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Subjectcode:-BCAII-108 ASSIGNMENTI PART-A Note:-AnswerallQuestions.Answershouldbetothepointandin200-300words. (8X6=48Marks)
Qs. 1 What is operating system? And what are its functions. Qs. 2 What are the different types of Operating system. Explain them. Qs. 3 Explain different states of a process with the help of state transition diagram. Qs. 4 Write short note on: 1. Thread 2. Deadlock 3. Inter-process Communication 4. Preemptive and Non-preemptive scheduling Qs. 5 How can the deadlock be prevented. Qs. 6 Explain Bankers algorithm with example.



(12Marks) 12 Marks

Q-Consider the following processes with their CPU burst time and arrival time: Process P1 P2 P3 Arrival time 0.0ms 0.5ms 1.0ms burst time 6ms 4ms 2ms

Find the average waiting time and turnaround time w.r.t. FCFS, SJF, Round robin and priority scheduling algorithms.

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