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KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Ministry of Higher Education KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Islamic Economics Research Centre

Zakah: A Bibliography


Scientific Publishing Centre King Abdulaziz University Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1426 / 2005

KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Ministry of Higher Education KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Islamic Economics Research Centre

Zakah: A Bibliography


Scientific Publishing Centre King Abdulaziz University P.O. Box 1540, Jeddah 21441 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1426 / 2005

We feel pleasure to present another bibliography on an important institution of Islamic economy - zakah. The economic analysis of zakah is no doubt a 14th/20th century development and discovery of its economic significance may be considered no less than a scientific miracle. Dr Abdul Azim Islahi has made a commendable effort in this bibliography to make it as comprehensive as possible. Thus, all types of available materials on the subject in English language have been listed in it. With a view to enabling easy search of the listed material, the original character of the author and his title has been retained. An interesting revelation in this work is that the first ever publication of 20th century on economic significance of zakah was published in the prestigious economic Journal, The Economic Journal, London, in 1939 under the editorship of famous economist J. M. Keynes. It was authored by a non-Muslim Jitindra Mohan Datta (of course, the note had many factual and conceptual errors). Since then hundreds of articles and books have appeared on the subject. Yet there are many issues that need fresh thinking and deep analysis. We hope that like other bibliographies published by the Center this will be of great assistance to the researcher community. Dr. Mohammed Najeeb Ghazali Director Islamic Economics Research Center King Abdulaziz University Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Page A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Accounting and Auditing of Zakah Assessment and Calculation Collection, Administration and Management Comparative Study Consumption Function Corporate Enterprises Country Cases G:1 Bangladesh, G:2 India, G:3 Indonesia, G:4 Kuwait, G:5 Libya, G:6 Malaysia, G:7 Nigeria, G: 8 Pakistan, G:8 Philippines, G:9 Saudi Arabia, G: 10 Sudan, G:11 Yemen H. Development I. Distribution and Redistribution Functions J. Economic Analysis and Implications K. Eradication of Poverty L. Fiqh and Law of Zakah M. Fiscal Policy N. Historical Perspective O. The Inner Meanings of Zakah P. Investments Q. Social Justice and Social Security R. Religious Tax and Quasi State Revenue S. Ushr (Tithe) T. Miscellaneous INDEX OF AUTHORS 1 1 2 3 4 4 5

10 10 11 14 15 19 19 20 20 21 22 24 26 30


A. A:1 Accounting and Auditing Felamban, Mohammed Hashem (1984), al-Zakat and Evaluation of Financial Reporting in Islam, University of New Haven (USA), M.S. Thesis. Khan, M. Akram, (2000), Some Accounting Issues Relating to Zakah, Islamic Studies, Islamabad, Vol. 39, No.1, pp. 103-120. Khan, M. Akram (2003), 'Zakah Accounting and Auditing Principles Rules and Experience in Pakistan', Islamic Economic Studies, (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia), Vol.10, No.2, March, pp. 29-43. Meera, A. Kameel M., (1992), Assessing Zakat from General Accepted Financial Statements, Lights in Islamic Economics, International Islamic University, Malaysia, Vol. 2, No. 2, March. Qureshi, D.M., (1979), Some Aspects of the Introduction of Zakah, Industrial Accountant, Karachi, (19:3), July-September, pp. 11-15. See B:1, B:4, B:6, F:3. B. B:1 Assessment and Calculation el-Badawi, Mohamed, H., and Sultan M. Sultan, (1992), Net Working Capital vs. Net Owners Equity Approach to Computing Zakatable Amount: A Conceptual Comparison and Application, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Spring, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 69-85. al-Hayyaf, Hussain (1988), The Calculation of Zakat, Sangmon State University, M.A. Thesis. Kahf, Monzer, (1980), The Calculation of Zakah for Muslims in North America, Plainfield, Indiana, The Muslim Students Association of the United State and Canada, 23 p. Khan, M. Akram (2005), "Comment on Abdul Azim Islahi and M. Obaidullah: Zakah on Stocks: Some Unsettled Issue", Journal of King 1

A:2 A:3



B:2 B:3


Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economic, Jeddah,, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 4142. B:5 Mushfiqur-Rahman (2003), Zakat Calculation Primarily based on Fiqhuz-Zakat by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Leicester, U.K., the Islamic foundation, 128pp. Quraishi, Marghoob Ahmed (1997), Annual Zakat computation Guide, Palo Alto. See G:8/5, L:11, L:24. C. C:1 Collection, Administration and Management Abdullah, Ahmed Ali, (1995) Zakatable Funds of the state and Modes of Their Collection", in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 119-48. Ahmad, Manzoor, (1989), Comments on the paper of Fuad A. al-Omar Management of Zakah Through Semi-Government Institutions, in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 153-56. Ahmad, Salahuddin (ed.), (1988), Zakat and Ushr: Socio-EconoAdministrative Implications, Dhaka, Islamic Economic Research Bureau, 42 p. Central Zakat Administration (1982), The Zakat Manual, Islamabad, Ministry of Finance, government of Pakistan, 212 + p.





C:5 Central Zakah Council Proceedings, Islamabad: Central Zakah Administration, Vol. 1, 1983, pp. 202; Vol. 2, 1983, pp. 662; Vol. 3, 1986, pp. 579; Vol. 4, 1987, pp. 543; Vol. 5, n.d. pp. 66. C:6 Kahf, Monzer, (1995), Applied Institutional Models for Zakah Collection and Distribution in Islamic Countries and Communities in elAshker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IDB/IRTI, pp. 197-228.


Khan, Muhammad Akram (1995), "Legal, Administrative, and Financial Control", in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 65-102. Mohammad, Faiz (1995), Relationship between Obligatory Official Zakah Collection and Voluntary Zakah Collection by Charitable Organizations, in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 163-195.


C:9 Al-Omar, Fouad Abdullah (1995), "General, Administrative and Organizational Aspects", el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah, Jeddah, IDB/IRTI, pp. 21-59. C:10 Al-Omar, Fuad A., (1989), Management of Zakah Through SemiGovernment Institution, in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 131-151. C:11 al-Sawory, Ahmad Ali Muhammad (1995), "Legal, Administrative, and Financial Control", in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 103-117. C:12 Yahya, A. F. M. (1988), "Problems and Difficulties in Zakat Administration" in: Salahuddin Ahmad (ed.), Zakat and Ushr Socio Econo Administrative Implications, Dhaka, Islamic Economic Research Bureau, pp. 38-42. See G:2/1, G:2/2, G:3/1, G:4/1, G:6/1, G:6/2, G:7/1, G:8/4, G:8/5, G:8/6, G:8/8, G:8/9, G:10/1, G:11/1, G:12/1, I:2, I:4, I:6, J:17, T:16. D. D:1 D:2 D:3 Comparative Study Adil, Mohammed Shoaib, (1997), Zakat or Riba Hamdard Islamicus (Karachi), Vol. 20, No. 2, April-June, pp. 89-90. Ahmad, Shaikh Mahmud, (1974), Zakat in: Economics of Islam, A Comparative Study, Lahore, Sh. Muhmamad Ashraf, pp. 78-105. Khan, Mehr Muhammad Nawaz, (1989), Zakat Institution in: Islamic and Other Systems, Lahore, Islamic Book Service, pp. 220-42. 3


Raquibuzzaman, M., (1981), Policy Implications of Introducing Zakah into Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia, in: M. Raquibuzzaman (ed.), Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, Plainfield, North American Trust Publications, pp. 209-223. Scott, James, C., (1987), Resistance without Protest and Without Organization: Peasant Opposition to the Islamic Zakat and the Christian Tithe, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 29, pp. 417452. Shim, Ui Sup, (1987), Zakat and Korean Kye as a Financial Institution in the Early Communal Society: A Comparative Approach, Yarmouk, Yarmouk University Mimeo, 29 p. See B:1, C:8, C:10, G:1/2, G:4/3, G:8/7, G:11/2, Q:6, R:21.



