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TRIP TO VENUS 2022 With nostalgia, to leave my planet Abandoned planet that sentence again Under the crowns

of queens and princesses Cold and dark, longing for the skies Blue skies and white houses Bonares I will not see the beautiful sunsets, my Conquero Neither the smells of spring flowers and rosemary Bonares my countryside where I was born Venus, love, is your mental struggle, the highest form I'll be far away .. I will be in orbit, far away from you land I do not admit crown, perhaps the crown is on me That is the case, most perfect sunset Before me, I travel and I'll, I'll be sitting in the gardens The trip to Venus 2022,, dreaming back, back To me, earth, "" "my Huelva the choquera and my Bonares" ""

Date of inspiration: 22/7/2012

Author: Vicente Domnguez garrochena

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