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Ingls Nvel 1

Aula 2

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening Good Night

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening Good Night

Good Afternoon

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening Good Night

Good Afternoon

Good Evening

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening Good Night

Good Afternoon

Good Evening

Good Night

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening Good Night

Good Afternoon

Good Evening

Good Night

Good Morning

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Hello Hi

Goodbye Bye bye

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Mrs. and Mr. Boyd

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1


Madame and Sir

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

Hello, good morning. Good morning. Whats your name? My name is Leo. Whats your name? My name is Pedro.

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

I you he she it

eu voc ele ela ele, ela (objeto)

Aula 2
Reviso Aula 1

I am you are he is she is it is

Im youre hes shes its

I am not you are not he is not she is not it is not

Im not ----youre not you arent hes not he isnt shes not she isnt its not it isnt

Aula 2
O Verbo Be - Interrogativa
Para fazer perguntas necessrio inverter a ordem do sujeito e do verbo

I am You are He is She is It is You are Bill She is English It is your party He is Italian I am your friend

Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are you Bill? Is she English? Is it your party? Is he Italian? Am I your friend?

Aula 2
Resumo Verbo Be - Presente

Formas dos Verbos Forma Negativa Forma Interrogativa

am, are, is acrescente not depois do verbo Inverta o sujeito e o verbo

Aula 2
Pronomes Possessivos

Pronomes Pessoais I you he she it my house your book its tail

Pronomes Possessivos my your his her its my father my mother your son/your daughter

Aula 2
Respostas curtas - Verbo Be

Are you Mr. Wilson? Yes, I am Is she Spanish? No, she isnt Is he Dave? Yes, he is

Is it Sunday? No, it isnt Is it your house? Yes, it is Are you alone? No, Im not

Aula 2
Excuse me e Sorry Excuse me - com licena Sorry / Im sorry - perdo, sinto muito

Excuse me. Are you Mr Black? No, Im not. Im Mr Clark. Oh, sorry.

Aula 2
Excuse me e Sorry


Im so sorry

Im sorry...

Aula 2
Excuse me e Sorry

Excuse me

Excuse me / sorry

Aula 2
Please e Thank you

Whats your name, please? Tom, my name is Tom. Thank you, sir.

Aula 2
Please e Thank you


Quiet please

Aula 2
Nmeros de 0 a 10 zero one two three four


0 1 2 3 4

six seven eight nine ten

5 6 7 8 9 10

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