E. E:1

Consumption Function Iqbal, Munawar, (1985), Zakat, Moderation and Aggregate Consumption Function in an Islamic Economy, Journal of Research in Islamic Economics, Jeddah, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 45-61. Also in: Kahf, Monzer (ed.), Economics of Zakah, pp. 109-144. Khan, M. Fahim (1990), Zakah, Moderation and Aggregate Consumption in an Islamic Economy, Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, Vol. 2, pp. 101-105. Corporate Enterprises Bawa, M. A., and Chika U. Aliyu, (1999), Zakah on Corporate Enterprises: Problems and Prospects in: Bashar, Muhammad Lawal Ahmad and Aminu Salihu Mikailu (eds.), Fiqh and Economics, Sokoto: Usman Danfodio University, pp. 20-25. Islamic Fiqh Academy (2000), Payment of Zakat on Company Shares in: Resolutions and Recommendations of the Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy 1985 2000, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 57-58.


F. F:1



Kamaluddin, K. K., (1991), Zakat Tax Accounting For Corporate Enterprises, Sokoto (Nigeria), Usman Dan Fodiyo University, Ph.D. Thesis, 379 p. Qureshi, D. M., (1978), Brief Note on Zakat on Stock in Trade, Mimeo. See L:11.



Country Cases

G:1 Bangladesh G:1/1 Azharuddin, M., (1988), Role of Zakat in a Modern Economy with Reference to Bangladesh, in: Rafiqul-Islam Molla (et al.) (eds.), Frontiers and Mechanics of Islamic Economics, Sokoto, Nigeria, University of Sokoto, pp. 155-68. Govt. of Bangladesh, (1985), The Zakat (Collection and Utilization) Rules, Thoughts on Economics, Vol. 6, pp. 32-36. See C:3, C:12, D:4, L:12. G:2 India G:2/1 Faridi, F. R., (1995), India, (a case study of Zakah Management), in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 23157. Faridi, F. R., (1993), An Analysis of Zakah System in India: Collection and Distribution, Journal of Objective Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, January, pp. 59-89.



G:3 Indonesia G:3/1 Abdullah, Taufik., (1991) Zakat Collection and Distribution in Indonesia, in: Mohamed Ariff (ed.), The Islamic Voluntary Sector in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, pp. 50-84.

G:4 Kuwait G:4/1 al-Ajeel, Abd al-Qadir Dahi, (1995), Kuwait (A Case Study of Zakah Management), in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 259-95. Kuwait Zakat House, Local and International Charitable Activities (1992), Kuwait: Kuwait Zakat House, 103 p. al-Muzaini, A. A. A., (1987), The System of Taxation and Zakat in Kuwait, Exeter University, UK, 216 p.

G:4/2 G:4/3 G:5 Libya G:5/1

al-Khui, Abul Qasim al-Musawi (1986), Libyan Act. No. 89, 1971 in Respect of Zakat (Translation by Ziauddin Ahmad), Islamic Studies, Islamabad, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 349-368.

G:6 Malaysia G:6/1 Abdul-Wahab, Mohamed Bin et al., (1995) Malaysia (A Case study of Zakah Management), in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 297-378. Ghazali, Aidit, (1991), Zakat Administration in Malaysia in: Ariff, Mohamed (ed.), Voluntary Sector, in Southeast Asia, Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 85-117. Khalid, Abdul Fatah bin Haji, (1988), Zakat in: Islamic Law and Land in the State of Selangor, Malaysia, Edinburgh, University of Edinbursh, Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 290-316. Muhammad, Abdul Aziz bin (1993), Zakat and Rural Development in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Berita Publishing, 235 p. Mustapha, Nik b. H. N. Hassan, (1987), Zakat in Malaysia Present and Future Status, Journal of Islamic Economics, Kuala Lumpur, August-September, vo.1, no.1, pp. 47-75. Also in: Sadeq, A. M. et al (1991), Development and Finance in Islam, Selangor, Malaysia, International Islamic University Press, pp. 213-238. 6



G:6/4 G:6/5


Saleh, M. Ismail, (1980), Distribution of Zakah Burden on Padi Resources in Malaysia, in: Raqibuzzaman (ed.), Some Aspects of Economics of Zakah, AMSS, Plainfield, Indiana, American Trust Publications, USA, pp. 80-15. Taib, Nasseri, (1988), Zakat, in: Islam and Eradication of Poverty: An Ethical Dimension of Development with Special Reference to Malaysia Five Year Plans, Philadelphia (USA), Temple University, Ph.D. Thesis.


G:7 Nigeria G:7/1 Balogun, S.U. (1999), Re-appriasal of the Method of Collection and Distribution of Zakah in Nigeria in: Bashar, M.A.L and Aminu S.M. (eds.), Fiqh and Economics, Sokoto: Usman Danfodio University, pp. 39-47.

G:8 Pakistan G:8/1 Ahmed, Irshad, (1983), Zakah and Ushr, System in Pakistan, (Draft), Islamabad, Central Zakat Administration, Government of Pakistan. Butt, Parvez Ahmad, (1995), Pakistan (a case study of zakah management), in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 379-401. Clark, G., (1987), Pakistans Zakah and Ushr as a Welfare System, in: Anita M. Weiss (ed.), Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan, Lahore: Vangaurd Books, pp. 79-96. Federal Bureau of Statistics, (1988), Survey of Social and Economic Impact of Zakat and Ushr on Individuals and Households, Government of Pakistan, 129 p. Imtiazi, I. A., (1985), A Model for Assessment, Collection and Disbursement of Zakah (Case Study of Pakistan), Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, vol.2, no. 3, July-December, pp. 2579.






Imtiazi, I. A., (1989), Organization of Zakah: The Pakistan Model and Experience, in: I.A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 157-176. International Institute of Islamic Economics (1990), Evaluation of Zakah and Ushr System in Pakistan (Draft), Islamabad. Khan, Abdul Jabbar, (1989), Comments on Imtiazis paper Organization of Zakah: The Pakistan Model and Experience in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 177-86. Khan, M. Akram, (1993), An Evaluation of Zakah Control System in Pakistan, Islamic Studies, Islamabad, Vol. 32, No. 4, Winter, pp. 413-32. Mohammad, Faiz (1992), Evolution of Zakah and Ushr in Pakistan, A Study Sponsored by the Central Zakah Administration of Pakistan, 210 p. (mimeo) Nazir, Khalid, (1996), Zakat and Ushr System in Pakistan, Islamic Studies, Vol. 35, No. 3, Autumn, pp. 333-343. Pakistan Council of Islamic Ideology (1981), Introduction of Zakat in Pakistan, Islamabad: the Council, 85 pp. Pakistan Directorate of Films and Publications (1989), Zakat and Ushr Enforced: Announcement of General Ziaul Haq, Islamabad, 54 pp. Pakistan Ministry of Law (1980), Zakat and Ushr Ordinance (xvii of 1980), Karachi: Law Publishers, 70 pp. Report of the Committee Appointed by the Prime Minister of Review of the Existing System of Zakat and Ushr, (1992), Islamabad, Central Zakat Administration, Government of Pakistan. Sabzwari, M. A., (1979), Zakah and Ushr with Special Reference to Pakistan, Karachi, Industrial Printing Press, 64 p.

G:8/7 G:8/8



G:8/11 G:8/12 G:8/13

G:8/14 G:8/15



Shirazi, Nasim Shah (1996), System of Zakat in Pakistan: An Appraisal. Islamabad: International Institute of Islamic Economics, International Islamic University. Tanzilur-Rahman, (n.d.), Introduction of Zakah in Pakistan, Islamabad: Council of Islamic Ideology, 85 p. Zakah and Ushr Ordinance, (1980), Government of Pakistan Ordinance No. XVIII of 1980, dated 20-06-1980, and Zakah and Ushr (Amendment) Ordinance, 1980, Ordinance No. LII of 1980, dated 29-10-1980). See A:2, C:4, C:5, I:9, K:3, K:6, K:7, K:8, T:16.

G:8/18 G:8/19

G:9 Philippines G:9/1 Abubakar, Carmen A., (1991) Zakat and Sadaqa Practices Among the Moros of the Philippines, in: Ariff Mohamed (ed.), Voluntary Sector in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, pp. 168-191.

