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New Black Panther Party

Chapter Official Appointment

Memorandum Of Newly Appointed Acting Minister Of Politics
As of __________200__ In the building of the newly developing _________ Chapter Of The New Black Panther Party It is out of great ambition and Respect for the process of Liberation ____________ be appointed as the acting Minister Of Politics. This responsibility is done from the pattern set into action as practiced by the founding principles of serving towards the building of a Black Liberation Army. As with all chapters of the New Black Panther Party the appointment process is to hold accountability to the fostering of growth within the ranks that best serve the building of Freedom for our people. This memorandum is to inform the membership of the newly officially appointed member____________, to the seat of Minister Of Justice of the __________ Chapter of the New Black Panther Party. It is with Great Honor and Commitment to the NBPP process of Continual Growth that this appointment is made. As always with appointments of this magnitude comes a great responsibility, level of discipline and vision. It is out of the necessary gathering of great abilities for the liberation of our movement that the person in this position reaches beyond his or her predecessor and makes a new path for the liberation of the Afrikan people. The Minister Of Politics duties are as follows: Bring into manifestation the political development of the

NBPP our long term over all goal of establishing a Black Nation. Also work at the local level in fostering our positions of power in Local city, and state government. The M.O.P. will also work to hold accountable the local Black elected officials to the demands of the Black community, and will stay informed on all levels of politics and secure relationships with political contacts on all levels possible.
Minister Of Politics specific responsibilities:
To build a working politics environment were membership learns what it takes to govern themselves on a local state, national, and international body. To work on the writing and development of infrastructure for the long term growth of our people to put in place a free New Afrika land and territory. To work with the current political body of the USA & any governments willing to serve for the best interest of Black People. To hold accountable the members of the political process to the black community and to inform the community of the agenda that may be hidden from the people. To teach membership the bigger picture of world politics and the open the eyes up from boxed visions that continue to impede the black community from seeing the goals of politicians. To unite with the Mother Continent and make the way for commerce and Black Economic Power. To work on developing a sponsorship program aimed at the education of Afrikans obtaining the right skills to redevelop Afrika and bring about technological muscle to produce our own products and goods for international resource developments. Help with the establishing of an Elder Council in local communities for the monitoring of organizations in the community to see to it that no one is above reproach and that we all follow and up live to supreme balance in the black community... Submit a written report to the X.O on party productivity. (This should be current projects being worked on by your specific office and basic activities for the promotion of revolutionary maturity.)

______________________/___________ ___________________/ ________ X.O. New Black Panther Party

______________________/__________ _______________/Minister Of Politics New Black Panther Party

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