Understanding Advertising and Working On The Day To Day Activities of The Brand Emami

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Understanding Advertising and working on the day to day activities of the brand Emami Shikha Singh Tomar

International School of Business & Media, Noida

Table of Content
1. Introduction..5 1.1 Advertising..................................................................................5 1.2 Ad Agencies....6 2. Mudra Communication-An Introduction..7 2.1) Main Components...7,8 2.2) Work done..9,10 3. 4. 5. 5.1 6. 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 Research Methodology..11 Critical review of literature.. 13 Clients profile- Emami..16 Navratna product portfolio18,19,20,21 Brand Positioning stages.22 Market Study: Talc Market24 Talc market24,25,26 Idea generation...27 Idea Screening...28,29,30,31,32,33 Marketing Research to test concepts34,35,36,37,38,39,40 Packaging .....................................41,42 Recommendation..43 Market study: Shampoo Market..44 Evolution of the category...44,45 Market segmentation of shampoo.46,47,48 Emami 5 in 1 shampoo.49,50,51,52 Navratna Shampoo53 Launch strategy of Navratna shamoo..54,55 Oil Market...56 Navratna oil57,58,59,60,61 Recommendation for NRO62 Navratna oil onground activation ideas.63 to 71

10 conclusion, Learning and Recommendation for students...72

11 Bibliography.73 12 Synopsis..74

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the opportunity to have this Wonderful experience of being part of the project of Understanding Advertising and working on the day to day activities of the brands Emami and Navratna. I want to thank Mudra communication for giving me permission to observe their activities in order to do the necessary work and to use data. I would specially like to thank Mr. Saurabh Ghoshal (Group Director), Miss Kanupriya (Brand communication Executive) and Miss Renuka Dogra (Account Director) for their immense support for my internship. I am also thankful to the employees and staff of the project for their immense cooperation and support at every step of my internship Shikha Singh Tomar International school Of Business & Media, Noida

Excellence is not an accident
Growth is a nonstop procedure. It is relative and complete. We cannot stop at a certain destination and declare that target has been achieved and we need not to go further. The summer training programmers are designed to give the manager the future of the corporate deeds and work culture. These real life situations are entirely different from the stimulated exercise enacted in an artificial environment inside the summer training programmers and designed, so that the manager to tomorrow do not feel ill when the time comes to shoulder responsibilities. I was fortunate enough to join Mudra communication as a summer trainee. An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling the advertising (and sometimes other forms of marketing promotion) for its clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. The understanding that I have gathered during this period has certainly provided me with an direction which, I believe, will help me to shoulder any project productively in near future. During this period, I have collected all the relevant information though primary and secondary data, which were available at the concerned office and outside of the company. On the basis of my training programmed, I have tried my best to put together the work in a orderly and sequential way. Despite the natural shortcomings of the study, an authentic stab was made on my part observe that the study was carried out in the right respective. This report gives the better understanding of advertising in an organization.


1.1) Advertising
Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Advertising helps organizations to create awareness of their products or services, or about an organization itself, among the target audience. According to the institute of practioners in advertising (IPA), advertising is the means of providing the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects at the lowest possible cost. In simple words, advertising is a paid form of non personal presentation or service by an identified sponsor to reach out the maximum number of audience. A recent survey by Ad week magazine found that majority of consumers believe the quality of advertising has improved since the mid-80s. The survey also showed that younger consumer has a more positive attitude towards advertising than older consumers. But todays audience no longer has to endure an endless stream of mindless commercials. Seizing viewers attention and holding their interest is a great challenge than ever for todays advertising creatives. The advertisement of a product should follow the smile approach that is: S - Simple M - Memorable I - Interesting with relevant information L - Linked to the brand E - Emotionally involved and liked. The advertisement should be in line with the past ad (if any). The ad should have a good advertising idea.

Advertising should be according to the brief communication should be crystal clear Advertising should fit the brands personality An add is usually changed after 18 months

TARP(Target Audience Rating Points)

1.2) AD Agencies
An advertising agency or Ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling the advertising (and sometimes other forms of marketing promotion) for its clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. An advertising agency is responsible for ensuring innovative communication strategies being implemented by the companies. Every agency has departments to work for different projects for eg. Mudra has connext department to find out data or doing primary research. More oftenly advertising agencies have following departments:

Creative department:
This is the department which actually is into producing ads and selecting brand ambassador for a client which suits its clients product. They work on the given brief by the servicing department and come up with various creative ideas which are further send to the client for approval. This department have copywriter, creative director, art director.

Account Services:
Account department are the sales arm of the advertising agency. They are responsible for coordinating the creative, media, and production staff behind the campaign. Through out the process they keep in touch with the client.

Media Services:
They work as a mediator in between creative department and client. they do planning on behalf of client and do competitive analysis as well to help client and also do pitching on behalf of company.

2) Mudra Communication: 2.1) An Introduction:

Mudra is a Sanskrit term which refers to a body position or a physical gesture believed to have magical power. Mr. AG Krishnamurthy founded Mudra in 1980 and envisages making it top 5 agencies & today Mudra communication is not only a highly rated agency but also one of Indias leading marketing communications networks both by clients and industry.

The hand signifies symbolic expression hands that work together to create, hands that deliver. It is a part of our heritage, the core of our ideology. The oval form signifies motion, dynamism and movement towards the right direction, towards the future and its red colour signifies energy, passion, life, warmth.
Today Mudra communication is handling approximately 125 clients nationally through its four independent operating agencies-Mudra Mumbai, Mudra South (Bangalore, Chennai, and Kochi), Mudra Ahemdabad, Mudra North & East (Delhi & Kolkata). Its at the fifth position in Delhi after JWT, Ogilvy, Lowe, and Rediffusion. In 1988 Mudras started its alliance with DDB Worldwide. Mudra has its own ATL (Above the line) & BTL (Below the line) departments. Mudra gives advice from time to time to their clients regarding their product/brand goodwill and also takes in to consideration the competitors of their clients.

Hierarchy of my project:

President Vice President Group Director (Saurabh Ghoshal)

Account Director (Renuka) Executive (A, B, C)

Big Brands with which Mudra communication Worked:

1939 2 countries

1959 11 countries

1964 33 countries

1971 25 countries

1977 5 countries

1986 41 countries

1996 24 countries

1992 28 countries

2001 32 countries

2.2) Different clients work done by Mudra

2.21) Mudra Advertising Paras pharmaceuticals Reliance communications Union Bank of India Life Insurance Corporation of India Godrej TTK Prestige limited Philips Himani Dabur 2.22) Mudra Max (Integrated communication Planning & Implementation) Hindustan unilever limited Pepsi Motorola Bayer Plethico Pharmaceuticals Jet Airways Reliance ADAG Bank of Scotland MTV TVS Motors Times Group Delhi Metro Max New York Life Nike Amway Royal bank Of Scotland HDFC Bank Citi bank

Spice Telecom ICI paints Jyothi Laboratories HBO Zydus cadila 2.23) Water (Brand handling& Design Consulting) Union Bank of India Godrej Tyson TERI Etisalat Reliance Metro Amrutanjan 2.24) Health & Lifestyle (Health & Lifestyle Advertising) J&J Medical Bayer Bristol- Myers Squibb Alembic UNICEF USV


3) Research Methodology
Every project work is based on certain methodology, which is a way to systematically solve the problem or attain its objectives. It is a very important guideline and lead to completion of any project work through observation, data collection and data analysis. According to Sekaran , Research is an organized, systematic, data based, critical, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the objective of finding objectives to it. In essence, research provides information to be able to make decisions to rectify problems According to Clifford Woody, Research Methodology comprises of defining & redefining problems, collecting, organizing &evaluating data, making deductions &researching to conclusions. The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to unravel the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. Research means search for knowledge. Increased account of research makes progress possible. Research has its special significance in solving the various operational & planning problems of business & marketing. This chapter outlines the research methodology used to establish the structure for evaluation in order to carry out primary research. Furthermore, it deals with the concepts and techniques used to conduct primary research in order to understand advertising and day to day functioning of client-Emami.

Objective of the research

Major objective for conducting the research are as follow: To understand how an advertising agency works on To know the daily activities done for a client To understand how an advertising agency pitch a client To understand the planning activities done by an advertising agency

Objective of the study

The first & foremost step in any research work is to identify the problems or objectives which the researcher has to work on. The objectives are:on


Major objective of the study

Understand Advertising and day to day functioning of advertising

Scope of the study

Each and every project study along with its certain objective also have scope for future, And this scope in future gives to new researches a new need to research a new project with a new scope. Advertising is the process of setting the identity of a clients brand so as to position it in the front of consumers/customers. a) This study gives some suggestion to understand how advertising agency work. b) It identifies the advertising needs present among the clients.