G:10 Saudi Arabia G:10/1 Jamjoom, Abdul Aziz M. Rashid, (1995), Saudi Arabia (A Case Study of Zakah Management), in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 403-16. Regulations for Income Tax, Road Tax, and Zakat (1978), Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Finance and National Economy, 555 p. Salama, Abdin Ahmad, (1982), Fiscal Analysis of Zakah with Special Reference to Saudi Arabias Experience in: Mohamed Ariff (ed.), Monetary and Fiscal Economics, Jeddah, ICREI, pp. 341-364, also in: Gulaid, Mahamoud, pp. 387-417. See D:4 G:11 Sudan G:11/1 Mohammad, Mohammad Ibrahim, (1995), Sudan (A Case Study of Zakah Management), in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), 9

G:10/2 G:10/3

Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 417-37. G:11/2 Sadeq, Abul Hasan, (1990), Voluntary and Compulsory Applications of Zakah: A Case Study of Sudan 1405 1410H, Paper Presented at the Third International Conference on Zakah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14-17 May.

G:12 Yemen G:12/1 al-Adi, Muhammad Yahya Hussein, (1995), Yemen (a case study of Zakah management), in: el-Ashker and Sirajul Haq (eds.), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 439-69.

H. H:1

Development and Zakah Awan, M. Mahmood, (1980), Economic Policy for Development A Treatise on Zakah, in: Raquibuzzaman (ed.), Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, Plainfield (Indiana): American Trust Publication, pp. 185-207. Jamal, Mohammad bin, (1964), Zakat A Socio-Economic Power for the Development and Progress of the Muslim Community, World Muslim League, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 47-52. See G:6/4, G:6/5, J:9.


I. I:1 I:2

Distribution and Redistribution Functions al-Abdin, Tayib Zein (2003), 'The Disbursement of Zakah', Islamic Studies (Islamabad, Pakistan), Vol.42, No.1, Spring, pp.126-136. Ahmad, Ziauddin, (1989), Comments on M. A. Mannans Effects of Zakah Assessments and Collection on the Redistribution of Income in Contemporary Muslim Countries", in: I. A. Imtiazi et al (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 51-56.



Habibur-Rehman, S.M., (1980), Zakah A Case of Equitable Distribution of Income and Wealth, in: Thought on Islamic Economics, No. 17, pp. 94-101. Mannan, M. A., (1989), Effects of Zakah Assessment and Collection on the Redistribution on Income in Contemporary Muslim Countries, in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 29-50. Mannan, M. A., (1983), Zakah, Its Distribution and Inter-poor Distributional Equity, Thoughts on Economics, Dacca, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 2-14, also (1984) in: The Making of Islamic Economics Society, Cairo: International Association of Islamic Banks, pp. 332-46. Raquibuz-Zaman, M., (1987), Some Administrative Aspects of the Collection and Distribution of Zakah and The Distribution Effects of the Introduction of Zakah into Modern Economies, Jeddah, Scientific Publishing Centre, King Abdulaziz University, 74 p. al-Saadi, Abdullah Jumaan Saeed, (1986), Benefits Paid from Zakat Fund, in: Fiscal Policy in the Islamic State, (Translated by Ahmad alAnani, Newcastle, England, Lyme Books Ltd, pp. 151-74. Sadeq, Abul Hasan, (1994), A Survey of the Distribution of Zakah: Issues, Theories and Administrations, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, 71 p. Suleman, R. M. U. (1980), Distribution Aspects of Zakat in: Economic System of Islam, Proceeding of a Seminar Organized by the National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi, Economic Research and Statistics Wing, National Bank of Pakistan, pp. 321-327.





I:8 I:9

I:10 al-Zehily, Mohammed, (1990), The Ways of Distributing Alms-Zakat, Risalat al-Jihad, Paolu, Malta, No. 74, Autumn, pp. 153-6. See C:6, G:6/4, G:7/1, G:8/5. J. J:1 Economic Analysis and Implications Abdelhafid, Belrabi, (1992), The Economics of Zakat in: Towards an Islamic Economic System, Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati (USA), Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 147-179. 11

J:2 J:3 J:4 J:5 J:6 J:7 J:8

Abu-Wahid, N. M., (1985), "Economic Implications of Zakat, Muslim World League Journal, Makkah, June-July, Vol. 12, Nos. 9-10, pp. 5-8. Afzal-ur-Rahman, (1976), Zakat in: Economic Doctrines of Islam, Lahore, Islamic Publications Ltd., Vol. 3, pp. 191-264. Ahmad, Shaykh (ed.), (n.d.), Some Socio-Economic Aspects of Zakat: Pakistan Institute of Arts and Design. Ahmad, Syed Thanvir, (1993), Economic Significance of Zakat Needs Recognition, Islamic Voice, (Bangalore), p. 20. Ahmad, Ziauddin, (1981), Zakah and Economic Well Being,, Islamic Studies, Islamabad, Vol. 20, No. 1, Summer, pp. 23-43. Ahmed, Afazuddin, (1952), Economic Significance of Zakah, Islamic Literature, Lahore, Vol. 4, No. 8, August, pp. 5-11. Akkas, S. M. Ali (2000), Towards Institutionalizing Zakah at Private Level, Thoughts on Economics (Dhaka), Vol. 10, Nos. 3&4, JulyDecember, pp. 35-51. el-Ashker, Abdel-Fattah and Muhammad Sirajul Haq (eds.), (1995), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, 510 p.


J:10 Choudhury, M. A., and Hassan, M. Kabir, (2001), The Role of Zakah in an Interactive Model of Non-Wage Labour Force Activity. Review of Islamic Economics, (Leicester U.K.) No. 10, pp. 41-65. J:11 Choudhury, Nuimuddin, (1983), Aggregate demand and Al-Zakah, Thoughts on Economics, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1-8. J:12 Datta, Jitindra Mohan (1939), Zakat: The Economic Basis of Islamic Tithe, The Economic Journal, London, Vol. XLIX, No. 4, June, pp. 365369. J:13 Diabi, Ali, (1993), The Concept of Zakah Evasion: An Economic Interpretation, Review of Islamic Economics, Leicester (U.K.), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 17-28.


J:14 Ghazali, Aidit, (1988), The Phenomenon of Zakat Payment through Unofficial Channels An Empirical Analysis, Kulliyyah of Economics, International Islamic University, Malaysia. J:15 Hussain, Aftab, (1989), Comments on Sabahuddin Zaims Paper Recent Interpretation of the Economic Aspects of Zakah, in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 121-30. J:16 Imtiazi, I. A. et al. (eds.), (1989), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, 236 p. J:17 Islahi, Abdul Azim, (1984), Economic Significance of Zakah, in: Economic Thought of Ibn al-Qayyim, Jeddah, International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, pp. 7-11. J:18 Kahf, Monzer, (1986), Comments on S. Tag el-Dins Allocative and Stabilizing Functions of Zakat in an Islamic Economy, Paper Presented at the International Seminar on Fiscal Policy and Development Planning in an Islamic State, Islamabad J:19 Kahf, Monzer (ed.), (1997), Economic of Zakah, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, 698 p. J:20 Mahmoud, Mabid, (1974), Frictions, Power Rationing and al-Zakat, in: Association of Muslim Social Scientists Proceedings of the Third National Seminar, Gary, Indiana, USA, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, pp. 29-43. J:21 Metawally, M. M., and A. Chowdhury, (1983), Enforcement of Zakat in Contemporary Muslim Countries: A Practical Model, Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, Karachi, Vol. 19, No. 3, July, pp. 28-41. J.22 Raquibuzzaman, M. (ed.), (1980), Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, Plainfield (Indiana), American Trust Publications, 229 p. J:23 Sato, H., (1987), Understanding Zakat: An Inquiry into the Methodological Problems of the Science of Economics, Niigata (Japan), Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, 115 p. J:24 Shaik, Abdool Aziz, (1980), Concept of Zakah: A Survey of Quranic Texts and Their Explanation in Shariah and Contemporary Economics, 13

