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Thomas Woods Mr. Neuburger Eng 102-102 24 July 2012 Response Essay Lying A Good Thing?

Stephanie Ericssons The Way We Lie is about Ericsson talking about the different kinds of lies there are, and is lying a good or bad thing. Ericssons thought about lying has its consequences of hurting someone which is very true. Ericsson in the beginning mentions about something inside telling her a great point about lying, I cannot seem to escape the voice deep inside me that tells me: When someone lies, someone loses (Ericsson 382). The voice that Ericsson mentions made a good point, there is no winner when it comes to lying. When concluding her points on certain types of lies in the world, Ericsson began questioning certain lying situations, one key question was, When will we stand up and declare our right to trust (Ericsson 389)? Ericsson brings up the point; are we going to continue hurting others by lying, or are we going to earn and gain the respect and trust from others by telling the truth? Lying indeed hurts people, especially if the other person or people finds out about the lie. Telling the truth can be hard at times, but it truly is the better way to go. (Word Count 193) Work Cited Ericsson, Stephanie. "The Ways We Lie." Power of Language Language of Power "A Collection of Readings" Second Custom ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 281-89. Print. Ozarks Techinal Community College.

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