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# Please Read the Users Manual # The Manual is located at http://openkore.sourceforge.

net/manual/ ######## Login options and server-specific options ######## master Indonesia - idRO: Thor - Legend - Fnc - Heroes server 1 username password pin char 0 sex bindIp # For an overview of all servertypes please go to the following URL: # serverType idRO # 1 = hook into RO client, 2 = Act as stand-alone proxy, proxy = act as true pro xy XKore 0 XKore_silent 1 XKore_bypassBotDetection 1 XKore_exeName RagexeDual.exe # XKore 2 / Proxy configuration XKore_ID XKore_listenIp XKore_listenPort 6901 XKore_publicIp XKore_proxyAllowed_IP # It is not advised to set secureAdminPassword if you're using Xkore 2 secureAdminPassword 1 adminPassword gravewut callSign commandPrefix ; pauseMapServer 0 ignoreInvalidLogin 0 secureLogin_requestCode message_length_max 80 ######## Main configuration ######## hideConsole 0 alias_heal sp 28 allowedMaps allowedMaps_reaction 1 attackAuto 2 attackAuto_party 1 attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0 attackAuto_followTarget 1 attackAuto_inLockOnly 1 attackDistance 1 attackDistanceAuto 1 attackMaxDistance 1 attackMaxRouteDistance 100

attackMaxRouteTime 1 #attackMinPlayerDistance 2 attackMinPortalDistance 4 attackUseWeapon 1 attackNoGiveup 0 attackCanSnipe 0 attackCheckLOS 0 attackLooters 0 attackChangeTarget 1 aggressiveAntiKS 0 autoMoveOnDeath 0 autoMoveOnDeath_x autoMoveOnDeath_y autoMoveOnDeath_map attackEquip_topHead attackEquip_midHead attackEquip_lowHead attackEquip_leftHand attackEquip_rightHand attackEquip_leftAccessory attackEquip_rightAccessory attackEquip_robe attackEquip_armor attackEquip_shoes attackEquip_arrow autoBreakTime { startTime stopTime } autoConfChange { minTime varTime lvl joblvl } autoMakeArrows 0 autoRestart 0 autoRestartMin 10800 autoRestartSeed 3600 autoRestartSleep 1 autoSleepMin 900 autoSleepSeed 900 autoResponse 0 autoSpell avoidGM_near 0 avoidGM_near_inTown 0 avoidGM_talk 0 avoidGM_reconnect 1800 avoidGM_ignoreList

avoidList 0 avoidList_inLockOnly 0 avoidList_reconnect 1800 cachePlayerNames 1 cachePlayerNames_duration 900 cachePlayerNames_maxSize 100 clientSight 20 dcOnDeath 0 dcOnDualLogin 180 dcOnDisconnect 0 dcOnEmptyArrow 0 dcOnMute 1 dcOnPM 0 dcOnZeny 0 dcOnStorageFull 1 dcOnPlayer 0 dcOnAuto_hp 10 follow 0 follow_wait 0 follow_wait_inLockOnly 0 followTarget followEmotion 1 followEmotion_distance 1 followFaceDirection 0 followDistanceMax 1 followDistanceMin 1 followLostStep 10 followSitAuto 1 followBot 0 itemsTakeAuto 2 itemsTakeAuto_party 0 itemsGatherAuto 2 itemsMaxWeight 89 itemsMaxWeight_sellOrStore 50 itemsMaxNum_sellOrStore 99 cartMaxWeight 7900 itemsTakeAuto_new 0 lockMap tur_dun02 #lockMap ama_fild01 #lockMap ra_fild05 #lockMap_x 62 #lockMap_y 345 #lockMap_randX 20 #lockMap_randY 20 #lockMap_x 85 #lockMap_y 94 #lockMap_randX 5 #lockMap_randY 30 route_escape_unknownMap 1 route_escape_reachedNoPortal 1 route_escape_randomWalk 1 route_escape_shout

route_randomWalk 1 route_randomWalk_inTown 0 route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime 75 route_maxWarpFee route_maxNpcTries 5 route_teleport 0 route_teleport_minDistance 150 route_teleport_maxTries 8 route_teleport_notInMaps route_step 15 runFromTarget 0 runFromTarget_dist 6 saveMap #prontera# saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell 1 saveMap_warpChatCommand shopAuto_open 0 shop_random 0 sitAuto_hp_lower 70% sitAuto_hp_upper 100% sitAuto_sp_lower sitAuto_sp_upper sitAuto_over_50 0 sitAuto_idle 0 statsAddAuto 0 statsAddAuto_list statsAddAuto_dontUseBonus 0 statsAdd_over_99 0 skillsAddAuto 0 skillsAddAuto_list tankMode tankModeTarget dealAuto 0 dealAuto_names partyAuto 0 partyAutoShare 0 guildAutoDeny 1 verbose 1 showDomain 0 squelchDomains verboseDomains beepDomains beepDomains_notInTown logChat 0 logPrivateChat 1 logPartyChat 1 logGuildChat 1 logSystemChat 1 logEmoticons logConsole 0 logAppendUsername 1