in: M. Raquibuzzaman (ed.), Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, Plainfield, North American Trust Publications, pp. 3-68. J:25 Tag-el-Din, Saifeddin, (1995), Allocative and Stabilizing Functions of Zakat in an Islamic Economy, in: Gulaid, Mahamoud A. and Abdullah, Mohamed Aden (eds.), Readings in Public Finance in Islam, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 327-56, First Published in (1986) Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, Vol. 3, No. 4, October-December, pp. 43-48. J:26 Zaim, Sabahuddin, (1989), Recent Interpretations on Economic Aspect of Zakah in: Imtiazi, I. A., et al., Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 101-120. J:27 Zohurul-Islam, M., (1986), Abstract of the Socio-Economic Analysis of al-Zakat, Thought on Economics, Dhaka, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 55-6. J:28 Zohurul-Islam, Mohammad, (1988), The Socio-economic Analysis of al-Zakah: Its Significance in Qualifying the Community Life of Islam, in: Ahmad Salahuddin, Zakat and Ushr: Socio-Econo Administrative Implications, Dhaka, Islamic Economic Research Bureau, pp. 1-29. See A:5, D:2, E:1, E:2, G:1/1, G:8/12, G:10/3, P:1, P:2. K. K:1 K:2 K:3 Eradication of Poverty Abdullah, S. M., (1976) Zakat and Poverty A Comment, Voice of Islam, Karachi, Vol. 24, No. 4, January, pp. 194-98. Ahmed, Habib (2004), Role of Zakah and Awqaf in Poverty Alleviation, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, 114 pp. Anwar, M., (1991), Comment on Prospects of Poverty Eradication Through the Existing Zakah System in Pakistan by Faiz Muhammad, Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 128-29. Izadi, Ali M., (1974), The Role of az-Zakat ( An Institutionalized Charity) in an Islamic System of Economics in Curing the Poverty Dilemma, Proceedings of the Third National Seminar, Gary, Indiana, USA, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, pp. 9-18. al-Labban, Ibrahim, (1967), Islam is the First Religious System to Recognize the Right of the Poor to the Wealth of the Rich (Ali Ibn Hazm 14



994-1069 CE), Islamic Review, London: No. 55, August, pp. 14-19, 33. Also in: the Proceeding of the First Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research, al-Azhar, 1964, pp. 167-86. K:6 Malik, Shahnawaz, (1992), Lump-sum Income Transfer as a Measure for Poverty Alleviation: Zakat of Ushr in Pakistan, Journal of Rural Development and Administration, (Peshawar), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 98-101. Mohammad, Faiz (1991), Prospects of Poverty Eradication through the Existing Zakat System in Pakistan, The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 30, No. 4, Part II, winter, pp. 1119-29. Mubasher, Yusuf (1980), "Zakat Plenty for the poor", Pakistan Economist, Vol. 20, No. 43, pp.16-17, 29. Zein al-Abidin, al-Tayib, (1997), Zakat and Alleviation of Poverty in the Muslim World, Hamdard Islamicus (Karachi), Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 6582. See G:6/8, L:3 L. L:1 L:2 Fiqh and Law of Zakah Abu Saud, M., (1988), About the Fiqh of Zakat, Cincinnati (Ohio, USA), Zakat and Research Foundation, 44. p. Abu Zahrah (1965), The Zakat, in: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research, Al-Azhar (Cairo), pp. 123-165. Ajijola, al-Hajj A. D., (2003), Zakat or Alms Giving, New Delhi, Adam Publishers, 70 p. Bakhtiyar, Laleh (1996), Prescribed Poor-Due, in: Encyclopedia of Islamic Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools, Chicago (USA): ABC International Groups Inc. pp.229-245. al-Budayuni, M. Tayyib Bakhsh, (n.d.), Kitab al-Zakat in A Short Handbook of Fiqh, Lahore: Kazi Publications, pp. 53-57.


K:8 K:9

L:3 L:4




Calder (1955), Exploring Gods Law: Muhammad ibn Sahl al-Sarakhsi on Zakat in: C. Toll and J. Skovgaard-Peterson (eds.), Law and Islamic World Past and Present, Copenhagen, pp.57-73. Dallah Albarakah, (1994), Zakah in: Fatawa: Shariah Rulings on Economics, Jeddah: Dallah Albarakah Research and Development Department, pp. 65-68. European Council for Fatwa and Research (2002), "Zakah" in: Fatwa of European Council for Fatwa and Research (Translated by Anas O. Altikriti and Shakir N. al-Ubaydi, Cairo: al-Falah Foundation, pp. 11622. Hamilton, Charles (tr.) (1994), Zakah, in: the Hedaya: Commentary on the Islamic Laws, New Delhi: Kitab Bhawan, reprint of 1870s edition, pp.4-24.




L:10 Ibn Rushd (1994), The Book of Zakat, in: the Distinguished Jurists Primer (Bidayat al-Mujtahid wa Nihayat al-Muqtasid translated by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, Reading (UK), Garnet Publishing, vol. 1, pp. 283328. L:11 Islahi, Abdul Azim and Mohammed Obaidullah (2004), "Zakah on Stocks, Some Unsettled Issues", Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, Vol.17, No. 2, pp. 3-17. L:12 Islamic Economics Research Bureau, (1980), A Plea for Introduction of Zakat and A Draft of Zakat Act, in: K. T. Hosain et al. (eds.), Thoughts on Islamic Economics, Dhaka, pp. 113-126. L:13 Islamic Fiqh Academy (2000), Zakat on Debts and Real Estates in: Resolutions and Recommendations of the Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy 1985 2000, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 3-4. L:14 Islamic Fiqh Academy (2000), Payment of Zakat in favour of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and Its Waqf in: Resolutions and Recommendations of the Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy 1985 2000, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 55-56. L:15 Kahf, Monzer, (1989), Zakat: Unresolved Issues in the Contemporary Fiqh, Journal of Islamic Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-22. Reproduced in: Sadeq, A. M., et al. (eds.), (1991), Development and 16

Finance in Islam, Selangor, Malaysia, International Islamic University Press, pp. 173-190. L:16 Kamal, Abdul Aziz, (1979), Zakat, in: Everyday Fiqh, Lahore: Islamic Publication Ltd., pp. 7-60. L:17 Khadduri, Majid (tr.) (n.d.), the Zakat (Legal Alms), in: al-Shafi`i's Risala (Treatise on the foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence, n.p., Islamic Text Society, pp.163-65. L:18 al-Khui, Abul Qasim al-Musawi (1983), Some of the Masail Connected with Khums, Tr. Howard I.K.A. Al-Sirat: Selected Articles, 1975-83, London, Mohammadi Trust, pp. 169-74. L:19 Lajpuri, Abdur Rahim (1992)The Book of Zakat in: Fatawa Rahimiyah, translated by M. F. Quraishi, Karachi: Darul Ishaat, vol. 2, pp. 1-12. L:20 Lebbai, Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ahmad (1999), Zakat (the Poor Rate), in: Fat-hud-Dayyan fi Fiqhi Khairil Adyan: A Compendium of Muslim Theology and Jurisprudence, translated by Saifuddin J. Aniff-Doray, Kuala Lumpur: Noordeen, pp.330-41. L:21 Maghniyyah, Muhammad Jawad (1992), Zakah and Khums According to Fifth School of Islamic Law, al-Tawhid (Tehran), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 123-38. L:22 Maghniyyah, M. J., (2003), Zakat, in: The Five Schools of Islamic Law (al-Fiqh `alal Madhahib al-Khamsah), Qum (Islamic Republic of Iran), Ansariyah Publications, Part I, pp. 148-164. L:23 Majeed, F. S. A. (1995), Zakat: Islamic Law, Singapore: Ze Majeed Publishing, Vol. 2. L:24 al-Masri, Rafic Yunus, (2004), "Zakah: Is it imposable on income or on capital?", Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economic, Jeddah, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 29-31. L:25 Mirpuri, M. Ahmed (1998), Zakat Islamic obligatory charity, in: Fatawa Sirat-e- Mustaqeem, translated by Mohammed Abdul Hadi, Riyadh: Darussalam, pp. 205-10.


