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Managing Large Organization Structures In Oracle Applications Release 11i

White Paper Jan 30, 2001

Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Table of Contents


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Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Release 11i includes new features aimed at simplifying the setup and maintenance of manufacturing and distribution applications. These features allow you to efficiently manage upwards of 1,000 inventory organizations and related structures in a single Applications instance. Many of these features are useful even if you have a simple organization structure. This White Paper provides an overview of these features. Supplemental information about the use of Organization Hierarchies is offered at the end of this paper. If you want to learn more about how to use the Copy Organization feature for large organization structures, a separate Implementation Manual is available.

Organization Hierarchies
By establishing Organization Hierarchies for your inventory organizations, you can group together organizations according to your needs and perform operations across all organizations at any level in a given hierarchy.

XYZ Co. Hierarchy 1

A1 Headquarters

P1 Plant 1

P2 Plant 2

DC1 Distribution Ctr 1

DC2 Distribution Ctr 2

DC3 Distribution Ctr 3

DC4 Distribution Ctr 4

NW Retail <<Stores SW Retail Stores>>

NE Retail Stores>> SE Retail <<Stores

Figure 1. A sample Organization Hierarchy


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Using Organization Hierarchies

Organization Hierarchies are used for all new programs supporting large organization structures. For each form or concurrent request, you select a Hierarchy for a given Hierarchy Origin. For example, supposing that XYZ Co. wants to close periods for all organizations in the East region separately from the West region. The user would select Plant 2 as the Hierarchy Origin, and XYZ Co. Hierarchy 1 as the Hierarchy on which to perform the Close Period program. Then the user would submit the request, and all organizations below Plant 2 (inclusive) would be closed. A set of new Hierarchy APIs intelligently validate your hierarchy structure for each program designed for large organizations. For detailed information about Organization Hierarchies, please see the section entitled Setting Up Organization Hierarchies.

Copying Organization Setup Data

Manufacturing setup has been greatly improved by the introduction of the Copy Organization components. This program allows you to copy mandatory setups that you need in order to begin using Inventory, Costing, Bills of Materials and WIP. Currently it is possible to copy the inventory organization parameters to a new organization. In order to do this, you need to define a new organization in the Define Organizations form, enter Accounting Information, and enter the Inventory Information screen (Organization Parameters). You choose Copy Organization from the Tools menu and select a source organization to provide setup data. This copying method is appropriate when you have few inventory organizations, or when you do not have complex BOM, WIP, CST setups that apply to multiple Inventory Organizations. Now you can copy a source inventory organization to as many new organizations as you wish in a single operation. You can copy the source organizations parameters, defaults, and settings for the following setup forms:

Bills Routings Items Categories Subinventories Shipping Networks Inventory Parameters WIP Parameters BOM Parameters

For additional information, see the Copy Organization Implementation Manual.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Summary of Large Organization Features

Item Organization Assignment Program
The Item Organization Assignment program allows the user to programmatically assign an Item to any organizations belonging to the same Item Master Organization. Before the introduction of this feature, it was necessary to manually activate every item for each Organization through the user interface - a cumbersome and repetitious activity . For companies with many organizations or large item files, this functionality greatly reduces the amount of time setting up items. With the Item Organization Assignment program, you can:

assign individual items to multiple organizations assign a range of items or item categories to a single organization assign a range of items or categories to many organizations

Item Attribute Copy

The Item Attribute Copy form allows you to manage item attributes for many organizations in one place. This feature will allow you to examine selected item attributes across organizations, choose an organization which contains model attributes for an item, and copy those attributes to any other organizations at or below the designated hierarchy level. This feature aids in the management of item setup and maintenance and is particularly useful for companies that have a large number of inventory organizations utilizing the same item master. With this feature, you can:

view and verify that a given item or items have been set up correctly across organizations copy any organization-level item attributes from one model item setup to other organizations that use the item copy item attributes from one item to another within one organization


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Inventory Position View and Export

The Inventory Position View and Export feature allows you to see on-hand quantity information for multiple organizations in a new form. In order to view inventory positions, you select an item or group of items for a date range and bucket size (period, week, month, day, hour). Choose a set of organizations to display this information by naming the hierarchy and hierarchy origin. Based on the data set that you define in the Build Inventory Positions form, you can choose to build data on-line or run a concurrent request to retrieve the on-hand values. Open the Display Inventory Positions form to see information for each organization and for the hierarchy level. You can drill down from the hierarchy origin to base level organizations using a graphical tree representation of your hierarchy. In the Organizations tab, you can examine quantity received, quantity issued and ending quantity on hand for any organization in the hierarchy, arranged into time buckets. In the Hierarchy tab, you can see the aggregate ending on hand balances for the hierarchy level you have chosen. Thus, by selecting the top level organization and entering the Hierarchies tab, you can see the total ending on hand balances for the entire hierarchy.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Open Periods Program