4) Critical Review of Literature 4.1 Brand origin


People who dont believe that brands are a companys most precious asset changed during 1980s when there was a wave of mergers, takeovers & Acquisitions of companies with brand by giants This lead to a Copernican revolution in the understanding of the workings of brands Many of the financial institutions publish financial values of brands allocating billion of dollars to several brands Even these days when financial valuation has become more prudent due to recession ,the existence of strong brand still gives added value to companies The brand performs an economic function in the mind of consumers Legally Brand simply means a symbol but in actuality brand is more than a logo and name Brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to increase the product's perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. In case of large scale project like working on the activities of entire brand, the importance of project management increases many folds, as the value of the brand is determined by the amount of profit it generates for the manufacturer. The job of a manager is one of the most challenging job who often carry line-management accountability for a brand's P&L (Profit and Loss) profitability, in contrast to marketing staff manager roles, which are allocated budgets from above, to manage and execute. Legally a brand is simply a symbol which distinguishes a companys product and certifies its origin and thus only obtains its value through registration and conformity. But in Reality Brand is a source of value for the consumer and to the company. A brand conveys all six level of meaning that is Attributes, Benefits, Values, Culture, Personality, and User of brand.

Characteristics of Brand
Signs 22%
Brand 24% positioning

Brand authority 15%

Characteristics of strong brand

Brand Awreness 39%


Brand Awareness 39% Brand Positioning 24% Signs Brand Authority 22% 15%

Source: Brand Equity book Brand extension is a part of brand strategy, According to Father of Marketing Philip Kotler Brand extension means extension of existing brand name to new product categories Brand extension can be done in two ways-Line extension and category extension.

Brand Positioning
Positioning means to make a place in consumer mind or to make them perceive the product or services in the same way in which company want. Positioning helps in differentiating the product or services offered by a company from the product or services of its competitors. Positioning helps a brand to stand against the competition prevailing in the market and also to earn profit by retaining its loyal customers, because its six time more costly to make one new customer rather then retaining one older customer. Positioning has to be such which helps consumers to make clear comparison between companys products from its competitors and also such that one can easily identify its target market.

Brand image
Brand image is the perception what the consumers have in their mind about a brand or products. Every body has some different image of the same product. So we can say that images can be many but dominated by one or two because of its positioning. Brand image can be on the basis of its USP, power, and complexity, possessions associated with it and which also helps in evoking consumers to purchase a product because in today consumers purchase a product not only according to their need but also on the basis of the image of a product which they have in their mind.

Brand identity
Brand identity is the way in which owner of a brand wants to establish itself in a market or the way in which he wants his brand to be identified.


To make an identity owner of a brand has to promote his brand in every possible way which helps him to position it in the same manner in which he wants it to be.

5) Clients profile-Emami

The beginning of Emami Group took place way back in mid seventies when two childhood friends, Mr. R.S. Agarwal and Mr. R.S. Goenka left their high profile jobs with the Birla Group to set up Kemco Chemicals, an Ayurvedic medicine and cosmetic manufacturing unit in Kolkata in 1974. In 1978, Himani ltd had become a sick unit and was up for sale. Mr. Agarwal realized the opportunity and acquired Himani. Emami launched their first flagship brand Boroplus Antiseptic Cream under the Himani umbrella in 1984. The next flagship brand of the company Navratna Cool Oil came in the nineties under the Himani Umbrella. With in three decades, the company has grown into a huge Rs. 700 crore Emami Ltd under the flagship company of the Rs.2000 crore Emami Group. Today, Emami Limited is lead by Mr. R S Agarwal and Mr. R S Goenka with the help of the second generation Promoter Directors from the two families. Emami Limited is one of the major health and personal care FMCG companies in India with its brand presence globally. Leveraged by celebrity endorsements, Emami believes in building categories by meeting unfulfilled consumer needs. The popular brands like Boroplus, Navratna, Fast Relief and Fair and Handsome are an outcome of deeper understanding of Indian consumers. Mudra Communications has entered the Emami fort. The agency has bagged its first business from the Emami stable Himani Navratna Oil and Talc.


Emami Himani Navratna Talc Cool Talc Oil Navratna oil Navratna lite Navratna extra thanda 5 in 1 Shampoo


5.1) Navratna Product Portfolio

Oil Users
Hair oil usage differs from person to person. Few people dont apply oil at all and very few people apply it daily but most of them use it at least twice a week. Coconut and 17

mustard oil are the most popular hair oil in this sec. Main motive for application of oil is for nourishment.

Stressed? Navratna Oil can rejuvenate.

Sirdard, tension, anidra aur thakan jao bhool Raho Thanda Thanda Cool cool Navratna oil
A Potent therapeutic oil, prepared from combination of 9 Ayurvedic herbs provides stress relief, relaxation and a sense of rejuvenation. Its real strength lies in its sharply defined stress buster positioning, articulated by its unfailing promise Sirdard, tension, anidra aur thakan jao bhool-Raho thanda thanda cool cool. Navratna oil is an undisputable leader in its category providing multi purpose consumer benefits. Major players- Himgange, Marico maha thanda, Dabur super thanda, Banphool and Rahat Rooh. Product Extension-The oil portfolio was augmented recently through the introduction of two strategic variants- Navratna Extra thanda and Navratna lite-around same fundamental value proposition. Advertising: Navratna was one of the leading above-the-line promoters in the category across media and markets. Apart from ATL, the brand also invested heavily in belowthe-line activities to enhance awareness. Activation programmes widened the unique Navratna experience through product trials. These were conducted through rural vans, participation in rural festivals, congregations, wet sampling initiatives at railway stations, BPOs, religious places, factories, bus terminals, ghats etc to demonstrate efficacy. The brand continued to be promoted through extensive wall Paintings, dealer boards, hoardings and shop presence. Emami was the only brand in the Indian brand-space, endorsed by Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan the two Bollywood moguls. As Emami catered to regional requirements as well, various regional celebrities were enlisted as brand ambassadors Chiranjeevi for AP, Surya for TN and Upendra for Karnataka. The brand also enjoyed an association with Sourav Ganguly and Govinda. Around 80% of people are aware of Navratna oil but they think that it is meant only for cooling and relaxation. They can very well connect Navratna oil with Thanda Thanda Cool Cool campaign. Around 50% of the people used it but didnt like it much.

Communication Platform
Relevance (role in life) for a prospect Own relevant & multiple stress occasions 18

Own relevant & multiple usage occasions Own space of the stress buster

Promise set for consumers

Relief from stress and its syndrome and effects rejuvenation? Relief from sirdard (headache) Relief from anidra (insomnia/ sleeplessness) Relief from thakan (fatigue/ tiredness) Relief from tanav (tension) Hair care cues; hair care reassurance Solution to hair related problems

Amitabh bachchan Shah rukh khan Mahesh babu (AP) Surya (TN)

Reason to Believe
Ayurveda Legacy Top draw endorsers Power of 9 Research (ex Loreal/ Garnier)

There target audience:

SEC: A2 , B1 and other sec.(higher)

Age: 23 55 years Gender: both, predominantly males professionals across industries



Launched in 1991, Himani Navratna oil is an Ayurvedic formulation. From the beginning it has been positioned as cool oil meant to relieve stress. The brand in the past has made use of multiple brand ambassadors to target different category of people. For instance, it has used Amitabh Bachchan to reach out to a global audience, while Sourav Ganguly was used to target the youth and cricket lovers. Besides, Govinda has been used to reach out to the masses. Even regional TG has been wooed by using Chiranjeevi to reach out to consumers of South. Also, Shahrukh Khan is known to have endorsed the brand.

Competitive Analysis:
Navratna Hair Oil, the mother brand, is Rs 200 crore plus brand today. Emami's Navratna Oil is the leader, has attracted a slew of competitors, which already have a presence in hair oils such as Dabur and Marico. It commands a holding of 50% of Market Share of the cool oil market; amazingly, it has a virtual monopoly in the southern states with a market share of 98%, in the Ayurvedic cool oil market Navratna has a 55 per cent share. It is the third largest brand by value, after Parachute and Dabur Amla. Navratna oil has Introduced two new hair oils as an extension of the Navratna brand Navratna Oil Lite, non-sticky hair oil with mild fragrance, and Navratna Extra Thanda Oil, a stronger variant.