L:26 al-Misri, Ahmad ibn Naqib (1994), Zakat in: Reliance of the Traveller (Umdat al-Salik) A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, translated by Nu Ha Mim Keller, Beltsville (Maryland, USA): Amana Publications, pp.244-76. L:27 al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, (2000), Fiqh al-Zakah, English Translation by Monzer Kahf, Jeddah, Scientific Publishing Centre, King Abdulaziz University, 2 Volumes. Also published in a single volume (1999), Fiqh az-Zakat: A Comparative Study, London, Dar al-Taqwa Ltd. L:28 al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, (1999), Zakah and Donations in: Contemporary Fatawa: Current Issues in Islamic Fiqh, New York, Islamic Book Service, pp. 263-300. L:29 Sabiq, al-Sayyid, (1986), Zakah in Islamic Jurisprudence, in: Fiqh usSunnah (English Translation) by Abdul-Majid Khokhar et al.), Indianapolis, American Trust Publication, pp. 1-108. Also published undated as Fiqh us-Suunah Doctrine of Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, New Delhi: Millat Book Centre, vol. 1, pp. 373-479. L:30 Sakr, Ahmad H. (1994), Zakat (Alms Giving), in: the Book of Inquiries, Lombard (Illinois, USA), Foundation for Islamic Knowledge, Vol. 2, pp.46-60. L:31 Sarwar, Col. Ghulam (1985), Review on "M. A. S. Siddiqi, Zakat Law and Ijthihad", Islamic Studies (Islamabad), Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer, pp. 268-270. L:32 Sidat, Ibrahim, (1980), Who is Liable to Zakah, Pakistan Economist, Karachi, Vol. 20, No. 27, July 5, pp. 22-23. L:33 Siddiqi, M. A. Saeed, (1983), Early Development of Zakat Law and Ijtihad, Karachi, Islamic Research Academy, 224 p. L:34 Thanaa-ullah, Qazi (1985), The Book of Zakat, in: the Essential Hanafi Handbook of Fiqh (Ma La Budda Minhu translated by Yusuf Talal Ali alAmriki) Lahore: Kazi Publications, pp.123-34.


L:35 WAMY (1980), Comment on the proposed 'Draft Zakat Act' of Islamic Economics Research Bureau Dacca, 1997, in: Thought on Islamic Economics, Dacca: Islamic Economics Research Bureau, pp.127-31. L:36 Zayas, Farishta G. de, (1960), The Law and Philosophy of Zakah, Damascus: Al-Jadidah Press, 420 p. L:37 Zohurul-Islam, M. (1982), The Zakah Ordinance A Few Observations, Thought on Economics, Dhaka, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 30-32. See B:4, C:7, F:1, F:2, G:1/2, G:5/1, G:6/3, G:8/14, G:8/19, G:10/2, P:3. M. Fiscal Policy

M:1 Faridi, F. R., (1983), Theory of Fiscal Policy in an Islamic State, Journal of Research in Islamic Economics, Jeddah (1:1), pp. 17-35. M:2 Faridi, F. R., (1980), Zakat and Fiscal Policy in: Ahmad, Khurshid (ed.), Studies in Islamic Economics, Leicester: The Islamic Foundation / Jeddah, ICRIE, pp. 119-30. M:3 Hashmi, S. A., (1980), Zakat as an Instrument of Fiscal Policy in: Economic System of Islam: Proceeding of a Seminar Organized by the National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi, Economic Research and Statistics Wing, National Bank of Pakistan, pp. 340-371. M:4 Siddiqi, M. N., (2005), Zakat and Fiscal Policy in: Teaching Islamic Economics", Jeddah, Scientific Publishing Centre, pp. 44-46. See I:7 N. N:1 N:2 Historical Perspective Ahmad, Ziauddin, (1985), Ushr and Maks in Early Islam, Islamic Studies, Islamabad, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring, pp. 1-11; Autumn, pp. 377-87. Calder, N., (1981), Zakat in Imami Shii Jurisprudence, from the 10th to the 16th Century A.D., Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London), Vol. 44, 10.3, pp. 468-80.


N:3 N:4 N:5

Lokkegaard, Ferede, (1950), Kharaj and Ushr Land in: Islamic Taxation in the Classic Period, Copenhagen, Branner and Korch, pp. 3872. Raana, Irfan Mahmud, (1970), Zakat in: Economic System Under Umar the Great, Lahore, Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf, pp. 36-49. Zafarul-Islam, (1990), Zakat and Its Connotation in Medieval India in: Socio Economic Dimension of Fiqh Literature in Medieval India, Lahore: Dyal Singh Trust Library, pp. 111-131. The Inner Meanings of Zakah al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, (1966), The Mysteries of Alms Giving Tr. By Nabeel Amin Faris, Beirut, American University, 96 p. al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, (n.d.), Secrets of Zakat and Charities, in: Ihya Ulum al-Din, (Translated by Fazlul-Karim), Lahore, Sind Sagar Academy, Vol. I, pp. 200-21.

O. O:1 O:2

O:3 Hermansen, Marcia K. (Tr.), (1996), The Inner Meanings of the Zakat in: The Conclusive Arguments from God (Eng. Translation of Shah Wali Allah of Delhis HujjatAllah al-Baligha, Leiden: E.J. Brill, pp. 221-223. O:4 Nadwi, S. Abul Hasan Ali, (1975), Zakat (Poor Due) in: the Four Pillars of Islam, (tr. By Kidwai, M. Aziz), Karachi, Majlis Nashriyat-eIslam, pp. 89-166. Qureshi, D. M., (1980), The Religious Importance and Rationale of Zakah Islamic Order, Karachi, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 71-79. Investments Anwar, Muhammad, (1992), Channeling Zakah Funds into Long-Term Investments, New Horizon, London, Nos. 7, 8, Aug-Oct., pp. 18-20, 17, 18. Islamic Fiqh Academy (2000), Investment of Zakat Fund in: Resolutions and Recommendations of the Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy 1985 2000, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, p. 27.


P. P:1




Metwally, M. M., (1986), The Effect of the Religious Tax of Zakah on Investment in an Islamic Economy, Humanomics, (Nava Scotia, Canada), No. 2, Vol. 2, pp. 43-55. Social Justice and Social Security Abdel Rahman, Moussa Ibrahim, (1977) Zakah Social Justice and Social Security in: Outlines of Islamic Economics, Indianapolis, AMSS, USA, pp. 136-43. Afzal, Omar, (1980), A Note on Zakah The Social Security System of Islam in: Raquibuzzaman (ed.), Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, American Trust Publications, pp. 173-178. Also in: Outlines of Islamic Economics, AMSS (ed.), pp. 173-78. Atiqul-Haque, M., (1984), Zakat and Social Security, Islamic Foundation, Dhaka. Ba-Yunus, Ilyas, (1980), A Note on the Social Implication of Zakah in Modern Times in: Raquibuzzaman (ed.), Some Aspects of The Economics of Zakah, Plainfield (Indiana), American Trust Publication, pp. 179-183. Badawi, M. A. Z. (1979), Zakat and Social Justice in: The Muslim World and the Future Economic Order, London: Islamic Council of Europe, pp. 112-22. Billah, Mohd. Masum, (2001), Institution of Zakat and the Modern Social Security System An Appraisal in: Islamic Law of Trade and Finance, Kuala Lumpur, IIUM Press, pp. 227-77. Chapra, M. U., (1992), Zakat: The Social Self-Help Programme in: Islam and the Economic Challenge, Leicester (UK): Islamic Foundation and Herndon (USA), the International Institute of Islamic Thought, pp. 270-75. Hussain, Mirza Mohammad, (1947), Zakat a Scheme of Social Insurance in: Islam and Socialism, Lahore: Sh. M. Ashraf, pp. 119-77. Isah, Maryam, (1992), A Possible Position of Zakat in the Context of Social Welfare in Islam in: Gusau, Sule Ahmed (ed.), Islam and the 21

