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Feeding The Self Financial summary

At present, we have no annual or audited financial reports, since we are still in our first year of operation, and all school project funds have been sourced and managed by the Environment and Language Education Trust (details below). Costs below reflect the cost and breakdown of each instance so far. We have no running overheads, and no payments are made for anything other than human labour and goods bought for the project we do not maintain offices, for example. Core project staff are paid in living costs in lieu of salaries until such a time as the project can afford to pay per hour for work performed, as indicated in the breakdowns below. Full copies of account histories are available on request, as well as invoices and receipts for all equipment and seeds bought. Each instance of the project is run as a completely separate entity, with costs paying only for what is used in the project itself. The project pays for living costs in lieu of a salary for core project members. We are committed to transparency and full accountability; as such, detailed account balances are available on request, and the financial reporting for any individual project can be made to fit any given format. Our books are entirely open, so if you have auditors, then they are free to go through our records themselves.

Total project income & expenditure to date:

Location MLS Blackburn Siphosethu Diakonia Ottawa Ogunjini AMCUP Type School project School project (pilot) Workshop School project School project Consultation Duration 12 weeks 12 weeks One Day 14 weeks 14 weeks 3 Hours Funding R37 500 R37 500 Initial dig & materials R4 000 R4 000 R7 000 R5 000 R5 000 N/A Ongoing materials R2 000 R2 000 N/A R3 000 R3 000 N/A Human labour 31 500 31 500 R4 000 14 500 14 500 R500

R22 500 R22 500 R500

In all cases, final costs come in within 10% of projected costs, and are never over budget; the project depends on the idea of working with what you have, and if we do not embody this we cannot hope to teach it.

Items included in the above cost brackets

Initial dig & Materials Design of gardens Initial set of plants & seedlings Labour costs for initial dig Notebooks & posters On-going materials Seeds Seed packets, etc. Additional tools Trees Additional plants Indigenous plants & trees Human labour Development of course materials (posters, lesson plans, activity sheets, etc.) Weekly consultations with the schools Adaptation of course to individual locations (additional garden designs, tree placement & planting, Adaptation of course materials to additional school levels (most teachers choose to include additional classes once the project is underway, thus requiring additional materials). Survey design, results analysis, reporting

Example financial report (pilot run)

This report summarises the costs of developing and running the project and gardens. As such, it can be used as a guideline for building your own project and garden. Further details of each cost are available on request.

Detailed summary of expenditure in pilot run (Mar Aug 2011)

cost Experimental setup Household sundries Living costs MLS produce NGO absorbed cost NGO income Project cost Running project cost schools prep seed kits Total per week (av.) per month (av.) 1 810.55 120.70 543.17 3 386.21 225.75 1 015.86 31 283.37 2 085.56 9 385.01 2 130.50 142.03 639.15 5 435.97 362.40 1 630.79 51 100.00 3 406.67 15 330.00 15 735.11 1 049.01 4 720.53 12 346.95 823.13 3 704.09 6 872.64 458.18 2 061.79 2 642.16 176.14 792.65 Schools preparation Total: 6 872.64 This cost indicates the basic cost of designing the garden, digging the soil, and buying the relevant seeds, seedlings, tools, shrubs and notebooks required to get it and the in-class project started. MLS produce garden 2 130 This covers the cost of a produce garden dug at MLS on the request of the principal. Project equipment Project cost 15 735 (total) 1 050 (per week) 4 720 (per month) This covers the cost of basic project infrastructure, such as printers, the website, business cards Running project cost 12 3450 823.13 3 704.09 This covers consumables and repeated costs for the project, such as website domain costs, petrol, printer cartridges and paper. Other infrastructural needs The primary hidden cost here is that of the workgroup, who have put in significantly more hours than was allocated for, mostly due to creating all materials and projects from scratch. Living costs 31 280 (total) 9 385 (per month) Household sundries 3 390 (total) 1 015 (Per month) Experimentation Experimental setup 1 810 Seed kits 2 640 This covers costs for experimenting with different things in the garden and house, such as fish tanks (for growing aquaponic rigs from), worm farms, different kinds of seeding and planting materials, and seed kits (to create simple companion planting groups). Although these costs are not necessary, without them the potential of the project is severely curtailed.

This will produce a location specific garden, as well as training all participants in basic gardening practices and developing the social and physical environment. Each participant will receive the basic knowledge and practice of sustainable permaculture gardening, as well as leaving with relevant seed kits. These workshops are arranged around practical demonstrations. Instead of just talking about things, we use multiple tutors and work with small groups of participants. Over the course of this workshop, we can entirely revise a work/living/education environment by, selecting spaces to improve, digging them, and planting vegetables, herbs, or creepers, which will integrate easily in the environment. Within a few months, participants could spice up an unappetising lunch with a quick trip to their office herb garden, or just enjoy a lunch-break in a garden they were involved in creating. Everyone goes home with a seed kit of plants designed to thrive in harmony with one another, along with all relevant planting advice; from the day of the workshop, all attendees will be equipped to start their own garden wherever they want. They will also have planting and activity guides so they can start a series of community gardens based around a local hub. Costs breakdown Roughly R500 per participant. The workshop costs R1250 per team member required; this accounts for their time and labour in both the setup of the workshop, which happens a week or two before the workshop itself to prime participants and locals. A further R300 is required per participant for the materials they will receive; this is split between the amount needed for them (guide book, seed kits, etc.) and capital to cover their activities on-site (trellises, planters, seeds, etc.) Given these numbers, the workshop could include up to 60 participants, using 16 core staff members (15 tutors and a co-ordinator). At this scale, a fully functional permaculture produce garden could be created that would be producing substantial amounts of food very quickly. Outcomes for participants Everyone gets hands-on training for every stage of building gardens and communities. Builds a personal relationship with the Diakonia environment. Creates a meaningful impact on the participants environment. Builds a more personal relationship with other attendees, based around thoughtful planning and nurturing rather than their work activity. Each attendee will leave with all information and equipment required to start their own gardens, in whatever space they choose. Develops creative problem solving ability Provides practical, in situ skills training for peer educators, mentors, teachers, etc.

Quotation from second project instantiation

This quote was eventually applied to two schools (Ottawa and Ogunjini). The additional cost per school was primarily absorbed into more human labour , to develop a more complete series of teacher and child support documents across the curriculum.


Activity Garden design and dig

Cost 5000 1000

x 3 3 3 1

Total 15 000 3000

Monthly cost


Notebooks, plants, tools etc.

18 000 One visit per week + additional 3000 materials August Project preparation and execution 2000 report One visit per week + additional 3000 materials One visit per week + additional 3000 materials 9000 2000 11 000 3 9000 9 000 3 9000 9 000 Field trip, additional plants November 2500 3 1 7500 3000 10 500 Total 57 500 57 500 October September

Final project report and materials for 3000 schools | 0749 031 332 / 0735 578 909 FTS garden & teaching docs | General teaching material Gardening research | Useful NGO docs Project data All material free to use, copy or distribute Donate at Feeding The Self is a trademark of Apotheosis, PBO# 930038248

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