Navratna Lite
Navratna Lite, the non-sticky, light, transparent green colored oil, with mild fragrance, is refreshing, has a soothing cool feel. Navratna Oil Lite is being tested in two markets, Andhra Pradesh where it was introduced in mid March and West Bengal where it was introduced in mid April. Navratna Lite is available in 3 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml SKUs at a price of Rs 1, Rs 25 and Rs 45 respectively. Navratna Lite this is mild and light cool medicated oil, supplemented with a soothing aroma.9 specially chosen Ayurvedic ingredients provide relief from daily stress while two key ingredients Mahabhringraj and Green Almonds provides nourishment to the hair. Their Target group is: Primary : 15-44, female Sec B, C, D ,Other secs (higher) Urban/rural

Navratna Extra Thanda oil

Stronger variant of Navratna Oil with extra cooling effect is for those consumers who prefer to have a more strong experience. It is dark green in color with coolness unmatched in its category. Nationally it is available in 50 ml and 100ml SKUs at a


price of Rs 25 and Rs 45 respectively, in UP and Bihar, the product is available in special SKUs of 3 ml, 200 ml and 500 ml at Rs 1, Rs 80 and Rs 175 along with the 50ml and 100ml SKU's Target group is: Primary :15-44, male as well as female but predominately male sec B, C, D, Other secs (higher)

Exhausted in summers? Navratna Cool talc can refresh.

Navratna Talc
Brand endorser of Navratna cool talc is ShahRukh Khan. It is positioned as Duniya Ka Sabse Chotta AC. Navratna Cool Talc is now available in two different variant. Emami launched Navratna Cool Talc in 2006. The brand extension exercise was being undertaken for talcum segment of Navratna with the launch of a new talcum powder called Navratna Cool Talc: 24-hr Fresh. Navratna Cool Talc is available in 2 pack sizes 300 Gms and a 100 Gms priced at Rs75 and Rs30 respectively, new SKUs of 20 gm and 300 gm for Navratna Cool Talc Active Deo were also being launched. The unique blend of mint and camphor with the goodness of essential herbs renders the desired cooling effect. It is a solution for problems like Heat, sweat & body odour which is the most common but yet unsolved problems that bring discomfort & frustrate our lives almost across the year. Navratna Cool Talc-the cooling property keeps fresh all through the day. Navratna Cool Talc, a first-of-its-kind, with the promise of coolness in general talcum category.

6) Brand positioning stages followed by Mudra Communication

To position a brand by Mudra communication includes number of stages but this process has some major stages: Client Brief,


Planning, Brief, Execution, Monitoring and controlling, Closing.

Client Brief Planning Brief Execution

Monitoring & Controlling


6.1. Client Brief:

This is where all work starts from. It is the idea of client to position or to launch some product. It is the statement of problem/opportunity. It emphasizes on clarity and a succinct summation of the brand's current position, its marketing strategy and where it wants to get to. It should always be written by the client.

6.2. Planning:
The initiation stage determines the nature and scope of development. If this stage is not performed well, it is unlikely that the project will be successful in meeting the


businesss needs. The key needed here is an understanding of target market and their changing requirements. The resulting recommendation is then shared with client on whose approval it is further followed by next stage.

6.3. Brief:
Brief is the complete description of an idea proposed. It includes minute description of a product positioning. It gives the answer of all the question related to the objective of communication and to whom and why we need to communicate.

6.4. Execution:
After making a complete brief, it has been send to creatives who work on it further. Whatever they work is simultaneously checked that whether its according to the brief or not. This stage is the beginning of creative solution. They emphasize on crystallizing the strategic ideas. It is usually written by the agency.

6.5. Monitoring and Controlling:

After all work done, it has been further checked and work upon again if there is any modification required. This stage is also followed simultaneously with other stages to make necessary changes at that time itself.

6.6. Closing:
When whole of the work is completed, it has been send to client for approval and if it gets approval then work on its positioning gets started.

7) Market study: 7.1 Talc Market

Fragrance talcs Talcum powder market Prickly heat powder Baby powder

Market Segmentation of talc market

Beauty talcs Deo talcs


Each segment differs from others in usage, motivations to use, and consumers address. Fragrance talc is the oldest and the largest segment of overall market. Prickly heat talc is used as a remedy in summers to have instant cooling relief from itching caused by sweating.

Fragrance talc is of two types:

Fragrance talcs
Deo talcs (Sometimes called body talcs)

Beauty talcs

Beauty talc is especially for beauty, skin and complexion related benefits and addressing specially to women. But in deo talc category some brands are specifically for men too. As a Product concept talcum powder gets full justice in South India. Maximum market share is 43 %. Emami Talcum Powder Brief:
Talc Market Overview:

The Total Talc market in India is worth over Rs. 900 Cr. & growing at 6%(approx) Ponds (HUL) is the market leader in this category. It has been around for several years and with its Dream Flower and Magic brand has almost 50% Market Share. Ponds variants are Dream Flower, Magic & Sandal.

SPINZ (Cavin Kare) has gained around 6% of the market in the recent years . 24

Other leading brands are Johnsons Baby Talc and Gokul Sandal Talc. Region wise dispersion (MID 08 data) South 43% West 29% North 14.5% East 13.5% Consumer Usage Pattern (IRS) Purchase Frequency Usage once in 3 months & a sharp seasonality during summers Top states in terms of user ship of Talc Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

o o o o

STATES Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Karnataka Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Kerala Orissa Bihar

% of total 15.59% 12.99% 12.31% 9.64% 6.66% 6.04% 5.91% 5.83% 4.36%

Sales mix & MRP Largest selling SKU & their mix o 20 gm Talc 45% o 100 gm Talc 24%

(MRP Rs5 to 6/-) (MRP Rs33 to 38/-)

Pricing Structure of competition: Products Pond's Dream flower Pond's Magic Spinz Size 20g. 100g. 20g. 100g. 20g. MRP 6.00 34.00 6.00 34.00 5.00


Emami Talc (Proposed)

100g. 20g. 100g.

33.00 6.00 34.00

Competitors positioning: Dream Flower, the predominant brand, is positioned as a product containing floral extracts for complete beauty care that brings alive your bright beautiful self with a confident appeal. The pack is modern in shape with a shutter-type cap. Ad execution style Confident / Self-Esteem Magic, the No. 2 brand, is positioned as a product with time-release fragrance that stays with you all day. The pack shape and dispensing mechanism is the same as that of Dream Flower. Magic is priced at a premium over Dream flower. Ad execution style Fragrance / Freshness Spinz (Cavin Kare) comes next and is positioned with its long lasting fragrance which keeps one fresh throughout so that one can enjoy life non-stop. Ad execution style Companionship (Teenaged girls) Cinthol is a male brand with deodorant property and Hrithik Roshan being the brand ambassador. It speaks of freshness and 24 hours confidence. Ad execution style Explorer / Warrior (Male dominated) GOKUL is a Sandal Talc with a very Traditional imager

7.2) Idea generation:

After this brief and discussions 7 ideas were generated as given below:

(F1)Emami Morning Fresh Talc

A floral talc with long lasting fragrance for long lasting morning freshness. Soak in the fragrance of a bouquet of dew-drenched, garden flowers and feel as fresh as in the morning all day long.

(F2)Emami Fresh Deo Talc

(F2A)Freshness deo talc with the long lasting fragrance of pure sandalwood. Experience long lasting freshness with the mellow fragrance of pure sandalwood a natural and effective antidote for body odor. So, stay fresh and confident always!


(F2B)A freshness deo talc with the long lasting fragrance of white camphor and antiBO properties of tea tree oil. As tea tree oil effectively fights the BO causing source, white camphor provides a fragrance that keeps you fresh for a long long time. So, stay naturally fresh and confident always!

(W1)Emami Pearly Fair Talc

A fairness talc with Queen Cleopatras beauty secrets that makes your complexion visibly lighter.Pure pearl extract was the key ingredient used by icons of beauty like queen Cleopatra. Bringing this historical fact to life today, Emami Pearly Fair Talc has pearl dust that makes the top layer of the skin lighter in colour, while sunscreens prevent darkening due to exposure to sun. Now, use Cleopatras beauty formula to become fairer with this talc.

(W2)Emami Glow Talc

Premium beauty talc that makes the skin glow with fairness.The ancient Indian queens used a secret ingredient diamond dust to maintain their beauty and fairness. Now, Emami brings you this secret in its Glow Talc to help your skin glow with fairness.An ancient beauty secret, now within your reach.

(W3)Emami Radiance Talc

A skin brightening talc with real extracts of Green Apple & Almonds. These real extracts work on the top skin layer to make it firm, bright and healthy making you looks fairer overall. Now, use the Radiance Talc to bring out your true inner beauty.

