Family Dollar - Summary of Community Concerns and Conditions To Remedy 7-18-12

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Community Concern or Condition to Be Addressed

General 1. Insensitivity to Neighborhood 2. Condition & Lack of Maintenance of Existing Stores

Proposed Remedy by Garrard and Family Dollar

A. Periodically Attend Community and NPU meeting to discuss conditions of existing stores within five mile radius of new store and to report on the steps being taken to remedy negative conditions. B. Contract with a local Landscape Company to provide weekly landscape care and debris control for all stores within a five mile radius.

3. Invest back into the Community via organizations and schools.

C. Provide a line item budget for social responsibility in community organizations such as schools, faith-based organizations, service foundations, etc. D. Work with the Atlantas Workforce Development to hire local residents. Site Design A. Plant City approved Street trees, preferably matching the ones along Boulevard Granada (not less than 6 caliper) not the flower trees such as Crape Myrtles in the right of way B. Provide cut-sheet of Trash Receptacle C. Provide cut-sheet of Light Fixtures D. Provide a route which complies with the City of Atlanta truck routes. E. Proactive Pest Control should be employed at all times. F. Provide cut-sheet of type of fencing. Should be solid, decorative wood fence G. Ensure that the gates are not propped open and are operation g properly at all times. H. Comply I. J. Comply Comply

4. Provide Jobs for Community residents.

1. More Green Space/Landscaping desired along Cascade and Boulevard Granada

2. Provide a decorative Trash Receptacle on property to be maintained daily by FD. 3. What type of Lighting will be on the Site? No Overflow Lighting onto adjacent properties. 4. How will Deliveries be managed? 5. Pest control. 6. Provide solid, attractive fencing at south boundary. 7. Self-closing gates on dumpsters is required to be maintained 8. Brick enclosure around dumpster 9. No Shopping carts or any other store devices or equipment to be stored outside on site. 10. No Ice Machines, Propane Stations, Product Displays such as soda, etc. 11. Remove Site Bench

K. Comply Building Design Page 1 of 2

1. What type of Lighting will be on the Building? 2. No Metal components such as panels, awning and roofing

A. Provide cut-sheet of Light Fixtures B. Provide Canvas Awnings over all Storefront Windows and Doors if not covered - Not backlit. Color to be either Black of Navy to be compatible with the Cascade Heights commercial district. C. The color Red is to be confined to the logo only. D. No Red accent bands around the Building. E. Install only ONE sign along Cascade Road. F. Comply G. Comply H. Comply I. J. Comply Provide decorative type, not painted steel, bollards similar to the Hapeville FD store if needed.

3. Color red is neither compatible with the commercial district nor desired. 4. Three signs are not acceptable. 5. No internal illuminated signs. 6. No burglar bars. 7. No horizontal blinds. 8. No exterior motion detector horns to be installed 9. Bollards only as necessary.

10. No Hanging Advertising Banners to be L. Comply displayed on the exterior or interior of the building or site. This includes fencing, windows, walls, etc 11. No Tobacco or Alcohol sales. M. Comply

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