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The Differences of Mathematics Student Learning Outcomes Using the Process Approach Skills with Concept Approach Skills in 24 Junior High School Tangerang. Thesis. Jakarta: Course of Study Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University Professor. DR. Hamka, July 2012. This study aims to determine whether or not there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes of students using the proccess skills approach with concept skill approach. The hypothesis in this research is: "There are differences in mathematics learning outcomes of students who use the process skills approach with concept skills approach". The research was carried out in 24 State Junior High School Jakarta Class VIII (eight) in the second semester of the school year 2011/2012. The sample studied consisted of 80 students which consist from 40 students in experimental class and 40 students from the controled class. This study uses an experimental method. The independent variable in this study is process skills approach twith concept skills approach while the dependent variable is students' mathematics learning outcomes. Instruments test that tested are the validity and reliability testing. The validity of the test using the product moment correlation formula obtained 12 valid question. Test requirements to test the normality test and the test of homogeneity lilliefors using Fisher test. Experimentall normality test obtained L count = 0.136 <0.140 = L table, while the control class L count = 0.121 <0.140 = L table, it can be concluded that both samples come from normally distributed population. Homogeneity of the calculation results obtained F calculated = 1.648 <1.704 = F table, this means that data has a population of two homogeneous variance. Hypothesis testing using t test obtained t count = 6.097> 1.991 = t critical with = 0.05 significance level. This means reject H0, then the results of this study concluded that there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes of students with the skills approach proccess with concept skills approach.

Key words: process skills approach, deductive approach, the learning of mathematics.

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