(W4)Emami Toning Talc

Skin toning talc with Saffron extract that evens out all skin discoloration. Saffron extract cleans the top layer of skin of excess melanin, thus evening out the skin tone and making it evenly fair. Look your fairest best with Emami Toning Talc

(L1)Emami Royal Talc

A regal talc with the purest heartwood extract of the Royal Indian Sandal Tree. Natural extracts of the Royal Indian Sandal Tree imparts a natural glow to the skin and makes it look porcelain-smooth and soft. The sophisticated fragrance adds to this royal touch, making you look regal.

7.3) Idea Screening:

Emami Talc

Emami talc plans to enter the talc market and thats the reason because of which it search about the talc market and thought of entering in to some of the already exist variant or to make completely a new kind of talc and create a market for itself. These are the concepts in which Emami thought to enter:

Emami Talc Fresh and Fragrant

Start your day with Emamis Fresh and Fragrant talc, soaked in the fragrance of a bouquet of dew-drenched, garden-fresh flowers to invigorate your body, senses and your mind. With its 24-hour Herbo-Active formula, your day will start fresh and end happy.

Emami talc Scents and Aroma A talc that evokes your senses and rejuvenates you
Emami Talc presents scents and aromas, a perfumed talc that makes you feel good about yourself. Its stimulating fragrance and 24-hour Herbo-Active formula elevates your mood and ensures you live every moment of life. Smells good?

Emami Talc Fairness with Pearl Dust A talc that gives you a chance to become fair naturally
For the first time in India Emami is bringing you the beauty secrets of the Queen of hearts Cleopatra. Introducing Emami Fairness with Pearl Dust talc, its pure pearl extract makes your complexion visibly lighter while sunscreens prevent darkening caused by the exposure to sun. So the next time you walk out in the heat, even the sun bows down to your beauty.

Emami Talc Fairness with Diamond Dust


Unlocking ancient beauty secrets

Beauty secrets of the queens of ancient India have been rediscovered. Presenting Emami Fairness with Diamond Dust talc, premium fairness talc blended with real diamond dust; it helps in brightening your skin tone and makes it shine like a diamond, leaving your face radiant with beauty.

Emami Talc Fairness with Even Skin Tone Give your skin the purity of saffron. Remove blemishes through regular use
Presenting Emami Fairness with Even Skin Tone Talc, a natural fairness talc with pure saffron extract that evens out all skin discolouration and improves your complexion. Its 24-hour Herbo-Active Formula cleans the top layer of the skin removing excess melanin and dark circles, giving your skin a natural glow. Our Brand Emami (_______) Talc with (Herbs/Pearl Extract//.)

Shortlisted Concepts (Concept cards provided as a separate attachment)

Fresh n Fragrant (with PEARL extract/dust) Skin Complexion Talc Royal Heart wood Sandal Talc Brands Strategic Objectives:

To establish ourselves in Beauty Talc category, with a unique proposition that will successfully affect Brand switch from Ponds Dream flower, Magic and SPINZ. Positioning that will address consumer need-gap/s. With improved sensory properties new fragrance, better application properties and a strong RTB (Reason to Buy) for consumers. Brand Positioning Statement:


Exotic perfumed & Herbal talc that indulges one throughout the day in FRESHNESS & also imparts fairness (Pearl Extract/Dust) Emami Talc offers exuberance & exhilaration to its users like none other talc does. Target Audiences:

Women Sec A,B,C with age 18-35 Women who want to feel fresh & fair all day long Consumer Insight regarding Emami Talc:

It would be used daily and one will feel exuberance in applying the product. At the consumers sub conscious level the product should deliver more (in terms of product & packaging) than its peers in Ponds & Spinz. Product PROPOSITION An exquisite cosmetic Talc with unique fragrance & fairness properties An appeal of freshness with a subtle tone of nature/herbs A talc that keeps you going day long with its peerless fragrance /24 hr action We propose 2 perfume variants for the product

PACK SHAPE Some of the proposed packs we are working on is provided herewith


And out of the above concepts Emami has introduced three concepts:

Concept Label No.

1 2 3 Fresh & Fragrant Skin Complexion Talc

Freshness Day Talc Fairness

Key ingredient + Others

Pearl Extract+ Herbo active formula for 24 hr. Deo Action Green Apple Apricot, Tea tree oil, Chamomile and Almond milk Royal Indian Sandalwood

Royal Heartwood Sandal Traditional Indian Talc Sandal

Concept 1:
The key ingredient is pearl extract In skincare, pearl extract is known to eliminate skin blemishes and retard ageing of skin This takes the product into the realm of anti-ageing a claim that will need believability checks However, in Indian astrology, pearl is perceived to have calming properties and keep peoples minds steady and focused. This can be used along with the basic freshening benefit of talcum powder to offer benefits like a sense of overall well-being and a sense of exhilaration

Concept 2:

The key ingredients are herbal in nature I. The ingredient combinations are Green Apple & Apricot / Tea Tree Oil / Chamomile & Almond milk II. All the above ingredients are proven to offer skincare benefits as follows: firming up of skin and skin glow neutralizing skin irritations & skin purification All the above properties point singularly to one benefit area keeping skin looking young and radiant

Concept 3:
The key ingredient is sandalwood Sandalwood has deep cultural and historical significance in India, particularly the South i. It is associated with divinity & royalty ii. Its fragrance is legendary and has qualities of timelessness, premium-ness and class iii. Its skincare benefits are manifold removing blemishes, improving complexion and freshening The fragrance and skincare benefits can be combined to offer premium talc. So the whole things can be sum up or conclusion would be like this:

Concept Label No. 1 Fresh n Fragrant

Proposition Freshness all day

Key Benefit

2 3

Freshness that also calms the mind for an overall sense of wellbeing Skin Brightening Talc Skin radiance Keeps skin looking younger and brighter Royal Heartwood Best natural solution for Fights BO better and Sandal Talc BO longer

Target audience of this talc is women with sec. A,B,C and within age group of 18-35. After these two ideas which are completely new in the market were tested, these ideas are:


EMAMI TALC With Diamond Dust EMAMI TALC With Even Skin Tone

It can be positioned as a top-end beauty talc that borrows from the longforgotten beauty secrets of Indian queens The traditional associations of complexion improvement and natural skin glow with saffron can help us promise a fairer, even-toned complexion

Brightens up the skin and makes it glow Regular application lightens skin tone Regular application evens out all blemishes & discolouration of skin Skin acquires a natural golden glow and becomes fairer

Key ingredient diamond dust

Key ingredient Saffron - traditionally renowned to address dark spots on skin and improve skin complexion - gives skin a richer glow and makes it soft 24-hour Herbo Active Formula for long lasting effect

7.4) Marketing Research to test concepts

Mudra communication also does marketing research to test the concepts suggested by clients. These concepts can be new in the market or can be for testing the market of existing product. talc One of such FGD had done by Mudra communication on behalf of Emami to understand talc usage among users and to test the concept of fairness among talc users. Target group of this FGD are: Group A- Regular Talc Users: Sample size-6 females aged 20-35, SEC B, 4 of themCinthol one student and rest all married working Fa Group B- Regular talc users as well as fairness cream users: Sample size- 6 females, aged 20-35, SEC B, 2 of them married, 3 of them working, rest 3 studying



Ponds Nivea Cinthol Fa

8 2 1 1

Talc SKU purchased Women prefer 400 gm pack for the household. Working women also carry a 20g/ 50g pack in their purse. Young girls go for experimentation and tend to prefer 100g.

Sizes consumed
s izes 50 gm 1 gm 00

50 Gm 100 Gm 400 Gm 200 Gm

1 1 7 3


400 gm

In most of the households 400gm pack is demanded and girl who is a student demands for 100gm or either 200gm pack. Women who belong to lower middle class demand 50gm packs.

Issues addressed:
Personal care 34

Usage of talc and its frequency Brand loyalties Perception about brands (How reactive are they to talc ads etc)

Key Findings
Talc usage by TG:
7 people used it on body only, 5 used it on face as well. 2-3 times during summers (after bath and in the evening) once during winters (usually only after bath in the morning) is the frequency of using talc through out the year.

Benefits of talc (on the basis of what consumer perceive)

Resists sweat Fragrance Used as a base/ foundation Keeps a glow on skin Fights oily look when used on face No itching, which sometime happens in case of Deo.

Lasts for:
Fragrance remains for 1-2 hours. TG feels that the talc tends to stay on skin for 3-4 hours

Expected from a talc

Fragrance Smooth in texture- It Should be composed of finest particles. TG noted that a few talc's like dermi cool, Nycil and even some beauty talc's (couldnt name) seem to have granules in them that they dont like. In this respect J&J ranks highest- the finest talc- 3 of them pointed out, rest of the group agreed. It should not form an evident whitish separate layer on skin. It should spread well and get absorbed in the skin.