Q. Q:1


Q:3 Q:4




Q:8 Q:9

Contemporary Economic Problems, Sokoto (Nigeria), Usman Dan Fodiyo University, pp. 88-9. Q:10 el-Mezain, Mohammed Ahmed, (1985), Social Welfare and Zakah in the Islamic Economy, Fort Collins (Colorado), Mimeo, 27 p. Q:11 Najmul-Hasan, (1984), Social Security System on Islam with Special Reference to Zakah, Jeddah: International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, King Abdulaziz University, 55 p. Q:12 Zayas, Farishta G. de, (1969), The Functional Role of Zakat in the Islamic Social Economy, Islamic Literature, Lahore, Vol. 15, No. 3, March, pp. 5-10. Q:13 Zakat: Islamic System of Social Justice, Hyderabad, Mustafa Educational Network Trust, 61 pp. See J: 4, J:27, J:28, R. R:1 Religious Tax and Quasi State Revenue Abu Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam (1991), Zakah in: the Book of Finance (Translation of Kitab al-Amwal by Noor Mohammad Ghiffari), Islamabad, Pakistan Hijra Council, pp. 297-514. Aghnides, Nicolas P., (1916), The Zakat Taxes, in: Mohammedan Theories of Finance, New York, AMS, pp. 203-347. Ahghari, Zohreh, (1991), Zakat (Islamic Quasi Wealth Tax) in: The Origin and Evolution of Islamic Economic Thought, Florida State University, Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 85-89. Ali, Abid Ahmad (Tr.), (1979), Regarding Alms (Sadaqat) in: Kitabul-Kharaj of Qadi Abu Yusuf, Lahore, Islamic Book Centre, pp. 51-58. Awad, Mohammad H., (1989), Adjusting Tax Structure to Accommodate Zakah, in: I. A. Imtiazi, et al., (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Society, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 77-96.

R:2 R:3

R:4 R:5



Azid, Toseef and Umar Burki, (1997), Role of Zakah Fund in an Islamic Economy: An Empirical Evidence, Hamdard Islamicus (Karachi), Vol. 20, No, 2, April-June, pp. 83-87. Azmi, Sabahuddin, (2002), Ghanimah and Zakah Semi-State Revenue in: Islamic Economics: Public Finance in Early Islamic Thought, New Delhi, Goodword Books, pp. 58-72.


R:8 Choudhury, Masudul Alam and Uzir Abdul-Malik, (1992), Zakah-The Wealth Tax in Islam, in: the Foundations of Islamic Political Economy, London: Macmillan, pp. 63-102. R:9 Hasanuzzaman, S. M., (1993), Islamic Criteria for the Distribution of Tax Burden: The Mix of Direct and Indirect Taxes of the offsetting Function of Zakat Journal of Islamic Economics (Selangor, Malaysia), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 16-32.

R:10 Hasanuzzaman, S. M., (1981), Zakat the Poor tax in: the Economic Functions of the Early Islamic State, Karachi, International Islamic Publishers, pp. 133-66. R:11 Hasanuzzaman, S. M., (1971), Zakat, Taxes and Estate Duties, Islamic Literature, Lahore, Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 23-7. R:12 Iqbal, Zafar, (1989), Comments on Mohammad Hashim Awads Adjusting Tax Structure to Accommodate Zakah, in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 97-100. R:13 Iqbal, Zubair Mohammad S. Amerah, (1990), Zakah Expenditure and Zakah Revenue in: Public Finance in Islam, Lahore, Readers Publishers, pp. 18-22, 97-106. R:14 al-Kaff, S. H. A. Rahman, (1987), Imposition of Zakat on Exploitable Assets, the Universal Message, Karachi, Vol. 9, No. 2, August, pp. 9-13, 42-45. R:15 Khan, M. Akram, (1974), Modern Taxation and Zakat, Islamic Education, Lahore, Vol. 7, No. 3, May-June, pp. 7-15.


R:16 Mohammad, Akbar, (1980), A Note on the Concept of Zakah and Taxation, in: Raquibuzzaman (ed.), Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, Plainfield, Indiana, North American Trust Publications, pp. 70-76. R:17 Mukherji, Badal, (1980), A Macro Model of the Islamic Tax System, Indian Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, Jan-March, pp. 65-74. R:18 Qureshi, D. M., (1989), Comments on Shehatas Limitations on the Use of Zakah Funds in Financing Socio-economic Infrastructure of Society, in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB., pp. 74-75. R:19 al-Saadi, Abdullah Jumaan Saeed, (1986), Zakat The Islamic Alms Tax, in: Fiscal Policy in the Islamic State, (Translated by Ahmad alAnani, Newcastle, England, Lyme Books Ltd, pp. 37-60. R:20 Salama, Abdin Ahmad, (1995), Empirical Economic Effects of Obligatory and Non-Obligatory Payment of Zakah to the State, in: elAshker, Abdel-Fattah and Muhammad Sirajul Haq (eds.), (1995), Institutional Framework of Zakah: Dimensions and Implications, Jeddah, IRTI, IDB, pp. 151-61. R:21 Shaikh, A. Qadir, (1977), Zakat and Taxation in: Outlines of Islamic Economics, Indiana, AMSS, pp. 5-12. R:22 Shehab, Rafiullah (1999), Nizam-I-Zakat The Fiscal System of the Islamic State, Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance (Karachi, Pakistan), Vol. 16, No. 3, July-Sept, pp. 32-39. R:23 Shehatah, S. Ismail, (1989), Limitations of Use of Zakah Funds in Financing Socio-Economic Infrastructure of Society, in: I. A. Imtiazi, et al., (eds.), op. cit., pp. 57-73, also in: Islamic Economic Studies (Jeddah), Vol. 1, No. 2, June, 1994, pp. 63-78. R:24 Siddiqi, S. A., (1979), Zakat in: Public Finance in Islam, Lahore, Sh Muhammad Ashraf, pp. 8-64, 150-70. R:25 Suharto, Ugi (2001), Zakat as a Special Institution of Public Finance: Reflections from Kitab al-Amwal of Abu Ubaid (d. 838 AD), alShajarah (Kuala Lumpur), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 55-88. See C:1. 24

S. S:1 S:2

Ushr (Tithe) Ahmad, Ziauddin, (1980), Ushr and Ushr Lands, Islamic Studies, Islamabad, Vol. 19, No. 2, Summer, pp. 74-94. Grohmann (1934), "Ushr", in: Encyclopaedia of Islam (edited by M. Th. Houtsma et al (old edition), London: Luzac and Co. and Leyden: Late E.J. Brill, vol. 4, pp.1050-1052. Hasanuzzaman, S. M., (1986), Issues Relating to Zakah and Ushr, Discussion Paper for the Working Group on Ushr and Zakah, Second International Conference on Islamic Economics, Islamabad, International Institute of Islamic Economics, 42 p. Hasanuzzaman, S. M., (1979), Zakat and Ushr Draft Examined, Islamic Order, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 71-75. Islamic Economics Research Bureau, (1988), Zakah and Ushr, Dhaka, IERB, 42 p. Kadri, A. H., (1980), The Role and Significance of Ushr in Agricultural Taxation Policy in Muslim Countries in: Economic System of Islam, Karachi: National Bank of Pakistan, pp. 250-63. Also in: Gulaid, Mahmoud A. and Abdullah Mohamed Aden (eds.), Readings in Public Finance, Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, pp. 371-385. Sabzwari, M. A., (1979), Zakah and Ushr A Comprehensive Insight, Islamic Order, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 49-70. Shad, Abdur Rahman, (1986), Zakat and Ushr, Kazi Publication, Lahore, 104 p. Shemesh, A. Ben (ed.), (1967), Kharaj Land and Ushr Land in: Taxation in Islam, Vol. I (Yahya Ben Adams Kitab al-Kharaj), Leiden E.J. Bill, pp. 28-33, 83-88.


S:4 S:5 S:6

S:7 S:8 S:9

S:10 Shemesh, A. Ben (Tr.), (1969), Ushr and Kharaj Lands in: Taxation in Islam, Vol. III (Abu Yusufs Kitab al-Kharaj), Leiden E.J. Bill, London, Luzac & Co. Ltd., pp. 78-84.


