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Pallor is a reduced amount of oxyhaemoglobin in skin or mucous membrane, a pale color which can be caused by illness, emotional shock

or stress, stimulant use, or anemia. Cyanosis a physical sign causing bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. Cyanosis is caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. Cyanosis is associated with cold temperatures, heart failure, lung diseases, and smothering. It is seen in infants at birth as a result of heart defects, respiratory distress syndrome, or lung and breathing problems. Skin Lesions a superficial growth or patch of the skin that does not resemble the area surrounding it Normocephalic (literally translated means 'normal head') is a medical term referring to a person whose head and all major organs of the head are in a normal condition and without significant abnormalities. Conjunctivitis (also called pink eye[1] or madras eye[2]) is inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids).[1] It is most commonly due to an infection (usually viral, but sometimes bacterial[3]) or an allergic reaction Nasal septum deviation is a common physical disorder of the nose, involving a displacement of the nasal septum. Swelling (medical), is the enlargement of tissue. Supple may refer to:Flexibility, suppleness Neck vein engorgement is a sign or symptom of Cardiogenic Shock. In biology, engorgement is a naturally occurring or pathological condition of vessels being saturated with fluids Lymphadenopathy is a term meaning "disease of the lymph nodes."[1] It is, however, almost synonymously used with "swollen/enlarged lymph nodes". It could be due to infection, auto-immune disease, or malignancy. One should not worry about having a midline trachea. The trachea is almost always at, or near the midline. There is greater concern when the trachea is noted to be some distance from the midline, as tumors or enlarged blood vessels can push it off-line. You should ask your doctor the same question.

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