Factors that affected the group while purchasing talc:

Fragrance Brand/ company name/ goodwill-Purchase brand which is old and trustworthy. Schemes-The scheme could attract them to buy another pack in advance even when


there was one not exhausted at home, but rarely, a scheme managed to attract them enough to try a new brand Attractive packaging

Introduction of concepts:
In this FGD Mudra communication has also introduced two new concepts of Emami, these are as follows:

Fairness from talc Permanent fairness to the skin As against Just an immediate glow on face EXPOSED TO 6 women who use talc on a regular basis


Their instant reaction is that they started discussion about brand Emami regarding what product Emami already has in the market. Then after looking at the concept card, some suggested that it stays on face for long or probably works like a foundation and it has haldi as one of its ingredient which is generally used as a home remedy to become fairer. In second read their reactions were like it will work because it has basic ingredients. It cant be so cheap because it has diamond, but at the same time its dust. Diamond sunkar over lag raha hai. Is that for body also? Diamond facial and Gold facials are there in the market. Cream can make you look fairer because its absorb by skin but talc can make you look fairer for short time not work as substitute for fairness cream, its not absorbed by skin.

Diamond Connotation:
Diamond is for glow ness, fairness, freshness

TG view about Emami brand:


Emami is known for making natural products and these days preference of people shifting from using scientific product to Ayurvedic products. Emami products packaging is not so attractive to drag youngsters attention.

Fairness from talc Talc as an addition To your fairness regime EXPOSED TO 6 women who use talc As well as some fairness cream on a regular basis

Their instant reactions were that they have heard about kesar in creams but not in talc. Diamond sound costly. In the Second read they said that its ingredients caught their attention. We use kesar and haldi in home made remedies and get diamond facials done on our face for shine and glow- so it has all these ingredients for application on face. Especially for face/we can use it face also. Now we dont entail to apply fairness cream.

Diamond and its connotation


It gives shine and premium/royal look though that stays just for a week after the facial. With this talc and its daily usage it should last longer and do well.

Heard about diamond in other skin products?

Shehnaaz Hussain cream- wrinkle lifting/ anti ageing Nature Essence uses diamond in one of its creams Diamond facials give shine to face

Willingness to pay a premium price

They will prefer a small SKU, may be 100gm-for Rs 60-70 to try and Rs. 150-180 for a 400gm pack as they are already paying Rs 99 for 400gm packs of other talc.

Positives and Negatives

According to the participants presence of another ingredient is expected for the fragrance part- like Jasmine, Lavender etc but sandal will not do because now it seems outdated and does not last for long. Expect a different color for talc- on account of the ingredients- just like santoor is slightly orangish- can be pinkish or creamish - will also avoid the patches being visible Brand name: Emami? - The TG associated emami with natural products/ products with natural ingredients.

Expected- an ingredient for fragrance and a not so pure white color Willingness- to pay a premium price Relate ability with all ingredients- diamond dust, saffron and turmeric. This is the first step that is to introduce the concept and find out weather it will work or not.

After this FGD, client gave brief on the basis of which further work had been started. Studied the market of talc, talc available, the competitors and their strategies of targeting their chosen target market. In all the steps of launching or promoting a product Mudra communication helps and also gives advice from time to time to the client or in other terms provide services to the clients. Client decide the market in which they want to launch their product and also explain their competitors with whom to compete on the basis of which pricing, promotion and packaging suggestions are given which have to be further approved by client.


Emami is one of the leading FMCG co. in India and now its planning to enter beauty talc market also with beauty talc. It already has boro plus and Navratna talc in its basket. It wants to enter in two key category areas that is freshness and fairness. Mudra also did packaging part on behalf of client which has to be approved client afterwards. To do packaging its very important to know insight of the product and how can support the promise. Few packaging design which needs approval had been showed in the meeting and each packaging design has some logic behind like:

SMP Fairness



A fairness talc - that not just gives an instant whitening, but visibly lightens the skin tone within 6 weeks of regular application. Brightens up the skin and makes it glow Regular application lightens the skin complexion and evens out all blemishes & discoloration of skin Skin acquires a natural golden glow and becomes fairer Key ingredient diamond dust Other ingredients saffron, turmeric and fairness peptides.


Long lasting Fairness from Diamond


(The skin doesnt look diamond fair, but the talc has diamond as an ingredient that has properties and benefits that lend the user a fair, bright and even skin tone) A natural talc - that guarantees freshness and deo properties throughout the day with the goodness of selected exotic herbs. The floral fragrance gives a refreshing feeling that continues on and on A subtle, yet all-pervading perfume that pleases Day long protection from extreme tropical heat / perspiration that keeps you feeling fresh Fragrance of an assortment of garden-fresh flowers and herbs from the natures basket 24 hour Herbo-Active Formula for long lasting fragrance (deo properties) and freshness

EMAMI TALC Fresh and fragrant

Nature Freshness from herbal extracts

7.5) Packaging


Fresh and Fragrant

These packaging designs highlight the options which can be used for fresh and fragrant talc. The themes explored are that of smell spa. The comforts of spa are not available to everyone but desired by all. This idea puts forth the proposition that the talc provides the freshness similar to what one would receive on visiting a spa. The green color on the packaging has been chosen to emphasize the natural ingredients of the talc which are skin friendly. It is special fresh feeling and fresh fragrance that the talc provides which is highlighted by packaging design.

Fair and Fragrant


The packaging design beautifully portrays a clear diamond and the lady reveling in its glow as though drawing her beauty from it. The design clearly illustrates the talc

The white color chosen for pack design is to highlight the fairness provided by the usage of this talc. The lady on the pack design has been portrayed in a manner to reflect that she has diamond like fairness and beauty (the outfit portrayal of lady).The single diamond ornament on her forehead further adds character to the concept.


7.6) Recommendations:
Sandal variant should not to be introduced in North market. Advertising should focus on its quality or usage as comparison to deodorant. Talc should focus on particular target market like spinz focus on college going girls. Cross branding can be done by the competitors so company should work on strategies to deal with it.


8. Market Study
The Shampoo Market in India

Evolution of the Category

8.1) With case study of sun silk


1964 1987

Sunsilk was launched on the general shampoo platform. Sunsilk 2 in 1 was launched, which had an inbuilt conditioner, the first of its kind in India. Sunsilk Purple to protect hair from d damage was launched.


1992 1993 1994 1998 to

Sunsilk re-launched with new formula of Shampoo + condition for different hair types Sunsilk Salon Treatment launched for expert hair treatment Sunsilk 2 in 1 re-launched as Sunsilk with Nutracare conditioner Realizing that fear of damage to hair by synthetic shampoos was a major barrier shampoo usage, Sunsilk launched shampoos with natural ingredients Sunsilk Black Shampoo with Melanin from plant extracts Sunsilk Pink Shampoo with essential oils from flower extracts Sunsilk Fruitamins vitamins from fruit extracts 2003 Sunsilk Naturals with highly customized variants: Sunsilk Curl Control with milk proteins Sunsilk Moisturizing Anti-Dandruff with lemon and curd extracts Sunsilk Silky strength with henna and lotus extract Sunsilk Long Black Shine with amla and sunflower extracts


Sunsilk re-launched with the following variants: Sunsilk thick & strong Sunsilk soft care anti-dandruff Sunsilk black shine Sunsilk fresh n cool Sunsilk velvety soft 45

Sunsilk has been positioned as the Hair Expert - a stance fortified by long-term associations with Indian Style Gurus Jawed Habib and Coleen Khan. Customization has thus, been the core strategy for Sunsilk.

