crucial. A systematic approach to capacity building involves an assessment of existing capacity and resources, planning and target setting, intersectoral collaboration built on a strong foundation of leadership and advocacy, workforce development in teaching, research and practice, and monitoring of progress. Global capacity building should be advanced by evolving and expanding existing assets. Figure 1 shows a timeline of major international benchmarks as the specialty has emerged in four broad areas. For each area, progress is detailed to provide direction for further development of global capacity.

Public Health, Tokyo, Japan (Prof S Inoue MD); Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Health Sciences CenterKuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait (J R Alkandari PhD); National Health Security Oce, Bangkok, Thailand (G Leetongin MD); and Physical Activity and Health Unit, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (S Kahlmeier PhD) Correspondence to: Dr Harold W Kohl 3rd, University of Texas Health Science Center, HoustonSchool of Public Health, Austin Regional Campus, Michael and Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living, Austin, TX 78701, USA

Policy and planning

Two major global eorts have occurred since 2000 in policy and planning. First, in 2004, the World Health Assembly adopted the WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity, and health28 and WHO subsequently published implementation aids in support of the


Policy and planning WHO DPAS (2004) Leadership and advocacy RAFA/PANA Agita Mundo (2000) (2002) Professional development and training HEPA Europe (2005) AP-PAN (2005) CDC/IUHPE (2004) JPAH (2004) GAPA (2007) AFRO - PAN (2010) UN NCD (2011)

ISPAH (2009)

Surveillance IPAQ (2001) GPAQ (2005)





Figure 1: Emergence of global infrastructure for physical activity and public health WHO DPAS=WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health.28 UN NCD=UN high-level meeting on non-communicable disease.32 HEPA=Health Enhancing Physical Activity.33 RAFA/PANA=Red Actividad Fisica de las Americas/Physical Activity Network of the Americas.34 AP-PAN=Asia Pacic Physical Activity Network.35 GAPA=Global Advocacy for Physical Activity.36 AFRO-PAN=Africa Physical Activity Network.37 CDC/IUHPE=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/International Union for Health Promotion and Education. JPAH=Journal of Physical Activity and Health.38 ISPAH=International Society for Physical Activity and Health.39 IPAQ=international physical activity questionnaire.40 GPAQ=global physical activity questionnaire.41

strategy.4244 Second, a UN high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases was convened in September, 2011,32 specically to address prevention and control eorts of diseases that claimed 63% of global deaths in 2008. At the UN meeting, physical inactivity was identied as an important determinant of non-communicable diseases globally, but received less emphasis than tobacco, alcohol, and diet. These two eorts are obviously important in their contexts and have certainly been seminal in raising international awareness of the issues of physical inactivity. However, the absence of focus specically on inactivity in these two initiatives in favour of coupling with diet serves to weaken eorts for broad, focused approaches to tackle physical inactivity. For example, the rst version of the currently proposed global monitoring framework for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases45 did not contain a target or indicators for physical inactivity, although such indicators were present for tobacco, diet, and alcohol. Targets and indicators for physical inactivity were subsequently included in the second draft version of the document only after substantial advocacy eorts by many interested parties including the global and regional networks. If physical activity is not retained, the four factors that are meant to support non-communicable disease prevention (physical activity, tobacco control, diet, and alcohol) will be eectively reduced unacceptably to only three. Member states will then not have a mandate for action to address physical activity as a matter of public health urgency. Another topic for consideration is that physical activity promotion is not only important for the prevention of

non-communicable diseases, but it might also play a key part in eorts against global warming through the promotion of active transportation, improvement of social relationships, reduction of social inequities, and stimulation of the use of public spaces. Global eorts in the policy and planning area urgently need to place health promotion, in this case through physical activity practice, as much more than a risk factor for non-communicable diseases, but actually a basic human right. One crucial approach to build capacity and infrastructure in physical activity and public health is the development and implementation of national policies and action plans.46 A recent WHO report suggests47 that, although 73% of member states reported having an identiable plan, strategy, or policy to address physical inactivity, only 55% of these plans, strategies, or policies were reported to be operational. Further, only 42% were operational as well as funded. Substantial global variation exists, with reported plans, strategies, or policies less prevalent (46%) in the African WHO region, but universal (100%) in the southeast Asia WHO region. There was also a substantial dierence between income groups, with 82% of countries with upper-middle incomes reporting plans relative to 68% of those with lowermiddle incomes. These data provide the rst global overview, but validation of these self-reported data is needed because items could have been interpreted and reported dierently by dierent countries. What constitutes good policy for physical activity promotion? The mere existence of a national physical activity policy or action plan does not secure its functionality or implementation. Plans are not implementation, implementation is not strategy, and strategies are not evidence of population change. Nor does the existence of a national policy necessarily produce success. Ideally, national policies and action plans are designed not for implementation solely by governments, but rather for mobilisation of both governmental and non-governmental collaboration towards advancement of physical activity and reduction of physical inactivity. The recent Brazilian experience is one from which many such lessons can be learned.48 Similar action is needed worldwide. A policy audit tool was developed49 on the basis of a literature review of previous work on cross-country comparisons on physical activity policy,46,5053 identifying a set of 17 key attributes identied as essential for successful implementation of a population-wide approach to promote physical activity across the lifecourse. These attributes include an evidence-based, consultative approach and integration across sectors and policies, national recommendations on physical activity levels, national goals and targets, an implementation plan including several strategies and evaluation based on a national surveillance system. Successful implementation also depends on political commitment and sustainable funding, leadership and coordination, working in partnership, a network supporting professionals as well as Vol 380 July 21, 2012


