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Cambodia & Vietnam Itinerary The full itinerary: Chengdu (1 nights), Langzhong/Guangyuan (2 nights), Jiuzhaigou (3 nights), Chengdu (1 night),

Leshan/Emei Shan (1 night), Chengdu (1 night) Day 1: 26th May 2010 12.00pm 5.00pm

Depart from PJ to KL Sentral Reach Guesthouse - Central Market - Sisowath Quay Breakfast (Near Independence Monument) - Genocide Museum - Choeung Ek Memorial Lunch (At Pop, or riverside) - Independence Monument - Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda - National Museum Dinner (Sher E-Punjab/Lemongrass) - Raffles Hotel Le Royal -

Taxi Fare: RM5 per pax Roomrate: RM35 per pax Dinner : RM20

Day 2: 27th May 2010 Chengdu

Roomrate: RM35 per pax Meals: RM40

Day 3: 28th May 2010 Breakfast - Wat Phnom - Walk around Lunch Depart to Siem Reap (Golden Mango Inn) Aspara Dance & Dinner (Jasmin Angkor Restaurant)

Roomrate: RM35 per pax

11.30am 12.30pm 6.30

Hawker stalls noodles: RM3-7 Bus Fare: RM35 Dinner Buffet : RM42 (Within)

Day 4: 29th May 2010 Breakfast - Banteay Srei (Before 10am) - Phreah Ang Chok, Preah Ang Chom Shrine, - Royal Independence Garden, Royal Residence Lunch - Preah Khan and the Grand Circuit (1-2 hrs) - Floating Village Ton Le Sap - Central Market (Psar Kandal) Souvenirs - Traditional Market (Close at 6pm) Dinner - Old Market (Psar Chas) : Night life

Roomrate: RM35 per pax Entrance fee: USD20 for temple passes, not sure if for 1 temple or all temples Lunch: RM20

Dinner: RM20

Day 5: 30th May 2010 5.30am (Must wake up early since at night got not much to do, so can sleep early. Most temple trip need to be done early in the morning or afternoon)

Breakfast - Angkor Wat (sunrise) - Silk Factory (optional) - Les Artisan dAngkor Lunch - Ta Phrom South Gate of Angkor Thom Central Gate (Bayon, Baphuon, Terrace of Elephant, Terrace of Leperking) - Phnom Krom for sunset view Dinner - Go to Ho Chi Minh (8 Hours journey) Packing and Breakfast Depart to Ho Chi Minh (7 Hours) Dinner at HCM - Walk around the city

Entrance fee: USD 20 (do not have to pay again or not) All meals: RM60 Bus fare: USD20 *check if have at night buses or not, if not have to depart next day

Day 6: 31st May 2010 6.00 am 7.00am 7.00pm

Bus rate: USD22

Day 7: 1st June 2010 Breakfast - Reunification palace, Ho Chi Minh

Mausoleum, One Tower Pagoda

Lunch - Cu Chi Tunnel -

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