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Antibiotic prophylaxis for IE(according to AHA) this question was repeated Oral Amoxicillin 2 gms 30 - 60 minutes before procedure 5.nerve supply of TMJ Nerve supply is mandibular division of V, particularly the auriculo-temporal nerve. The blood supply is from any artery that is close to the joint these will be branches of the maxillary artery or the superficial temporal artery parotic duct open in which locations of crown??? Upper 2nd molar Saliva contain?? Sodium, potassium, chloride may be Ansr: bicarbonate (but answer is ALL Above) 6.nerve supply of lower molar The inferior alveolar nerve (sometimes called the inferior dental nerve) is a branch of the mandibular nerve, which is itself the third branch (V3) of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V). it supplies the mandibular (lower) teeth with sensory branches that form into the inferior dental plexus and give off small gingival and dental nerves to the teeth. 7.nerve supply of muscles of chin and lip The nerve supply to the lower lip, chin and bottom teeth is from the inferior alveolar nerve The FACIAL NERVE(SEVEN) Mandibular Branch (ramus marginalis mandibul) passes forward beneath the Platysma and Triangularis, supplying the muscles of the lower lip and chin, and communicating with the mental branch of the inferior alveolar nerve. 8.greater palatine artery is the branch of? Common carotid then Extarnal carotid then Branch of maxillary artery then form the descending palatine artery branches into the greater palatine artery and lesser palatine arteries. 9.inferior alveolar artery is the branch of? Common carotid then Extarnal carotid then Branch of maxillary artery then form IAA 10.simplest orthodontic movement? Tipping ??? 12.role of sealant in dentine?/ succes of sealent??? adhere to the surface 11.advantage of AH26? AH 26 is a radiopaque root canal filling material which has a silver-free formulation. Applicable with all filling techniques, it possesses excellent flow properties for total sealing and excellent volume stability. It does not shrink during setting, contains no irritants and adheres to dentine ensuring a permanent seal. 13.pins should be placed in? a-dentine only, b- enamael only or both DEJ ? 15.most common intracanal medicament? calcium hydroxide 16.38yr old man after 48 extraction of 1 week developed pain, swelling, unable to open mouth and paresthesia...probabale diagnosis/ May be during extraction 47 root get .. can doo RCT of 47 ???

17.pulpal pain in C fibres? dull and throbing with unmylenated C fiber 18.pain due to hot but not sweets developed 3 weeks after crown placement, reason/ occlusal disturb contact 21.most common HIV associated oral manifestation in pediatric patient? Candidiasis 22.commonly associated oral manisfestation in HIV? hairy leukoplakia was d option. 24.cyst of non odontogenic origin/ Median mandibular cysts, globulomaxillary cysts Nasopalatine canal cysts, also known as incisive canal cysts, 23.which of the following is not hereditary? leukoplakia, leukoeda. white sponge nevus and one more. Leukoplakia???? 26.an exophytic growth in infant, diagnosis? congenital epulis 28.motion of NiTi files? Push and pull, motor driven rotarry, ..... all of above 29.Trtmnt of broken RCT insstrument beyond apex? inform the patient ,obturate and observe (the most decent answer in other options) 30.treatment of calcified which cant be instrumented? retrograde and replantation procedures should be considerd 31.feature seen in pulp calcification? select one among option have an organic matrix of collagen in all sizes 33.growth sites in maxilla? options are frontonasal, tuberosity, palatal sutures, all of above (answer) 36.consequence of loss of both buccal and lingual plete during surgery. scar tissue formation 37.lignocaine type of LA? tertiary amine,/ amides not an amide?? Procain 38.action of LA on nerve membrane? decrease permiability of ion channels of the nerve membrane to sodium ions 39.most allergic LA? The ester group of local anesthetics have a much greater allergenic potential than that of the amide group. Pseudocholinesterases, which produce the highly 41.cement with most retention when theres no pulp concern? zinc phosphate cements 40.indication of pulpotomy? The pulp is hypersensitive to cold usually done in decidous teeth Infammed pulp chamber 43.for PFM fracture usually occurs at? at the porcelain metal interface 44.major drawback of class2 composites? microlekage at the gingival margins

