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Facilities Report

Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 25, 2012 Martin Luther King Jr., Memorial Library All preventive maintenance was completed for May, June, and July. DCPLs elevator contractor has begun work on repairing the freight elevator on the west side of the building. It will take approximately 2 to 3 weeks to be completed. Our air conditioning contractor replaced the large fan motor that controls air handler unit number 2. This was one of the original motors installed when the library was built. DCPLs contractor is working to re-lamp all needed lights on the first floor and a large section of the 2nd floor. All work is being done between 5:00 am and 11:00 am Monday and Tuesdays. Facilities continues to provide setups and special coverage for weekends and routine events that occur in the Great Hall and other meeting rooms. Cooling coil replacements were provided to the A-5 meeting room during June without any down time for the visitors. New No Smoking signs were posted on the G Street side of the building to comply with a request from Library Services. We will be posting No Skateboarding Allowed as well due to a large amount of skateboard activity that has started in front of the library. Neighborhood Libraries Two of the diamond design windows are broken and we are awaiting delivery of the new glass at Francis Gregory Library. New contract cleaning started July 2 at the new Francis Gregory Library. All preventive maintenance on equipment was completed for May, June and July. HGRM Construction did an inspection of the roof at Georgetown Library because a piece of slate tile was found and given to the branch manager. They found several pieces missing and submitted a proposal to handle the replacement work. They did not find safety hazards with the remaining roof tiles. DCPLs air conditioning contractor replaced the condenser water pump at Southwest Library that controls the chiller and we did not have to close the building during the repairs. There was no major damage of any library during the storm except a window at Francis Gregory, the roof tiles at Georgetown and loss of power for several days at Takoma Park and Palisades. Facilities did not have to close any libraries because of the loss of A/C during the heat wave of eleven straight days. The equipment and the roving crews held up during the extreme heat. Facilities had an opportunity to walk through Rosedale Library and we are waiting for the go ahead to provide some of the required services. Facilities and Capitol met with the contractor of Georgetown because of problems with the equipment that supplies the Peabody Room. The finding was the system was not programmed properly to run 24/7 as we were told. Boland Service re-programed the system and will monitor and trend the outcomes. We are trying to work with Boland Services to purchase a service contract and remote access to the programming system. Takoma Park and Lamont-Riggs Libraries both had a lot of tree damage from storms that occurred in June which has been cleared.

Document #9C.2 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 25, 2012

All outside drains at Georgetown were snaked by our plumbing contractor after several heavy rains brought water under one of the basement entry doors there.

Document #9C.2 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 25, 2012

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