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Test lesson 1

Test your knowledge:


Scrieti forma de feminin a urmatoarelor substantive: actor, uncle, bull, lion, gentleman, son, prince, drake, horse, cock. Scrieti forma de masculin a urmatoarelor substantive: tigress, goose, sister, poetess, bride, duchess, queen, girl, widow, mother. Scrieti pluralul urmatoarelor substantive: lady, office, ox, leaf, photo, potato, knife, key, family, sheep, child, roof, church, box, hero, cat, dog, book, sentence. Scrieti singularul urmatoarelor substantive: wolves, buses, mice, loaves, feet, cities, radios, babies, tomatoes, waves.




5. Completati urmatoarele propozitii folosind genitivul: Ex. This car belongs to my father. Its my fathers car.
a) b) c) d) e) f) 6.

We took a holiday which lasted a week. We took . . . . . This umbrella belongs to my sister. Its . . . . This house belongs to the doctor. This is . . . . This room is for boys only. Its . . . . Mr and Mrs John have a son named Mark. Mark is . . . . I play football with the friends of my son. I played football with . . . .

Completati urmatoarele propozitii folosind articolul a/an sau the, atunci cand este cazul: a) Bill is . . . doctor. b) I read . . . story about . . . two children. c) What . . . nice house!
Formator Marieta Catan

d) Your ideea is good in . . . theory. e) I drink . . . beer. f) . . . weather is beautiful. g) Give me . . . milk, please. h) I am in . . . house. i) . . . books are on . . . table. j) They have . . . interestig book about . . . animals.

Formator Marieta Catan

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