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Questionnaire for packaging project Are you...

(please circle) a)Male b)Female a)Student b)Working c)Sportsperson d)Other(please state)

1. How often do you go to a coffee shop? a. Everyday b. 3 times a week c. Once a week d. Monthly e. Never f. Other (please specify) 2. Do you ever buy lunch from a coffee shop? a. Yes b. No c. Sometimes i. If not, why not? 3. If you were to buy lunch, what would you buy? (circle as many as applicable) a. Sandwich b. Wrap c. Panini d. Toastie e. Soup f. Pasta salad g. Cake h. Crisps i. Juice j. Coffee k. Water 4. Where do you eat lunch? a. On the go b. At your desk c. In the coffee shop d. Outside 5. How much money do you spend on average on lunch every day? a. 2 or less b. 3-5 c. 5-10 d. 10+ 6. How much would you be willing to spend on average on lunch every day? a. 2 or less b. 3-5 c. 5-10 d. 10+ 7. Would you be interested in the concept of a meal deal lunch; a number of items in a pre packaged box. a. Yes b. No c. Maybe 8. Are there any issues or problems you face with current lunch packaging?

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