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y/ello.' My name ;S 5a1wa, and II;Ve ;n Lebanon .

I'/>1 Jast an ord;nary :irl who stad;eS and worKS and han:Js out w;th her .f'r;ends. DKe />1oSt wo/>1en ;n Lebanon, I have da;ly adventares 1i'3ht;n3 sexaal harasS/>1ent - on the streets, ;n c..lasses, ;n MY ne13hborhood, ;n tax; c..abS, at worK, eVen at the />1oV;eS.' I30t so t;red o.f' 1i'3ht;n3 se><aal harasS/>1ent on MY own that I dec..;ded to start a c..aM,Pa'3n and ;nV;te other yoan3 wO/>1en and />1en to Jo;n />1e. 50 .f'ar, I've been doc..a/>1ent;n3 />1y adventares ;n v;deos and stor;eS. I started a bl03 where 'peo'ple re,Port harasS/>1ent c..aSeS. I am;n3 .f'or c..han3es ;n the Lebanese Labor Law. I also or3an;;z.e d;sc..aSS;on 3roa,Ps where yoan3 wO/>1en share e><,Per;enC-es and 0,P;n;ons. ])ar;11j these d;sc..aSS;on 3roa,Ps, sac..h an aMa:z.;n3 wealth o.f' Knowled3e was d;sc..asSed that I had the ;dea o.f' ,Patt;n3 ;t all t03ether ;n a booKlet .f'or eVeryone to read. 4nd yoa're hold;n3 that booKlet r'3ht now.'
In these ,PC<jeS ;s oar c..ollec..t;ve Knowled3e and ;n.f'or/>1at;on aboat sexaal harasS/>1ent ;n Lebanon (althoa3h I aM'1a;te sare yoa o/,Ply;t anywhere ;n the world) . We ;nc..laded ,Personal stor;es, analys;s, eXaM,PleS, />1Ijth-bast;n3' and SO/>1e t;,Ps . I ho,Pe that s0/>1eth;n3 yoa read here w;11 ;ns,P;re yoa to taKe ac..t;on and Jo;n as to end sexaal harasS/>1ent and rec..reate a world where all wO/>1en .f'eel sa.f'e and stron3.

4nd, re/>1e/>1ber, .f'or any c..o/>1/>1ents or '1aest;ons, yoa alwa;s reac..h />1e on: salwa@adventareso.f'salwa.c..o/>1 I'/>1 100K;n3 .f'orward to hear;n3 .f'rO/>1 yoa.'


Chapter 1

What is Sexual Harassmen!?


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