8.2) Market segmentation of shampoo:

Cosmetic Shampoo

Anti Dandruff Strength




M r e S g e t t n( a e a k t e m naio v lu )
8 .2 % 4 0

8 0 .5 %

4 0 .9 %
2 -1 -in

1 0 .7 %
Bb ay

0 0 .7 %
O e th r

S na ta d rd

A ti-d n ru n a d ff

The word shampoo is derived from word champi; the britishers love it so much that they have start calling it as shampoo. Shampoo is marketed in two different forms that are sachet and bottles. Shampoo is used for removal of dirt, oil, skin particles, dandruff, environmental pollutants and other contaminant particles that gradually build up in hair. It leaves your hair soft and controlled. Help protect hair against damage. Help to control frizz all day long. Help maintain a thick look from root to tip. Help relieve scalp's dryness. Shampoo is available in a sachet, which is affordable and makes up to 70% of the total shampoo sale. The shampoo market in India was estimated at Rs930 cr.20% revenues


comes from the sale of anti dandruff shampoo. Per capita consumption is 13 ml. All India penetration level is 14% (Urban-40%, Rural-10%). (Source-AC Nielson 07-08)

Total Shampoo category growth All India (urban + rural) 2500

value (Rs Crs.)
2000 1500 1000 500 0 1725.1126



apr-mar 06 apr-mar 07 apr-mar 08

Consumer Behavior:
About 50% of consumers use ordinary toilet soaps to wash their hair. Some consumers use toilet soaps as well as shampoo for cleaning their hair. Some consumers use natural conditioning agents such as henna. The frequency of shampoo usage is very low. Most consumers use shampoo only once or twice in a week. In many cases, these products are used on special occasions such as weddings, parties etc. Some customers use shampoo only to address a specific problem such as dandruff or when they need to condition their hair. Shampoo is considered more as a lifestyle product in India. Key Players

Key Players




Cavin Care




Clinic All Clear



Godrej Number1




Head & Shoulders



Market Trend:
Much experimentation by consumers happens, especially the youth. Dual benefit products have become standard. Customization according to need/hair types is the new rule. Cosmetic benefits tend to outweigh functional utility. Most brands operate on the premise of having origins in some natural ingredient. Trends are shifting towards healthy hair rather than just beautiful looking hair. Healthy hair is beautiful hair. Even in the anti-dandruff shampoos, cosmetic benefits are welcome. Sachets are critical to induce trials before consumers upgrade to bottles.

Competitive Analysis:
There are certain brands which already enjoying there presence and market share are Unilever, P&G, Cavincare Summary of Unilever brands: Unilever has Sunsilk, clinic all plus and clinic all clear in the market. Sunsilk is targeting women and deals with specific hair benefits. It do separate advertising for variants and also did brand advertising. Sunsilk not always show celebrity I n its ads. Clinic plus targets family and provide generic shampoo benefits. It do brand advertising and not use celebrities in advertising. Clinic all clear on the other hand always show celebrities in its ad. It targets Unisex and provide dandruff plus benefits. It does variant advertising. Sunsilk is a modern womans shampoo for specific hair problem. Clinic Plus is general day to day shampoo for a family. Clinic All Clear is a specialist Anti dandruff shampoo.

For a launch
When a new range of shampoos is launched, communication is either: A. Focused on individual variants: The range is explored through individual variants. This is critical when each of the variants is distinctly different from the other. Eg: Sunsilk, Clinic All Clear Focused on building the brand: Where the brands promise is made salient discovers the range on the shelf. Eg: Rejoice, Garnier Fructis

or B. and the consumer


Use of mediums
TV: Single largest salience building tool Press: Usually a tactical/promo led medium. Mostly womens magazines are used. Used very extensively by premium brands like Dove POS: Probably the second most important medium after TV Outdoor: To support TV usually Internet: Lately it has emerged as one of the more important mediums mainly for brands catering to youngsters (Garnier, Sunsilk) or for creating communities (Sunsilk Gang of Girls)

8.3) Emami 5 in 1 shampoo

Emami 5 in 1 shampoo has been created by hair experts from India, Australia and America. It is Indias first shampoo that gives you strength, shine, thickness, silkiness and bounce, all 5 together. The active fruit fusion and herbal essences in Emami 5 in 1 shampoo offers complete hair care solution to your family. Promises for the shampoo Controls hair fall Strengthens hair Gives softness and shine Reduces split ends Thickens hair Ingredient Mix Black grapes Apple Almond Oil Amla


Packaging is done on the basis of brief and study about the target market Emami 5 in 1 shampoo - No Dandruff Packaging What is the objective of the communication? To announce the launch of an anti dandruff shampoo from the Emami range of shampoosand get consumers notice the same. 5in1 no dandruff shampoo shall be launched almost 3 months after the main launch. Emami 5 in 1 shampoo, till then is expected to have gained some ground in the market. The task therefore shall be to design a pack for a new anti dandruff avatar from emami. However, the brand is keeping itself open to varianting within the anti dandruff arena- say for different types of hair etc. The packaging needs to be developed giving scope of launching variants under No Dandruff Who do we need to influence? Primarily, people facing dandruff and also from rough damaged hair. Also need to essentially target the lady of the house (the purchaser/ decision maker), ultimate users to be everyone in the middle class family husband, kids, teenagers.


And what do we know about them that will help us? To a middle/ lower-middle class family, shampoo is the ultimate hair grooming aid. Conditioners, styling gels etc. are luxuries that they are aware of, but maybe can not afford. Dandruff is one of the major problems that they face. There are several anti dandruff shampoos available in the market but the perception that they have very harsh chemicals make them feel apprehensive in using them regularly. What exactly do we want them to do as a result of our activity? To make the lady, while she is shopping, notice Emami 5in1 No Dandruff in the shelves of shampoos, conclude that it should be safe and not harsh on hair (on account of its natural ingredients), and induce her to try the same. What claim will we make? If I use Emami 5 in 1 no dandruff shampoo instead of any other anti dandruff shampoo- I will find that my dandruff problem is taken care of with natural ingredients besides my hair being provided with the 5 benefits - i.e. strength, shine, thickness, silkiness & bounce. .And how will that reward (in this case Claim) be supported? A unique formulation called active fruit fusion and herbal essences that has lemon, tea tree, apricot and neem to fight dandruff; and also restore the health, shine, silkiness etc.

SMP A natural shampoo that gives freedom from dandruff. (Basically, it isnt harsh on hair like other anti dandruff shampoos.) Desired: An overall new look with the same Brand logo shape for 5in1- color of logo can also change. the Look must 1. have fruits and herbs highlighted well 2. be different enough to be noticed, yet attractive and soothing to the eye 3. Highlight no dandruff and kept itself open to varianting under the anti dandruff umbrella at a later stage. 4. Reference: vatika pkg


Variants and Price Points

Black with Total hair care Pollution Defence Total Hair care Cool Sun guard Total Hair care

Sachet-3ml Sachet-6ml Bottle-100ml Sachet-6ml Bottle-100ml Sachet-9ml Bottle-100ml

0.50 1.00 44.00 1.00 44.00 2.00 44.00

Pcs Per Case

3600 768 48 768 48 480 48

*Available in three variants

Ingredients Black-It is enriched with black grapes which impart thickness to each strand of your hair Black-Kiwi to give a lustrous shine Black-Chamomile makes them bounce with energy Black-Walnut gives them unmatched strength Strawberry gives them the perfect silkiness Target audienceDemographics: Sex: Males/Females Age: 18-40yrs, SEC: A2, B, C Behavioral: Occasion: Regular User User Status: Repeat User Loyalty Status: Loyal Readiness Stage: Informed Attitude towards product: Unaware Emami is launching 5in1 Shampoo in A.P. market with in coming months. To create noise in the already cluttered Shampoo market Emami wishes to launch 5in1 Shampoo with an Introductory Consumer Offer on 100ml bottle SKU. It also makes sense to induce customers with a consumer promo on bottle SKU since the market is dominated by sachet sales. The Free Gift would give an additional reason to the customers to experience the newly launched 5in1 shampoo through purchase of bigger SKU.


But after doing test market Emami is planning to change its logo of Emami 5 in 1. Earlier we were using the branding as Emami 5in1 shampoo. This is now to be written as Emami HairLife 5in1 shampoo with Emami in one line, HairLife in the other line followed by 5in1 shampoo in the last line. The branding is incorporated as a part of packaging. Brand Market opportunity- Shampoo market has been growing at double digit figure with penetration level at roughly 50%; offering tremendous scope to increase the category. Also, as per IRS 08 figures almost 90% of the shampoo users buy sachet. Hence, a huge opportunity to convert sachet user into a bottle user with such an introductory offer Marketing Objective- Announce the launch of Emami 5in1 Shampoo with an Introductory Consumer Offer. Brand Support Boro Plus Winter Lotion worth Rs. 6 free with 100ml Shampoo Bottle

(CONSUMER OFFER) Provide 5 hair care benefits with every wash Strength, Shine, Thickness, Silkiness & Bounce Contains Fruit Fusion & Herbal Essence Created by Hair Experts from Australia, USA & India

8.4) Navratna Shampoo

Emami is planning to launch a shampoo under its Navratna Brand and to study the huge market of shampoo, analysis is done to check the total demand of shampoo and oil and weather common people prefer shampoo or a sachet. I found that most of the people prefer clinic plus and that too sachet instead of bottle because its cheap and is of good quality. Navratna oil preferred only during summers instead of for whole year. Reason behind this survey is to make this brand extension of Navratna successful because there are so many instances in which brand extension failed like Lux in a shampoo category faced low growth rate because of the following reasons: Consumers have a habit of connecting Lux with a soap which makes them reluctant to accept Lux as a shampoo as well. Lux shampoo targeted lower markets who generally wash their hair with soap instead of shampoo Each brand extension must fortify the core and the core must remain unchanged which did not happen with Lux shampoo They have targeted lower segment but they launched mainly bottles People used to connect Lux with glamour and they also want glamorous hair but when Lux shampoo was launched they somehow were not able connect to it in that way


Objective behind launching this shampoo is to increase the consumer base of Navratna. Total shampoo size market is 21.41 billion per annum as on February 2008 and its growing at the rate of 14.5% every year. More than 70% of revenue is through sachet, 20% comes from sale of anti dandruff shampoos. Per capita consumption of shampoo in India is 13ml and all India penetration level is 14% with 40% urban and 10% rural.

