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Communications Technology Lab 2: Modulation (AM and FM) using Matlab

Begin your lab report with Name, Date and Lab Description Modulation: Defined as the process of combining an input signal m(t) and a carrier c(t) at frequency fc to produce a modulated carrier s(t) whose bandwidth is centred on fc Part 1 - Amplitude Modulation Amplitude of the carrier is modulated by the input signal. 1) Open the M-file ampmod.m in the Matlab editor. This file is in c:\matlab6p1\work\lab2. Review and understand the code. This code produces time domain and frequency domain waveforms of the signals associated with Amplitude Modulation. 2) The code, as it stands, will plot only m(t) and its Fourier transform M(f). Add code to plot c(t), s(t) and their Fourier transforms C(f) and S(f) also. Label the plots appropriately. 3) Run ampmod and note the waveforms in the time domain and frequency domain. This is for a modulation index of 1 and modulating frequency of 1kHz. If the c:\matlab6p1\work\lab2 is not in your path, use the addpath command to add it in. 4) Sketch the time domain and frequency domain waveforms in your report. 5) Change the modulation index to 0.2. Sketch the waveforms for the modulated signal (s(t) and S(f)) in your report. 6) Change the modulating frequency to 2kHz. Sketch the frequency domain waveforms in your report. 7) Change the carrier frequency to 20kHz. Sketch the frequency domain waveforms in your report. 8) Play around with the code, changing carrier frequency, modulation frequency and modulation index to familiarise yourself with Amplitude Modulation.

Part 2 - Frequency Modulation Frequency of the carrier is modulated by the input signal. 1) Open the M-file freqmod.m in the Matlab editor. Review and understand the code. This code produces time domain and frequency domain waveforms of the signals associated with Frequency Modulation. 2) The code, as it stands, will plot only m(t) and its Fourier transform M(f). Add code to plot c(t), s(t) and their Fourier transforms C(f) and S(f) also. Label the plots appropriately. 3) Run freqmod and note the waveforms in the time domain and frequency domain. This is for a modulation index of 1 and modulating frequency of 1kHz. 4) Sketch the time domain and frequency domain waveforms in your report. 5) Change the modulation index to 5. Sketch the waveforms for the modulated signal (s(t) and S(f)) in your report. What do you note about the frequency domain waveform S(f)? How does it differ from the frequency domain waveform in the Amplitude Modulation case? 6) Change the modulating frequency to 2kHz. Sketch the frequency domain waveforms in your report. 7) Change the carrier frequency to 20kHz. Sketch the frequency domain waveforms in your report. 8) Play around with the code, changing carrier frequency, modulation frequency and modulation index to familiarise yourself with Frequency Modulation.

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