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A Brand has a Physique First of all brand contains an external specificity that is physical appearance, which is the core

of brand and its value added. A Brand has a personality The easy way to build a personality is to use a spokesman a star or an animal.

Brand personality are those traits of human personality that can be attributed to brands. This is the personality facet of the Sender. A Brand is a culture Culture plays the essential role in brand differentiation as it indicated what moral values are embodied in goods and services. This feature helps identifying the strongest brands because sources, basic ideals and a set of values are revealed.

A Brand is a relationship Brands are often the object of transactions between people, of exchanges. This is critical for services and for retailers. A Brand is a customer reflection A customer reflection is the consumers perception of what the brand stands for. A Brand is a self-image If reflection is the targets outward mirror (they are), self image is the targets own internal mirror (I am, I feel)

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