8.5) Launch strategy

Leveraging the Brands Equity Navratna Shampoo will be a brand extension from the Navratna stable The basic formulation should be based on the coolness quotient which is the core essence of the mother brand but it should also go ahead with the promise of doing - - - for your hair There needs to be a balance between category requirement and Navratnas brand equity Market Shampoo market 60% market penetration Oil market - 80% market penetration Navratna 20% market penetration Sale of Navratna Urban Vs. Rural 60% urban 40% rural 3 options for launching Navratna Shampoo Option1 Launching it as a mass brand but keeping it focused primarily on the same target group as Navratna Oil (one of a kind mens shampoo) Navratna shampoo dimag aur balon dono ko rakhe chust durust Navratna shampoo aapke dimag ko rakhe dinbhar thanda aur balon ko rakhe dinbhar mulayam Navratna shampoo ke ayurvedic tatva aapke dimag ko de thandak aur balon ko de sampoorna poshan Navratna shampoo de dimag ko thandak aur balon ko chamak


Option2 Launching it as a mass brand and focusing equally on men as well as women (by speaking about the benefits for your hair) Ab na balon ko lekar ho pareshan, na garmi de aapko thakan navratna shampoo de in samasyaon ka ant turant Navratna shampoo de aapko dimag ki thandak aur banaye aapke balon ko behad mulayam Navratna shampoo ka surakshit aur thandak bhara saath, daal de aap mein kuch alag hi baat Ab navratna shampoo aapmein aur aapke balon mein daal de aisi jaan ki aapko mile ek nayi pehchaan Option3 Can also try to project it as an overall wellbeing product Pesh hai Navratna shampoo jo de aapko ek aisa ehsaas jo aapke dimag ko de thandak aur balon ko pollution se ladne ki taakat Pesh hai Navranta shampoo jo de pure parivaar ko dimag ki thandak aur balon ko kare swast aur jadon se mazboot Navratna shampoo ke ayurvedic tatvon se mile aapko aaram aur aapke balon ko mile paseene aur pollution se ladne ki shakti Navratna shampoo de thanda ehsaas aur rakhe balon ko khayal khaas


9) Oil Market
Hair oil usage differs from person to person: few dont apply oil at all very few apply it daily most of them use it at least twice a week Coconut and mustard oils are the most popular hair oils in this SEC. Main motive for the application of oil is nourishment.


Navratna Oil

3rd largest hair oil brand in India as per ACN org retail audit data, MAT March 2008 Navratna Oil has a market of about 220 crores o 60% of this is urban, 40% is rural o 60% of sales are through sachets, 40% through bottles Core benefits include stress relief and rejuvenation It is a completely herbal product While being a mass brand, it finds a large fan following in the rural and semi urban markets (mainly SEC B, C and D) essentially amongst men in the age group 25-45 The brand is also sold amongst Sec A Brand endorsed by Amitabh and Shah Rukh, regionally endorsed by Chiranjeevi, Mahesh Babu and Surya Available in three variants Navratna Oil, Navratna Extra Thanda and Navratna Lite Price point Re 1 for the sachet version of the oil, Rs. 44 for the main Navratna Bottle (100 ml) Navratna targets Primary :: 15-44, male sec B, C, D Other secs (higher) Urban/rural Women Blue collar/ white collar Student Businessmen/traders Rural Any substantial consumer cluster subjected to physical & mental stress and needs to relax/ rejuvenate by the end of the day


Navratna oil Consumer Ramesh is a vegetable vendor who works for more than 12 hours daily, even in extreme weather conditions. His work involves a lot of manual labor and by the end of the day he is extremely stressed out and tired. Apart from body cramps, he also gets severe headaches and does not want to rely on a medicine. Using Navratna oil, relaxes him immensely and he gets a good nights sleep after that.

Research is done on sample size of 30 to understand brand: Target Audience: Gender: both, but predominantly males SEC: A and B+ Age: 25 to 50 years Occupation: professionals across industries Sample Size : 30 Awareness of the brand: Aware 26 Unaware 4 Reasons for using Navratna Oil: Cooling property 23 ( 76%) Ayurvedic composition 15 (50%) Advertisements - 7 Champi at barber shop 4

Reasons for not using Navratna Oil: Repelling fragrance 18 (60%) 57

Dark color 11 (36.6%) Poor packaging 9 (30%) Not meant for nourishment 3 Poor Image 3 Advertisements 2 Less cooling effect 2 Very Sticky 1 Improvements Desired: Lighter fragrance 21 (70%) Light color 16 (53%) Hair Nourishment 4 Better packaging 4 Less stickiness- 2


Trial amongst ANT (aware not tried) Increase household/ consumer penetration Increase consumption Differentiated brand property Stronger Brand associations, over & above category generics Layering (ex Cool stress relief relaxation/ rejuvenation get on with life (succeed/ achieve) Achieve synergy & synchronization in the utilization of multiple top-notch celebrity endorsers


Unaware 13%

Aware 87%


Around 80% of people are aware of Navratna oil but they think that it is meant only for cooling and relaxation. They can very well connect Navratna oil with Thanda Thanda Cool Cool campaign. Around 50% of the people used it but didnt like it much.

Reasons for not liking NRO

The biggest reason is its fragrance; they find it very strong and repulsive. one of the other reasons is it color which is dark and very unattractive. They rather prefer it to be light or transparent. some say that the cooling effect and sensation is very less compared to their expectations. Navratna oil is not meant for the nourishment of hair. Few said the oil is very sticky.

Barriers to trial



Oil as a medium To relieve headache

Fragrance Strong & repulsive

Color Dark unattractive


Not for Nourishment

Imagery Not for me

Others 20% Poor image 8% Not meant for nourishing hair 8%

Dark Color 20%

Poor packaging 10%

Repelling fragrance 34%


Means of tackling (a) thakkan (b) sardard and (c) anidra

use of Navratna Oil among the 30 respondents to tackle the aforesaid problems wasnt observed at all. there was considerable amount of inertia when it came to tackling these problems. of the rest who act, most of the people resort to pills or balms for headache and bodyaches, and take up activities like watching TV or reading books if they are unable to sleep

Ways to tackle Sleeplessness

Others 17% Pill 11% Dont face/Inaction 44%

Watch T.V. 14%

Yoga 14%

Dont face/Inaction


Watch T.V.



Ways to tackle Headache

Oil Massage 9% Sleep/Relax 16% Balm 7% Pill 41%

Bear it 27%


Bear it


Oil Massage



Ways to tackle Exhaustion/Fatigue

Others 14% Bath 22% Sleep 30%

Drink tea/coffee 34%

Drink tea/coffee





around 90% of the people surveyed were at least aware of the existence of the brand. Most of them could recollect Amitabhs or Govindas association with Navratna. However, of these a considerable number, around 30%, were either ambiguous or incorrect about its benefit. Hence, a mere 2/3rd of those aware of the product actually were clear about all its benefits. these respondents tended to relate more to the term thakaan as against tension or stress. Moreso, most of them in this SEC were educated enough to question if an oil can relieve them of their stress and tensions. a lot of people were driven away from Navratna Oil because of the product features. While its color and fragrance topped the list of such reasons, brand imagery accounted for around 8%.

Need Gap Fatigue more mental than physical Stress/Tension Sleeplessness/Headache 61 Imagery No Nourishment Barriers Strong Sensorial Fragrance Color

People who liked NRO

20% of the people liked Navratna oil. They had no problem with the color and loved the strong smell. Given a trial they can switch to Navratna oil from their normal hair oil. They liked the cooling effect and the sensation of the oil.

