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Westwood Lutheran Church Council Minutes April 24, 2012

Council members attending: Pastor Tania Haber, Tracy Wiese, Doug Waterman, Bekah Padilla, Mark Kingsbury, John DeSanto, Jane Kelly, Scott Priddy, Jeff Thompson, Rob Stefonowizc Council member absent: Mary Anderson Staff member attending: Cindy Folin, Director of Administration President Tracy Wiese called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Tracy provided a meal, and Bekah led devotions. New Council Orientation: Council welcomed new members-at-large: John DeSanto, Jane Kelley and Mark Kingsbury. Introductions were made. Pastor Tania provided an orientation tool and reviewed the responsibilities of Council members. Tracy introduced the web-based Council Guide created by Cindy Folin. One Council member volunteered to serve as a mentor for each new member. Doug will mentor John; Rob will mentor Mark; Tracy will mentor Jane. Secretarys Report: In Mary Andersons absence, Tracy presented the minutes from the March 27, 2012 Council meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as presented, and the motion passed. Finance Report: Cindy Folin Cindy presented the March financial report, which is posted on the church website and bulletin board. She highlighted the Balance Sheet, reporting that the Financial Management Advisory Group (FMAG) had authorized $70,000 of additional principal payment on the 2nd mortgage during March. Another payment of $60,000 was approved for April. At the end of the 1st quarter, the 2nd mortgage balance was $220,000. A review of the General Fund showed that receipts were 3% under budget for the month, but still remain ahead of budget by 3% year-to-date. First quarter receipts were 13% higher than last year. Thrivent Choice gifts still continue to provide strong support to Westwood. Total General Fund expenses for the month were $126,000; year-to-date expenses are $7,000 over budget and 1% above last years expenses. The General Fund balance has decreased $11,000 during the first three months of the year, resulting in a fund balance of $30,000. During 2011, the fund balance was at a deficit of $14,000 after the 1st quarter.

WECC receipts were $100,000 during March and 5% over budget, while expenses were $6,000 over budget. At the end of March, the WECC fund balance has decreased $5,000. Capital Appeal receipts have totaled $67,000 so far this year. Outstanding pledges for the capital appeal total $111,000 as of mid-April. The budget goal for capital appeal receipts for 2012 is $143,000. We need $70,000 of appeal contributions during April and May to reach the 3-year plan goal. Cindy continues to review the monthly cash flow forecast for the final months of the capital appeal with the FMAG members. Cindy requested a resolution to approve a change in the authorized signers for the church accounts with Bremer Bank. She explained that the name of the outgoing Council treasurer, Liann Johnson, needs to be removed from the authorization list and the name of the new Treasurer, Doug Waterman, needs to be added. All other authorized signers remain the same. It was moved and seconded to remove Liann Johnsons name from the list of authorized signers for the Bremer Bank accounts and to add Doug Watermans name as an authorized signer as of April 1, 2012. The motion was unanimously approved. Cindy provided an update on current issues with the sanctuary roof.
In October of 2011, there was a leak in the sanctuary roof due to a lack of sealant within the pitch pans in the area of the exterior cross. The roof was repaired with asphalt plastic cement and the shrouds were reinstalled which corrected the problem. In March of 2012, water was entering the sanctuary in the northwest corner of the roof at the time the ice and snow were melting. It was found that a split formation, 20 long, occurred on the roof through a gap in the polystyrene layer. The split was patched to fix the problem. In April of 2012, after a heavy rainfall, water was entering the sanctuary in the northeast corner of the roof in the choir loft area. It was found that a split formation, 35 long, occurred within the roofing membrane. The split was patched to fix the problem.

During each roof incident, Roof Spec Inc. was consulted for assessment and repair recommendations. As part of the evaluations, staff and the consultants speculated that a couple factors could be the source of the current issues. First, the polystyrene layer may have reached the end of its useful life and begun to fail. Secondly, they speculated about the impact of vibrations from the construction work in the sanctuary and its impact on the roofing materials. After the second incident in 2012 occurred, Roof Spec Inc. was contracted to do a full assessment of the sanctuary roof and to make recommendations for an overall maintenance and repair plan.

During the time of the 3-year capital appeal process, the roof areas had undergone assessment by an outside consultant. In consultation with the properties staff and ministry team, it was determined that the next roof areas that needed a full tear- off and rebuild were the southwest education wing and Good Shepherd Hall. The sanctuary roof was determined to be in good shape at that time. As a result the southwest education wing and Good Shepherd Hall roof areas were included in the initial list for the capital appeal. As work was finalized to match project cost dollars to committed pledges, the need for the re-roofing was revisited. An additional assessment with a professional roof consultant at that time was that work on these roof areas could be delayed a few more years; so the roofing projects were removed from the project listing to help balance costs to available funding. At that time the Properties Ministry Team did some curb repair with mesh and roofing tar to those roof areas to further assist in the extension of the time line for replacement. Roof Specs current recommendation for the sanctuary roof is the removal of the existing roof membrane and insulation in its entirety. New insulation would be installed and a new fully adhered and/or built-up roof membrane applied. The initial project cost estimates range from $130,000 to $160,000. The issue with the sanctuary roof was brought to the Properties Ministry Team and the Financial Management Advisory Group (FMAG) for review and recommendations. Many different options were considered. Both groups unanimously agreed that the sanctuary roof needs to be rebuilt and the project needs to be completed as soon as possible before further leaks cause damage to the newly renovated sanctuary, the organ, or any other items in the sanctuary. The FMAG made the following recommendations to provide funding for the project.
1. Request contributions from the congregation 2. Delay the budgeted masonry project which was to occur this spring, and re-assess in the fall 3. Extend Westwoods current line of credit 4. Extend the time line for completing final payments on the 2nd mortgage

