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Topic/Clinical issue Ganja (cannabis) versus Cigarettes (tobacco) Clinical Question In young men aged 18-25years Context In a survey

done on the admission wards of the Bellevue Hospital, it was discovered that more than 50% of the population were between the ages of 18 and 25 years. All of this number had either smoked ganja, cigarettes (tobacco) or a combination of both. Studies have shown that smoking has an adverse affect on the behaviours of individuals, more so those who have some form of mental illness or those who are susceptible. Though both ganja and cigarettes/tobacco have been known to have a deleterious effect on health, it is not readily known which has the greater effect on behaviours, particular the behaviours of clients who are mentally ill. It is within this context that this question is being reviewed and appraised. Search Strategy search was done using Ebsco Host, Pubm Evidence ed and Medscape. Ganja, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco, smoking, behaviours were used as search terms. Limits on the search were, over a six month period, Clinical journals, in young men 18-25 years. Searches were entered using these limits. A total of ( ) were looked at and the topics were.they were looked at because they had some relationship to the search terms entered and the general question ( ) were kept as they were relevant and had a direct relationship of the question under search.

Evidence Review/Effectiveness of Search Comparing Cannabis with Tobacco: A letter to the Header (Ashton, 2003). Population Study Design Intervention Control Outcome Exclusion Criteria Main Results

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