S:11 Siddiqi, M. N. (2001), Zakah, Ushr and Khums in: Islamic Public Economics (tr. Sayed Afzal Peerzade), Delhi, Idarah-i- Adabiyat-i-Delli, pp. 12-25. S:12 Zayas, Farishta G. de, (1967), The Lands, Kharaj Lands and the Land of Zakat, Islamic Literature, Lahore, Vol. 13, No. 5, May, pp. 5-9. See C:3, G:8/1, G:8/3, G:8/4, G:8/11, G:8/16, K:5, N:1, N:3, T:15. T. T:1 Miscellaneous Abu Saud, M., (1988), Contemporary Zakat, Cincinnati, (Ohio, USA), Zakat and Research Foundation, 199 p.Afzal-ur-Rahman, (1988), Zakat (Poor Due) in Islam: Ideology and the Way of Life, London, Seerah Foundation, pp. 112-23. Ahmad, Shaikh Mahmud, (1975), Questionnaire on Zakat in: Social Justice in Islam, Lahore, Institute of Islamic Culture, pp. 79-114. Ahmad, Tauqeer (1989), The Institution of Zakah in Islam, Aligarh, Aligarh Muslim University. M. Phil. Thesis. Ali, M. Muhammad, (n.d.), Zakat or Charity in: The Religion of Islam, U.A.R., National Publication and Printing House, pp. 457-76. Ali, Shamsher, (1988), Structure and Functions of Sadaqah and Zakah in Islam, The Australian Minaret, (New South Wales), Vol. 3, pp. 27-30. Allam, Mahdi, (1965), The Theory of Charity in Islam, in: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research, Al-Azhar (Cairo), pp. 167-92. Alwaye, Mohiaddin, (1974), The Institution of Zakat in Islam, Majallat al Azhar, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1-7. Ansari, Abdul Rehman, (n.d.), Zakah, The Religious Tax of Islam (Brief guidelines) Bombay, Islamic Research Foundation, 32 p. Ataullah, Sh., (1949), Revival of Zakah, Lahore, Rippon Printing Press, 110 p.

T:2 T:3 T:4 T:5 T:6

T:7 T:8 T:9


T:10 Atiquallah, M., (1982), Zakat: Theory and Practice, Karachi, Saad Publication, 40 p. T:11 Ba-Kathah, Muhammad Ibrahim (2002), Zakah in: Tuh-fatul Ikhwan translated by Yusuf Karaan, New Delhi: Adam Publisher, pp. 115-19. T:12 Bewley, Abdalhaqq, (2001), Zakat: Raising a Fallen Pillar, Norwich: Black Stone Press (UK), 88 p. T:13 Gibb, H. A. R. and J. H. Kramers (1953), Zakat in: Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden, E. J. Brill, pp. 654-656. T:14 Kamal, Abdulaziz, (1991), Zakat: The Prescribed Charity, Al-Islam (Nairabi), Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 16-20. T:15 Khan, Ghulam Ishaq, (1985), Zakat and Ushr Cardinal Pillars of Islam, Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, Vol. 2, No. 3, July-Sept, pp. 1524. T:16 Khan, Muhammad Akram, (1990), Organising Zakah, Lahore, All Pakistan Islamic Education Congress, 38 p. T:17 Khosa, Iqbal Ahmed, (1989), The Institution of Zakat, Journal of Rural Development and Administration, Peshawar, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 95-8. T:18 Malik, M. Farooq-i-Azam (1993), al-Zakah: the Islamic financial Responsibility, Houston T:19 Mannan, M. A., (1989), Suggested Issues for Further Research on Zakah, in: I. A. Imtiazi et al. (eds.), Management of Zakah in Modern Muslim Society, Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, pp. 212-226. T:20 Mannan, M. A., (1970), Zakat in: Islamic Economics Theory and Practice, Lahore, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, pp. 283-302. T:21 Maududi, S. A. A., (1976), Zakat in: Fundamentals of Islam, Lahore, Islamic Publications Ltd., pp. 153-96. T:22 Nabulsi, Mutaz Hamdallah, (1992), Zakat in: Essays on Islamic Economics, Central Missouri State University, M.A. Thesis, pp. 18-21.


T:23 Nadvi, Syed Habibul Haq, (1986), Etymology of Zakah, The ReligioLiguistic Significance in Arabic Studies, (Annual Journal of Department of Arabic, Urdu and Persian), University of Durban, Westville, South Africa, No. 10, pp. 101-8. T:24 Nadvi, Syed Sulaiman, (1994), Zakat in: Worship in Islam, (Translation of the Portion of Worship in Siratun Nabi by Rizwanuddin Ahmad and Muhammad Aslam) Karachi, Darul Ishaat, pp. 153-202. T:25 Nofal, Abd el-Razzaq, (1964), al-Zakat (the poor due), translated from Arabic by Tomader Tawfik, The Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Cairo. 31 pp. T:26 Quraishi, Marghoob A., (1970), Annual Zakat Payment Form, California, al-Manar Press, 19 p. T:27 Qureshi, Anwar Iqbal, (1979), Zakat in: The Economic and Social System of Islam, Lahore: Islamic Book Service, pp. 89-132. T:28 Razavi, Mehdi B., (1983), Zakat and Khoms in: Modeling an Islamic Economic System: An Interaction Delivery Matrix and Boolean Digraph Approach, Linder University of Nebraska, Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 161-64. T:29 Schacht, Joseph (1934), "Zakat", in: Encyclopaedia of Islam (edited by M. Th. Houtsma et al (old edition), London: Luzac and Co. and Leyden: Late E.J. Brill, Vol. 4, pp.1202-1205. T:30 Shaghil, M., (1989), Islamic Economics: Central Banking, Public Finance and Zakat, in: Islamic Economics A Global Perspective, New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House, pp. 121-33. T:31 Sharif, Raihan M., (1976), Meaning of Zakat in: Islamic Social Framework, Lahore, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, pp. 178-91. T:32 Al-Sheikh, Abd Allah (1995), Zakat in: the Oxford Encyclopedia of Modern Islamic World, New York and Oxford, Oxford University Press, Vol. 4, pp.366-370. T:33 Tug, Salih, (1976), The Centralization of the Zakah and Individual Freedom, Presented at the International Conference on Islamic Economics, Makkah, (mimeo).


T:34 Wilson, Rodney (1997), Zakat, in: Islamic Finance, London: Pearson Professional Limited, pp. 95-97. T:35 Wright, M. S. Dudley, (1947), The Fourth Pillar of Islam Charity, The Islamic Review (London), Vol. 35, Nos. 4 and 5, April-May, pp. 137145. T:36 Younis, M. Abdul Moneim, (1968), Zakat al-Fitr, Majallatu'l-Azhar (al-Azhar Magazine), Vol. 40, No. 8, Dec., pp. 13-16. T:37 Zero, Muhammad bin Jamil, (1996), The Book of Zakat, in: The Pillars of Islam and Iman, Riyadh, Darus Salam Publications, pp. 159-80. T:38 Zysow, A. (2002), Zakat in: the Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden, E. J. Brill, (New Edition), vol. xi, pp.403-422. See G:4/2, G:6/7, G:8/13, G:8/17, G:8/18, I:7, J:10, J:14, L:14, L:24.