The Open Period Status concurrent program allows you to open periods for multiple organizations and periods in a single request. The program provides: the ability to choose any hierarchy in which the inventory organization is a member, and to open periods for all organizations below the (parent) level, inclusive. You can open the next period and n additional periods for the selected organization, and to open the same periods for any child organizations. the ability to synchronize current open periods. You can open periods in all child organizations up to the current open period in the Hierarchy Origin organization by setting the number of periods to open as zero.

Close Periods Program

The Close Period Status concurrent program allows you to close periods for multiple organizations and periods in a single request. The program provides: The ability to choose any hierarchy in which the inventory organization is a member, and to close periods for all organizations below the (parent) level, inclusive. The ability to rerun the program for the same parent level/hierarchy even if the parent level is closed. You can keep current periods synchronized throughout the hierarchy by using this feature.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Global Transaction Purge

Before the introduction of this feature, you could only purge transactions for a single organization at a time. The Global Transaction Purge program will allow you to run one concurrent program across organizations set up in an Organization Hierarchy, purging all transactions with greatly reduced time and effort.

Inventory Transaction Open Interface

The Inventory Transaction Open Interface has been enhanced to support large organization structures. Now you can review, submit or cancel transactions in the interface table for many organizations at once. The enhancement provides: The ability to choose any hierarchy in which the current inventory organization is a member. A query of all transactions in the interface table which belong to the current inventory organization. If the selected organization is a parent organization in the selected hierarchy, the transactions belonging to all child organizations will be returned as well. The organization code for each row in the transaction interface is now visible, allowing the user to see the transaction ownership throughout a presented hierarchy structure.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Common BOMs across Multiple Organizations

You can now create Common Bills in multiple organizations at one time by naming an organization hierarchy. Prior to the introduction of this feature, you were required to separately

ECO AutoImplement
ECO Autoimplement has been enhanced for large organization structures. Prior to this enhancement, the ECO Autoimplement feature could only implement all the ECOs in the current organization which had been scheduled for implementation. Now the user can implement all ECOs for multiple organizations by naming a hierarchy to which the current organization belongs.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Item Where Used Inquiry

The Item Where Used Inquiry can now be performed for a single organization, an organization hierarchy, or all organizations.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

ECO Changes
The Create ECO form has been enhanced to allow ECOs to be performed across organization hierarchies. It is now possible to create ECOs, ECO Revisions, Revised Items, Revised Components, Reference Designators and Substitute Components for the current organization or all organizations in the current organization hierarchy according to selections made in the ECO form. You can also schedule revised items for implementation across organizations in a hierarchy using this form.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

BOM Delete Groups

BOM Delete Groups allow you to create delete group for items, bills, components, routings, and operations and then to submit a concurrent request to delete the included entities. Prior to enhancements for large organization structures, you were required to explicitly name one organization for which the deletion was permissible. BOM delete groups have now been enhanced to allow the creation of delete groups for multiple organizations using hierarchies. After creation of the delete groups, you launch the concurrent program to delete the entities across the given hierarchy and hierarchy origin. Also, the user will have the option to delete common bills in all the organizations below the current organization in the organization hierarchy.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Setting Up Organization Hierarchies

This section explains how hierarchies function to support features designed for large organization structures. Organization hierarchies are central to these features since they define all organizations for which a given task can be completed in a single concurrent request or form operation. It is possible to create as many Hierarchies as you need for various purposes. In most cases, this is desirable because an organization can only exist in one position in any hierarchy. If you find that the design of your first Organization Hierarchy does not adequately depict the proper parent-child organizational relationships for a given task, simply create a new hierarchy.

Using the Hierarchies Form

In order to create a hierarchy, you must: Enter a name of the hierarchy you wish to establish. Save your work. Enter a From date. Save your work. In the Subordinates block, choose your top level organization from the list of values. Save your work. Click the down arrow, and the top level organization will appear in the Organization Name field above. You can enter all organizations that exist at the second level in the hierarchy here. Clicking the down arrow will move you to a third level in the hierarchy. Other tips for using the hierarchies form:


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

An organization can hold only one place in a given hierarchy. You can change the position of an organization in a hierarchy at any time. You can also remove an organization from the hierarchy at any time. You can copy an existing hierarchy in order to create a new one. Choose the copy hierarchy button when you are defining your hierarchy, and select a hierarchy from the list of values. If you want to view, add or change the members of an existing hierarchy, query the Hierarchy and enter the Organization Name field. Choose F11 and select the Exists in Hierarchy box. Choose Control+F11 to return all organizations that exist within this hierarchy.

