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Word : Smell "smell" Spanish translation smell {noun} smell {noun} (also: aroma, scent, fragrance, odor) to smell [smelt; smelled|smelt; smelled] {vb} (also: to nose) to smell [smelt; smelled|smelt; smelled] {vb} (also: to nose) smell {noun} The smell is absolutely disgusting! Similar translations for "smell" in Spanish bad smell (coming from armpits) {noun} to smell bad {vb} to smell foul {v.i.} there's a smell of something rotten there's a smell of something rotting You can smell professionals at work. chivo {m} [Arg.] [coll.] apestar {v.t.} heder {v.i.} huele a podrido huele a podrido Tenemos la sensacin de que los profesionales trabajan. olfato {m} aroma {m} olfatear {vb} oler {vb} olor {m} Ese olor es verdaderamente molesto.

"smell" French translation smell {noun} (also: nose, sense of smell) sense of smell smell {noun} [med.] smell {noun} [pej.] to smell [smelt; smelled|smelt; smelled] {vb} (also: to smell out, to sniff at) to smell a rat to smell [smelt; smelled|smelt; smelled] {v.t.} (also: to smiff, to whiff) to smell [smelt; smelled|smelt; smelled] {vb} [pej.] to smell [smelt; smelled|smelt; smelled] {vb} (also: to give off an odour, to grope, to feel, to reek) She smells like angels ought to smell Similar translations for "smell" in French You smell. Smell that? For the smell musty smell {noun} to smell a rat {vb} Donkey smell. . Vous puez! Tu sens ca? Pour l'odeur. odeur de moisi {f} se douter de {vb} Dank poubelle odorat {m} odorat odorat {m} [med.] mauvaise odeur {f} flairer [flairant|flair] {vb} flairer un pige humer [humant|hum] {v.t.} sentir mauvais {vb} sentir [sentant|senti] {vb}

Elle sent ce que les anges doivent sentir.

You smell nice. unpleasant smell {noun} fusty smell {noun}

Tu sens bon. effluve {m} odeur de renferm {f}

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