Best Misson Control 2012

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Misson Control - bit.


In your browser type :

Link to George's Moodle
Digital Natives ?
Do you feel like he does? Is anything missing?

Link to Tutorials
Technology Integration Grid
Florida's Technology Information Matrix (TIM)
Video Samples
Original Matrix
Edmodo ASD - Messages and Questions - Group Code azg7nc

1. activity
Click HERE and use your assigned number rectangle to type your name, the grade/subject you teach, and the
name you want to give your computer.

How can we use in the classroom?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. How can we use Hackpad in the classroom?
3. Get your own hackpad

4. Penzu for taking notes

Write in Private. Your own personal journal and online diary
How could your students use Penzu?
5. Oh Life - Goal Setting?
How could you and your students use Oh Life?

6. Google Draw for Introductions

George's Poster
Create your drawing - Go to your Gmail - Click on Docs (or Drive)
Click on Create - then Click on Drawing - Add text and pictures
Google Drawing Help

How can we use Google Draw in the classroom?


Writing Post Cards to introduce? Explain

Other Lessons to use with this interactive
Mail Time
Letter Generator
How can we use lletter and post card writing to improve literacy skills?
7, Let's put All Posters in Google Presentations - add your poster to the presentation
8. How can you use Google Presentations in the classroom?
Google Forms
9. Using

10. Creating Lessons for Learning - Thinkfinity

Search by keyword, standard
Join Thinkfinity Community and Share
Create the Bookmarklet

11. Digital Storytelling

My Digital Storybird Reading List
Storybird Sign In
Featured Storybirds
Digital Storytelling

12. Link to Lesson Writer

Website Example


13. Assessments - Rubrics

14. Game Tools App, Sonic Pics

Richard Byrne's Blog

5 Postcard Generators
Sir Ken
10 Reasons Hackpad is Better than Google Docs
Hackpad Feature Help
5 Funny Commericals
How can we use............. (template)

Cool Tools for Schools

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