chatTitleOversize 0 shopTitleOversize 0 sleepTime 30000 intervalMapDrt 1 ignoreAll 0 itemHistory 0 autoTalkCont 1 noAutoSkill 0 portalRecord 2 missDamage 0 tankersList removeActorWithDistance ######## Block options ######## # You can copy & paste any block multiple times. So if you want to # configure two attack skills, just duplicate the attackSkillSlot block. doCommand quit { hp < 60% timeout 5 disabled 1 } doCommand move 310 290 { timeout 90 inLockOnly 1 disabled 1 } doCommand move 40 355 { timeout 30 inLockOnly 1 disabled 1 } attackSkillSlot Envenom { lvl 5 sp > 10% monsters Anopheles } attackSkillSlot Bash { lvl 10 dist 1.5 sp maxUses 3 monsters Pest } attackComboSlot { afterSkill waitBeforeUse dist 1.5 isSelfSkill 1

} useSelf_skill Two-Hand Quicken { lvl 10 sp > 80% whenStatusinActive Two-Hand Quicken maxUses 1 maxAttempts 1 disabled 1 } useSelf_skill Raid { lvl 5 sp whenStatusActive Hiding inLockOnly 0 timeout 1 disabled 0 } doCommand relog 5 { hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive Strip Weapon whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives monsters notMonsters stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout disabled 0 inInventory inCart inMap manualAI 0 } useSelf_skill Two Hand Quicken { lvl 10 whenStatusinActive Two Hand Quicken disabled 0 } useSelf_skill { lvl 10 maxCastTime 0 minCastTime 0 hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp

homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives monsters notMonsters stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 inInventory manualAI 0 } useSelf_skill_smartHeal 1 partySkill { lvl 10 maxCastTime 0 minCastTime 0 hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives monsters notMonsters stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 manualAI 0 target target_hp target_isJob target_isNotJob target_whenStatusActive target_whenStatusInactive target_aggressives target_monsters target_timeout 0 target_deltaHp target_dead 0 inInventory isSelfSkill 0 }

autoSwitch_default_rightHand +5 Damascus [Goblin*2] [2] autoSwitch_default_leftHand autoSwitch_default_arrow # NOTE: In the case of two handed weapons, or no Shield, # duplicate the weapon name for 'rightHand' # To attack with bare hands, specify "[NONE]" (without the quotes) for rightHand autoSwitch { rightHand leftHand arrow distance useWeapon } equipAuto - { topHead Shaman Hat [1] rightHand +5 Damascus [Goblin*2] [2] armor Coat [Porcellio:STR+2] [1] robe leftAccessory rightAccessory Clip [Mimic] [1] } equipAuto { topHead midHead lowHead leftHand rightHand leftAccessory rightAccessory robe armor shoes arrow monsters weight 0 whileSitting 0 hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 inInventory manualAI 0

} useSelf_item Novice Potion,Red Potion,Meat,Orange Potion,Yellow Potion,White Pot ion,Aloe Leaflet,Hinalle Leaflet,White Herb,Monster's Feed { hp <=50% } useSelf_item Berserk Potion,Awakening Potion,Concentration Potion { whenStatusInactive Berserk Potion,Awakening Potion,Concentration Potion inLockOnly 1 timeout 10 } useSelf_item { hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives monsters notMonsters stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 inInventory manualAI 0 } ######## Autostorage/autosell ######## buyAuto { npc standpoint distance 5 minAmount 2 maxAmount 3 } sellAuto 0 sellAuto_npc sellAuto_standpoint sellAuto_distance 5 storageAuto 0 storageAuto_npc ayothaya 212 169 #storageAuto_npc amatsu 102 149 #storageAuto_npc lighthalzen 191 320 storageAuto_distance 2 storageAuto_npc_type 1 storageAuto_npc_steps storageAuto_password 2424

storageAuto_keepOpen 0 storageAuto_useChatCommand relogAfterStorage 0 minStorageZeny 50 #getAuto Monster's Feed { # minAmount 0 # maxAmount 50 # passive # disabled 0 #} ######## Debugging options; only useful for developers ######## debug 0 debugPacket_unparsed 0 debugPacket_received 0 debugPacket_ro_sent 0 debugPacket_sent 0 debugPacket_exclude debugPacket_include debugPacket_include_dumpMethod debugDomains storageEncryptKey 0x050B6F79, 0x0202C179, 0x00E20120, 0x04FA43E3, 0x0179B6C8, 0x 05973DF2, 0x007D8D6B, 0x08CB9ED9 gameGuard 1 serverEncoding Western macro_orphans terminate delphineMode 1 autokeyOnExpired 1 autokeyDir autokeySite autokeySite2 autokeySite3 storageEncryptKey 0x050B6F79, 0x0202C179, 0x00E20120, 0x04FA43E3, 0x0179B6C8, 0x 05973DF2, 0x007D8D6B, 0x08CB9ED9 charBlockSize 112 serverEncoding Western

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