The remainder of this section addresses the use of hierarchies that you create in this form.

Hierarchy: West Region
P1 Plant 1

DC1 Distribution Ctr 1

DC2 Distribution Ctr 2

NW Retail <<Stores A B C D SW Retail Stores>> E F G H

Figure 2. Single Organization Hierarchy Figure 2 shows a sample hierarchy created for XYZ Company. Each store in XYZs Western region sells products that originate from Plant 1. Further, there are two Distribution Centers in the West region, DC1 (serving the Northwest) and DC2 (serving the Southwest). The above hierarchy was created to perform tasks that correspond with this organization structure.
Suppose that all the stores may be assigned only items that are produced in Plant 1. XYZ could use this hierarchy to ensure that Item Assignment is performed for this business case, using the Item Organization Assignment concurrent program. Assuming that certain organization level item attributes are determined by the Distribution Center to which a store belongs, the user whose organization context is set to DC1 could name West Region as the hierarchy in the Item Attribute Copy form, and ensure item consistency among all stores belonging to Distribution Center 1.


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

XYZ Co. Main Hierarchy

A1 Headquarters Hierarchy: West Region Hierarchy: East Region

P1 Plant 1

P2 Plant 2

DC1 Distribution Ctr 1

DC2 Distribution Ctr 2

DC3 Distribution Ctr 3

DC4 Distribution Ctr 4

NW Retail <<Stores SW Retail Stores>>

NE Retail Stores>> SE Retail <<Stores

Figure 3. Multiple Organization Hierarchies

In Figure 3, a total of three Hierarchies have been created for XYZ Company. These are East Region, West Region, and Main Hierarchy. Assume that the Organizations in the East Region use a separate Item Master Organization from those in the West Region.
For programs requiring a shared item master organization, if you choose A1 Headquarters as your Hierarchy Origin, you will not be able to select Main Hierarchy from the Hierarchy LOV. Main Hierarchy is not an allowable hierarchy, because its use in these programs would result in errors. Features with this built-in restriction include Item Attribute Copy, Inventory Position View/ Export, Item Organization Assignment, and all Bills of Material features. Assume that organizations in the East Region use a separate Set of Books from the West Region. If you choose A1 Headquarters as your Hierarchy Origin, you will not be able to select Main Hierarchy from the Hierarchy LOV for programs that require that all subordinate organizations share the same Set of Books. This validation is performed for Open and Close Period Status.

Other Restrictions on Organization Hierarchies:

Hierarchy is not past Effective End Date - if the hierarchy is no longer effective, you cannot choose the hierarchy from the List of Values. Organization is not past Effective End Date - if an Organization is no longer effective, you cannot choose the Organization from the List of Values. If the Organization exists in a Hierarchy below the current organization or the hierarchy origin, then the organization will be ignored for processing. Organization Access has been assigned to the responsibility - if no organization access has been set up for a given responsibility, the system assumes that the responsibility should have access to all organizations. If organization access has been assigned to one or more organizations for a given responsibility, the system will restrict access to only those organizations. Consequently, if you choose to assign organization access to your responsibility, only these organizations


Managing Large Organization Structures in Oracle Applications Release 11i

may be used by the system when performing an operation. In this way, security cannot be violated by performing acts on multiple organizations.

Feature Inventory Transaction Open Interface Global Transaction Purge Item Organization Assignment Inventory Position View/Export Open Period Status Control Close Period Status Control Item Attribute Copy Common BOM Item Where-Used Inquiry Autoimplement ECOs BOM Delete Groups ECO change

Hierarchy Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Hierarchy Constraint Value No Restriction No Restriction Same Item Master Organization Same Item Master Organization Same GL Calendar, Chart of Accounts Same GL Calendar, Chart of Accounts Same Item Master Organization Same Item Master Organization Same Item Master Organization Same Item Master Organization Same Item Master Organization Same Item Master Organization

Figure 1. Summary of Large Organization Features

Related Documents
For more information, please see the following:

Oracle Inventory User Guide, Release 11i Oracle Bills of Material User Guide, Release 11i Oracle Human Resources User Guide, Release 11i Copy Organization Setups Implementation Guide


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