Vendor Managed Items - Vmi - Not Able To Be Seen in Product Tab Isupplier Portal (Id 730415.1)

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1. Assign the item as stockable and transactable 2. Create Global ASL 3. Click ASL Attributes 4. By default it will be global ASL attribute 5. Try to check the VMI checkbox. It will throw the above error 6. Create local ASL attributes for the Global ASL 7. Try to check the VMI checkbox. It will throw the above error 2. 1.Create an item, assign to the Org and enable VMI. 2.Create a Global Blanket Purchase Agreement for the item. 3.Create an ASL for the item and attach the Global BPA. 4.In the ASL enable the VMI and enter the Min & Max Qty. 5.Run the Data Collection. 6.Run the VMI Replenishment engine Concurrent. 7.The requisition will get generated for the VMI item. 8.Try AutoCreating the requisition to a standard PO, and see that the above error occurs. At the same time, system does not allow creating a release as well.

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