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CheCalc - Steam Desuperheating Calculation - How to Use

Steam Desuperheating Calculation

How to Use
Steam Desuperheating Calculation estimates the amount of water required to bring down the superheated steam temperature by cooling with water. Following data is to be provided in yellow highlighted cells. Pressure of Superheated Steam Temperature of Superheated Steam Pressure of Boiler Feed Water Temperature of Boiler Feed Water Flow rate of Desuperheated Steam Required Temperature of Desuperheated Steam An Enthalpy balance gives following equation M Desup. *H Desup. = M CW*H CW + (M Desup. - M CW)*H Sup. A rearrangement gives following relation M CW = M Desup. *(H Sup. - H Desup. )/ (H Sup. - H CW) where, M Desup. is Mass flowrate of Desuperheated Steam H Desup. is Enthalpy of Desuperheated Steam M CW is Mass flowrate of Water used for cooling H CW is Enthalpy of Water used for cooling H Sup. is Enthalpy of Superheated Steam

Basic Desuperheating Theory at website

www.C heC


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