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A Comparative Study Between A Battery-Operated Toy Car and A Solar Powered Toy Car in Determining its Capacitance, Frequency

and Displacement

Chapter I

Background of the Study

The researchers proposed this investigative project because people nowadays are suffering from crisis. In this project, the researchers want to know if the solar operated toy car can be the same or much better than the battery operated toy car. Thats why they want to compare the capacitance, frequency and displacement of the two toy cars.

The researchers wanted this study because if they can prove that the solar operated toy car is the same or much better than the battery operated toy car, they will suggest to people that instead of battery operated toy car, use solar operated toy car so that people will not buy expensive batteries for their toy cars anymore. This will be a little help for Global Crisis.

Statement of the Problem

This present investigation aims to make a solar powered car that can be used by every people in order to lessen the use of gasoline. Specifically this study or investigation seeks to answer the following questions:

What source of energy is more comfortable and effective to use in terms of:

Capacitance Frequency Displacement

Compare the capabilities of a BatteryOperated toy car and the Solar Powered toy car.


There is a significant effect of using different kinds of energy such as battery and solar power in the capabilities of the toy car on the following variables: *Capacitance *Frequency *Displacement

The Significance of the Study

This study about solar powered toy cars aims to help children realize to conserve energy at a young age. Todays energy consumption is getting bigger and more expensive. This will help children at a young age to understand the importance of energy especially solar energy through the use of solar powered toy cars so that when they grow up, they would know how to conserve and gather energy with the help of other materials.

This alternative energy is the future trend and most of the technologies pertaining to alternative energy depend directly or indirectly on the sun, solar power refers to the process of conversion of sunlight into electricity that can then be used to power up our homes, businesses and industries to continue the cycle of life. Thus solar power is important to the very existence of the world as a whole

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The researchers will focus the comparative study between a battery-operated toy car and a solar powered toy car in determining its capacitance, frequency and displacement. The two toy car will be customized by the researchers, one will be the battery-operated and the other one will be solar powered. The toy car will be constant except for the sources of energy will be used in the toy cars. The first toy car will be the same as the researchers found the material; it will be using its stock parts, while the second toy car will be upgraded and it will have solar panels for storing solar energy from the sun. The researchers will be customizing the toy cars for a month. The researchers will measure the capacitance, frequency and displacement of the toy cars using different laboratory equipments.

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