Demolish barriers amongst ANTs (aware not tried)

Inertia towards anything for stress relief Ayurvedic oil is lower down in terms of consideration (among stress relief options), more so a particular brand Poor imagery among middle to upper SECs Overall sensorial too strong Not too good for hair Perfume too strong Too costly

9.2) Recommendation for NRO

If you apply the oil on your head and take a bath then there is a tremendous cooling effect which is very relaxing The fragrance should be toned down a bit so that it become less repulsive The color should be lighter or transparent like other hair oils It should talk more about hair nourishment as it is the main reason for the usage of hair oil in this SEC It should be less sticky as other hair oils which are available in the market Presently Navratna is essentially used by mostly males in the SEC B/C/D category.



Lady of the house

Increase Concentration


Hair Nourishment


Muscle Aches & pain


9.3) Navratna Oil On ground activation ideas

To create awareness and excitement around the brand Navratna To communicate the product efficacy and hence hands on product experience to the right audience To push trials and sales

Target Group
Primary TG Males, SEC B,C & D, Secondary target women SEC B, C, D 25-45 years of age group


Step 1 Make people experience the benefit of Navratna Oil for free Step 2 Give an arresting offer with the pack, so that people are tempted to buy the experience.

Activation Route
Road Show Cinema/movie hall Parks 63

Railway and bus stations Offices Super markets / shopping complexes Housing societies / colonies

Saloon program


Navratna Tension Free Zone Tension Ho Jaye Gul , Navratna Thanda Thanda Kool Kool

Thought behind the idea

Seeing todays life when everyone is stressful and have loads of tensions, the tag line would surely connect better with the audience The idea is to create a tension free zone and hence depicting the brand values / core to the right audience Audience to experience Navratna Head massage and hence thanda thanda kool kool experience A good gratification for the audience to push trials and hence increase in sales


Consumer Engagement model

Creation of Tension Free zone

Audience invited inside the branded vehicle

Exciting spiel by promoters and offer a Thandi Champi

Taking the kool pose with the celeb (brand Ambassador) cut-out
Collection of database

Selection of the best kool poses and meet and greet the celeb in PR event Making of a collage and placement of the same at all the retail outlets

Selection of the target points / strategic locations with the city ( route plan to be presented) Creation of an enclosed tension free zone on wheels ( fabricated / branded vehicle ) An exciting spiel on How Navratna can set you tension free and what is the secret behind thanda thanda kool kool effect and hence offering them a Champi Post experience, audience feedback to be asked and database to be captured. Opportunity to meet and greet the celebs ..region wise (Brand ambassadors)

Contest Navratna kool Moments


Placement of the brand ambassadors cut-outs of Suryas Asking the audience to give a kool pose with the cut-out and the moment will be captured by Digital camera A collage would be made in the end and placed at the retail (good branding option)


The best poses would be selected by Navratna team The winners will be invited for a PR session/event at one central venue to meet and greet the celeb OR Celeb visits the winners houses Note final call to be taken by the client

Winners and prizes

All the winning entries to be given Meet and greet the brand ambassador Kool pose to be framed with Navratna branding on it

IDEA 2 Navratna The Cool Experience

Phase 1 Establish the habit of Champi

Phase 2 Lucky ones get a champi by Surya

Thought behind the idea

The idea is to provide the user with the cool experience of Navratna Champi. 66

Creating a certain amount of excitement and buzz around the brand and also engaging the consumer with the brand. Make use of the frenzy for filmstars.. In TN, an up-close interaction with a star will be cherished as a lifetime experience. Not only by the selected person/s but by his family , peers and social circle. Interest and fan following for the matinee idol borders on frenzy and idol worship. A meeting with a superstar would be a jackp

Consumer Engagement model

Champi- The cool experience

Champi stalls established in different parts of the city

Audience invited for a champi experience

Taking a kool pose with the celeb (brand Ambassador) cut-out

Carry a free sachet home

Activity- Phase I
The branded vehicle moves in different parts of TN giving a free champi on the head. After the champi, one gets a chance to pose with Suryas cutout for a Cool Experience snap In the end, one carries a Navratna Oil sachet free. 67

Activity- Phase II
Buy and immediately open a NRO pack.There could be champi by Surya inside. No writebacks, no coupons to be filled in and mailed.No slogans.

How does it work?

Free champi in various parts of TN creates a buzz Special promo pack contains 9 final prizes(for Navratna) : the chance to meet Surya, get champi done by him and also have dinner with the superhero Promo runs for 45 days and is announced in press/radio/POS. Other packs in the promo period contain Surya Collectors Items - autographed photos, keychains etc

And then
Consumers buy a pack and open it immediately.It either contains memorabilia or the special Surya invite. In case of the former, the consumer takes his gift and departs.In case of the latter, the retailer takes down the contact details of the lucky winner On the pre stated date, lucky one along with 2 (tentative figure) others, gets a chance to spend a few hours with Surya besides a Kool Champi from him. The press covers the experience.the lucky one is famous.

Navratna Tension Free Zone

Operational model
Listing of all the saloons basis the following Saloon Area in sq. ft No. of footfalls per week Audience profile Location in the city Once the listing is done, Emami will do the final selection of the saloons Once selected, the tie-up will be made for 15 days initially for the activity Servicing promoters to be placed in each city ensuring the activity is happening as per the brief / planned model


Servicing promoters to ensure: Sales stock count and Sample stock consumption No. of massages and No. of Kool poses Sales update on every 3rd day

One month initial Tie-up with the selected saloons Placement of branded merchandise inside the outlet at strategic points. Saloon to push sales on the spot (sales stock to be given ) Once the consumer takes the experience, he or she would be asked to fill up the contest form (regional language to be used) Consumer to write a slogan on the contest form Kaam pe na jane ke 36 bahane

Contest Details Navratna Zara Hatke Champs

Post Champi experience, audience would be given the contest form (regional language to be used) 2 or 3 innovative excuses Name , phone number and address NOTE all the contest cards to be procured and utilized later for kaam pe na jane ke 36 bahane book Winners names and cities would be mentioned with all the winning excuses

Selection criteria for winners

The best excuses would be chosen basis: The most wacky excuses The most humorous excuses Most intelligent excuse Safest excuses etc etc

The best excuses would be printed in the book and that could be disturbed in masses saying these excuses are not required when we use Navratna Thanda thanda kool kool To be discussed - this could also be given as a free premium with Navratna pack purchase


Sales and Incentives for saloon

Champs stock to be given Champi training to saloon team to be given Sales stock to be placed Constant checks on no. of champis and no. of sales Incentives to be planned for every sale for the saloon Kidstuff Supervisors to ensure a complete check and track of the stocks and sales.

Press release




I did my summer internship in Mudra communication and worked on one of its client Emami. Emami is working on launching of 5 in 1 shampoo and emami talc as well as planning to launch Navratna shampoo under its umbrella. I learned under a client servicing department where I did concept testing of new ideas and if results are in favors then to start with market study, competitors study, consumer behavior, target market study as I mentioned above. Planning is to be done to make strategies which help to achieve objective set by taking in to consideration most of the factors affecting product. For eg. By studying consumer behavior towards Navratna oil it had bee realized that to increase the market share its important to come up with informative advertising. A brief study is used to be done before work on packaging started and few answers of certain questions are always taken in to consideration for packaging designs as shown above in talc and shampoo packaging design.



Assessing the client feedback, evaluating areas of improvements with regular planning for evolving newer growth patterns of the brand. Understanding the clients requirement & providing quality services. Factors taken in to consideration while doing packaging. Interacting with customers; understanding their needs and than pitching the product. How to maximize brand visibility. Doing promotional activity or launches keeping all factors affecting product in mind. Learned to make briefs and previews.

12) Recommendations for students:

o o o o Students should know how to make presentation and its format. They should always mention that the data which they are by volume or by share. Should be able to sit for around 9 hours in front of computer. Student must work on communication skill so as to deal with client and target market.


www.Mudra.com www.afaqs.com www.wikipedia.com Books (Kotler (Marketing), Naresh Goyal (Marketing Research), Brand Strategic Management, Advertising) http://www.geocities.com/shuja_abbas18/Sunsilk.doc www.sunsilknaturals.com www.sunsilkgangofgirls.com IRS, AC Nielson

Synopsis of the project

Understanding advertising and day to day functioning of Emami as a client


Students NameIndustry guideObjectiveFindings-

Shikha Singh Tomar Mr. saurabh ghoshal & Miss Kanupriya mimani To understand the importance of Advertising for Brands To understand the need of advertising for a client Day to day activities done for promoting a clients Project

Students perception about company guide

I perceived about my industry guide as a friendly and supportive person, she is a concern and interactive person. She gave me opportunity to learn from the department. She gave me an oversight & general direction in completion of my project. She helped me to understand all the activities in the department. As a trainee she helped me to come up with all the respect I thank her.


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