ensuring links between policy and practice, and a communication strategy and a clear programme branding. The policy audit tool can act as a catalyst for increased communication and joint strategic planning by identifying synergies and discrepancies among policy areas (appendix).

Leadership and advocacy

The tardy emergence of physical activity and public health as a distinct discipline can partly be attributed to disparate leadership and the fact that, to date, physical activity has not been rmly rooted in public health. As shown in gure 1, regional networks have been the foundation in this area. The rst regional network in the world was Red Actividad Fisica de las Americas (Physical Activity Network of the Americas; RAFA/PANA).34 RAFA/PANA seeks to harness substantial resources and interest in physical activity from Canada to Chile. RAFA/PANA was followed by similar eorts to coalesce several interests in Europe,33 Asia-Pacic,35 and most recently Africa.37 A global physical activity network initiative, Agita Mundo,54 has evolved simultaneously from early beginnings in Brazil.55 These networks all have the common goal to provide a platform for exchange of experiences, to strengthen existing initiatives, and to identify and disseminate good practice. Other goals include advocacy, dissemination of knowledge, workforce training, and the development of national networks or research collaborations. The described poor support for physical activity is also illustrated by the fact that none of these networks receives sustainable institutional support of any kind, so they all depend almost entirely on voluntary contributions of central steering bodies and member institutions. Despite scarce resources, the networks represent members from more than half the countries in each region and have produced tangible results and products. For example, through the leadership of the RAFA/PANA network, nine national networks have been formed (Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Uruguay, El Salvador, Venezuela) and, together with Agita Mundo, mass events are organised regularly, which engage millions of participants in physical activity. The European network has established working groups on national approaches, youth and elderly people, and settings such as health care, sport clubs, and working environments and on surveillance and injury prevention, which collect and analyse approaches and case studies and develop guidelines and practical tools for implementation. The Asia-Pacic network delivers a biweekly newsletter to more than 4000 readers, which has both an advocacy and scientic communication function. The most recently formed African network produces a quarterly newsletter, and provides a platform for regional collaborative research and advocacy in various African countries. Early evaluation eorts for the regional and global networks need to be formalised and expanded. Regional networks help to support communication and common interest events. Active promotion to advance a Vol 380 July 21, 2012

cause needs advocacy. Encouragingly, formal advocacy eorts have more recently emerged in the eld. In 2007, Global Advocacy on Physical Activity36 (GAPA) was launched. GAPA works to strengthen advocacy, dissemination, and capacity around physical activity promotion and policy. While these eorts proceed, additional approaches are needed to build global capacity in physical activity and public health. Although physical activity has to further establish itself as fully recognised standalone specialty on an equal footing with those of diet, tobacco control, and others, working across dierent silos and establishing partnerships for action specic to physical activity could be the most important advance to be made. For example, many non-governmental organisations have long been involved in sport promotion; however, only recently have networks of these organisations involved in Sports for All and Sports for Development identied health as a key outcome objective, particularly in countries with low and middle incomes.5658 The Health in All Policies approach59 has emerged to integrate health concerns into policy decisions taken in other sectors. This approach needs increased health system capacity to engage other sectors eectively in adopting policies that maximise possible health gains. Success not only needs eective advocacy skills, but, more importantly, the ability to identify mutually benecial actions that allow the target sectors to achieve their own goals while protecting and promoting health. A successful example of this approach is an international project that was coordinated by WHO. The project developed guidance and practical tools for economic assessments of the health eects of cycling and walking.6062 The products were developed through a systematic review of relevant research followed by a comprehensive consensus building process61 involving experts specically selected to represent an interdisciplinary range of professional backgrounds and expertise (health and epidemiology, health and transport economics, a practice or advocacy perspective, policy development and implementation). The project produced aids that were transparent and easy to use. Health economic assessment tools for cycling have already been adopted by several countries for their ocial toolbox for economic assessment of cycling infrastructure and are applicable in countries with high, middle, and low incomes.62,63 These projects show that use of economic arguments to advocate investments into policies that have clear sector-specic benets is a promising strategy to win the support of these sectors and could have great potential to result in health benets.

