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First mid Sessional Examination B.E 2/4 EEE, II SEMESTER ELECTRICAL MACHINERY-I Time:10:30 to 11:30 AM(FN) Max.Marks :20 [4x1 =6M]

Date: 14-3-2012

Answer all the questions in PartA and two questions from Part B Part -A 1)Draw the energy flow diagram in an electromechanical system. 2)Explain field energy & co-energy using diagram briefly. 3)Draw the circuit diagram & load characteristics of a DC shunt generator. 4)Define Armature reaction ,what are its main effects? Part -B

5.a)A 8-pole, lap connected DC shunt generator delivers 240A at 500V.The armature has 1408 conductors& there are 160 commutator segments .If the brushes are given alead of 4 segments from the noload neutral axis,estimate the demagnetizing&cross magnetizing ATs/pole. [5M] b)Draw the circuit diagram of long shunt DC compound generator. [2M] 6 a)Compare lap & wave windings . b)Derive EMF equation of DC Generator. [3M] [4M]

7a)Two coupled coils have self & mutual inductances L11 = 2+1/2x, L22 = 1+1/2x, L12 = L21 = 1/2x, over a certain range of linear displacement x. The first coil is excited by a constant current of 20A & second coil by a current of -10A.Find the mechanical work done if x changes from 0.5 to 1m. [5M] b)Define Faradays laws of Electromagnetic Induction [2M]

Paper set by P.Hemeshwar Chary Asst Professor,EEE Dept

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