Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet Summary Demographics

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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet Summary Demographics: Wildcats Elementary has a very different but not diverse student

demographic. Of the 485 pre-k to 5th grade students that attend Wildcats, 474 (97.73%) of the students are Hispanic, 8 (1.65%) students are white, and Native American, Black and Asian all with only one student each for 3 (.63%) students of the total population. The 5th grade currently has the largest number of students with 102 (21%) followed by second with 91 (19%) and Pre-k being the smallest with only six (1%). Summarized Section and Subsection: ADMINISTRATIVE: Policy: The schools behavior towards technology policy is still in the islands category. There is appropriate technology but is ignored by many in the school. The resource/infrastructure is also in the islands category. Some policies exist but are only school based and there is no real formal approval process. Planning: The schools behavior about planning to buy new technology is in the emergent phase. There are very little funds coming in for technology. This attitude may come from a lack of understanding the benefits of technology. Now it seems that technology is looked at as a want and not a need. This in turn leads to a lack of any real infrastructure and resources. Planning for any funds to be used for technology is very informal and often done on a first come, first serve basis.

Budget: The behavior towards budgeting for technology is in the island phase. There is a somewhat formal planning for the technology budget, but it is up to the principals and not all are on board. Most new technology is bought through White Elephant money. White Elephant is much like a goodwill store and they donate money to schools in need. Their resource/infrastructure is also still in the islands phase. There is a very small specific technology budget. This includes budget for licenses for programs like Microsoft Suite and very general upkeep of the server. Administrative Information: One area that wildcats are ahead of the game on is their attendance system. There is an attendance/grading system that all staff is required to use. Every teacher is required to take attendance and do all their official grading using an online computer program. Some administration even have apps on their phone that work with the program. However, some teachers still make a backup paper copy because they do not fully trust the program. The resource/infrastructure is strong as well. Every teacher and administrator has a desktop to work from. CURRICULAR: Electronic Information: It is all islands when it comes to the behavioral aspect of electronic information. The staff is somewhat dependent on the electronic information via email, and some staff still do not use it. The principal or dean of students must approve all group email before being sent out. The

resource/infrastructure is still limited. Resources do not enrich the students and are not all accessible to students. Students are allowed to use computers mainly for typing practice. Assessment: Many teachers behavior towards using technology for assessment purposes is still in the island state. Few teachers use technology for assessment. Some do use it to provide enrichment to the normal curriculum. Even the state tests are done on paper and not computers. This makes resource/infrastructure in the islands phase as well. The focus of technology assessment tools are for traditional methods and for looking up test scores. Curriculum Integration: Curriculum integration in the behavioral sense is limited and in the islands stage. Very few subject areas have technology related aspects. Some aspects of the math program require an Internet connection to view videos, but are limited and not widely used. In the resource/infrastructure area, the school is still in the islands category. There are only a few resources for selected content areas. Teacher Use: The school is still in the island category when it comes to behavior for teacher use. Teachers use it regularly (for email, attendance, and grades only) but it is not integrated into their daily routines of teaching. For resource/infrastructure, the school is in the intelligent phase. This is because most teachers have access to laptops, projectors, document cameras, and internet connection even if they are not used. Student Use:

Like most areas, the school in the behavioral category is in the islands phase for student use. Not many, but some students use technology, but in very limited ways, mainly for typing practice. In the resource/infrastructure area, the school is in the islands phase. Only some students have asses to technology regular and constantly, yet teachers and administrators do not allow them to have regular access. SUPPORT: In the support area stakeholder, involvement the behavior is still very much so in the emergent category. Teachers are given resources that are not asked for and are ignored when they do ask for things. Very few groups are aware of the planning and implementation process. In the resource/infrastructure section, the school is also in the emergent phase. This is because not many are represented during the planning process and the administration does not listen to the needs of the teachers. Administrative Support: As for the behavioral section for administrative support, the school is in the islands phase. There is some involvement from the administration in the process for getting new technology. In the resource/infrastructure they are in the integrated phase because there is some formal administrative time dedicated to planning and implementation of technology, but not much. Training: In the behavioral section for training, the school is in the emergent phase. Very few staff members participate in technology in-services. Those who do come with an I cant, instead of an I dont know how attitude. In the resource/infrastructure area the school is still in the emergent

phase. There is very limited formal training for the staff when new technology is introduced to the school. Teachers are kept in the dark about what is available to them and what they could do with technology if they had it. Technical/Infrastructure Support: In the behavioral section for the technical/infrastructure support category, the school is in the islands phase. Many staff members do use formal or informal support for finding solutions to their technology issues, however only for the different things they are required to use. In the resource/infrastructure section, the school is still in the islands phase as well. It is hard to get technology support; usually a knowledgeable staff member needs to intervene to help. CONNECTIVITY: Local Area Networking (LAN): In the behavioral section for Local Area Networking (LAN), the school is in the islands phase. Staff only uses the networking system to save files and for other very limited reasons. In the resource/infrastructure section, the school is in the intelligent phase because there is high-speed networking available to all areas. District Area Networking (WAN): In the behavioral section for District Area Networking (WAN) the school in in the islands phase because staff uses the connection but only for tradition reasons. For the resource/infrastructure, the district is in the intelligent phase because there is high-speed networking available to all areas. Internet Access:

In the behavioral category for internet access, the school in the islands phase. Many use the internet frequently, but the integration to the curriculum is limited. You also are not allowed to use a personal device inside the network as a guest. For the resource/infrastructure section, the school is in the intelligent section because there is high-speed internet available to all areas. Communication Systems: In the Behavioral section for Communication Systems the school in the Integrated This is because email is used for administrative and some learning purposes. For the resource/infrastructure section, the school is in the islands phase. All teachers have access to the internet and to email, but no students have access. They are not allowed to use email. INNOVATION: New Technologies: In the Behavioral section towards new technologies, the school is in the emergent phase. Many refuse to learn about and how to intergrade the new technology into their teaching. They simply say there is too much to do and it is not important (if it is not broke do not fix it attitude). In the resource/infrastructure section, the school is in the emergent phase. Only a few staff implements the new technology given to them, mostly due to a lack of training. Comprehensive Technologies: In the Behavioral section for Comprehensive Technologies, the school is in the integrated phase. New technology is available for most staff to use. In the resource/infrastructure section, the school is in the islands phase because new technology use is limited and not implement well. phase.

Final Summary: Throughout our investigation of the Wildcats School, we have found there are many areas that need improving. Over all they are still in the islands category in their maturity when it comes to technology. There is appropriate technology, but many in the school ignore the technology. Some policies exist but are only school based and there is no real formal approval process. There are very little funds coming in for technology. Staff is somewhat dependent on the electronic information via email, but some still do not use it. Resources do not enrich the students and are not all accessible to students. Most teachers have access to laptops, projectors, document cameras, and internet connection. Very few staff members participate in technology in-services and there are limited formal trainings for the staff. All teachers have access to the internet and to email, but no students have access. Students are not allowed to use email. Many teachers refuse to learn about and how to intergrade the new technology into their teaching. Only a few staff implements the new technology given to them and new technology use is limited and not implement well. Overall, we found that this school and this district are trying to push forward into the new era of technology. The staff however, is resisting it and many feel it is not important. The district needs to allow teachers to be more actively engaged in the technology planning as well as providing trainings for the new technology that is purchased.

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