See Online for appendix

Training and professional development

Despite seemingly incomplete development of a global physical activity and public health infrastructure, some coordinated workforce training eorts have emerged. Although certication programmes for exercise professionals have existed for many years,64,65 the emphasis


Panel 1: Physical activity surveillance: if it is important, it must be measured Comprehensive surveillance systems are crucial to advance physical activity and public health. The development and introduction of such a comprehensive system poses challenges and is dependent on the capacities and resources available. Yet having such physical activity information will serve to improve investment of scarce resources, increase accountability, and help to make ecient and eective investments. Canadas experience provides one example of how comprehensive physical activity surveillance can be implemented. In the mid-1990s, a needs assessment was done with scholars, representatives of federal and provincial or territorial (state) governments, and national-level non-governmental organisations. Key indicators were identied at the individual, social, and physical environment levels across schools, workplaces, and municipalities (land-use, transportation, recreation systems). Results have been used for advocacy, setting targets, tracking of progress (related to capacity, policies, programmes, and services), shaping of policy and strategies, market segmentation, and evaluation of health education campaigns. Canadas system evolved over time to include many data sources including objective as well as self-report measures. Data sources have included regular specic population-based and setting-based (eg, schools, workplaces, municipalities) surveys, supplemented by population health surveys and transportation surveys. As data became available, its value in guiding policy and practice was recognised and demand for data increased. Therefore, it was important to have a long-term vision for surveillance and to implement components of the system as capacity and commitment to measurement grew. As new measures were included, existing measures were retained at least on a periodic basis. Otherwise, if methods or questions or measures had changed, trends over time could not have been assessed. Other countries can learn from these lessons by creating their own vision of what population and sector-related data would be needed to assess changes in the conditions that aect physical activity in their country and what policies and interventions they might adopt to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviour. A core set of indicators could then be identied within this framework and measured over time as commitment to surveillance strengthens. The key to implementation of a policy-relevant system is to begin with a comprehensive vision of what data are needed to inform policy and practice and then to implement the various elements of that system as feasible.

on population health has only been recent. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the International Union for Health Promotion and Education have been drivers of international training eorts, to educate public health professionals regarding the fundamentals of physical activity, its role in public health, and eective strategies for successful physical activity promotion.9 Up to mid-2012, 25 of these international courses have been held in most WHO regions with more than 1400 participants. In 2004, a professional journal, the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, was launched to help to build scientic evidence on physical activity and health38 and the International Society for Physical Activity and Health was organised in 2009 to provide international leadership in the advancement of physical activity for health.39 The crucial need to move physical activity into the public health mainstream involves leadership from these international organisations to further emphasise professional development of practitioners and academic training of researchers and teachers. This need is especially strong in countries with low and middle incomes facing a wave

of economic and social changes that will probably reduce the physical activity demands of daily life. This training should focus (among other things) on planning, intersectoral collaboration (including sport, health, transportation, and other key areas), implementation of evidence-based physical activity strategies and how to increase demand for access to safe places for physical activity. Social mobilisation is a crucial aspect of this training and has been successfully used in Brazil.36 Public health should lead this eort, but other disciplines such as medicine, physical therapy, nutrition, education, psychology and behavioural science, and urban planning and design need to aliate. Although the needed numbers of practitioners in this area is unknown, it is certainly more than are presently working. If practitioners in each of these areas were reoriented to make physical activity a priority in their work, the workforce addressing these needs would be greatly expanded. Beyond the existing practitioner workforce, academic training should be oriented for preparation of the future generations at all levels. Graduate training specialisations in physical activity and public health should emerge and with them a broad range of core competencies that set a minimum standard of knowledge. The development of the Physical Activity and Public Health Specialist certication by the US National Society for Practitioners of Physical Activity and Public Health66 and the American College of Sports Medicine is a major step forward. Competencies for this certication (and associated sets of knowledge, skills, and abilities) have been developed in six crucial areas: partnership development; use of data and scientic information; planning and evaluation; intervention; organisational structure; and exercise science in public health. This model can probably be adapted and implemented in other countries. Formal academic training programmes and graduate training should also be created to guide the next generation of researchers in this area. Global capacity in exercise science, physical education, physical therapy, public health, architecture and planning, and environmental health should not only be increased, but be oriented towards integration and comprehensive approaches to physical activity and public health. Finally, more research into eective programmes that increase physical activity and reduce physical inactivity, particularly in countries with low and middle incomes, is needed to help to further build the evidence base for their national policies and action plans.42 To expedite this process, journals could ideally consider adopting editorial policies to support and perhaps even fast-track articles on interventions in low-income and middle-income countries.

