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Isolation of organelles in their pure form and analysis of macromolecular/biomolecular components of the organelles.

PRINCIPLE INVOLVED: Differential Centrifugation

ANALYSIS: 1. BIURET TEST - Test for a dipeptide (protein) - Produce pink color from dipeptide to polypeptide. - CuSO4 Oxidizing Agent ; NaOH rxn medium

STEPS: 1. Extraction - Process of isolating the organelles. - Use Saturated Sucrose Solution (C12H22O11) - Under mild condition of pH and temperature under harsh conditions. (T=4C and <) 2. Homogenization Disrupting the cells under a mild condition using an osterizer. 3. Centrifugation Subfractionalization of the centrifugate.

2. MOLISCH TEST - General test for carbohydrates. - conc. H2SO4 dehydrates a sugar yielding a furfural. - naphtol in alcohol reacts with furfural to complete a violet/purple colored complex.

CENTRIFUGATE/RESIDUE: I Nuclear Fraction (Nucleic Acids) II Mitochondrial Fraction (Carbohydrates) III Microsomal Fraction (Lipids)

3. SUDAN IV - Classified as oxidizing dye, carcinogen. - Hydrophobic dye that dissolves on hydrophobic solvents, lipids. * Non-specific test because all hydrophobic will dissolve in Sudan IV

4. DISCHE REACTION - For deoxypentose - Diphenylamine (DPA) Putent carcinogen.

5. ORCINOL/BIAL TEST - For pentose - conc. HCl Dehydrates the pentose to furfural - Orcinol Rgt. Gives color reaction with furfural.

Minced Chicken Liver + 20mL NSS (Normal Saline Solution) [Put to 5 vacuotainers] 1 Residue (Labeled #1) ; Filtrate 2 Residue (Labeled #2) ; Filtrate 3 Residue (Labeled #3) Filtrate (Discarded) #1: Centrifugated at speed 2 for 10 minutes. #2: Centrifugated at speed 3 for 15 minutes. #3. Centrifugated at speed 4 for 20 minutes. TESTS:
PRECIPITATE MOLISCH TEST (5 Drops) ORCINOL TEST (2 Drops; Water bath for 5 mins. SUDAN IV (w/ 2 Drops CHCl3/CH2Cl2) DPA (w/ 1 Drop conc. H2SO4 ; Water bath for 5 mins) BIURET ( 2 Drops CuSO4 and NaOH)

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