45.advantage of argon light in composites? depth of cure is more 46.quality of luting cement/ low filmthickness, low solubility, adherce strenght both to retoration and tooth 47.incrsd alk. phosphatase conditions/ bony and liver disease but the options are pagets dises, fibro. And hypo (in other option) hyper parathyroidism, scurvy and rickets, osteo.. Paget's Disease Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Hyperthyroidism Over-activity of the Parathyroid glands (Primary Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary Hyperparathyroidism from kidney disease, osteomalacia, malabsorption) Rickets - Vitamin D deficiency Healing fractures, rapid bone growth Rapid bone growth such as after a fracture, bone cancers like osteogenic sarcoma, Osteomalacia, and Paget's Disease. Osteoporosis treatment Adrenal cortical hyperfunction 49.what is not done in dry socket? corticosteroids 50.primary concern in case of trauma? to obtain and maintain proper occlusion another Q main concern in maxillofacial trauma?? Airway support 52.trt. acute pericoronitis/ antibiotic and next appointment 53.LA not active in? infections may bee 54.potency of LA dtermined by? lipid solubility 55.situation of sublingual gland? above mylohoid muscle may bee 56.commonest gland with sialolith? Submandibular 58.periodontal damage due to excessive pressure applied by gingival retraction cord? epithelial tissue 57.movement by lateral pterygoid? open the jaw depress the mandible Muscle of mastication all except? Buccinator 61.glossitis Present in except? Abcess Loss (atrophy) of filiform papillae in multiple irregularly outlined areas 62.when does R/F(changes occur) of acute supprtv osteomyelitis occur? Options are: 2 days, 2 weeks , 4 weeks, after x ray Osteomyelitis of the maxilla is much less frequent than that of the mandible

because the maxillary blood supply is far more extensive. Acute osteomyelitis usually occurs in children Child usually presents with pain, malaise and fever X-rays can be normal during first 3 to 5 days In the second week radiological signs include: * Periosteal new bone formation * Patchy rarefaction of metaphysis * Metaphyseal bone destruction In cases of diagnostic doubt bone scanning can be helpful 63.acute supp ostmylts best viewed by/ may bee panoramic X-rays 64.lingual nerve relation to 3rd mandibular molar? may bee medially and inferior to 3rd molar 66.surgical complication of deeply located maxillary 3rd molar? 3rd molar intoo maxillary sinuses 68.wat is not seen in zygomatic fracture? may bee nasal bleeding 67.impression in hyperplastic tissue? wax shuld be use 65.parotid duct opening? upper 2nd molar 69.best radiogrphc view for zygomatic arch? Occipitomental 70.finish line for laminates in case of ant diastema closure? straightline finish , only oclusal reduction is required 71.drug used in odntogenic infection wen penicillin is not effective(not allergic) may bee .... Clindamycin..... also options were amoxillin, erythromicin and cefuroxine 72.predisposing factor of leukoplakia all but except/ options were .. thrush, smoking, candidiasis, carious tooth cusp 73.result of increased flutes in carbide burs? smooting of surface 78.reason for not extracting incisors/ dificult to maintain Arch form (may bee ) 76.wer is extra canal in upper molar seen? mesiobuccal root 77.pseudo deepbite supra Eruption of anterior 79.trmnt of bruxism is all except extraction may bee??? Other options are : phsyco treatment, phsyotherapy, occlusal /nightgurad 81.theory of tooth movement? presure tension theory may be??