Monitoring and surveillance

Physical activity and public health was advanced substantially by the development and implementation of standardised surveillance tools for physical activity. The Vol 380 July 21, 2012


international physical activity questionnaire40 and the global physical activity questionnaire41 have provided ways for specic countries on a regional and global scale to gather data for the prevalence of people meeting physical activity recommendations, the prevalence of physical inactivity, and (for the global questionnaire) domainspecic behaviour estimates. However, as discussed in the rst paper of this Series,1 persistent gaps are noted in physical activity surveillance including the scarcity of continuous surveillance systems implemented at the national level (resulting in an absence of trend data), any data in a third of countries, and standardised data for active transportation, sedentary behaviours, and school physical education class attendance among indicators. Optimum physical activity surveillance focuses on levels and behaviours, their determinants and outcomes, and indicators of proven and promising solutions to address low physical activity in various segments of the population. As such, the focus is not the traditional epidemiological disease-case nding approach to surveillance, but rather the monitoring of trends in peoples physical activity behaviour and assessment of progress in changing the underlying determinants that aect physical activity. Physical activity surveillance should provide information for policies and interventions that reside in many sectors (health, education, recreation, transportation, land-use planning, etc). Health-related measures focus on meeting physical activity recommendations and domain-specic measuresfor example, walking and bicycling for transport, occupational physical activity, attendance of physical education classes at school, physical demands of chores, and participation in physically active recreation and sport. To inform the many levels and sectors needed for intervention, ecological frameworks67 spanning determinants and correlates at the individual, social, physical environment, and societal levels are needed to organise the vast array of factors aecting physical activity. Assessment of only individual physical activity is not enough to inform policy and planning. Panel 1 describes Canadas experience with comprehensive physical activity surveillance.

the reason for slow progress. Noticeably under-represented has been leadership by global, regional, and national health-focused foundations with the means to advance this issue. Further, international leadership provided by the US Centers for Disease Control in physical activity and public health is now on the wane. A major part of the answer could also lie in the initial approaches to solving the issue. Instead of a populationbased public health emphasis, eorts have focused on individual health. A foundation of public health is the realisation that health and illness have causes that go beyond biology and behaviour.68 For physical activity, a strong case can be made that the science of how to change individual behaviours has overshadowed eorts to understand true population change. Because of this unbalanced focus, the structural and systemic changes necessary to promote physical activity in populations (with commensurate changes in prevalence) across various sectors have not yet been addressed systematically. Although much has been learned about how individuals can change their physical activity behaviour and the determinants of those behaviours,69 little progress in population-level changes has been documented. A similar experience occurred in global tobacco control, where initially the burden of responsibility was put solely
Behaviour change theory Behavioural intervention

Physical inactivity

Behaviour change

Policy or environmental change

Environmental intervention

Physical inactivity Adaptation Education Behaviour change theory Feedback Competing actions Unintended consequences Delay Accelerants Sport and recreation Behaviour change




Beyond behavioural science to public health

The key question is why progress in physical activity promotion as a public health issue has been less developed than that in other public health areas? The pandemic of inactivity spans the world and economic development and social transitions portend a likely increase in the prevalence of inactivity and the incidence of non-communicable diseases for years to come, particularly in countries with low and middle incomes. The response to physical inactivity has been incomplete, unfocused, and most certainly understaed and underfunded, particularly compared with other risk factors for non-communicable diseases. The relative infancy of the specialty and absence of infrastructure might be part of Vol 380 July 21, 2012
Planning Policy or environmental change Built environment


Strategies for implementation

Figure 2: Behavioural and environmental (A) and systems (B) approaches to physical inactivity A shows a traditional behavioural or environmental intervention strategy for physical inactivity. Various behavioural theories or environmental models are applied to address individual predisposing factors, an intervention is developed and delivered, and behaviour change (increased physical activity) is expected. B shows a complex systems perspective for physical activity, whereby there is an acknowledgment of issues, such as delay functions, adaptation, unintended consequences, competing interests, and feedback that could negatively aect an approach to increase physical activity. Various characteristics might also accelerate or inhibit the speed of the eectiveness of the strategies.



on individuals. Once that view expanded to include recognition of societal responsibility as well, populationlevel action and changes in smoking prevalence followed. Physical activity has to learn from these examples. Only recently has research and promotion regarding the environmental eects that impede or support individual-level physical activity begun to blossom.70,71 These eorts dene, measure, and interpret the fundamental aspects of the physical environment in which an individual or sets of individuals live, work, and recreate and how these aspects aect physical activity. However, changing the focus of action on environmental inuences would only shift the attention from one type of strategy (behavioural) to another (environmental) without full consideration of how individuals behave in given environments and how changes in the environments can aect changes in physical activity patterns. For true change in the global action on physical activity, we have to embrace the complexity of the entire

