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Introduction to Foods and Nutrition Syllabus

Mrs. Santmyer
Introduction to Foods and Nutrition develops life skills and principles through laboratory and classroom experiences. Foods will be planned, prepared, and evaluated using the MyPlate as a guide. This is a Foods and Nutrition class (not an eating class) in which we will be cooking several times throughout the quarter

Writing Utensil Close-toed shoes for lab days

Summative Assignments (Tests and Labs): 90% o o Formative Assignments (Classwork): 10% It is the responsibility of the student to make up work missed while an absence occurred Check the course website for handouts and assignments. Missed labs can be made up one of two ways. o At home: Obtain the recipe from the class website, cook at home, take a picture on your phone or camera and show it to me before or after class or email it to (dont forget to put your name somewhere on the email.

o Lab Make up Days after school (Tuesday, September 25th and Tuesday, October 30th )
To make life easy on me, yourselves and your parents, do not miss any labs!

Late Work
Late assignments assigned when you were present in class will be accepted up to 4 days after the due date with a 25% deduction for each day. After 4 days, a grade of zero will be recorded in the grade book. If you can get the assignment to me before the start of school the next day, it will not be counted as late and no deduction will be made. You may also email me the assignment at If you were absent, you have the number of days absent to turn in your missed work. When you do not have an assignment, please fill out the form in replace of the assignment.

Classroom Rules
1. Be Prompt: Come to class on time. Tardiness to class will result in the following consequences: 1st tardy: parent contact and warning 2nd tardy: parent contact and warning 3rd tardy: parent contact and Detention after that: detention and referral to administration. 2. Be Prepared: Make sure you have something to write with every day. I will tell you the day before a lab so you can bring your close-toed shoes. 3. Be Polite: Some advice: Kill the with your kindness. If everyone is polite to each other (including me), then there is no reason for any kind of disruption or altercations. If someone is rude to you, do not be rude back. Kill them with your kindness. Then come and talk to me and I will take care of it. This also prevents your from getting in trouble. 4. Be Productive: Complete all required assignments on time. If there is any time left at the end of class, read independently. work on an assignment for another class, write, draw, do not disturb others.

Name: _____________________

_____/20 points

Introduction to Foods and Nutrition HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY, AUGUST 24th 1. How much are labs and tests worth? __________ 1 point 2. How can you find missing worksheets, notes, etc? ___________________ 1 point 3. What are 2 ways to make up missed labs _____________________________ 2 points 4. What are the 2 lab make-up days? _________________________________ 2 points

I have read the Syllabus and understand the content and the guidelines that the students will need to follow to be successful in this class. I am also aware the teacher reserves the right to modify this document when necessary. ___________________________ Print Students Name (1 point) ___________________________ Sign Students Name (2 point)

___________________________ Print parent/guardian name (1 point)

___________________________ Sign parent/guardian name (10 points)

_________________________ Bridget C. Santmyer


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