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Focus: Risk for infection D foul-smelling odor, moist, and pus discharge from umbilical cord A Cord care

re done through applying 70% alcohol. Administered antibiotics as ordered. R Dry cord, odorless, No visible of pus discharge

Focus: Hyperthermia D temperature of 38.5C,warm skin, and irritability A TSB done Antipyretics given as ordered thru IV Provide comfortable environment such as changing of bed sheet and wearing light clothes Encourage the mother to cuddle her baby R Temperature rechecked: 37.3C

Focus: Fluid volume deficit D warm and dry skin, poor skin turgor, decreased urine output, increased temperature noted A Skin care done by providing by daily bath Administered IV fluid as ordered Administered ANTIPYRETICS as ordered thru IV R good skin turgor, adequate urine output, stable temperature

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