Panel 2: Call to action: guiding principles The freedom and opportunity for individuals to participate in physical activity should be viewed as a basic human right. To improve global health by increasing population levels of physical activity, we urge all organisations from the governmental (including national, regional, and local), non-governmental, and private sectors to take action in developing and supporting eective physical activity promotion strategies that embrace a systems approach and adhere to the guiding principles of the Toronto Charter, including: Adopt evidence-based strategies that target the whole population as well as specic vulnerable subgroups Address the environmental, social, and individual determinants of physical inactivity In addressing determinants of physical activity behaviour, embrace an equity approach to reduce the disparity in access to opportunities for physical activity Implement sustainable actions in partnership at national, regional, and local levels and across many sectors to achieve greatest eect Build capacity and support training in research, practice, policy, evaluation, and surveillance Use a lifecourse approach by addressing the needs of children, families, adults, elderly people, and people with disabilities as well as specic settings such as worksites and schools Advocate to decision makers and the general community for an increase in political commitment to and resources for physical activity Ensure tailoring to cultural sensitivities and adapt strategies to accommodate varying local realities, cultures, contexts, and resources Allow healthy personal choices by making the physically active choice the easy choice

system in conceiving solutions rather than focusing only on parts of the puzzle such as an individual or an environmental approach alone.72 A systems approach (gure 2) acknowledges the complex non-linearity of health behaviours, including the many interactions, delays in adoption, adaptations, competing actions, and unintended consequences that can occur within a system. A systems approach acknowledges such complexities and allows for planning to counteract the unintended consequences. A key feature of such complex systems is that many inputs and levels of inuence are considered to be interdependent. An attempt is made to understand the pathway towards a specic health behaviour and not only the simple, univariable or linear determinants at an individual or environmental level. Rather, systems approaches identify enablers, accelerants, synergies, and interconnectedness of multiple inuences and thus have the highest potential to aect population physical activity. As a hypothetical example, a behavioural programme to increase school-based physical activity during physical education could be very successful; however, an unintended consequence might be that physical activity elsewhere during a day for those children could decrease. Similarly, a transportation policy designed to reduce automobile congestion, improve air quality, and increase access and social equity in a population by increasing eective mass transportation options could result in increased incidental and transportation-related physical activity behaviours for one segment of that population, but could actually reduce transportationrelated physical activity for other segments, resulting in a net zero gain. Improvements in the mass transit system might not immediately result in adoption (and increased transport-related physical activity) by the target population (delay). Adaptations could occur such that once the novelty of the new transport system wears o, adopters could return to their usual methods of (sedentary) transportation. Specic accelerants and inhibitors (subsidised rider fares, for example) could interact with these and other inuences and ultimately aect physical activity associated with transportation choice. Traditional linear health behaviour models and theories are not designed to take these kinds of interactions into consideration. Such work is in its infancy, but wide-scale diusion of such approaches would accelerate the eect of physical activity and public health eorts throughout the world. Multiple levels of inuence in physical activity behaviour is clearly one key aspect of a complex system. As discussed by Bauman and colleagues69 in the second paper in this Series, there is a vast array of determinants of physical activity behaviour initiation, maintenance, and relapse. Public and organisational policy, the physical environment, the family and social environment, occupation, individual self-ecacy, and genetics among others have all been Vol 380 July 21, 2012



studied with respect to their relation to physical activity. Each of these types of determinants probably has dierent mechanisms of action in diverse sectors. Moreover, the methods of each area dier and are quite possibly distinct in their approaches of study. It is important to study these inuencers in relation to understanding of the system in which they operate. Moreover, the relative contributions of the determinants could change and become less or more prominent as systems change.

Additionally, physical activity is not solely a health sector responsibility, nor should it be. City and community planners, transportation engineers, school authorities, recreation and parks ocials, private employers and the media, along with health-care workers and public health practitioners all are instrumental in promoting (or inhibiting) population levels of physical activity. Each of these stakeholders has dierent motivations and goals, interactions with other inuencers,

