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Unity in Freedom movement I just finished reading Dr.

Paul's Freedom Under Siege - 1987 (If you are not ye t in a healthy habit of reading in preparation for this Revolution, I urge you t o)...and I came across this on one of the last pages. It's very applicable to to day I believe (as is the rest of the book, it's not like he's changed a position ). Friends of freedom must quickly assemble and plan strategy. Everyone has a v ital interest in the outcome. Broad agreements are crucial; arguing minute detai ls of solutions to difficult problems can undermine the movement and become pure ly negative. Perfection by man in the struggle for freedom is not achievable. De nial of personality differences and legitimate differences of opinion are a mist ake. Refusing to agree on generalized and precise principles guarantees failure. It is possible for some who claim kinship to the freedom movement to inadver tently serve the statists by undermining the important work on which we can agre e. Agreeing on the libertarian principal of nonaggression is worthwhile. Demandi ng that everyone agree on every single cent in the defense budget is nonproducti ve. Human beings are imperfect, and no one person or collective wisdom of anybod y or body of persons can produce perfect solutions. Intellectual collectivism sh ould not replace a single person s individuality to think for himself and defend fre edom while agreeing on broad principles.

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