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Subulus Salaam Charity Organisation Subulus.salaam.hackney@gmail.

com Hackney, London

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dear brothers and sisters, As-salaam aleykum,

Our Quran and Aqidah classes will be put on hold during the summer holidays from Sunday August 05, 2012. We will resume at the beginning of September insha Allah. Please, follow us online in order to get the information regarding our classes. We will update you after Eid regarding the exact date when the classes will start again insha Allah. We wish you a relaxing and safe holiday. We hope that you will all benefit from this blessed month of Ramadhan to increase in worship and good deeds. This is also the opportunity for us to remind you that this summer, we will be managing Zakaatul Fitr collection and distribution for the benefit of our brothers and sisters who are in crisis, Muslim households which cannot or struggle to make ends meet. This project will be based in Leyton insha Allah.

If you wish to get involved please contact us by email or by phone to discuss how you could support our project. Fi amaanillahi, wa billaht-tawfeeq,

SSCOs team

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