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JOB SEARCH IFC- International Financial Corporation is a private sector arm of the World Bank Group.

Its primary services are in the field of Investments, Advisory and Asset Management. Objective of its Investment and Advisory Services division is mainly to provide technical support to medium and small businesses, help support and develop the financial and housing markets and assist in setting up institutions that help strengthen the financial markets. Its Assest management division mobilizes and manages funds (approximately 4.1 billion) on behalf of institutional investors like sovereign fund, pension fund etc. Treasury and Risk Management manage the risk of the corporate portfolio. Structure derivative products. Analysis and management of Interest rates and currency risk. E&Y Ernst and Yong operates in primarily three areas. Its advisory division helps their clients manage risk and improve performance. The company operates in various business areas like performance improvement, risk, and other services. The Assurance Division is broken down into audit and accounting, financial accounting advisory and reporting and fraud investigation and disputes. Finally it has a Tax Services Division. Transaction Services division.

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