Response Essay - The Ways We Lie

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Katie Rogers Mr. Neuburger Eng.

102-102 25 July 2012 Response Essay Excusing Lies Stephanie Ericsson discusses the ways people lie and why they lie in The Ways We Lie. Many people make excuses for lying or tell themselves they had to lie, but that often makes the situation worse for the liar and especially the person being lied to. Ericsson states, But if I justify lying, what makes me any different from slick politicians or the corporate robbers who raided the S & L industry (par. 5). Some may think that is harsh, but many people still make excuses as to why they lie. This could possibly be to make ourselves feel better or like we had to lie in a certain situation. Ericsson also discusses people lie to keep from hurting others feelings, which is very true. However, Ericsson poses the questions: What far-reaching consequences will I, or others, pay as a result of my lie? Will someones trust be destroyed? We must consider the meaning of our actions (par. 6). She brings up a great point here. People lie to spare someone elses feelings, but if they find out they have been lied to the liar can lose that persons trust. People have to think twice about telling a lie and possibly making a situation worse. I have always been told: Honesty is the best policy. Word Count: 216 Ericsson, Stephanie. "The Ways We Lie." Power of Language Language of Power A Collection of Readings. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 381-89. Print.

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