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MAJAPAHIT RELIGIOUS BELIEFS & CULTURE -Two religions in East Java Javanese Hinduism Javanese Buddhism -In Majapahit,

t, Javanese Hinduism
- Hinduism was brought to East Java by trade from South India in the 4th century. - Majapahit was a Hindu Kingdom until the late 15th century and when their last leader Bhre Tumapel ruled they converted to Islam. - 2 types of Javanese Islam: Agami Jawi and Islam Santri

> AGAMI JAWI: Believe in Allah, prophet Muhammad Pre Hindu elements: Ancestral spirits spirits, holy places like old wells, banyan trees and caves. - Mostly influenced by India. - Civilizations all over java were influenced by Persia, China, Europe and India from Traders and Religious cultures. - LANGUAGE: Old Javanese, Middle Javanese, New Javanese ( understood by modern Javanese).

JAMBI RELIGIOUS BELIEFS & CULTURE - One of the biggest Islamic strongholds in the Indonesian archipelago - The Malay are the biggest ethnic group on Sumatra, with about 11 million people.
- Descendants of Minangkabau and Javanese migrants, and from the Cham in Vietnam and Cambodia. - While the coastal regions normally support Islam, the biggest parts of the island are nowadays Christian. different tribes: Batin Tribe 76.000 Islam Kerinci Tribe 383.000 Islam Kubu Tribe 13.000 Animism Melayu Jambi Tribe 976.000 Penghulu Tribe 27.000 Islam

- Orang Rimba have created a two-faced identity to survive. - Orang Rimba: long ruffled hair, loin cloths, ladies topless. - Fit in own cellphones, t-shirts and pants, motorbikes. - Animism Islam - CUISINE: Nanas goreng, jagung bakar, nasi padang spicy food.

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