84.sterlization of rct instrmnt after used in hepatitis patient only autoclave ..chemically can not bee done 82.occlusion table for pontics/ smaller than the natural tooth 83.PFM greatest strength wen fused under? slowly fired 86.conditioning of cavity for GIC? Clean with pumice, rubber cup, water and weak acid 10%Polyacrylic acid 85.temp used in autoclave? STERILIZER TEMPERATURE PRESSURE TIME Steam autoclave 121 C (250 F) 15psi 15min Unwrapped items 132 C (270 F) 30psi 3min (write answer) lightly wrapped items 132 C (270 F) 30psi 8min heavily wrapped items 132 C (270 F) 30psi 10min Dry heat wrapped 170 C (340 F) 60 min 160 C (340 F) 120min 150 C (300F) 150min 140 C (285F) 180min 121 C (250F) 12hrs Dry heat (rapid flow) 190 C (375F) 6min unwrapped items Dry heat (rapid flow) 190 C (375 F) 12min packaged items Chemical vapor 132 C (270 F) 20-40 psi 20min Ethylene oxide Ambient 8-10 hours As published by Jada, (Journal of American Dental Association) Vol 122 December 1991 88.in young tooth wich test is unreliable? Electrical 89.earliest and commonest complaint in pulp inflammation? sensitivity to hot and cold stumuli 91.main conontraindication in maryland bridges? insufficent enamel on abudments 93.adenoid facies seen in/ May be mouth breathing???? The appearance in children with adenoid hypertrophy, associated with a pinched nose and an open mouth. Chronic nasal airway obstruction is believed to affect facial growth characteristics. 97.normal Hemoglobin count? A normal hemoglobin count is 14-17 for men and 12-16 for women. Which drugs collect in bone ??? Streptomycine, tobramycine, gentamicine, all of above 94.causes of purpura all except/ patechae and echymosis, prolong clotting time, prolong bleeding time, one moree???? 95.roots(not route) of facial nerve?

sensory and motor both roots 96.trmnt of acute anginal pain? glycere Trinitrates 98.careful use of aspirin in? All of above coz.... peptic ulcer, chicken pox, Patient with liver damage wht drug cannot be use?? May bee Pencillin other options are tetracycline, tobramycine, ceflosporine Zirconia???

3.occlusion for single tooth implant. this also was repeated 14.qualities of sealer? 19.prolonged sensitivity after crown placement, reason? 20.prosthetic consideration in increased implant width diameter? 25.following periapiacal cyst with non vital tooth. 27.radiopaque lesion in mand. premolar region.diagnosis? 32.shape of articular disc/ 34.what bone is mandible? 35.condylar growth type? 42.to increase light reflection in porcelain? 48.treatment of dry socket? 51.treatment of anaphylaxis? 59.prognosis of periodontium dpends on/ 60.following shud be avoided for gingival and perdntl health? 74.fainting is sen in? 75.distal root of lower molar usually seen under? SLOB 80.balancing occlusion interference is seen in wich cusps?

87.success of implant is based on/ 90.scaling of implants/ 92.buccal reducton in porcelain laminate?

cant remember 2 questions........havnt written the options. cudnt find answer to all but most. some oral exam questions analgesic used in Type 1 diabetic patient and y? will u prescribe antibiotic for pt. on steroid therapy and y? hemophilia and types? managemnet of hemophilic pt? lab investigations used? dry socket? common site and y? treatment. wat class2and cls 3? how do u differentiate cls3 and pseudocls3? diagnostic measures for it? serial extraction? wen used how? above mentioned are the questions they asked me. some i could gather frm others stains? treatments available?( u shud mention lasers, as i said b4 recent advances) diff btw fluoride and tetracycline stain? laminate most retentive in wich? Pulpal necrosis? trtmnt? management of patient with lost upper premolar and adjacent buccally tilted molar? remaining question will depend on d answer u give. implants? composites? types? do mention nanofillers. cements? one day they kept endodontic instruments as well, asked to identify them, including power driven instrument/ trmnt of abscess? management of abscess in pregnant women? mouth breathing? clinical features and management? some even got prosthetic questions.....dont know exactly. In short study everything......Hope this will help u guys to prepare better. all the best!

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