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When writing: talk about the bad things that would happen Standard: tells you what offense

can be derived Establish what is offense Defense: Thats not the case Offense: Not only is it not the case, on the contrary. In order to prove the resolution you have to show how you meet your standard. The standard sets the conditions. Framework devoid of contention arguments Consistent Different standards


First: Value and the Criterion- find value in the evaluative term Morality-ought Normative claim- prescriptive set norms for appropriate behavior Text of resolutionWhat does morality mandate? Does not have too- logical consequence Burdens- sufficient for them to win.make your burden easy If the aff does this they lose.the aff has to do this Necessary but insufficient How do you justify the standard? How it interacts with other standards.precludes Philosophy Analytic arguments

Binary or comparative- if x is met then vote for me Comparative is x is better than y Put burdens on standards Self defense requires 6 thing

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