Chi Square

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Anthony Ip Franklin Fu Period 6

What is Chi-Square?
The chi-square statistic can be used for three inference tests involving categorical variables and counts. There is a different statistical distribution for this new statistic, which is specified by the degrees of freedom. Df= n-1, where n is the number of categories

How do you calculate it?

(see formula) Using LISTS Enter the observed counts into L1, Enter the expected values using the null hypothesis and enter them into L2, let L3 = (L1-L2)^2 / L2, and sum L3 Using calculator X2GOF-Test, X2-Test (Homogeneity)

Goodness of Fit Test

This allows us to determine how well a set of observed values matches a set of expected values. Assumptions and Conditions Random, Counted Data, Expected cell frequency (there are at least five cases in each expected cell) Use the chi-square statistic to determine the p-value with the chi-square distribution

Homogeneity Test
Used with two or more groups and when we want to know if the category proportions are the same for each group. Expected cell count = (row total)(column total) / grand total DF = (rows 1)(columns 1) Because there are more than two groups and categories, the data will be put in table form

Homogeneity (cont.)
Assumptions and conditions Counted data, random, expected cell-frequency condition Again, use the p-value to determine the conclusion.

Test of Independence
Used to determine if there is an association between two categorical variables in a single population. Shown in a contingency table (several populations compared with one variable). Example: Is owning a computer at home and school grade independent? Assumptions and conditions Counts, random, expected counts condition.

1) Determine the chi-square statistic for the data in this GOF Test. Null Hypothesis = the births per sign are evenly distributed. Births Sign (hint = use X2GOF-Test) 23 Aries
20 18 23 20 19 18 Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra


19 22 24 29

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

2) Determine the chi-square statistic for the data in this Homogeneity test. What is the number of degrees of freedom? (hint use X2-Test)


Red Small Medium Large 86 158 22

Orange 137 112 23

Yellow 142 79 41

Green 93 123 51

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