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10 FOREIGN CHEMIST 1. Democritus (460-370B.C.

) -Greek philosopher, Developed atomic theory, -Elaborated idea that matter consisted of atoms having physical size and shape which constantly moved in a void and interacted in different ways 2. Daniel Rutherford (1749-1819) -Discovered Nitrogen through experimentation with a mouse, a candle, and burning phosphorus 3. Robert Boyle (1627-1691) -English physicist and chemist, Experimented in pneumatics (the study of mechanical properties of air and other gases), Through research he rejected the accepted definition of matter, -Proposed Boyles Law (1662) 4. Henry Canvendish (1731-1810) -English physicist and chemist, Discovered hydrogen (1766), Discovered nitric acid 5. John Dalton (1766-1844) -English chemist and physicist, Professor of mathematics and natural philosophy (1793), Developed atomic theory, His theory (1805) accounts for the law of conservation of mass, law of definite proportions, and law of multiple proportions, Produced the first table of atomic weights 6. Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856) -His hypothesis stated that equal volumes of gases, at the same temperature and pressure, had the same amount of molecules, Avogadros number is 6.022e23, meaning that exactly 12 grams of carbon 12 has exactly 6.022e23 carbon atoms 7. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) -French chemist and physicist, Developed the law of volumes concerning the combination of gases, Discovered Boron 8. Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-1899) -German chemist, Helped develop the spectroscope, Introduced the Bunsen burner that was actually developed by his laboratory assistant, Peter Desaga, Discovered elements Cesium and Rubidium 9. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) -Russian chemist, Developed the periodic table by placing the elements in order of increasing atomic weight (1869), Predicted the existence and properties of elements that would fill the gaps left in his chart (1871), These elements were discovered between 1875 and 1885 10. Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) -English physicist, Researched atomic structure, Discovered that atoms contained particles which he called "electrons" by testing the ratio of cathode ray particles to their mass and found out that they were always the same. The tube was full of negatively charged particles eventually from his name called electrons., Developed the "plum pudding" or "raisin muffin," model of the atom which consisted of electrons embedded in a positive sphere of matter (1904), Received Nobel Prize for physics (1907), Developed the mass spectrograph with Francis William Ason (1919)

10 FILIPINO CHEMIST 1. Julian Banzon - Filipino chemist, Julian Banzon researched methods of producing alternative fuels. Julian Banzon experimented with the production of ethyl esters fuels from sugarcane and coconut, and invented a means of extracting residual coconut oil by a chemical process rather than a physical process.

2. Francisco Santos - Filipino agricultural chemist, Doctor FranciscoSantos studied the nutritive values and chemical composition of local foods from the Philippines. His data was used to help detect and solve problems with Filipino diets. 3. Alfredo Santos - Doctor Alfredo Santos is a noted researcher in the chemistry of natural products, in particular the isolation and elucidation of the phaeantharine and other alkaloids from Philippine medical plants. 4. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz- has published over 120 scientific papers, and has contributed g r e a t l y to the understanding of the biochemistry of toxic peptides gathered from t h e v e n o m o f f i s h - h u n t i n g Conus m a r i n e s n a i l s . H e r s t u d i e s c o n t r i b u t e d t o t h e characterization of over 50 biologically active peptides, w h i c h w e r e l a t e r u s e d a s biochemical probes for examining the activities of the human brain. 5. Amando Kapauan (J u l y 4 ,1931 October 12, 1996) - He designed and built new electrochemical systems, which merited publicationsin Analytical Chemistry (the leading journal of analytical chemistry worldwide). This wasan honor considering that these were the few, if not the only, international publicationsdone by one Filipino, entirely in thePhilippines. 6. Pio Andrade - H e m a d e s e v e r a l r e s e a r c h e s o n radiation chemistry, textile chemistry, food product development, pesticide chemistry,ethnobotany, andbiomass energy. 7. Francisco Quisumbing - Fi l i p i n o c he m i st , F r an ci s c o Quisumbing invented Quink ink, which is used in Parker Pens. Quink ink is named after the inventor. It is a quick drying ink with a cleaning property that prevents the ink fromclogging the pen. 8. Anacleto Del Rosario - is formula for the production of a pure kind of alcohol from Tuba of a nipa palmwon for him the first prize at the World Fair in Paris in 1881. He extracted castor oil from a native plant called palma Christi. Del Rosario is considered the Father of Philippine Science and Laboratory. 9. Eduardo San Juan - worked on the team that invented and launched the Lunar Rover (Moon Bugg) 10. Benjamin Almeda - designed a cutting edge food-processing machine.

Daniel Rutherford

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