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Exercise 1

Enter at least 20 records into the students marks table according to the following structure: Roll No. Name English Science Mathematics Total Percentage Grade

Marks 80% to more 70% to 79% 60% to 69% 51% to 59% 36% to 49% Less than 35%

Grade A+ A B+ B C F

Use the grade table to fill up the grade column of the students marks table. Also find the frequency distribution of the grades and draw a histogram.

Exercise 2
A salesperson makes twenty calls per day to randomly selected houses. If the probability of the salesperson making a sale is 0.1, use Excels binomial distribution function BINOMDIST to find the probability of (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) no sales four sales more than four sales four or more sales.

Exercise 3
A quality control manager estimates that a batch of items contains 12% defectives. A sample of eight items is taken at random from the batch. Using Excels binomial distribution function BINOMDIST, find the probability that the sample contains (i) (ii) (iii) No defective one defective two or more defectives.

Exercise 4
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