Panel 3: Call to action: key actions necessary to advance global health through physical activity Specically, we urge the UN and WHO to: Provide strong global leadership in promoting a systems approach to the development, implementation, and monitoring of national physical activity policies, strategies, and action plans Ensure targets and indicators for monitoring physical activity, physical inactivity, and sedentary behaviour are adopted and maintained as an integral part of global eorts aimed at prevention and control of non-communicable diseases Partner with others, including other UN organisations, to continue to provide and expand professional training on the fundamentals of physical activity, its role in public health, and public policy and eective strategies for action We urge the World Bank, international development agencies, foundations, and other international agencies to: Support the work of, and coordination among, global and regional networks for physical activity promotion, particularly those consisting mainly of countries with low-to-middle incomes, to engage in regional planning, translation of research, exchange of experience, and expertise, and implement regional and national action plans Recognise the key role that physical activity has in the prevention of non-communicable diseases and in enhancing the health of populations, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries Support the development and implementation of national plans to promote physical activity, particularly in countries with low-to-middle incomes We urge countries to: Develop and implement multisectoral strategies and action plans focused specically on physical activity that are framed within a systems approach Assign a clear stewardship role for physical activity to a relevant government body to form a multisectoral infrastructure building on existing structures Adopt evidence-based national recommendations and policy guidance on physical activity for health and quantied population targets Allocate sucient sustainable resources for implementation, as well as evaluation and comprehensive surveillance for accountability We urge ministries of health to: Reorient services and funding at national, regional, and local levels to prioritise physical activity as a standalone area of work Foster partnerships including through cross-governmental implementation at all levels and gain input and engagement from all stakeholders that form a broad multisectoral constituency both within and outside government Make physical activity an integral part of an overall disease prevention and health promotion model, including screening for physical inactivity, counselling about physical activity in prevention and disease treatment and management strategies as well as increased investment in comprehensive physical activity promotion policies, action plans, and implementation programmes We urge ministries of education and other education authorities to: Implement policies that support high-quality, compulsory physical education Promote and implement policies that encourage and support active travel to school Provide opportunities for physical activity during and after the school day as well as healthy school environments We urge ministries of sport and other recreation sector authorities to: Develop and implement sport and recreation policy and funding systems that prioritise increased community access to aordable physical activity opportunities Develop programmes adapted to the needs of particular segments of the community that are less active than others We urge ministries of planning to: Support and implement urban and rural planning policies, design guidelines and building codes that support walking, cycling, public transport, sport, and recreation with a particular focus on equitable access and safety We urge ministries of transport to: Prioritise transport policies and services that promote active forms of non-motorised transport, with an emphasis on equitable access and safety Fund infrastructure support for walking, cycling, and public transit (Continues on next page) Vol 380 July 21, 2012



(Continued from previous page) We urge employers, the private sector, and media to: Develop and implement programmes, facilities, and incentives that encourage and support employees and their families to be physically active Orient marketing, advertising, and promotional messages to encourage physical activity and discourage physical inactivity and sedentary behaviours Collaborate with government and non-governmental organisations in the creation and promotion of opportunities to promote and engage in physical activity We urge academics and academia to: Undertake research to further clarify the open questions on physical activity and health, in particular on eective promotion strategies in all life settings and complete systems approaches Invest in translation of research into practice

Create graduate training programmes that integrate and take a comprehensive approach to physical activity and public health Further build the evidence base for eective programmes, national plans, and on cost-eectiveness, particularly in countries with low and middle incomes Finally, we urge individuals and organisations in civil society to: Advocate to decision makers and the general community for an increase in political commitment and resources to increase population levels of physical activity Commit to and implement plans for the development and capacity building of the physical activity and public health infrastructure that is commensurate with the magnitude, reach, and eect of the issue Seek ways to become and remain physically active at levels recommended for the preservation and promotion of health and wellbeing

and measures of success and priorities. If systems are not changed in a more coordinated manner, any successful programme of one single stakeholder could be oset by unexpected consequences to another stakeholder or by equal and opposite eects of dierent programmes. Complete understanding of all stakeholders, their interactions, and how their interactions make up the whole is crucial to understanding of the systems that impede progress on physical activity. Such a task again will necessitate coordination, communication, and partnership development across the myriad of stakeholders who can aect change. Many previous public health solutions have been the primary responsibility of the health sector (eg, tobacco control, infection control), but meaningful progress was only made possible when inputs from several areas were taken into account. Physical inactivity is an issue that crosses many sectors and has to be addressed as such. Although the health sector, from counselling of individual patients in a medical care setting, all the way to community-based programmes for physical activity promotion, can and should play a major part, other sectors are equally, if not more, important in the systems dynamics of physical activity and public health. Thus, many parties (governments, international organisations, the private sector, and civil society) need to contribute complementary actions in a coordinated approach. Priority actions include policies to improve the built environments, cross-cutting actions (such as leadership, healthy public policies, and monitoring), and much greater funding for prevention programmes. Increased investment in population monitoring systems would improve the accuracy of forecasts and evaluations. Based on a strong independent identity and increased evidence base, the integration of actions within existing systems into both health and non-health sectors can