The FMAG felt that some combination of the 4 recommendations would facilitate funding for the project. Council concurred and recommended that the issue be communicated to the congregation with a call for donations for necessary roof repair. The effort will begin on May 6, 2012. The Properties Ministry Team and FMAG are to move forward to complete the project. Senior Pastor Review:

Based on online survey feedback from Council and the church staff and on Pastor Tanias self review, Tracy, Bekah, Mary and Mike Walgren prepared the 2011-2012 performance review for Pastor Tania and met with her to present it on April 16, 2012. The Council requested discussion with the Human Resources Advisory Team as to the process and frequency of the Senior Pastor performance review. Suggestions to be considered: 1) Align the rating system of the online survey with the rating system for the Senior Pastor review. 2) Better clarify and define the survey questions for staff versus the questions for Council. 3) Change the frequency of the review to every other year. Tania distributed and reviewed her Senior Pastor Goals for 2012 2013. A copy of these goals is included as an addendum to these minutes. Tracy requested a resolution to approve Tanias Senior Pastor Performance Review for 2011-2012 and her Senior Pastor Goals for 2012 -2013. It was moved and seconded to do so, and the motion passed. Senior Pastors Report: Pastor Tania The final All Are Welcome conversation (on doing Blessings for same-sex couples and couples who choose not to marry for legal reasons) was held on April 22, 2012. Written feedback was received from 30 people in this final session. This was the 5th and last open forum on this topic this year. All 5 Forums can be found on our website. This summer, the Council will be making some recommendations as to how we will live out our Vision Statement and Welcome Statement at this time. The congregational survey that will help us determine next steps in our ministries and help set direction for a Capital Appeal next year will be administered in May 2012. Council volunteers will sit in the Commons with a laptop to solicit participation: o May 6 Mary o May 13 Doug o May 20 Jeff o May 27 Kim Aune Council will host a brunch for our visitors from Arusha Road Lutheran Church in Dodomo, Tanzania on Sunday, April 29, 2012 after the 10:30 worship service. Tania will follow up with the location. Each Council member was asked to sign up to bring one food item. Council members who wished to do so were invited to make a donation toward a gift for each visitor.

Redeemer House Project: Dan Waarvick asked Bekah Padilla about Westwoods availability to provide labor for the construction project. Pastor Tania will determine who will coordinate this effort during Pastor Jasons sabbatical. The meeting closed with Lords Prayer. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next Council meeting will be held on May 22, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. Addendum on next page: Senior Pastor Goals: 2012-2013. Bekah Padilla (with Mary Anderson, Secretary) May 23, 2012

Addendum Addendum SENIOR PASTOR GOALS: 2012-2013 Tania Haber

LEADERSHIP Clarifying, articulating, and inspiring people around our vision is the one main area in this next year that will demand strong leadership on my part as we discern together our future. This year, primary pieces that are on the table are establishing priorities for a special appeal, and how we handle the blessings conversation and decision. Goal 1: For the congregation to be a part of a process whereby they can discuss and affirm a vision for our next years together and thereby specific ministry and mission priorities for this special appeal. Work objective: With a Council team, we will ensure successful implementation of the Congregational Assessment Tool, study the results, and plan congregational discussion and input for next fall. With Council, decisions will be made on the size of the Appeal and how dollars will specifically be used. Work objective: Develop, with the other pastors and program staff, this year of study and activities around the topic of The Church Unleashed. The intent is to look at our image of the church, its role and purpose in our lives and community, and see how that moves us to action. Goal 2: To finalize a decision with the Council this summer on services of commitment/blessing for both same-gender couples and older couples. Work objective: To lead this process so that it ends in greater clarity of our mission and that people feel the process was done with grace, respect and compassion for all. STEWARDSHIP The vision for this area this year has two pieces. First, it is to build on last years efforts and direction through the Stewardship Team to continue to grow our resources and further our understanding of what it means to be stewards. Secondly, in order to resource all that God is calling us to, it is our plan to go into a special appeal in the spring of 2013. Goal 1: Create excitement and generous giving around our mission that plays out in our budget being met and a strong pledge response this fall. Work objective: I will do this with our strong Stewardship Team, who has lots of good ideas and plans! Goal 2: To plan and execute a successful special appeal next spring that would fund those ministry priorities the congregation has affirmed. Work objective: This is a year-long process which overlaps with the visioning, but will lead us to the specifics of running a large special appeal, involving hundreds of volunteers.

WORSHIP The vision for this area this year is to better fulfill the pieces of our Vision Statement that speak of a) creating new connections with those in our greater community, and b) multiplying those who participate as partners and leaders in our work by equipping and involving many more people. Goal 1: Provide a meaningful new worship service on Wednesdays that not only serves our Westwood community, but more importantly, reaches out to a non-worshipping population in our community. Work objective: I will coordinate and support staff and volunteers to ensure this service is publicized, well planned and executed. We have a plan set for summer, but it may shift a bit in the fall, so it will take continuing evaluation and planning. Goal 2: Ensure that a growing pool of people is trained, communicated with easily, and are using their gifts to enrich our worship life. Work objective: This will happen in part by my work with Connie, our Worship Facilitator, to get a new online system implemented for volunteer scheduling and communication. We will also continue to involve more children and youth through ideas and efforts with the CYF lay team.

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