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Example for Sketching root locus:

For the system with following loop gain,

KG ( s ) H ( s ) =

K ( s + 2)( s + 7)( s + 12)

1. sketch the root locus by step by step process (Page 371 Dorf Book) a. Find the j crossing points and the gain, K, at the crossing points. b. Find the asymptotes' angles and their intercept with real-axis. c. Find all break-away (or/and break-in) points, if applicable. 2. Depict the closed loop poles on the Fig. 5 such that the closed loop system has a damping ratio of 0.54. 3. What would be the approximate damping frequency, un-damped natural frequency, for the selected poles in section-5.
Step-by-step Solution (Refer to Page 371, Dorf Book): Step-1: Characteristic equation (C.E.): KG ( s ) H ( s ) = 0 G ( s ) H ( s ) =

1 ( s + 2)( s + 7)( s + 12)

- Open loop poles & zeros: Poles: s= -2, -7, -12 => n=3 Zeros: None => m=0 Draw open loop poles and zeros on the s-plane: - Number of separate branches = n = 3 (since n>m) Step-2: The line between -2 & -7 has only one (odd number) pole on its right. So, according to the "Rules of Root Locus" it is a part root locus. Likewise is for the line between -12 to infinity. It has three (odd number of ) poles to its right side.
Pole-Zero Map 20 Ploes 15


5 Imaginary Axis










-10 Real Axis


Step-3: Asymptotes: - number of asymptotes: n-m=3

n m

( Finite poles) ( Finite zeros) = =


( p ) ( z )
i =1 i i =1 i


(2 7 12) 0 = 7 30

A =

(2q + 1) 2q + 1 180 = 180 = 60,180,300 nm 30

q = 0,1,2

Asymptotes are shown in the following Fig.

Pole-Zero Map 20 Ploes 15


5 Imaginary Axis










-10 Real Axis


Step4: (Do it by yourself.) Find the characteristic equation, q(s)= 0. Construct the RouthHurwitz array from q(s) and then force one row to zero. This will give you the value of K at crossing point with imaginary axis. Construct the auxiliary equation from the immediate row above zero row as described in chapter-6, case-3 (Entire row is zero). The roots of the auxiliary equation gives you the cross points with imaginary axis.

Root Locus 20


System: sys Gain: 2.4e+003 Pole: 0.0126 + 11i Damping: -0.00114 Overshoot (%): 100 Frequency (rad/sec): 11


5 Imaginary Axis








-10 Real Axis


Step-5: Determine the breakaway points at which the root locus goes from real axis to complex plane. 1 dK K= = ( s + 2)( s + 7)( s + 12), = 0 3s 2 + 42s + 122 = 0 s1, 2 = 4.11,9.89 G ( s) H ( s) ds

Out of which the s = -4.11 is applicable to this case. So, the breakaway point is s=-4.11.
Root Locus 20

15 System: sys Gain: 48.1 Pole: -4.11 - 0.0622i Damping: 1 Overshoot (%): 0 Frequency (rad/sec): 4.11


5 Imaginary Axis








-10 Real Axis


Step-6: Not applicable to this case since there no complex pole or zero. You can that there are three segment for root locus one red, another is green and the last one is blue. 5- To find the closed loop poles for damping ratio of 0.54, we need to draw the radial lines from origin from which the damping ratio is constant. The pole for the above specs. 6- The pole at intersection, has damping frequency of d = 4.7 rad/s and natural frequency of n = 5.5 red/s (look at the circles for constant natural frequency).

Root Locus 20 0.8 0.68 0.54 0.4 0.26 0.14

15 0.9 10 0.97

System: sys Gain: 299 Pole: -3.03 + 4.7i Damping: 0.543 Overshoot (%): 13.1 Frequency (rad/sec): 5.59

5 Imaginary Axis







-10 0.9 -15 0.8 -25 -20 0.68 -15 0.54 -10 Real Axis 0.4 0.26 -5 0.14 0 5


Fig. 5: Root locus and grids for constant damping ratio and un-damped natural frequency, i.e. constant , n .

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