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Biodata Nama Jenis Kelamin Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Agama Alamat Telp/Hp E-mail Hoby Pendidikan 1995-1997 1997-2003

2003-2006 2006-2009 2009 Describing: 1. Sensitive, stay on destination, easy going, shame, adult, talk active, try to be earlier, Making priority _ family. Beautiful, top secret, egoism, paranoid. 2. a. Debate b. speech _1 & 2 c. writing_ 1 3. Never give up! 4. Destination: Success, getting married, Happiness. Good Experience: Being Ambassador Achievements : TK Aisyah Palu : SDN Inpres Tamalanrea 1 : SMPN 12 Makassar : SMAN 1 Makassar : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang : Noviani Nur Pratiwi : Perempuan : Barru, 9 November 1991 : Islam : BTP Blok G no. 64 : : : watching movie, all about entertainment, Gossiping, Listening.

Bad Experience: Facility _ Toilet Canteen

Addition: Favorite Music : Pop-Western Song : Who says!

Favorite singer : Taylor Swift, SNSD and some Koreans girl bands and Boy bands.

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