Abdelhafid, Belrabi Abdel-Rahman, Moussa Ibrahim al-Abdin, Tayib Zein Abdullah, Ahmed Ali Abdullah, S.M Abdullah, Taufik Abdul-Malik, Uzir Abdul-Wahab, Mohamed Bin Abubakar, Carmen A Abu Saud, M Abu Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam Abu-Wahid, N. M. Abu Zahrah Al-Adi, Muhammad Yahya Hussein Adil, Mohammed Shoaib Afzal, Omar, Afzal-ur-Rahman Aghnides, Nicolas P. Ahghari, Zohreh Ahmad, Afazuddin Ahmad, Manzoor, Ahmad, Salahuddin, Ahmad, Shaikh Mahmud Ahmad, Syed Thanvir Ahmad, Shaykh (ed) Ahmad, Tauqeer 30

J:1 Q:1 I:1 C: 1 K:1 G:3/1 R:8 G:6/1 G:9/1 L:1, T:1 R:1 J:2 L:2 G:12/1 D:1, Q:2 J:3 R:2 R:3 J:8 C:2 C:3 D:2, T:2 J:5 J:4 T:3

Ahmad, Ziauddin, Ahmed, Afazuddin, Ahmed, Habib Ahmed, Irshad, Ajeel, Abdul Qadir Ajijola, al-Hajj A. D. Akkas, S.M. Ali Ali, Abid Ahmad Ali, M. Muhammad, Ali, Shamsher, Aliyu, Chika U. Allam, Mahdi, Alwaye, Mohiaddin, Ansari, Abdul Rehman, Anwar, Muhammad, el-Ashker, Ahmad (ed.) Ataullah, Sh. Atiqullah M. Atiqul-Haque, M. Awad, Mohammad H Awan, M. Mahmood Azharuddin, M. Azid, Toseef Azmi, Sabahuddin Ba-Yunus, Ilyas Badawi, M.A.Z. el-Badawi, Mohamed, H. Ba-Kathah, Muhammad Ibrahim

I:2, J:6, N:1, S:1 J:7 K:2 G:8/1 G:4/1 L:3 J:8 R:4 T:4 T:5 F:1 T:6 T:7 T:8 K:3, M:1 J:9 T:9 T:10 Q:3 R:5 H:1 G:1/1 R:6 R:7 Q:4 Q:5 B: 1 T:11


Bakhtiyar, Laleh Balogun, S. U. Barki, Umar Bawa, M. A. Bewley, Abdalhaqq Billah, Mohd. Masum al-Budayuni, M. Tayyib Bakhsh Butt, Parvez Ahmad Calder, N. Chapra, M.U Choudhury, Masudul Alam Choudhury, Nuimuddin Clark, G. Dallah Albarakah Datta, Jitindra Mohan Diabi, Ali Faridi, F. R Federal Bureau of Statistics Felamban, Mohammed Hashem, al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Ghazali, Aidit Gibb, H. A. R. Govt. of Bangladesh Grohmann Habibur-Rehman , S. M. Hamilton, Charles Hasanuzzaman, S. M

L:4 G:7/1 R:6 F:1 T:12 Q:6 L:5 G:8/2 L:6, N:2 Q:7 J:10, R:8 J:11 G:8/3 L:7 J:12 J:13 G:2/1, G:2/2, M:1, M:2 G:8/4 A:1 O:1, O:2 G:6/2, J:15 T:13 G:1/2 S:2 I:3 L:9 R:9, R:10, R:11, S:3, S:4


Hashmi, S. A Hassan, M. Kabir al-Hayyaf, Hussain Hermansen, Marcia K Hussain, Aftab Hussain, Mirza Mohammad Ibn Rushd Imtizai, I. A International Institute of Islamic Economics Iqbal, Munawar Iqbal, Zafar Iqbal, Zubair Mohammad S. Amerah Isah, Maryam Islahi, Abdul Azim Islamic Economics Research Bureau Islamic Fiqh Academy Izadi, Ali M Jamal, Mohammad bin Jamjoom, Abdul Aziz M. Rashid Al-Kaff, S. H. A. Rahman Kadri, Ashfaq Hussain Kahf, Monzer, Kamal, Abdul Aziz Kamaluddin, K. K Khadduri, Majid Khalid, Abdul Fatah bin Haji Khan, Abdul Jabbar Khan, Ghulam Ishaq 33

M:3 J:10 B: 2, O:3 J:15 Q:8 L:10 G:8/5, G:8/6, J:16 G:8/7 E:1 R:12 R:13 Q:9 J:17, L:11 L:12, S:5 E:2, L:13, L:14, M:2 K:4 H:2 G:10/1 R:14 S:6 B:4, C:5, E:1, J:18, J:19, L:15, L:24 L:16, T:14. F:3 L:17 G:6/3 G:8/8 T:15

Khan, M. Fahim Khan, Mehr Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Muhammad Akram, Khosa, Iqbal Ahmed al-Khui, Abul Qasim al-Musawi Kramers, J. H. Kuwait Zakat House al-Labban, Ibrahim Lajpuri, Abdur Rahim Lebbai, Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ahmad Lokkegaard, Ferede Maghniyyah, Muhammad Jawad Mahmoud, Mabid Majeed, F. S. A. Malik, M. Farooq-i-Azam Malik, Shahnawaz Mannan, M. A al-Masri, Rafic Yunus Maududi, S. A. A. Meera, A. Kameel M. Metwally, M. M. El-Mezain Mohammed Ahmed Mirpuri, M. Ahmed al-Misri, Ahmad ibn Naqib Mohamamd, Ibrahim M. Mohammad, Akbar Mohammad, Faiz, Muhammad, Abdul Aziz bin 34

E:2 D:3 A:2, A:3, C:7, B:4, G:8/9, R:15, T:16 T:17 G:5/1, L:18 T:13 G:4/2 K:5 L:19 L:20 N:3 L:21, L:22 J:20 L:23 T:18 K:6 I:4, I:5, T:19, T:20 L:24 T:21 A:4 J:21, M:3 Q:10 L:25 L:26 G:11/1 R:16 C: 8, G:8/10, K:7 G:6/4

Mubasher, Yusuf Mukherji, Badal Mushfiqur-Rahman, Mustapha, Nik bin H.N. Hassan al-Muzaini, A. A. A Nabulsi, Mutaz Hamdallah Nadwi, S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, Syed Habibul Haq Nadvi, Syed Sulaiman Nazir, Khalid Nofal, Abd el-Razzaq Najmul-Hasan, Obaidullah, M. al-Omar, F. A. Pakistan Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan Directorate of Films and Publications Pakistan Ministry of Law al-Qaradawi, Yusuf Quraishi, Marghoob A. Qureshi, Anwar Iqbal Qureshi, D. M. Raana, Irfan Mahmud Raquibuzzaman, M. Razavi, Mehdi B. al-Saadi, Abdullah Jumaan Saeed Sabiq, al-Sayyid Sabzwari, M. A. Sadeq, Abul Hasan

K:8 R:17 B: 5 G:6/5 G:4/3 T:22 O:4 T:23 T:24 G:8/11 T:25 Q:11 L:10 C: 8, C:10 G:8/12 G:8/13 G:8/14 L:27, L:28 B:6, T:26 T:27 A:5, F:4, O:5, R:18 N:4 D:4, I:6, J:22 T:28 I:7, R:19 L:29 G:8/16, S:7 G:11/2, I:8


Sakr, Ahmad H. Salama, Abdin Ahmad Saleh, M. Ismail Sarwar, Col. Ghulam Sato, H. al-Sawory, Ahmad Ali Muhammad Schacht, Joseph Scott, James, C. Sirajul Haq (ed). Shad, Abdur Rahman Shaghil, M. Shaik, Abdool Aziz Shaikh, A. Qadir Sharif, Raihan M. Shehab, Rafiullah Shehatah, S. Ismail Shemesh, A. Ben (ed. and tr.) Shirazi, Nasim Shah Shim, Ui Sup Sidat, Ibrahim Siddiqi, M. N. Siddiqi, M. A. Saeed Siddiqi, S. A Suleman, R. M. U. Sultan, M. Sultan Suharto, Ugi Tag-el-Din, Saifeddin Taib, Nasseri

L:30 G:10/3, R:20 G:6/6 L:31 J:23 C:10 T:29 D:5, J:9 S:8 T:30 J:24 R:21 T:31 R:22 R:23 S:9, S:10 G:8/17 D:6, L:32 S:11, M:4 L:33 R:24 I:9 B:1 R:25 J:25 G:6/7


Tanzilur-Rahman Thanaa-ullah, Qazi Tug, Salih WAMY Wilson, Rodney Wright, M.S. Dudley Yahya, A. F. M. Younis, M. Abdul Moneim Zaim, Sabahaddin Zayas, Farishta G. de al-Zehily, Mohammed Zein al-Abidin, Al-Tayib Zero, Muhammad bin Jamil Zohurul-Islam, M. Zafarul-Islam Zysow, A.

G:8/18 L:34 T:33 L:35 T:34 T:35 C:11 T:36 J:26 L:36, Q:12, S:12 I:10 K:9 T:37 J:27, J28, L:37 N:5 T:38


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