greatly increase the eect and sustainability of policies. Such a consideration has been recently oered for the prevention of obesity73 and should be considered as a model to guide future work to promote physical activity globally. A systems approach might also include physical activity within a non-communicable disease programme or obesity prevention agenda (which might be very important for countries with low and middle incomes), or other opportunistic means to leverage action. Although an important launching point, actions should always be conceptualised within a larger systems approach so that additional opportunities can be identied and harmoniously implemented. Finally, there is a heterogeneity of inuences that is acknowledged in systems thinking. Given the same family environment, the same physical environment, and other physical activity determinants, why are some people very active, others intermittently active, and still others inactive? Clearly, dierent determinants exist and they manifest dierently, resulting in a variable, incomplete, and unsatisfactory model to predict physical activity. This variability in inuence, coupled with the multiple levels of inuence and the multiple stakeholders, argues strongly that public health eorts for physical activity promotion cannot be expected to increase the prevalence of health-enhancing physical activity throughout the world without a complete systems approach. Behavioural science and environmental science have contributed to our understanding and denition of the issue at the individual level. By its very nature, systems thinking needs transcendence of traditional silos and boundaries to address large-scale issues. If public health is to be improved by population shifts in physical activity prevalence, those changes have to be aected by a change in thinking to embrace a systems approach. Although dicult to implement and Vol 380 July 21, 2012


communicate, such an approach is necessary to address physical activity as a public health issue.

Panel 4: Lancet Physical Activity Observatory How will we measure progress? The Working Group has prepared a list of primary goals to be monitored over time so that progress can be measured. These goals should serve as a unifying set of achievable actions that, when met, will result in a healthier world population. By 2016, the following four key goals in physical activity and public health are proposed: 1 Reduce the global prevalence of physical inactivity among adults from 31% to 28% 2 Increase the proportion of adolescents engaging in at least 1 h per day of vigorous and moderate-intensity physical activity from 21% to 24% 3 Reduce the proportions of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, and premature deaths worldwide that are attributable to physical inactivity by 10% 4 Increase the proportion of peer-reviewed scientic publications on physical activity (levels, trends, correlates, consequences, interventions, and policy) that come from low-income and middle-income countries over the total number of publications by 10% In addition to the four primary goals, an additional series of secondary goals to be tracked over time and that will need data systems for assessment are proposed. To achieve these goals, the Lancet Physical Activity Observatory will be created. In addition to keeping track of the progress, reporting on that progress through publications and meetings, the observatory will work with other entities (Global Advocacy for Physical Activity and International Society for Physical Activity and Health, Agita Mundo and regional networks) on advocacy for physical activity promotion, in particular working with governments worldwide, to help countries to achieve the physical activity goals established here. Further details about the mission, purpose, primary and secondary goals, and objectives of the Lancet Physical Activity Observatory will be made available online.

Call to action
As part of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health, GAPA36 works to strengthen advocacy, dissemination, and capacity around physical activity promotion and policy. GAPA was instrumental in developing the 2009 Toronto Charter, a ten-point action plan for global promotion of physical activity74 and resource materials to guide action.75 The Charter has been translated into 17 languages with seven more forthcoming. Such products are intended to guide national agendas, to strengthen advocacy, and to incorporate lessons learned from other risk factor success stories, in particular from tobacco control.76 In this call to action, we urge widespread adoption of the principles outlined in panel 2, which are based on and expanded from the Toronto Charter, and key actions detailed in panel 3.

Physical inactivity is pandemic, a leading cause of death in the world, and clearly one of the top four pillars of a noncommunicable disease strategy. However, the role of physical activity continues to be undervalued despite evidence of its protective eects and the cost burden posed by present levels of physical inactivity globally. There is an urgent need to build global capacity. Although progress has been made in policy and planning, leadership and advocacy, workforce training, and surveillance, much needs to be done to fully address this global issue. Advancement of global capacity needs intersectoral collaboration, improved understanding of what works, particularly in countries with low and middle incomes, comprehensive monitoring to assess progress in implementation of policies and action plans, and momentum in development of a highly skilled workforce in physical activity and public health. New partners, an expanded leadership base, resources at the country and local level, and expanded infrastructure are crucially needed to advance physical activity as a public health issue. Furthermore, a systems-based approach is needed to address the complex interactions between the various conditions that promote or impede population levels of physical activity. Understanding and application of complex systems to aect physical activity will allow infrastructure changes that will give individuals and populations the freedom to be more physically active and healthy. This Series in The Lancet is a crucial step for physical activity and public health. The physical activity research community, governments, and civil society, among others, can take advantage of the summary of knowledge presented in this report to drive action for physical activity. But our share of responsibility does not end with publication of the Series. Setting of goals and measurement of progress is crucial if the specialty is to continue to grow and evolve. As a tangible means to move Vol 380 July 21, 2012

For more on the Lancet Physical Activity Observatory see http:// www.lancetphysicalactivity

forward, the Lancet Physical Activity Observatory is being launched (panel 4).
Contributors HWK was responsible for conceptualisation, drafting, writing, editing, revising, gure design, communicating with the Lancet editorial oce, and leadership of author group meetings. CLC, EVL, and SK contributed to conceptualisation, drafting, writing, editing, and intellectual contributions through participation in author group meetings. SI contributed to conceptualisation, editing, and intellectual contributions through participation in author group meetings. JRA contributed to writing, editing, and intellectual contributions through participation in author group meetings. GL contributed to conceptualisation and intellectual contributions through participation in author group meetings. Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group Jasem R Alkandari, Lars Bo Andersen, Adrian E Bauman, Steven N Blair, Ross C Brownson, Fiona C Bull, Cora L Craig, Ulf Ekelund, Shifalika Goenka, Regina Guthold, Pedro C Hallal, William L Haskell, Gregory W Heath, Shigeru Inoue, Sonja Kahlmeier, Peter T Katzmarzyk, Harold W Kohl 3rd, Estelle Victoria Lambert,



I-Min Lee, Grit Leetongin, Felipe Lobelo, Ruth J F Loos, Bess Marcus, Brian W Martin, Neville Owen, Diana C Parra, Michael Pratt, Pekka Puska, David Ogilvie, Rodrigo S Reis, James F Sallis, Olga Lucia Sarmiento, Jonathan C Wells. Conicts of interest We declare that we have no conicts of interest. Acknowledgments Input to draft versions of this report were provided by Reynaldo Martorell, Gregory W Heath, Kenneth E Powell, Fiona C Bull, Lise Gauvin, Art Salmon, Adrian E Bauman, Francesca Racioppi, Harry Rutter, Nick Cavill, and Trevor Shilton. References 1 Hallal PC, Andersen LB, Bull FC, Guthold R, Haskell W, Ekelund U, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Global physical activity levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. DOI:10.1016/S01406736(12)60646-1. 2 WHO. Global health risks. Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. 2009. healthinfo/global_burden_disease/GlobalHealthRisks_report_full. pdf (accessed Jan 15, 2012). 3 Brownson RC, Boehmer TK, Luke DA. Declining rates of physical activity in the United States: what are the contributors? Annu Rev Public Health 2005; 26: 42143. 4 Church TS, Thomas DM, Tudor-Locke C, et al. Trends over 5 decades in US occupation-related physical activity and their associations with obesity. PLoS One 2011; 6: e19657. 5 Stamatakis E, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ. Temporal trends in physical activity in England: the Health Survey for England 1991 to 2004. Prev Med 2007; 45: 41623. 6 Knuth AG, Hallal PC. Temporal trends in physical activity: a systematic review. J Physical Activity Health 2009; 6: 54859. 7 Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Eect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. 8 WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. 2009. healthinfo/global_burden_disease/GlobalHealthRisks_report_full. pdf (accessed Jan 19, 2012). 9 Heath GW, Parra DC, Sarmiento OL, et al, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Evidence-based physical activity interventions: lessons from around the world. Lancet 2012; published online July 18. 10 Medibank Private. The cost of physical inactivity: what is the lack of participation in physical activity costing Australia? August, 2007. inactivity.pdf (accessed April 24, 2012). 11 Scarborough P, Bhatnagar P, Wickramasinghe KK, Allender S, Foster C, Rayner M. The economic burden of ill health due to diet, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol and obesity in the UK: an update to 200607 NHS costs. J Public Health (Oxf) 2011; 33: 52735. 12 Martin BW, Beeler I, Szucs TD, et al. Economic benets of the health-enhancing eects of physical activity: rst estimates for Switzerland. Schweiz Z Sportmed Sporttraumatol 2001; 49: 13133. 13 Katzmarzyk PT, Janssen I. The economic costs associated with physical inactivity and obesity in Canada: an update. Can J Appl Physiol 2004; 291: 90115. 14 Chenoweth D, Leutzinger J. The economic cost of physical inactivity and excess weight in American adults. J Phys Activ Health 2003; 3: 14863. 15 Rivera JA, Barquera S, Gonzlez-Cosso T, Olaiz G, Seplveda J. Nutrition transition in Mexico and in other Latin American countries. Nutr Rev 2004; 62: S14957. 16 Ng SW, Norton EC, Popkin BM. Why have physical activity levels declined among Chinese adults? Findings from the 19912006 China Health and Nutrition Surveys. Soc Sci Med 2009; 68: 130514.






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